Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Settufeut (GFOL)to Me -Laura Tyco ~ Nov 2011-11-12- Transformation

Settufeut to Me 12 Nov 2011-11-12- Transformation



You have experienced yesterday with a variety of energies being showered over your planet. The energies do affect everybody differently. Worry not if your expectations were not fully met yet.
There will be plenty of opportunities until December 2012 for you to have the desired experience. You all have different needs, and the new type of energies directed towards you would help you complete your remaining time in this cycle.
Many of you feel drained and tired. This is due to the fact that they had an active sleep, and were not actually asleep. You are doing much work while you are in your dream state.
As such the result of your work during your dreams will soon manifest into your reality. Have the most beautiful and limitless dreams. From now on, much more will be possible.
In the coming days you will experience and feel many changes. These changes will be progressive, gradual and gentle, in order to give you time to adapt to your new environment.
You will require much sleep and rest now, as you will need to give time to your cells to transform into light cells. This transformation goes parallel with Mother Earth’s transformation and it involves your consciousness as well as your physical body.
Be prepared to experience the divinely presence of others in your life, and also your own divine presence at all times on Mother Earth.
Be blessed, be one. Settufeut.
Laura Tyco

Laura Tyco

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights
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I am your higher Self


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Thanks Besimi, a very clear channeler, the link is great too.

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