Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Brothers who made £1.2 million worth of fake banknotes at their pri...

Tuesday 14 January 2014

‘Two brothers who used their printing firm’s Christmas and New Year break to churn out £1.2 million worth of fake banknotes have both been jailed for seven years.

Businessmen Amrit and Prem Karra used specialist paper, inks and foil to run off the near-perfect forgeries of £10 notes at their print-works in Hockley, Birmingham.

They worked through the night to print the notes with a face value of at least £1.27 million.

Birmingham Crown Court was told the brothers acted as “masterminds and architects” of the highly-sophisticated counterfeiting operation.

Sentencing the brothers and two other men who also took part in the scam, Judge Richard Bond said such offences undermined the integrity of the UK’s financial system.’

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Spot the Difference Between That and …

The Bank of England Exposed


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Revocation of Banking Systems
I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with the primary banking families. I revoke all spiritual contracts  with all  banking family crests. I revoke, remove and dissolve all banking family trusts that use my name as a number for energy harvesting. I revoke all assumed rights used by the DNA based king-ship, lordship, or manor role contracts that function within all banking families. I hereby state I do not consent to rule by the few. I do not consent to rule by the banking families.
I do not consent with the assumed authority of the banking families funding the free court systems. I revoke all rights, privileges and rules created by the family crest based or DNA lineage based banking families to dominate and control the free court system. I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts that define the bank system as being intertwined with my free will. I revoke all fine print within all of my soul contracts past, present and future that deal with any banking system as a 3d-matrix debt collection or energy harvesting system.
I demand the instant repayment of all energy and 3d matrix representations of value. I do not consent to the use of corrupt courts as a means of judgment. I revoke all rights of 3d based courts assumptions of power with any 3d exchange for value systems created for the follies of the banking families.
I hereby revoke all consent of ink based, web based or energy based signature harvesting systems. I revoke all rights to use my 3d matrix signature to represent me in any court system, spiritual or 3d matrix.
I do not consent to the use of my soul contracts as a means of energy harvesting from any of the primary banking systems created by the primary soul contract holding banking families. I revoke all rights to use my name in any form of banking family coat of arms contracts. I demand the instant and permanent erasure of all signatures used to represent me in the banking exchange for value system.
I do not consent to the use of my life-force for any exchange for value banking system that is not completely transparent with all transactions, spiritual or 3d-matrix.
I hereby state that all bank based buildings using sacred geometry have NO POWER over my sovereign free will. I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with all banking systems that use sacred geometry as a means of energy harvesting or a tool for domination and control.
I revoke all rights, privileges and assumptions with all buildings that use sacred geometry as fine print soul contract enforcement systems. I do not consent to any sacred geometry building to house, hold or transfer any of my life force to any banking system on all of earths' time lines and or co-existing dimensions. I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts with all sacred geometry systems that use my life force without direct consent from me and all of my soul family ancestors in complete agreement.
I revoke all rights, assumptions and rules that create a new sacred geometry banking system. I hereby declare that all banking families and systems are now banished from operating in secret, covert or overt ways to harvest my energy in any way shape or form.
I hereby declare that earth mother is now in dominion with me for all energy exchange for value systems. I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my free will and enter it into the earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.
Revocation of Government.
I call to all spiritual contracts that exist within my past, present and future beings, selves and existence in this dimension and time stream, all time streams above and below the earth centric sine wave of co-existence. At this exact moment in the ever-present co-creating moment I summon all DNA lineage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity. So I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth and birth process.

Hi! That's nothing compared to the corp.crime committed against hard working people.Not to mention those who work for a dollar a day or a euro a day compared to where you live in the world.The Federal Reserve,The IRS and the International Monetary Fund are borderline criminal organisations! Let's also include the Vatican and other world powers.Moving and stealing wealth from different parts of the world as well as using World war conflicts as a cover story to hid their inhumane acts from the masses of the world.The Soviet Union fell and next will be America for the reasons many regimes use past,present and future.With a service to self and a conditional mindset of disunity consciousness instead of unity consciousness.They were all destined to fail even before they begun and the unconditional everything mindset is there only way to survive and they know it.Dare to say what Occupy wall street won't! Put all the rich and wealthy of the service to self as well as the disunity consciousness of this conditional dark cabal for crimes against humanity.As well as those who aided and abetted in these crimes.It will be bigger and more significant than the numermberg trails after world war 2.As the actor Burt Lancaster said,"I'am going to tell them the truth.I'am going to tell them the truth even if the whole world conspires against it! I also must put in a good word for the non-working element of society and even they will be asked to testify one day soon.For the crimes of scarity and being enslaved to debt the evidence will be overwhelming.If that's not enough to convince them even call in the Galactic Historian to testfy and see how all sides of the argument go silent in that courtroom.If that's not enough telepathic testimony from our Galactic families will be pretty interesting to add as well.I speak these words as a sovergin being and I take full responsiability for co-creating my own reality or realities.I also take full responsiability for my actions and inactions in the face of all this corp.criminal global acts of genocide to  those who've fallen and those who haven't been born yet.Abundance is the key lack of abundance is a crime just ask native people on and off world reservations the world over.Monetary systems the world over are the great enslavers and the work like a robot christian work ethic goes against our true nature as spiritual beings having human experiences.Remeber the reality of freedom is more important than the illusion of freedom.It maybe a utopian fantasy world to those who read these words but to a evolved Omniverse governed by universal laws based on the solidarity of unconditional love and service to others.Its the reality for them and the utopian dreamworld for us who depend on conditional service to self disunity consciousness in order to feel usefull in our collective lives.America is no longer a free country but a corporation for only the privilged few and its time to rebuild.For the sake of unconditional love with solidarity and service to others,"Live the Christ not speak the Christ!"Namaste! 

That's nothing compared to the corp.crime committed against hard working people.


it's not even petty theft compared to corporate crime.

it's paramount to set healthy boundaries and say no to those who want to serve only their self serving agenda.


namaste, richard.


Richard Levasseur said:

Hi! That's nothing compared to the corp.crime committed against hard working people.Not to mention those who work for a dollar a day or a euro a day compared to where you live in the world.The Federal Reserve,The IRS and the International Monetary Fund are borderline criminal organisations! Let's also include the Vatican and other world powers.Moving and stealing wealth from different parts of the world as well as using World war conflicts as a cover story to hid their inhumane acts from the masses of the world.The Soviet Union fell and next will be America for the reasons many regimes use past,present and future.With a service to self and a conditional mindset of disunity consciousness instead of unity consciousness.They were all destined to fail even before they begun and the unconditional everything mindset is there only way to survive and they know it.Dare to say what Occupy wall street won't! Put all the rich and wealthy of the service to self as well as the disunity consciousness of this conditional dark cabal for crimes against humanity.As well as those who aided and abetted in these crimes.It will be bigger and more significant than the numermberg trails after world war 2.As the actor Burt Lancaster said,"I'am going to tell them the truth.I'am going to tell them the truth even if the whole world conspires against it! I also must put in a good word for the non-working element of society and even they will be asked to testify one day soon.For the crimes of scarity and being enslaved to debt the evidence will be overwhelming.If that's not enough to convince them even call in the Galactic Historian to testfy and see how all sides of the argument go silent in that courtroom.If that's not enough telepathic testimony from our Galactic families will be pretty interesting to add as well.I speak these words as a sovergin being and I take full responsiability for co-creating my own reality or realities.I also take full responsiability for my actions and inactions in the face of all this corp.criminal global acts of genocide to  those who've fallen and those who haven't been born yet.Abundance is the key lack of abundance is a crime just ask native people on and off world reservations the world over.Monetary systems the world over are the great enslavers and the work like a robot christian work ethic goes against our true nature as spiritual beings having human experiences.Remeber the reality of freedom is more important than the illusion of freedom.It maybe a utopian fantasy world to those who read these words but to a evolved Omniverse governed by universal laws based on the solidarity of unconditional love and service to others.Its the reality for them and the utopian dreamworld for us who depend on conditional service to self disunity consciousness in order to feel usefull in our collective lives.America is no longer a free country but a corporation for only the privilged few and its time to rebuild.For the sake of unconditional love with solidarity and service to others,"Live the Christ not speak the Christ!"Namaste! 

like iceland and hungary, ireland is setting boundaries

Ireland vs the Banksters

Sunday 19th January 2014 at 04:18 By David Icke

‘The Icelandic way of dealing with financial fraud committed by bank executives is spreading to other countries of Europe, including now Ireland.

The Nordic island was the first country in decades to expel or imprison corrupt moneylenders oppressing the people, with incredibly positive results. A handful of other nations, notably Hungary, also have gone after the debt slavers. But add Ireland to the growing list of those which have found the courage to confront the problem of bankers conspiring to deprive honest citizens of their hard-earned wealth. After four years of investigations and public outrage, the Irish republic has charged six top financiers with crimes related to the collapse of Anglo Irish Bank (AIB) in 2008.’

Read more: Ireland vs the Banksters

Ireland Makes a Stand!

Read these two documents to see how the people of Ireland have challenged the banks, the Church, the Police and the Military.

Let these important documents act as an example to the rest of the world that the bullying by powerful institutions will no longer be tolerated.


like iceland and hungary, ireland is setting boundaries

Ireland vs the Banksters

Sunday 19th January 2014 at 04:18 By David Icke

‘The Icelandic way of dealing with financial fraud committed by bank executives is spreading to other countries of Europe, including now Ireland.

The Nordic island was the first country in decades to expel or imprison corrupt moneylenders oppressing the people, with incredibly positive results. A handful of other nations, notably Hungary, also have gone after the debt slavers. But add Ireland to the growing list of those which have found the courage to confront the problem of bankers conspiring to deprive honest citizens of their hard-earned wealth. After four years of investigations and public outrage, the Irish republic has charged six top financiers with crimes related to the collapse of Anglo Irish Bank (AIB) in 2008.’

Read more: Ireland vs the Banksters

The whole unholy lot have crossed boundaries and made themselves liable for arrest, seizure of their wealth and public disclosure of their most heinous crimes against humanity. In this position, these dark ones are pliable and we can easily sweep them inelegantly into the dustbins of history! The upcoming trials are merely the consequences of a number of quite ugly details.


The whole unholy lot have crossed boundaries and made themselves liable for arrest, seizure of their wealth and public disclosure of their most heinous crimes against humanity. In this position, these dark ones are pliable and we can easily sweep them inelegantly into the dustbins of history! The upcoming trials are merely the consequences of a number of quite ugly details.

The present banking oligarchy is composed of an "old guard" whose time for defeat has come. Ever since the days of ancient Rome, this stolid group retained control of the globe's purse strings. These dangerous and egocentric ones are to be jettisoned and left to their own devices. Arrests will follow, and with them their demise. These blessed events have taken us millennia to arrange and decades to make a reality! What is to succeed them is a system that is purged of their immorality and gross disrespect for humanity. Humans were their unwilling slaves and failed to see the great powers that each possesses. It is the time to accept that your liberation is at hand.

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