Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

FYI. From a friend in L.A. who used to live in Pagosa Springs, CO where we have mutual friends and acquaintances. He and his wife have been involved for 35 years in spiritual development arenas.


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: NESARA News
From: Jim XXX
Date: Sun, April 05, 2009 5:39 am

Well, here is a confirmation of NESARA that comes from a totally unexpected source.

As some people are really skeptical of things they have no knowledge of, and others have given up on NESARA because they perceive that nothing will ever come of it, here is a real good story.

I got a call from a friend in Pagosa Springs, named Doug, yesterday, who knows a little about NESARA, but is sort of a skeptical believer. He does not have a computer or internet access at all. Yet, he gets information from his own “Sources” that tell him that prosperity is coming.

His idea is that he is going to have some rich person give him a lot of money. I have been telling him for years, “No, it is going to come from the Prosperity Programs that are tied to the announcement of NESARA” But, since he has no access to information about NESARA, he really had no testimony of it.

Anyway, this person told a friend of his, named Brian, about NESARA and asked him to research it on the web. His friend basically told him that it sounded bizarre and that it could never happen. We all have heard this a thousand times, right?

Well, Brian called up Doug yesterday, and was all excited. He said to Doug, “You know that thing called NESARA you told me about? Well, I was watching a satellite TV station called Link (note: the channel that Amy Goodman is on all the time) and they were talking about the G20 meeting. They mentioned that Russia and Germany wanted a new economic system called NESARA.”

Well, there you go. They actually said the “N” word on a real TV channel.

Now Doug has instructed Brian to thoroughly research NESARA. When I talked to Doug yesterday, he was totally excited and was telling me how he understood now where the money was coming from and how wonderful things were going to be on Earth.

I told him that Obama knows all about NESARA, and he is just waiting for the right time to bring forth the announcement.

We still don’t know how soon the announcement of NESARA will be, but this is a really good sign that world leaders are getting aboard and demanding a change in our economic system.

I actually wrote Obama on his website and asked him to bring NESARA up at the G20 meeting. I believe it is time for as many of us who can to deluge our Senators, President, and Congressmen with letters about NESARA.

As the financial crisis grows, even major media giants will be lining up in support of NESARA. We are on the leading edge of a major tsunami of change in consciousness, and we all need to be heard.

I hope this little story will inspire each one of you to rekindle your passion for NESARA and to share it with everyone.


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the problem isnt so much not believing in Nesara, it is believing ANYTHING Mark H says.
He (in my opinion) is a fraud and I wouldnt listen to ANYTHING he has to say.
Am glad, Andy, that we can agree on one front atleast. Cheers.

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