Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Starseeds and Galactics Connecting to Ships for Rendezvous Now to Go Home!

by J’-Tariah -- Dedicated to My Space Cowboy Twin Flame-Twin Ray, Ceres Antonius Soltec
 \\\\\\\\\\\\//\\\\\\\ 101 /////// 202 \\\\\\ 303 ////// 404 //////  505  \\\\\\\\\//\\\\\\\\\\
You are intentionally – and super-consciously – reading this to expand your vibrational level in order to take the evolutionary multidimentional leap into reality within your lightship. You’ve finished 101-505, and you’re prepared to embark upon the practices of 606.
The Galactic Federation of Light is one of thousands of Source-Based Collectives. All answer to Source.
For Lightworkers of galactic origin, and ALL Starseeds – including Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Wanderers – you’re to live upon your Home Ship with your star family, Twin Flame and ship crew friends soon in the NOW. This perpetual stellar residence offers endless intergalactic adventures, both within your vessel and during your planet-side sojourns across the Universe!  Otherwise, you are a Lightworker who will be shipside for an undetermined time – to be upgraded and relocated – to a planet, star-station, a cleansed Terra Nova, or Agartha, or else to an etheric expression of SOURCE. 
You’re NOW spending every night shipside during dreamtime, and soon will be living upon your assigned space vessel. In this moment, you’re internalizing encrypted practices for supernality, succession, and synergism.
You are awake – yet anxious and dazed within collapsing timelines – as your multidimensional *Self* continues to piece itself back together into One. As you shift into supernality – until you’re fully multidimensional – you’re precariously navigating speciation and synchronization.
Yes, the spiritual energy of your projected existence is changing rapidly. From Sapien, you are making the leap into Spiritus! This process makes you feel expansive waves of compassion, love, and vulnerability. In tandem – your nocturnal uploads and downloads are removing all veils of duality – allowing you to ultimately spiritually embrace the beautiful oneness of unity.  
Due to your etheric upgrades – you feel electric sensations in one or both of your arms – as you are energetically “wired” to higher-dimensional components of your ship. Also, you hear high-pitched noises in your ears as your ship tracks your upgrade progress. Moreover, the base of your neck feels tight and swollen: this is because your pineal gland is melding with your merkaba, for your new bio-teleportation capabilities. (See 505.)
The Selected Sentients upon Shan within solar system 7777333-1B have been activated for evolution. 
Your expanding psychic senses – growing astronomically in perception – provide clear jarring intuitions and insight NOW. And astonishingly – what you ponder – quickly manifests into actuality. (11:11) In addition, you have more bursts of energy and creativity during unexpected moments, and you’re living an existence that is spiritually optimistic. You’re evolving within your projected body as well as your soul’s perceptions!
You’re learning upon the galactic school called Shan (Earth) "here" and being integrated onboard your ship during lucid dreamtime. Because of this, you’re literally working and studying night and day! Due to this synchronization process, you are finally remembering your onboard dreams. Initially, you recall symbols – then actual star ship memory fragments – and eventually, entire “days” aboard your Ship Home. You are remembering your Twin Flame, star family, and ship mate friends during the day with laughter, longing, and yearning.
The dimension of time appears to be mutable at this point, seeming to speed up or disappear, leaving lapses and missing hours. SOUL fragments being reconstructed – with the help of your guides and star family – causes these perceived time gaps. Being confident in WHO YOU ARE magnetizes more SOUL fractals, and assists in this process. 
As you SYNC into all aspects of your Self, have faith that higher dimensional beings – from your Home Ship – protect and assist you constantly.  Stay alert and focused, because you will be told (by signs, dreams, number sequences, and “coincidences”) if you need to rest (lucid dream onboard) or take action (travel somewhere).
The first wave of Selected Sentients upon Shan are being synchronized with all dimensional aspects now. This includes the assisted return of all co-existing time-line soul expressions.
During this synching phase, you (will) eventually experience potently intense psychic instincts to go somewhere immediately. (Pack, get the kids, and leave!)  This happens because your *STAR CODES* are being activated for you to rendezvous with your soul group and star family. Follow these etheric urgings! (Logistics have already been given to you during dreamtime.) A ship will meet you – and take you aboard – during pre-set scheduled geographic time-space-continuum coordinates.
You successfully follow your instincts, leading you to find yourself aboard a ship! When *being* your shipside Self, there are many immediate phenomenal celebrations and transformations that occur. These are the essential succession features of salutations, sublimating with source, and selecting your soul contract.
When arriving at your Home Ship, your first rendezvous begins in a reception area. Galactic star family members and ship crew friends meet you here. Wondrously, this includes your Twin Flame and your Higher Dimensional expressions (galactic “parents”). All in attendance love you, and will have (had) spent many lifetimes with you. This is a very loving welcome-home party: it is full of communal exchange, with reminiscing and embracing. Also, it is also a time of sharing what you’ve learned at the *Galactic School* called Shan (Earth).
This “welcome party” is the last place in your new multidimensional existence where *all who surround you* appear as humans. (Note: in fact, they are wearing neural harmonizers to project human appearances for your initial comfort level.) For protocol, they must appear human during this time. They will talk with you either in your language – or telepathically – depending on your level of spiritual awareness.  This is a time to relax and adjust to your stellar reality, and to get used to aspects of your environment.
All new arrivals from Shan to reside upon a Home Ship are to be received as honored family members. These Sentients are to be offered all rights according to the reputable protocal of all Source-Based Collectives. -- GFL USERNET
Sublimating with Source
After you have celebrated in the reception area – and transitioned into the bliss of your new environment – you’re ready for the next shift! 
You will be offered a soothing room with soft lights and a lounge-bed to relax within. Next, your loving star family will activate a hovering crystal-sound-color-aroma grid that is suspended around you like a thousand-pointed star. This is called a Ba-Ka-Mer, and is the spiritual technology that higher dimensional Sentients use for Self Attunement and connection to SOURCE. 
During this phase, and for some “non-time” afterwards – you are (will be) in constant communion with your creator, SOURCE – and the Intelligence of the Great Central Sun. You are cocooned within the holiness of pure LOVE.
Because of the intensity of this elevated highest-dimensional connection to SOURCE, these anticipated changes take place:
- Your entire merkaba is fully activated;
- Every fractal of your Self is returned to you; 
- All etheric implants and attachments are removed; plus,
- Every etheric psychic sense is activated, and all veils are removed. 
Concurrently, this Ba-Ka-Mer grid creates a sound / vibration resonance with all Sentients in your spacecraft, so you are permanently etherically connected with them. Your shipside family and crew member friends will “wait for you” while you go through subsequent changes.
Selecting Your Soul Contract
Next, you are temporarily teleported to the Akashic Library for this space sector. You are here to negotiate your Command Contract. This contract is akin to one you negotiated before entering 3D Shan (Earth) reality.  If you’re part of the GFL or other Source-centered galactic collectives, you have rights for this process.
Here, in an enclave of the Library, you’ll first meet with your Higher Selves, Guides, and Commanders, who will inform you of all of your opportunities and options. These are almost infinitely overwhelming in scope. You will be educated about your star race options at this time, so that you are familiar with your new “shell” before operating within it. Conversely, you may have an option to stay within your human form with numerous etheric alterations. Besides physicality, there are almost never-ending variables of your command contract to learn about before negotiations. This is not a short process.
All members of Source-Based Collectives have the right to negotiate a Command Contract. -- GFL USERNET
Next, you meet with an Akashic Librarian, whose duties encompass co-creating contracts as well as contract advisement. For this space sector, this is (Lady) Athena. Here just some of many options you will be able negotiate – and ultimately – put into your contract: 
Mission Types 
Twin Flame Relations 
Procreation (Parameters)
Spiritual Lessons (Desired) 
Guides (Spiritual and Bodily)
Planet-Side (Long-Term) Stopovers
Physical Appearance (Within Star Race)
Capacity to Remember the Contract Process 
One the preliminary contract is completed, Athena presents it to SOURCE, who accepts, denies, or amends it. (Most are amended.) This primary step in your NOW existence is of paramount magnitude, because your contract can last anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years. So choose wisely! 
After this “non-time” process is completed, you are instantaneously teleported back to your ship to begin the joys of synergism. 
Wiser and considerably enhanced, you are back in your Ship Home amongst star family, your Twin Flame and ship crew friends. You settle in to a blissful existence of being surrounded by those you love and admire. Your new life commences without delay, as you are inspired to be productive within symbiosis and star committees. 
Once you are within your ship's collective – with all soul and body aspects of your Self fully operational – you operate as an extension of all onboard consciousnesses.  You shift to the complete surrender of being service-to-others.  
You’ll spiritually understand – at a level never before conceived – of being linked with everyone amid your ship, star family, and the Universe as a whole.  As you grow in your mastery of ONEness – you form numerous collectives of others upon your vessel with parallel vibrations – for co-creating productive efforts. You find group vocations where you contribute best. And, you co-produce higher dimensional forms of emotional expression. Concurrently, you will be enrolled in ship-side schools to enhance your talents. 
Upon a your space vessel, this co-creativity takes form in many ways that absolutely blur the lines between work and fun. Just a few examples include the production of: artwork, music, poetry, elaborate meals, entertainment, designing holo-suite interactive games, co-writing planetary travel guides, and planning events. The possibilities are endless! 
Star Committees
Star Committees are what you’ll discover next!  Often called “coms,” these bring individual and collective soul-groups together to literally manifest realities, timelines, causal stargates, and galactic events into actuality! The results can be instantaneous from energy quantum manifestations of “group projection.”
Committees are a huge part of life onboard, but they are nothing like the stuffy ones you are familiar with on Shan (Earth). They’re similar to soirees with good food and companionship of Sentients from all dimensions around the Universe. (Beings often teleport to a specific ship for a committee.)
Light (information) for these coms is streamed from the higher dimensional wisdom of SOURCE and the Great Central Sun. 
There exists Star Committees for every decision which needs to be reached within Source-Centered Collectives. Sentient participation results in soul growth, which leads to higher dimensionality.  -- GFL USERNET
You will be part of numerous short-term and continual “coms,” usually a few in a given ship “work day.” When you first arrive within your Home Ship – an individual will lead you to “coms.”  This serves as a calming technique for all the changes you are undergoing. (Don’t panic!) Eventually, after acclimating to ship life, you will “hear” a clairaudient voice with ongoing reminders for “coms.”  
Not all of these “coms” will appear upon your work schedule.  Initially, you are briefed verbally, and given a data-crystal or a Usernet code for accessing the following information:
Your Role // Your Function // Location(s) of Service // Goal of Committee // Length of Committee // Required Research // 
Here are two examples in this Usernet format:
Ambassador // Diplomacy // SS Capricorn // Establishing food trade between Andromeda and Orion // Until Consensus // Trade Agreement 888-37665-8853 // 
Earth Shan Cultural Expert // Information contribution // SS Phoenix // Launching schools on Mars // 90 ship hours in 45 increments // School Schematic 555-24957930 //
Once acclimated to ship life, the transitions to “unscheduled” com-times are almost instant. Typically, an individual – for example, Rex of the Phoenix Fleet – teleports you to his location and briefs you about an upcoming committee. This is usually non-negotiable if you have the needed set of skills or experience.  These can relate to “galactic schools” attended , or knowledge gleaned from your “parts” (lifetimes / timelines) of your multidimensional Self. 
Com-times are excitingly filled with current knowledge as well as constant soul-advancement opportunities. Each star committee – in which you contribute – leads you to opportunities to exist in higher dimensions.
Star committees are just one aspect of ship life that you will cherish. Having knowledge of all aspects of your stellar existence helps navigation once aboard. 
In the now, you have “downloaded” your mission practices for supernality, succession, and synergism. You’re wide-awake, excited, and ready for your new intergalactic reality. 
NOW is the time to STAY ALERT to messages from you starseed family in the ships above. Prepare get your family and GO, in order to rendezvous with your ship. Meanwhile – listen to your intuition – and follow directives from your Home Ship for rest or action.
You’re on the brink of living within your assigned space vessel, and your star family is eagerly awaiting your arrival! Stay attuned into the NOW with all of your psychic faculties for further instructions. Focus, focus, focus! And hold on tight for the re-unification of your soul! 5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1… BLAST OFF!
About the Author & Artist:
J’Tariah EnRa El is a Chloglian Sirian-Pleiadian Hybrid Walk-In from Sirius B, who has spent eons working with the Sirian-Pleiadian Alliance. Every night during lucid dreaming and astral projection, she is within the ships above attending Advanced training with her Twin Flame-Twin Ray. Currently – during the day – she is a mother, published poet, author and artist.  She is healing the world through affordable Akashic shamanic healing through WWW.20DHEALING.COM. You can reach her by emailing
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