Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


 It could be true, it could be false, but I do see this makes enough sense to be worth looking into further. I could see how it could work and anything is possible. I would like to find more resources on this.

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Updated November 5, 2011

Press Release from Robert M. Stanley

Fellow Citizens of Earth,

It is time to expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not speculation, a hoax, or the figment of peoples imagination. These parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence.

Although these parasites are not human, they feed off the negative energy/emotions of humans. It is unclear when these cosmic, amoeba-like creatures first came to earth, but we know they were discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago and have recently been photographed. The reason everyone is not seeing them on a daily basis is because the creature's energy signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call "visible light."

Here are a series of authentic, infrared photographs and other images of these creatures:

NASA photo

NASA photo of the same object enlarged and enhanced.

These are not space craft: they are living creatures that the modern pioneers in this field of research (during the 1950s) termed "sky fish."

Coincidentally, in 1968, an episode of Star Trek (created by the alleged 33rd degree Mason Gene Roddenbbery) featured an enormous version of the exact same type of energy-hungry, ameoba-like creature described in this press release.


Mr. Spock is astonished by not only the size of this creature and how much energy it is consuming from its surrounding environment, including the Starship Enterprise and its crew, but it is about to give birth. As stated before, these are biological creatures. I think of them as organic capacitors that are constantly absorbing energy.


The image used here in Star Trek is just a microscopic amoeba that is color enhanced. But notice the incredible geometric similarity to a photo of a "sky fish" and the mouth-like feeding hole.

In fact, a large, dark, fat fish that could fly was the description used by Carlos Castenada when he was first taught how to see these covert creatures (see excerpt below) and informed that they are able to influence the mind's of humans. But there is more to this incredible story than meets the eye.

Ancient Gnostic texts from Egypt, called the Nag Hammadi, describe two types of demonic alien beings that invaded earth long ago which they call the Archons. The first type of Archon looks like a reptile. The other type looks like a human embryo... which has the same shape and appearance as the "sky fish" photos.


Also, in the conclusion of my new book "Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.," I report in great detail how demonic, alien creatures are secretly manipulating the minds of politicians and other powerful people in Washington.

Unfortunately, I now see that the possession of people's mind is not limited to a select individuals in positions of power on this planet. If the revelations in the excerpted conversation below are accurate, everyone is potentially being mentally manipulated by these creatures.

Excerpted from "The Active Side of Infinity"

by Carlos Castenada

pg 217

Don Juan said, "This is the appropriate time of day for doing what I am asking you to do. It takes a moment to engage the necessary attention to do it. Don't stop until you catch that fleeting black shadow."

Very much related video: (embryo look like Entity - as mentioned above the text,inside a human brain)

Skyfish are Orbs??? And Orbs taking our energy, I find this very hard to believe!!!

I have seen these flying-shadows,many times (even as child).
...recently few months back (after long time,since child),I woke up in the middle of night,and I saw two of these dark-shadows (foot-long) each near me,and also a humanoid look-like -shedow tall up to seven feet approx. (I just saw it from toes up to his chest, higher body part -head,not visible) . ...and all of them began dissapearing right in front of me .
.............I wasn't afraid,and asked for them to appear again for me,but there wasn't any sign visible,...although I still felt their presence inside the room. (the room is never too dark,cause of outside cities lights)
...................same kinds of shadows,when I saw them as child .

Okay Besimi you've seen them, but did you had the feeling that they took away your energy?

I read this about two weeks ago. I gave it the benifit of the doubt. I feel diferent now. Nothing realy bothers me and been seeing things really clear. So I felt it was worth posting, because if these things are as described then just being aware of them is half the battle. If true, becoming aware exposes them to light, because it weakens them. A  week ago I started doing a process of when i start feeling negative feelings, I  visualize holographicly my energy field as I pull it all in tightly close to my body and conserve my energy, so they cant feed off of my energy. I give the intentions of that I never agreed to and will not be a food source for these creatures.  Then I get the cool rush of energy pouring on top of my head and running down through my body, then I notice Im not feeling negative any more. Ive been feeling good actually and thats not normal. So regard less, this still helps me either way. 


Trudy, I gave this some thought, for some time, that why I waited two weeks before i post it. So  if this is true then they have allways been there, so there is nothing to fear. The only way they can control us if if there are not known. The moment you realise what and who they are, they cease to have power over you and you are liberated.

Bless you Trudy


Thank you Besimi

Besimi, I saw that video a few years ago and now that it makes fits in the puzzle.  thanks

i see blobs of dark patches whenever the mood is... moody. lol

but yes and amen to "The moment you realise what and who they are, they cease to have power over you and you are liberated" 

try an Archangel Michael meditation to get your own 'sword of truth' to swipe these things away... i did one and unexpectedly, in my mind's eye, i saw a hand (of michael, presumably) nonchalantly reaching into my heart and extracting a rather plain-looking silvery-white sword from the pinkness of my heart. the hand then placed the sword on my imaginary hands promptly, as if to say 'oh cmon, it's been here all along'. the vision was very clear and I wasn't even in the mood to think about arthur and merlin stories.

this personal 'sword' is pretty useful in shielding from these dark blobs. just to inform the people who may be interested :)

Where unwelcome thoughts come from as well probably, but yes, awareness of these (one type of Archon) things is 
most of the battle to cut them off. Calling on Archangel Michael and his sword is very good advice Reb, and I think we can do the severing ourself too.
Reb said:

i see blobs of dark patches whenever the mood is... moody. lol

but yes and amen to "The moment you realise what and who they are, they cease to have power over you and you are liberated" 

try an Archangel Michael meditation to get your own 'sword of truth' to swipe these things away... i did one and unexpectedly, in my mind's eye, i saw a hand (of michael, presumably) nonchalantly reaching into my heart and extracting a rather plain-looking silvery-white sword from the pinkness of my heart. the hand then placed the sword on my imaginary hands promptly, as if to say 'oh cmon, it's been here all along'. the vision was very clear and I wasn't even in the mood to think about arthur and merlin stories.

this personal 'sword' is pretty useful in shielding from these dark blobs. just to inform the people who may be interested :)

When I constrict my energy field, I conserve my energy. Also I have been putting myself inside our sun for clearing and cleansing. So far so good. 

@ simpleman

from my experience: connecting heart-to-heart with Grandfather Sun proves to be vital!


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