The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Sorry to intrude, Fufu...
Each one of us is indeed special. That doesn't necessarily mean it is a superiority term. It symbolizes our uniqueness as beings. Yes, we are one, but its our uniqueness that brings forth experience in our existences.
Equality is the nature of existence, but always remember that uniqueness, specialty and your experience all together does bring you into a vibration of love and becoming unique.
Again Fufu, I respect that you wish to share your beliefs, but one thing I do not do is inform people that they are on the wrong path and only one truth that I follow is something they must work toward. What we do here is a matter of sharing, not stating that one truth is wrong and the one you believe in is the one that one must follow. Remember that we are here to share truth through self, not enforce or demand to follow the truth of one. And the reason we do this, is because there is no way for me to prove my truth to anyone. It is a self-evidence that only people can resonate with to accept. And there is no way for you to prove your truth as it itself is self-evidence from one.
So as much as i respect your belief Fufu, please understand that we don't enforce belieft by firing down other beliefs stating what may be wrong. Only sharing with what your truth represents. Please keep this in mind in your future posts or comments. Thank you.
It's funny, how we give deeper meaning to things that are "special". Why can't everything be special?. Maybe air we are breathing is special air, trees outside are special trees, the words we are typing are special words, yesterday was special, this day is special, and tomorrow is special as well.. what happens if we make everything special? There is no "special" anymore. Has there ever been?
To me it looks like both of you are aiming towards oneness. Same goal. LilBunny is just saying we should not go into the path of "I am special you are not" I truly agree. It's one of those things we need to be aware of. When I started with this whole thing, I spent some time thinking, if I want to do this because I really want to, or if I want to do this just for "trying to be more special". Answer was the first one.
And Brad is saying the same thing, but in different package. If there are many people stating their obvious things, which one of the obvious things is right? None, and all of them. They are all right, or we can say they are all wrong. Or we can pick one of them who is right, and state that he/she is right, separating them again from the rest. If someone says "You are wrong, I am right" it's as separating as saying "I am more special than you". And If you look what I first wrote, if everything is right, is there really "right" anymore?. No, there isn't.. it's all one.
Love and respect
And if we go really really high, there would be nothing. Because something would be separation of nothing, and because there is no separation, there is nothing, and there is EVERYTHING together. So there just "is".
We are ALL doing what we are supposed to be doing, everyone are exactly what they are supposed to be, everything is as it's supposed to be, because it's all part of our experience.
Thank you for letting me express myself a little :)
Hi lilbunny I just came across this love it! Who cares what others think as The Feds say L&L
Inside each one of us, sometimes buried real deep,,,
Is a little child and love is what it seeks.
The happier the child, the easier is the adult part,
In fulfilling its purpose and walking "a path of heart".
There are many wounded, the scars are unseen and deep,
They build walls around them and wind up as though asleep.
They do not know or were not taught how to love themselves
because of that, they never learned how to play like a little elf.
Happiness eludes them, crises after crises in the life each day,
Before they know it they have lost their way.
Alcohol and drugs begin to call,, saying "I will help you forget it all".
By grace they awaken, learn to forgive and answer the call...
Of the Soul's purpose to live in light and know love is the great lesson.
Declaring "Divine Order" will keep us out of a therapy session.
We are a spark of Divinity from a loving Creator,
Among our gifts, we are given the free will to say: "oh later"!
We make the choice to be happy and live a happy life,
Most of us do not want to play games, or live in stress and strife.
No one said it would be easy, but growth can happen fast
When we learn to open our heart, we know love that will last.
When we discover our inner child, and learn to care for him or her,
We begin to know and fulfill our life's purpose, that's for sure!
"Love One Another" was a mighty decree, it begins when you love,
First yourself, then all others, oh how the Angels will dance up above!
Infill with light and love each day, and know you play an important part,,,
In walking with the rest of us,,,, on a Path with Heart~
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