Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Stay in balance – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn

Stay in balance – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn

(Translated from original language german)

My child, I ask you to stay in balance and in your heart.

This is just now so important.

Stay calm and unruffled in all that is happening.

Observe but don’t engage in what happens around you.

In this you stay in your beautiful high vibrations and can thereby help your fellow people staying calm.

Let your light shine brightly around yourself and send your wonderful warm love into all hearts and into all events.

You know you aren’t alone, all Angels and Archangels are with you and ready to help you when you ask them.

Know that all is well, because I know already the wonderful outcome of my divine plan for you.

Hold on still a bit, especially in the energies that are now getting even stronger and more intense.

I know you are groaning so often under them but they are necessary to bring forward all these transformations.

Trust your heart and your Higher Self, they know exactly what to do.

I love you so much, my child, I love you indescribable and wrap you into my boundless eternal love. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.


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Nazis and Zionists are simultaneously suing for peace  and making new threats

by benjamin

March 11, 2014

The fighting between American Academi (formerly Blackwater) mercenaries and  Russian special forces in the Ukraine and the downing of a Malaysian airline  last week are but a background to ongoing high stakes negotiations about the  future of this planet. These violent incidents are also a backlash against a  snowballing purge of Nazi/Zionist zealots that has now extended to Saudi Arabia  and other gulf oil kingdoms after they banned the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Since  they have already been purged from Egypt this means their last base in the  Middle East, and last source of oil money, is Qatar, home to the Al Jazeera  propaganda network.

The threats to cause terrorist attacks around China to “sky rocket,” made  before the Malaysian air disaster, came from a source using the 215 Philadelphia  area code. This is the same source that predicted in advance the turmoil in the  Ukraine. Philadelphia is the base of Fethullah Gulen, a senior proponent of the  cabal’s planned “one world religion.” Since Gulen is involved in sending Tartar  activists to contribute to the turmoil in the Ukraine, his organization is  suspected of being somehow involved in the latest attack. Turkey is the original  home of the Sabbatean mafia that created the Thule society and Nazism.

According to American Defense Intelligence Agency and MI5 sources there is a  Nazi submarine base in New Guinea disguised as a gold mine.

This is one of secret Asian operations bases used to stage the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan three years ago tomorrow. It may  well be where the attack on the Malaysian airlines flight originated.

In any case, the troubles in the Ukraine and Malaysia and probably soon  elsewhere too, are just a back-drop to ongoing negotiations between several  large factions. A representative of the military industrial complex contacted  the White Dragon Society last week and laid out several conditions including a  threat to wage all-out war if oil is made obsolete by free energy technology and  a request by the NSA types to be allowed to continue with their program of all  out surveillance.

The WDS said that free energy technology  would only be allowed a first for projects the current oil business model cannot  carry out, such as turning deserts green with desalinated sea water and heating  up the arctic and Antarctic. Oil would then be phased out gradually as the  oil industry shifted to the business of creating new eco-systems. The oil  industry people asked that they be allowed to continue expanding their  hydrocarbon business using natural gas and this was considered a viable  option.

The NSA types were told they should at least stay out of people’s bed-rooms since government has no role in the bedrooms of the nation.  They  were also told that some things will always remain secret no matter how hard  they try to find out.

The Nazis for their part insisted on eugenics policies. They were told that any type of eugenics that involved killing, sterilizing or otherwise  culling “useless eaters” was not going to be allowed. However, the current taboo  on using genetic engineering to remove hereditary  diseases and give people  enhanced abilities would be lifted, according  to a source involved in the  negotiations.

In any case, until a final deal is implemented, pressure will be increased  until the cabal behind the US dollar and Euro debt slavery systems free the  human race from bondage.

The pressure is most visible in the energy sector where cabalists have lost  control of most of the Middle East and may be losing control of  their  recently acquired fiefdom in Libya. News reports of a North Korean tanker  loading up with oil in a rebel held port in Libya are a clear indication of  this loss of control.

The most obvious sign of the decline in power of the cabal that controls the  regime in Washington D.C. though, can be seen in the reaction to  their  calls for sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine.

In this case, Germany, France and the UK have all rejected any sanctions for  many good reasons. The biggest is economic, in that these countries rely on  Russian and Middle-Eastern energy and investment. Any sanctions would hurt them  far more than they would Russia. The other is moral, in that a democratically  elected regime was ousted by violent foreign  mercenaries actively  espousing a Nazi ideology. Any European countries  supporting the usurper  regime would be breaking international law.

The fact is that it is the corporate government of the United States no  longer has many friends and is itself being hit hard by sanctions.

The Russians, Chinese and others have been selling US government bonds,  banning the import of US agricultural goods and threatening to dump all of their  US dollar holdings.

In these circumstances the Pentagon and the bulk of the US armed forces and  intelligence services are aligning themselves with the White Dragon Society and  their allies.

One good sign has been a purge of Bush Nazi allies from the US nuclear  command structure. According to Gordon Duff of the Adamus group:

“the Bush family is tied to Dominionism, a heretical Judeo-Christian death cult that deeply infiltrated the military service academies and eventually took over America’s nuclear command structure.It is the removal  of these ‘Dominionists’ that we hear about as ‘discipline failures’ among  every rank of America’s nuclear forces.”

However, the threat of nuclear war still hangs over the negotiations. The  gnostic illuminati still possess rogue nukes and are now threatening to  annihilate London and Jerusalem. So, efforts are being made to create as much of  a win-win situation as is possible under the circumstances by trying to bring  all the various factions towards a consensus. Changing the direction of the  planet is difficult and requires patience.

We keep hearing about events planned for the rest of this month, notably the  middle of March, but, so many dates have come and gone that we do not give these  latest predictions much credence. However, a Federal Reserve Board negotiating  team will be meeting with the WDS in early April for talks and that could be the  venue for a breakthrough. In the meantime everybody must do what they can to  help and not just spectate.

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Message from the Sasquatch People (shared by Standing Elk)Saturday, March 15, 2014 10:19

IG FOOT MESSAGE Shared by Standing Elk

BIGFOOT Cultivates Purity, Innocence and Truth

Sasquatchitan. I am Chief of Sasquatchi People. You may think we are hairy and have big feet. Really this is not so.

I come to speak to you because soon, our people will come to you again. The reason we had to leave the community of human beings is because of their loss of this innocence, truth, and purity. For our race and the Laws of our race are based upon these three.

All true Star Nations practice innocence, truth and purity.

Our people did not want to leave the human beings. This is why you have seen us here and there. Your grandfathers and grandmothers who have grown through what you call “years” usually are those who have seen us, because the Earth Walk teaches innocence, truth, and purity. This is why the Elders are the Spiritual leaders.

Our people are ready to come to the human beings again, to live with you and to teach you many things.

First, human beings must purify. For when we see you, we see things that are very horrifying to us because we have spiritual sight. You must cleanse the cloud of bad spirits that surrounds you, the negativity, unholy feelings, and unwise thoughts. Not only do these dark clouds prevent our people from having relationship to you, it prevents you from having relationship with Spirit and having relationship with Mother Earth.

We will share some practices now that will help you.

First, within the Sacred Elements, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, there is the power for your cleansing.

If you were to bury yourself in Earth and stay there for a day, you would be clean.

If you were to go and stay with Brother Waterfall for a day, you would be clean.

If you would stay under the Desert Sun for a day, you would be clean.

If you would stand in the Strong Winds of the Mountain People for one day, you would be clean.

The Elemental Peoples love human beings. They will do service at any time for you. Take Tobacco to them. Pray for their Nation and they will come to you with hearts overflowing.

Then, honor their gift to you by changing the way you think, feeling with true heart, praying for renewal with Creator and honoring Mother Earth with each footstep.

The way of cleansing for human beings is right outside your door.

Mother Earth and her peoples are glorious beings of Universe!

Learn to respect us!

You look to the skies for miracles, the miracles are here!

Open your eyes and see!

Mother Earth is a great teacher of Innocence. She is a great teacher of Truth. She is Purity embodied. Know your Mother! Most of you came from far away to be with her and to be with the Peoples of her Love.

We Sasquatchi are ready to join you in the community of Sacred Law, in True Heart. We will teach you how to step through those Portals of Time. We will teach you how to remember who you are, your starry intelligence and wisdom. We will help you learn how to be in balance with the Sacred World around you.

Our Peoples have adopted this Universal Law and its sign as the symbol of Our coming and as the energy of our Teachings. And so, you may call us through these ways.

First, we will check you out. We will watch you. We will see if you are ready.

Can you see the little signs? For the biggest teachings are little things. We will be watching to see. For, when you can respect that little pebble, you can respect us. You can respect who you are.

Purity. Go out to the Sacred Waters.

Innocence. Remember when you were very young and be that way.

Truth. Stop trying so hard to lie.

The Elemental Brothers and Sisters are of these Essences. They are Purity in form. They are single. They are True. They are unpolluted, they understand that they are the Keepers of Life.

Learn from Soil and Stone.

Learn from River and Ocean.

Learn from Fire and Lightning.

Learn from Wind and Breath.

They are so close to you that you cannot remember who they are. And yet, not one action that you take, could you do without them.

These Sacred Element Peoples will restore you.

And then we, Sasquatchi, will come and teach you the community ways of being in balance with Sacred Mother. Then your lifeline will be unbroken as ours has been from the beginning.

Mitakuye Oyasin Standing Elk/Golden EagleChief/ChiefBlack Spotted Horse


You are a creature that is a facet and child of the Divine. Period. – channeled by Ron Head

Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves

We said in our last message that we would be addressing the topic of soft power, of your power, of what and how you could best use the energy of the amazing beings that you are becoming. We shall do that.

Now the channel should be aware that this is not a simple and short topic. There is nothing completely new that we shall be telling you here, but in this case, we wish to cover much more than we usually do in these short paragraphs.

It has been the wonderful case that there are many reading these who are relatively new to the ranks of the awakening who need more information than those of you who are already well along in your understanding of light, energy, and how you personally use it.

We trust however that you may read something you had not considered or that will be a welcome reminder. First, let us explain that when we use the words light, energy, vibration, sound, etc., we are speaking of various manifestations of the same thing.

For us there is no inherent difference. In fact, for us, you appear as all these things yourselves. You have a unique light, a unique energy, a unique frequency, a unique sound that is you.

We will be discussing the ways that you may use this to your best effectiveness for yourselves, for the collective, and for the entire self-aware universe.

Now, to begin, let us point out to you that, and your physicists will not argue with this, there is nothing, no thing, in the universe which is made out of anything other than energy.

Your Einstein spent a lifetime proving that. Actually your Tesla was no second fiddle in the field either.

So there is a universe, in which you live, in which everything you observe consists entirely of energy, and energy is vibration, is frequency.

Let’s look at what that means. And it might surprise you even though it is quite obvious. It means that there is nothing that is not affected by every change you make in your own energy.

All you need to make your own experiment for this is a couple of tuning forks, although there are a great many others you could do.

You will be aware already that one tuning fork will set off vibrations in another and that, if they are compatible, ringing one will cause another to ring as well.

Thinking of sound still, you know it expands in all directions from its source, but you need to realize that it is causing change in everything it touches.

The same is true of all energy. It causes change in everything it touches. And this will be the basis for everything we discuss.

We will add another short note here. You are aware that in your dimension distance from the source produces reduced strength of these changes. In other words the loudness of sound diminishes with distance.

And we will tell you now that, contrary to the obvious, the energy produced by change does not ever cease expanding outward, nor does it ever reach zero.

You can change the state of energy, but you cannot un-create it. It just is.

Now it may be an exaggeration to say that a butterfly moving its wings in Asia may cause a hurricane in Florida, but it does illustrate the point nicely.

Every thought, every word, and every deed has an effect on everything, everywhere. This is all very nice to think about, but what does it mean when we bring it back to you, personally? Let’s spend some time thinking about that.

Let us begin with a change you make in yourself, perhaps in how you react to something, perhaps in your beliefs system, in what you accept as true, or in your perception of your self-worth. Actually these would all be interrelated.

This would create a change in your personal frequency, in your energy itself. It would create changes in your DNA.

It would create eventual physical change. All of this is easily understood by many people today. Not so easily understood yet is that, because of the unity, because time and space are really illusory, you will have actually changed all of your other aspects, your other selves, as well.

Some of those are living what you perceive as past lives. Now, it is easy for you to understand that you can have an effect upon your future, but if you followed what we just said, you would see that the changes you make in yourselves also affect your past.

That is contrary to the accepted ‘knowledge’, but it is true nevertheless. Let us further bring in the idea that everything that exists, even all matter, is made of energy. All energy is conscious. Therefore everything is aware and intelligent.

You can easily understand that everything you perceive produces experience and therefore reinforces, contradicts, or teaches new concepts for you.

It follows therefore that everything you, or anyone else, do produces the same in everything that perceives it, and that is the All.

That makes you a major change maker a cutting edge learning tool for the Universe. Have you ever thought of yourself in that way?

Now, you could be somewhat daunted by such concepts, but we are almost certain that you are not. Almost everyone who begins to contemplate these thoughts also begins to understand that they are an invaluable and irreplaceable part of All-That-Is.

It matters not what you do, how much you have, or any other of the measuring sticks that you have believed apply to you. You are a creature that is a facet and child of the Divine. Period.

End of today’s rather lengthy discussion. The divine spirit that we are salutes the divine spirit in you this day. Namasté.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


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Put Your Heart in God’s Hands Message from Archeia Lady Charity Received by Julie Miller

Put Your Heart in God's Hands Channeler: Julie Miller

Relatively Beautiful Hearts, your own actual heart sits in the center of your body just like the sun sits relatively in the center of the planetary bodies that are held snuggly within a field of gravity. Let us think about the heart for a moment. Have you ever wondered over the mysteries of the heart?

Did you know that the insect called a gnat and the majestic whales that swim in your seas have almost the same amount of heartbeats in their lifetime?

This beautiful heart that is snugly positioned inside your body has a steady rhythm and helps to keep the flow of blood moving through your body - it is vital to your survival.

Your heart can be viewed as having more than one dimension when you speak from spiritual terms and understanding. Your heart is also perceived as being a reflection from God whose own life pours into yours in order to bring awareness to your own life and vitality.

It is through your spiritual heart that you gain a certain amount of consciousness and comprehension of your relationship and connection with God, thus compelling you to return to Him through your pure love and devotion, making your way back to His heart that has been filling yours with His Light and Energy.

Just as a small droplet of water from a waterfall spray, it originally came from an ocean or sea and in time that droplet of water makes its way back to the sea or ocean - back to its beginning, back to the source from which it came…just like you.

Your very own heart is majestic, it is timeless and even though physically you may feel tired, it is determined to give you life in order for you to live.

You already know how special your heart is to your body, but your heart is also special as a spiritual core that is measured to have infinite resources of love and of the capacity to be giving and compassionate.

It is like the endless stars in your sky, they are always there giving light and twinkling with vitality and energy - your heart is filled with vital energy and deep inside your heart is a light that connects you to the source of your creation and that source loves you very much.

At the beginning of your own self-discovery, it is through your heart that you come to understand the depth of your potential and from the clarity your heart provides many times you see your current state of living to be dissatisfactory.

Many times you find yourself trapped by your unrealized possibilities and opportunities that are waiting for you to discover.

The more aware you become of your Self, the more you understand of how incomplete your inner self is and begin to feel yourself being called to bring in the necessary changes that would bring completeness and wholeness to your entire being.

When sadness enters your life due to relationships failing, people departing and so forth you already understand your spiritual heart needs healing.

The part of you that is making you incomplete calls to you through each ache you feel out of an unkindness action that you embraced that was sent from one heart to another.

Your true spiritual path Beautiful Hearts truly begins with awareness of your Self knowing that your spiritual heart requires love and care and the occasional repair.

Your broken heart cannot heal itself, it needs you. When you return to wholeness, your heart is no longer broken.

When you embrace God’s Living Light inside your own heart and you allow His Infinite Light to lead you out of your pain and despair, you will find yourself back on the Right Path that is the path of love and compassion.

Have you ever wondered if your own spiritual heart requires healing? Do you know how to tell if it does?

Well my Dear Beautiful Hearts, when you spend a lot of time thinking about yourself, or if your thoughts are dark and pessimistic, if you allow your emotions and feelings to control you, where you permit conflicts to occur, you never see the option to put someone else’s interests before your own, where your main feeling of contentment comes only from the pleasure you give to yourself and other similar selfish ways will reveal that your heart needs healing.

The repairing of your beautiful spiritual heart doesn’t come from forging new relationships, or from any attempt to control your social pressures, or any other method you may turn to.

Real healing of your spiritual heart can only be achieved through spiritual restoration that is permanent.

It is necessary dear ones for you truly see the impracticability of any attempt to realize your whole spiritual heart when you are adding things to it, even if those things are sublime and inspiring.

In truth, when you search for solutions of your perceived suffering what you are really doing is sustaining two false, ego-filled notions: the first one is that you are able to climb out of your own un-wholeness by providing your own escape rope; and the second one is that the frightening sense of incompleteness within you-your continuously seeking sense of “i” that propels you along trying to give it what it desires…is somehow related to who you really are.

Understand this is not the case; this is not your true authentic and essential self. It is important Beautiful Hearts to realize and to understand the only real solution to healing your broken heart is by surrendering to your heart and to what you are feeling.

Your main task is bring your heart to the only place where such a perfect replacement and restoration of Self is possible and then do nothing to prevent the magic to happen that is healing and restorative.

The more you meddle the slower your healing is. Where do you go when you surrender your heart while learning to let go of your worries and concerns?

You go to God. You return to the Heart of your Creator through your soul’s remembrance of this deeply intrinsic relationship.

It is here you are able to watch with quiet unbiased awareness of who and what you are through His own ministrations. Only if you are willing to put your heart in God’s hands, where your heart will be healed by celestial heart menders will this be able to be done.

Bringing wholeness back into your heart and into your entire being requires your ability to trust God and acknowledge His Heart as the same as your own.

All you need to do Beautiful Hearts is a few times a day, consciously surrender your beautiful spiritual heart to God, and He will give healing and restoration and this will indeed strengthen your relationship with Him.

When you seek this repair from God, try to remember that you are a quiet observer to the special and delicate work that God is doing for you.

No matter what may be revealed it is essential to remain impartial and at peace through the trust and faith you have in your Fatherly source.

When you make an effort, the truth will always teach you the Right way to go.

I AM Archeia Lady Charity through Julie Miller


GOD message to the children of the New Earth Author: Karen Dover

Beloved ones, I am the energies that are placed for you in the context of GOD and I am here to communicate with you through my channel in order to prepare you at a very human conscious waking mind level for ALL that will now unfold around you, through you and within you upon and within planet earth at this time.

There is much conversation among and around the human race in relation to what will unfold in what is termed the “EVENT” and I am here to help you anchor the full unfolding of your dream in TRUTH into the New Earth reality that is now breathing and expanding upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.

I place before you the GARDEN OF EDEN and ask that you throw off the shackles that have been placed around your wrists and your ankles, so long have you worn these vibrational shackles that many of you have not even stopped to take them off or to notice them pulling at your human vehicle.

YOU ARE IN FREEDOM, this the birth right of ALL sentient BEings in the UNIVERSE of 3 and the FREEDOM is in each breath, each moment of each moment and you are asked to anchor this fully at a cellular level in order that you can align fully with the ACTIVATED sacred geometrical energy patterns that are now taking effect.

These energetic patterns are not seen by the naked human eye so are apt to be filtered out at a very conscious waking mind level and I am here to remind you that ALL is energy and ALL JUST IS.

That which was always to BE is now rapidly accelerating and is taking FORM upon and within planet earth in the outer waking reality of the human vehicle in which you have incarnated in order to experience this very EVENT.

For many of you at this moment this is a moment of complexity, the human logical mind triggered to the point of collapse and yet there is RELEASE in this very scenario, the human logical mind no longer needed in order to DRIVE the human experience, it is needed in order to REFERENCE your human life experience and the two scenarios are not interchangeable.

Many of you are still holding tightly on preferring to try to “make” your SOUL show you the next step in your human life journey, akin to the little child who is refusing to walk forward until they are rewarded.

This is a residue from the teachings that you have endured in the old 3d earth created reality and I guide you clearly to TRUST, the reward that you seek is ALREADY WITHIN YOU, for it IS YOU in TRUTH and many of you are still looking outwith your human vehicle, searching for proof that you exist whilst filtering out that you are in a human vehicle.

YOU EXIST for YOU ARE ETERNAL, you need no proof of this and yet you have been TAUGHT to search for proof at all moments of all moments.

This searching will see many of you in circles and patterns that are now DISSOLVING, therefore the chaos will feed on chaos will feed on chaos and I am here to move you out of this spiral in order that you may choose to move into EXPANSION, this is the sacred geometry that now calls to you on ALL levels of your BEing for IT IS YOU.

You are the UNIVERSE for YOU ARE the LOVE that IS, you have merely taken human form in order to experience this planet. Do you understand my guidance?

I place the codings:

111 111 222 888 444 66 77 88 33 0000000000000 11 22 11 22 44 33 99 000 111 MAGENTA DIAMOND TUNGSTEN PLATINUM MAGNESSIUM H2O blue delta pink magenta diamond TURQUOISE GOLD SILVER

I ask that you understand that at a SOUL level you are shifting and the resonance that you are now achieving is spiraling outwards in order to move the human life experience OUT of the old 3d earth created reality in order to dissolve it fully.

At this moment you are asked to align with the HEART space for the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and to focus on the LOVE that IS.

The storms that now rage around you (symbolically and energetically) seek to release you from the tight bondage of the old 3d earth paradigms.

You have been TAUGHT that you cannot exist without them and this is not TRUTH. Allow your SOUL to show TRUTH to new levels of your BEing and BREATHE and BE as you now step out of the storm and into the calm of a NEW EARTH.

As you do this allow the NOISE of the storm to dissipate, allow yourself to acclimatize to the SILENCE for there is much power in the SILENCE.

Then begin to tune to the NEW sounds of the New Earth, it is a place of peace and tranquility, it is the POLAR opposite of what you have been TAUGHT is life upon this planet.

ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS in TRUTH. I am GOD (in a human context) and I walk with you always, take my hand and let me show you the GARDEN OF EDEN in TRUTH, simply open your HEART and BREATHE.

(c) Karen Dover, all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and the article remains intact and in its original format. NO permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written and must remain FREE to access at all times.


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ArchAngel Raziel & ArchAngel Azrael Message for 17-23 March 2014 Channeler: Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)

You are at the peak of time of creation. As celestial effects support you, it may seem like it is testing your power before certain situations.

A big karmic cleaning is being carries out my sisters and brothers, know that each soul who has fulfilled their mission and gone to the light are meeting with us in peace.

Every situation, every person is taking you to the phase you want to reach, so be grateful. By keeping your balance, even if you feel it hard to maintain this feeling at times, know that you are magical.

You are special. You actually know what to do on this path you have started to meet, unite for creating. At quiet times when you stay focused, your guidance shows you the path.

You must follow it through, go through every feeling without ignoring it, however do not forget, high vibration thoughts carry to ascension.

That is why please do not forget that we hear you. However, assume the responsibility of the situation you are currently in, being aware of the power inside you; try to reveal what is constructive.

Whatever happens, your stability and balance is important. We told you that you were magical; you are using your magic through your words, thoughts, feelings.

The work you started is turning to Gold. Deep down inside you know that this process is a transformation and that it brings you closer to wholeness, that’s why trust your feelings.

Souls that understand one another on this path for that world where your inner child will play, live in peace, breathing safely are coming together.

You are not alone, you are becoming One. Light workers; carry on with your energy work during this phase, to maintain balance, for the karmic cleansing to be healing.

Multiplying, in a constant manner. The rainbow is with you.

Love and Light

ArchAngel Azrael ArchAngel Raziel


Photo: Greetings fellow Ground Crew Members, What I've been hearing inwardly is to stay alert for the sudden & unexpected changes that can develop at any moment in any location. I also urge everyone to do what you are able to do to have some extra water and provisions whatever you might need in your particular location, just in case your area is next. We are entering a time of accelerated Earth changes & this is what always occurs during every 13,000 & 26,000 year cycle along with a corresponding shift in Consciousness. I'm fairly certain that you are all familiar with all the advice, theories & speculations about what is occurring & currently being shared from a variety of sources & levels of awareness. However there is no human being that can accurately foretell what will happen overall, as human consciousness in it's collectivity decides for the masses. For the Light Workers, if they truly are such, there is no need for concern for you have incarnated at this time knowing full well what you'd signed up for & well equipped to surf the waves of these changes. Change is what is happening now--so each needs to find that inner place of peace, acceptance & surrender to the Divine Will & plan; to trust THAT & by pass the temptation to buy into the fear & emotional drama that occupies so many now. The only enduring & secure place to shelter in these times is within the Awareness of your own immortal Divine Presence & Existence.That Divine-Spirit that you truly are remains as unaffected as your shadow by whatever it passes over in these dimensions of space-time-causation. Your task is to look within & listen to what YOU are receiving as your inner intuitive directives & to not allow yourself to be distracted nor distraught by all the outer clamoring. This desperate clamoring & seeking for worldly & materialistic solutions & answers will only increase as people become more & more afraid of the global changes that are occurring. They'll run from channel to channel, alleged prophet to prophet seeking answers--but none will be found without. Other worldly entities are not in control & you upon Earth are not in control--but THAT which is within you & all sentient Beings--THAT created & sustains all life--IS in control. It is to THAT Divine Spirit that we must turn to for our individual direction & personal revelation. Most important of all is the cultivation & practicing of an ongoing (24/7) intimate connection with the Divine Presence within you---as you; that alone is all that matters in the long run. Now is the time to live from the Awareness & knowing that you've been able to realize through all of your Spiritual practices & learning up to now; more will be activated & will surface in your conscious Awareness as needed. KNOW that you live, move & have your Being in God & that you are an Immortal Spirit having only a fleeting immersion in "human consciousness/identification". Now is the time to live nobly & expansively beyond bodily attachments---aware of yourself as a field of energy-awareness-consciousness unlimited by physical definition & vulnerability. Then when it is your time to step into the next dimension of ongoing life--however that may occur for you, it will be as simple as exiting one room in God's House of Many Mansions & entering another. The best approach is to live in God--for God--& Godly---as God's unconditional loving compassion in service to humanity & all life-- sincerely, selflessly--with all your heart. Loving blessings & Grace be upon you all, Commander Lady Athena / Ashtar-Athena Sheran

Greetings fellow Ground Crew Members, 
What I've been hearing inwardly is to stay alert for the sudden & unexpected changes that can develop at any moment in any location.
I also urge everyone to do what you are able to do to have some extra water and provisions whatever you might need in your particular location, just in case your area is next.
We are entering a time of accelerated Earth changes & this is what always occurs during every 13,000 & 26,000 year cycle along with a corresponding shift in Consciousness.
I'm fairly certain that you are all familiar with all the advice, theories & speculations about what is occurring & currently being shared from a variety of sources & levels of awareness.
However there is no human being that can accurately foretell what will happen overall, as human consciousness in it's collectivity decides for the masses.
For the Light Workers, if they truly are such, there is no need for concern for you have incarnated at this time knowing full well what you'd signed up for & well equipped to surf the waves of these changes.
Change is what is happening now--so each needs to find that inner place of peace, acceptance & surrender to the Divine Will & plan; to trust THAT & by pass the temptation to buy into the fear & emotional drama that occupies so many now.
The only enduring & secure place to shelter in these times is within the Awareness of your own immortal Divine Presence & Existence.That Divine-Spirit that you truly are remains as unaffected as your shadow by whatever it passes over in these dimensions of space-time-causation.
Your task is to look within & listen to what YOU are receiving as your inner intuitive directives & to not allow yourself to be distracted nor distraught by all the outer clamoring. 
This desperate clamoring & seeking for worldly & materialistic solutions & answers will only increase as people become more & more afraid of the global changes that are occurring. They'll run from channel to channel, alleged prophet to prophet seeking answers--but none will be found without.
Other worldly entities are not in control & you upon Earth are not in control--but THAT which is within you & all sentient Beings--THAT created & sustains all life--IS in control. It is to THAT Divine Spirit that we must turn to for our individual direction & personal revelation.
Most important of all is the cultivation & practicing of an ongoing (24/7) intimate connection with the Divine Presence within you---as you; that alone is all that matters in the long run.
Now is the time to live from the Awareness & knowing that you've been able to realize through all of your Spiritual practices & learning up to now; more will be activated & will surface in your conscious Awareness as needed.
KNOW that you live, move & have your Being in God & that you are an Immortal Spirit having only a fleeting immersion in "human consciousness/identification".
Now is the time to live nobly & expansively beyond bodily attachments---aware of yourself as a field of energy-awareness-consciousness unlimited by physical definition & vulnerability.  Then when it is your time to step into the next dimension of ongoing life--however that may occur for you, it will be as simple as exiting one room in God's House of Many Mansions & entering another.
The best approach is to live in God--for God--& Godly---as God's unconditional loving compassion in service to humanity & all life-- sincerely, selflessly--with all your heart.
Loving blessings & Grace be upon you all, Commander Lady Athena / Ashtar-Athena Sheran

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