Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

As I was becoming awake this morning I was in a different state of being. I was seeing beautiful things, colorful lights, sparkling lights and the universe. Then I was seeing words... the words were soul tapping, very clear and prominent. I have never heard of the term. I tried looking it up. But to no avail could I find the definition of Soul Tapping. Question is, was I tapping into the Universe or what? Why was I seeing the words Soul Tapping? A little confused here.... and would love some insight.

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Your body had a powerful release of dimethyltryptamine, DMT, the dream chemical that resides in our pineal glands. It allows us to bypass our brains and tap into the Source of the Universe, the All, the Everything, even receive guidance from multidimensional entities. DMT is found in several species of plants in the Amazon and is used by tribes to reconnect with that source.
from my sirian friends:
"soul tapping is a way to be allowed access to the source. it will be a while that you will experience this, this is to allow love from the source. You will be 'reporting' to the source as well as anchoring the love of source onto earth as you are a Godseed."

does that help? :)
LOL Actually it does... I have been told I am a Godseed. Please tell your Sirian friends thank you!

Reb said:
from my sirian friends:
"soul tapping is a way to be allowed access to the source. it will be a while that you will experience this, this is to allow love from the source. You will be 'reporting' to the source as well as anchoring the love of source onto earth as you are a Godseed."

does that help? :)
welcome! :D

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