Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 20th , ...21th, ...22nd, ... ... 2015

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 20th 2015 (22 post)

Cleaning the corruption - Transforming peace ~ Ashtar via Gabriel

Cleaning the corruption Transforming peaceAshtar through Gabriel  Translation: Jéssica Braga 03.22.2015
Greetings, Family. We are around the beloved Earth constantly watching the progress of Light and the awakening of the Star children for their enlightened missions. It is known that the time now is of too much apprehension by those who wished to follow the dark path, but on the other hand it is a time of joy for those who have given themselves to their tasks with love and dedication. The division on Earth becomes clearer every sunrise. The Light has brought to the view what need... more »

Physical; Energetic Adjustments; Earthquakes; eruptions;Recycling ~...

Physical and Energetic Adjustments; Earthquakes and eruptions; Recycling.Ashtar through Gabriel Translation: Jéssica Braga 05.12.2015
Greetings, family. The world is moving fast to visible changes, so that all of you, dear humans, are involved. Involved in many ways, physically and emotionally at all the time, especially now, because you put yourself open to Light, allowing it to flow through you and bathe all others who are around you. With this, help Mother Earth in its energetic adjustment process, relocation of tectonic plates and other systems of this beloved Planet, so de... more »

Benjamin Fulford - May 18, 2015 ~ (Khazarian mafia is trying to buy...

Khazarian mafia wants to donate funds to humanity in exchange for amnesty By Benjamin Fulford May 18, 2015 A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,” in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the source said. The background for this offer may be found in an article in the Japanese language edition of the Reuters News Wire that claimed Reuters had obtained documents showing ...more »

Spend time with yourselves to listen to what your soul wants. ~ Raz...

Spend time with yourselves to listen to what your soul wants Archangel Raziel Message, 18th Mai 2015 Through Gülçin Önel Translation: Arzu Altınay
Look to see what kind of a reality the thoughts, feelings you had have created. Turn your eyes deeper and notice what you are reflecting out. While travelling on your own, trust that you are always supported and that this support flows to you much more than you can imagine. Without needing the approval of others, direct the energy you had directed outside towards yourselves. In these holy times, you have spared for observation, silence me... more »

Why Create Polarity When You Can Create Peace? ~ Gloria Wendroff

HeavenlettersReceived by Gloria Wendroff,, May 19, 2015
.God said: Did you ever think you would hear Me say that you have to face facts? I love to tell you to look at all the amazing possibilities in life. I certainly do. What I am suggesting now is to face the fact that you may have growing to do. If you are going to grow, you have to start from a place where you are aware that you don’t already know everything or even what you are most sure of right now. Just as you do not give yourself the true recognition of your great worth, you may close your eyes to areas ... more »

4 Reasons You Need To Quit Comparing Yourself To Others ~ Higher Pe...

4 Reasons You Need To Quit Comparing Yourself To Others From Higher Perspective, May 19, 2015
Humans are social creatures; there’s certainly no way of getting around that. In society, we’re told who we need to be, what we need to do, and what success truly is. But just because we’re social creatures doesn’t necessarily mean we should let other people determine what it is we should be doing. On top of it, don’t ever use other people as a measurement for your own standing. Why? 1. You ruin your self esteem. You may see people in your life or people you don’t even know “doing better” ... more »

Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too ~ Ines Sulj

Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too By Ines Sulj, Manel Blanco’s Blog, May 19, 2015
Mercury has just gone retrograde again. This time in Gemini, the sign it rules. All the planets, except Sun and Moon, go in apparent backward motion from time to time, yet the Mercury retrograde seems to be the most famous one. Almost everyone knows about it, including the people who know nothing about astrology and those who don’t even believe in it. In astrology, when a planet is in retrograde, it doesn’t actually move backwards in the sky. It only appears to change direction, ... more »

Duke Energy Pleads Guilty to Environmental Crimes, Pays Record $102...

Duke Energy Pleads Guilty to Environmental Crimes, Pays Record $102 Million By Claire Bernish, Activist Post, May 19, 2015
Duke Energy, the nation’s largest utility company, pleaded guilty on Thursday to nine criminal violations of the Clean Water Act including improper maintenance and failure to heed its own employees’ warnings which would have prevented a massive dump of coal ash into the Dan River in February 2014. Duke agreed to pay $102 million in fines and restitution — the largest federal criminal fine in North Carolina history. Of the total amount, $68 million is a cri... more »

The Amazing Healing Power Of Your Tears ~ Judith Orloff

The Amazing Healing Power Of Your Tears By Dr. Judith Orloff, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit. [image: The Amazing Healing Power Of Your Tears in5d in 5d www.in5d.com body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com]*
Adapted from Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life* For over twenty years as physician, I’ve witnessed, time and again, the healing power of tears. Tears are your body’s release valve for stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Also, you can have tears of joy, ... more »

Anunnaki and Ancient Hidden Technology (MUST SEE) ~ Michael Tellinger

Anunnaki and Ancient Hidden Technology (MUST SEE)
While this may seem like a long video, it is a wonderful synopsis and you will be grateful for all of Michael Tellinger's efforts. Link to his channel https:... Added by anastasios on May 18, 2015  *Please respect all credits. * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. * This author archives:http://rayviolet.blogspo... more »

New Zealand confronts violent past, gives new hope to Maori ~ Nick ...

New Zeland confronts violent past, gives a new hope to Maori By Nick Perry Published: March 15, 2015 [image: In this Feb. 5, 2015 photo, Maori canoeists march down the street in Waitangi,
New Zealand, to mark the 175th anniversary of the signing of the country's founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi. Financial settlements made to Maori tribes under the provisions of the treaty are helping transform them into major economic players and are contributing to a broader cultural renaissance and improved prospects for Maori. (AP Photo/Nick Perry)] In this Feb. 5, 2015 photo, Maori cano... more »

Pure Understanding - Nobody Knows...What Is Going On ~ Terence McKenna

Terence McKenna Video: Pure Understanding Sent May 18, 2015 by Wes Annac Thanks to YouTube user Infinite Paths. URL:
Terence Mckenna Video: Nobody Knows Jack Shit About What Is Going On Sent by May 17, 2015 Wes Annac Thanks to YouTube user MckennaCountrCulture for uploading this video. 
*Please respect all credits. * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of ev... more »

Sheldan Nidle, May, 19 2015

Atualização feita por Sheldan Nidle da Herarquia Espiritual e da Federação Galáctica9 Cauac, 17 Moan, 11 Ik (May, 19 2015)
Dratzo! The delivery system is moving more slowly than liked proving to be able to move our monies through it. As usual, each new section involves delays, which center on those who either wish to steal or divert the funds in question. Our security is easily able to note how these funds are advancing, and if anything does happen, we can use our system to quickly recover the funds. Each new trial thus contains possible glitches that can be easily remedied mostly ...more »

Understanding Your Stepping-Stone Reality ~ Suzanne Lie

*Leaving Time* *Understanding Your Stepping-Stone Reality* * By Suzanne Lie * [image: Leaving Time]
Many of our volunteers have been asking to visit the Starship. We wish to remind that you that not only do you visit the Starship, you also live there. However, many of you have not yet fully connected with that expression of your SELF. You will soon. Then your conscious experiences of being on the ship will begin. You will begin by remembering not the ship, but the YOU who lives on it. Once you remember that reality, you will have your first stepping-stone into your fifth di... more »

Morning Message from the Arcturians via Suzanne Lie

Morning Message from the Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie 5-16-15 Morning Message 5-16-15
Dear Readers, The Arcturians have been telling me to send out "Morning Messages," as often as I can. I will try to do so every day, as I know that my "morning" may not be your "morning." I will place them in my dropbox, which is the easiest for me and for you so that we can ALL dedicate our self to aligning with our higher expressions of SELF *every* day. The link to the meditation will be under the picture. This messages will be short, so they will not take too much of what you perceive as "ti... more »

Personal versus Group Intentions ~ Michael via Anyas

Personal versus Group Intentions.*Teacher: Christ Michael*Received by AnyasOregon, USA, January 7, 2015.
*Question:* “Jesus said that when two or more are gathered in His name, He will be among them. What about just one? Why did He differentiate? Please help me understand that. Thank you.” *Michael:* “Dear child, thank you for your question. The fact is that when two or more are gathered in My name, it will invite my presence among them. And it is not exclusive of the fact that when you call upon me, I’ll be there for you. What it means is that, when a group’s Intention is to inc... more »

Eat Food That Is In Alignment With Your Joy ~ Simon Nightstar

Eat Food That Is In Alignment With Your Joy (An Essay on Spirit-based Biology) Simon Nightstar17 May 2015 Channeler: Simon NightStarr
There is no greater wisdom in terms of action than to do that which genuinely feels easiest for you to do, for the vibrations of EASE are the closest to your True Spiritual Nature, which is completely free of resistance. And that which is easiest is always the decision which feels the lightest and doesn't promote guilt. We see many in your world who are pushing vegetarianism and veganism, and the pushing is due to a sense of incompleteness that suc... more »

Why Are CEOs Retiring En Masse? ~ By Gavin Harrill

News Special Edition: Why Are CEOs Retiring En Masse? May 19, 2015 By Gavin Harrill [image: What Are Your Plans?]
What Are Your Plans? Trending on alternative news is a story acknowledging recent activity by our beloved cabal and their loyal followers. It’s been reported that top CEOs are retiring and preparing to “get outta Dodge.” This list of retirees is rather long and fascinating (not a “wow, that’s so cool” kind of fascination, rather in a way that we’re mystified and floored by the many people involved), including people from dozens of co... more »

3 Main Signs That You Are Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening May 19...

3 Main Signs That You Are Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening Steven Bancarz May 19, 2015
As you go through your journey of awakening, many things about you and your life start to change. There are many articles out there titled “20 symptoms of spiritual awakening,” and they touch on all of the possible experiences that could be related to awakening. But at the very beginning of awakening, the signs you experience are much fewer in number. They are fewer in number, but are far more intense and tangible. Sometimes, they may even be overwhelming to the point where it is humorous t... more »

Planetary Alignments in the Garden of Love

Planetary Alignments in the Garden of LoveNua Asera Du Posted on May 18, 2015
.Dear friends, Today’s post follows on from the photos of a ship that flew overhead here on April 26th that you can read about in the previous post. This ship appeared three days after a very high frequency light-wave snuck in quietly through the ‘back door’, so to speak, and energies on and around this planet have continued to intensify since then. At an individual level, everything in our beings that is not aligned in Love will be/is getting a deeper shake out, so those energies can be perceived, bles... more »

Canis major speak... ~ Anastasios

Canis major AnastasiosPosted by anastasios on May 19, 2015
Matthew-Chapter 15.. And, behold, a woman of Chanaan[Grecian woman] came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and ...more »

Montague Keen - May 17, 2015 ~ Veronica Keen

Montague Keen - May 17, 2015 Through Veronica Keen The propaganda war you are now experiencing is the last stand of the Evil Forces that have strived to remove humanity from the Earth. They show you how they have done it through WAR; and you have served them well. You have watched men proudly display the medals which show how many of their fellow human beings they have slaughtered. You need to learn and accept that you are ONE HUMAN FAMILY, controlled by a force so EVIL that it cannot show its face. This force controls you through human illness – CANCER – a very successful weapon for... more »

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Seeking truth to be Free! - May 20th 2015 (20 post)

Happiness is Your True Nature – Look for It Within ~ Wes Annac

Happiness is Your True Nature Look for It Within By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
If you think about it, the way we seek happiness as a society seems counterproductive. We rush around every day to earn a living, and in doing so, we never give ourselves any time for the pursuit of actual happiness, contentment or inner peace. The busy, hurried nature of life causes us to seek happiness in shallow external things that only satisfy us for a short time before failing to meet our growing material hunger, and this causes us to crave more and more external stimulation as we graduall... more »

Jesus through John Smallman, May 21, 2015

There is no alternative to the divine Will because there is no other will Jesus(1) through John Smallman, May 21, 2015 Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday May 21st As the divine plan for humanity's awakening moves steadily forwards, those so successfully holding the Light on Earth to assist in this great venture are highly honored by all in the spiritual realms. Without you the plan would come to nothing! However, it is God's plan, and so perfect success is, of course, absolutely guaranteed. Nevertheless, your willing and enthusiastic involvement is an essential aspect of His plan. At ... more »

Mercury Retrograde In Gemini: Adjusting The Way We Think & ...

Mercury Retrograde In Gemini Adjusting The Way We Think & Communicate By Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution, May 20, 2015 [image: merc-gem-cover]
The planet Mercury started its retrograde phase on May 18th/19th which will last until June 11th/12th. This is an astrological phenomena that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period. From an Earth based perspective, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards, but this is not the case. It only appears that way due to the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologer... more »

Government Witch Hunt to Eliminate Monsanto Critics ~ Jon Rappoport

Government Witch Hunt to Eliminate Monsanto Critics By Jon Rappoport, Activist Post, May 20, 2015
*US Dept. of Agriculture scientists under the gun; explosive details * “Anybody can fake scientific results. But to be believed, you want a prestigious organization behind you with a billion-dollar budget and access to compliant reporters. You want to manipulate technical language. You want to keep saying how much you care about people. And then you also want to get down and dirty when you have to, and threaten and coerce your in-house scientific dissenters who won’t go along with t... more »

Embrace the Unknown and Discover Joy – Why People Are Attracted to ...

Embrace the Unknown and Discover Joy Why People Are Attracted to Mystery By Rabbi Yonason Goldson, Learning Mind, May 20, 2015 [image: the unknown mystery]
*Question #1*: You’re at an auction. Item #12 is a set of six glass goblets. Item #13 is a mystery set of either four or six glass goblets… you’ll only find out once the bidding is over. Which item is likely to go for a higher price? Needless to say, you would be willing to pay more when they know you’re getting six goblets than you would if you might end up with only four. *Question #2*: You’re working at a job for which yo... more »

4 Tips to Rise Above Any Circumstance ~ Mettie Spiess

4 Tips to Rise Above Any Circumstance By Mettie Spiess, The Master Shift, May 20, 2015 [image: article]
Life isn’t easy. It is filled with hardships, surprises, and constant change. Because these events are often out of our control it is easy to feel like a victim of circumstance. Everyone has the power to rise above difficulties with resiliency and wisdom. Most of us just need a starting point. Use these steps to stop being a victim and start taking massive action toward the life you want. Enjoy your ascent to new heights! Step 1: Find Your Purpose Gandhi said, “The best way ...more »

Positive Thoughts: I’ve Learned

Positive Thoughts I’ve Learned From Positive Thoughts, May 20, 2015
I’ve learned– that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up. I’ve learned– that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel. I’ve learned– that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. The same goes for true love. I’ve learned– that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. I’ve learned– that mat... more »

The Real Truth About Health ~ Dreama Vance

*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter Living in Wholeness* *The Real Truth About Healthby Dreama Vance*
In 2009, I heard Dr. Will Tuttle say that we believe the way we do because of the food we eat. At the time, I thought he was probably crazy! It was around the time of this seminal event in my life that Spirit rolled out in front of me three topics I was to teach. These three topics included diet, Young Living essential oils, and Spring Forest Qigong. I knew a lot about diet, since I had studied it for many years as an avocation; but I was new to veganism. I didn't know anything much a... more »

Benedictine, May 20, 2015 ~ Wake up Call via Nancy

Benedictine, May 20, 15Wake up Call Through Nancy Tate
I am here today to call to you all and let you know that there is coming a time when you will recognize me and remember the good times we have had together. We jointly planned this experience of earth, and as we went into the thoughts of it materializing we had no idea as to how it would all work out. That is because we had not gone there before, and when that sort of thing happens, even the future does not represent the boundlessness that has been created in this experience here on earth. As I say this, I shall introduce my...more »

A New Education Model for Humanity ~ Will Stanton

A New Education Model for Humanity By Will Stanton, The Mind Unleashed, May 19, 2015
The education system is due for a major paradigm shift. For too long, it has been stuck in the dark ages. Teachers still stand at the front of the classroom and deliver information, much of it meaningless in the whole scheme of things. Schools encourage competition, conformity, obedience and standardization, while also engaging in the suppression of our natural, creative impulses and critical thinking faculties. Children are moulded and conditioned via the factory model of education to be unquesti... more »

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School ~ Michelle Walling

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School By Michelle Walling, CHLC, **, May 19, 2015 [image: Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit]
What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these sp... more »

March Against Monsanto Happening Worldwide on May 23 ~

March Against Monsanto Happening Worldwide on May 23 Thanks to Anti-Media Staff, May 19, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) WORLDWIDE – On May 23, 2015, hundreds of thousands of concerned individuals will gather across 38 countries and 428 cities to join in peaceful protest against the Monsanto Company as a part of the March Against Monsanto grassroots campaign. This movement seeks to raise awareness to the dangers surrounding Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds and cancer-linked herbicide Roundup. The campaign comes as the demand for GMO labeling and non-GMO food alternatives continues its e...more »

Our Deepest Fear ~ Marianne Williamson

Our Deepest FearMarianne Williamson Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. [image: marianne] credit:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as... more »

Self-Control Needed as Well as Self-Expression ~ Steve Beckow

Self-Control Needed as Well as Self-Expression By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, May 20, 2015 [image: deli1-500] We’re all of us engaged in a process of emergence from all our core issues and false belief systems. Emergence has two phases: a process of enlightenment and a process of embodiment. Right now I’d like to look at an aspect of the process of embodiment. I’m having to reparent myself in some areas of social learning and good behavior that I seem to have missed out on. I missed out on them because I chose a different part of the behavioral spectrum to concentrate...more »

Why The World Needs Healers ~ Gogo Thule

Why The World Needs Healers By Gogo Thule, Wake Up World, May 20, 2015 [image: Why The World Needs Healers]
In an age of DIY, information overload, and a growing consciousness around our understanding of self as a multi-dimensional being, it’s easy to believe that you can figure damn near everything out yourself. And since we have been deceived in great unjust ways I completely understand a need from many to rely on self and to reject leaders or organized and institutionalized structures. When it comes to spirituality I now see that some have come to the conclusion that there is n... more »

Acts of Faith. ~ Adjuster via Oscar

Acts of Faith.*Thought Adjuster.*Received by Oscar.Alabama, USA, November 18, 2011.
*Thought Adjuster:* “Your soul always yearns to hear ‘the voice’ within. Once you have tasted the elixir of a deeper relationship with your Father — your origin and your destiny — you will naturally wish for more of those moments of peace. “Come to Me any time you wish because this relationship that we are cultivating is mutually beneficial. Mortals seldom consider that they have something to offer their Creator. However, thanks to the gift of free will, the best gift you can offer your Father i... more »

The Effects Of Television On Humans ~ Hassam

The Effects Of Television On Humans By Hassam, *Waking Times*, May 20, 2015 [image: couchpotatoe]
While controversy continues to surround the way the content screen media affects our thoughts and behaviour, a growing body of empirical evidence is indicating that watching television causes physiological changes, which are really not for the better. Most of these effects occur irrespective of the type of programme that people watch – whether it is violence or teletubbies (fun, games, etc). It is the medium, not the message. Watching television is now the industrialised world’s main ... more »

Ask Quaker Food Maker to Support GMO Labeling ~ Christina Sarich

Ask Quaker Food Maker to Support GMO Labeling By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, May 20, 2015 [image: Quaker Oats on display at JJ&F Market in in Palo Alto, Calif., Monday, Feb. 9, 2009.
Pepsico is parent company of the Quaker Oats brand. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)] Quaker, the parent company of Pepsi-Co, along with other food manufacturers, have spent a combined $100 million to keep people from knowing what is in their food. *Please help send a message to this maker of ‘family foods’ to support GMO labeling.* Quaker stands for ‘healthy food,’ or so it says: *“We put wholesome g... more »

The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period ~...

The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period... written by The Enlightened Master Ibrahim H. on May 19th 2015 New Update..May19th, 2015
The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period... All main timelines have reached the convergence point that led to activate the New Timeline, which through it, all the previous problems in the universe will end.. Working on the birth plan for the new timeline, began since thousands of years, which when completed there will be a reset for all Timeline schedules, and the end of each obstacles that was tracked to the... more »

12 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

12 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills
Over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. The result has been drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” that evolve faster than scientists can figure out how to fight them. A future where bacteria are at the top of the food chain is not unheard of. Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics – developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped guard against infection and disease on a daily basis. Many of these natural defenders are still in use today with holis... more »

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Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media ~ Christina ...

Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, May 22, 2015 [image: court_lawsuit_legal_gavel_730_250]
What happens when one courageous attorney and a few citizens try to take down Monsanto? The MSM doesn’t cover it, for starters. *Efforts to publicize a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising it’s best-selling herbicide Roundup filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015 have been rejected by almost every mainstream media outlet.* It’s no different than Fox, NBC, CNN, or ABC refusing to cover the DARK ACT ... more »

Pipeline Spill Dumps 105,000 Gallons of Oil on California’s Coastli...

Pipeline Spill Dumps 105,000 Gallons of Oil on California’s CoastlineBy Steve Horn, *DeSmog Blog**, **Waking Times*, May 22, 2015 [image: Oil from a broken pipeline coats miles of the Pacific Ocean and shoreline near Goleta, Calif., May 20, 2015, after a 24-inch underground pipeline broke May 19th and leaked into a culvert leading to the ocean. Houston-based Plains All American Pipeline said an thousands of gallons of oil were released before the pipeline was shut down. Photos by Jonathan Alcorn/Greenpeace.]
Oil from a broken pipeline coats miles of the Pacific Ocean and shorelin... more »

SaLuSa 22 May 2015 ~ Mike Quinsey

*SaLuSa 22 May 2015**Through **Mike Quinsey*
*Time continues to pass very rapidly and will continue to do so, which for many of you is a relief as you are experiencing many challenges. This is to be expected as you face clearing the residue of karma accumulated over a long period of time. There will come a point when you will have virtually completed it, and it will be considered as having been cleared and the slate will be clean. Your focus on all that is positive will ensure that you stay on the path of Light, and the end times should be an occasion when you become aware of compl... more »

How Will You Choose? ~ Michael via Lytske

How Will You Choose?Teacher: Christ Michael (Jesus) Message received by Lytske Urantia, May 04, 2015.
*Michael: “Thank you for giving me your attention after pondering the problems I face with this special little planet of my birth. Dear child, please don’t worry about my problems, but rather set yourself about the task of solving yours. All I need to concern myself with is her evolution, which is entering a critical phase and needs the guidance of the celestial Master Force Organizers, who carefully watch the movements of the tectonic plates. So, these are not your problems. I would... more »

Why You Should Follow Your Intuition No Matter What ~ Carol Morgan

Why You Should Follow Your Intuition No Matter What By Carol Morgan, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit. [image: Why You Should Follow Your Intuition No Matter What in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit]
We all have these two distinct sides of ourselves that often compete with each other. For example, I have two distinct sides to me: (1) the extremely logical side, and (2) the emotional/intuitive one (note that I didn’t say “extremely” on the latter). While I have spent most of my life letting ... more »

This Has The Capacity To Tremendously Alter Life On Earth ~ Arjun W...

This Has The Capacity To Tremendously Alter Life On Earth By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, May 21, 2015 [image: Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 3.34.14 PM]
The clip below comes from Planetary Collective, a group of filmmakers, visual media creatives, and thinkers who work with cosmologists, ecologists, and philosophers to explore some of the big questions facing our planet today. It’s the trailor to their most recent film titled “Planetary,” that was released on April 22, 2015 (Earth day). You can find out how to access it through their website in the link above. You can also se... more »

5 Pieces of Evidence Suggest That California Drought May Be a HAARP...

Five Pieces of Evidence Suggest That California Drought May Be a HAARP-Manufactured Event By Ethan A. Huff, Natural News, May 21, 2015 [image: HAARP]
(NaturalNews) California is embroiled in a crisis of epic proportions as it continues to struggle through one of the worst droughts in state history. But emerging evidence suggests that the Golden State’s water woes *aren’t a natural occurrence at all*, and that a covert military operation involving “chemtrails” and other weather modification weaponry may be to blame. A recent episode of *The HAARP Report*, which tracks the activitie... more »

9 Indications You’re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening ~ Higher Pe...

9 Indications You’re Experiencing A Spiritual AwakeningFrom Higher Perspective, May 21, 2015 Art by: Alex Grey 1.
You’re creating your own beliefs. Many self-defined spiritual people can talk to you at length for hours about spiritual beliefs of others, but when it comes to their own beliefs, there aren’t actually any. When you’re experiencing a true spiritual awakening, sure, you might find some solace in older beliefs and systems. You might find yourself deep in meditation or yoga, but while you’re there, you’re coming up with your own ideas and beliefs. 2. You want greater f...more »

My Problem With Relying On “The Journey” ~ Marquita Herald

My Problem With Relying On “The Journey” By Marquita Herald, Emotionally Resilient Living, May 21, 2015 [image: The Quality of the Journey]
All hail the journey! Seriously, just to be clear, I’m not knocking “the journey” because if we do it right we can grow and learn so many things in the process of striving to achieve something … my problem is when we make the journey the main focus and relegate the destination to the coming attractions that we may or may not ever get around to. Somewhere along the line we seem to have lost sight of the fact that the journey and the destinatio... more »

The Quest for Certainty ~ Arpita Ahelleya

The Quest for Certainty By Arpita Ahelleya, The Master Shift, May 21, 2015 [image: rush-woman-watch]
Of many veiled and complex elements of humans, one which I now feel confident about is credence on labeled definiteness. In current impatient times, we have forgotten to slow down and explore the vastness of what can be, in the chase of what is. I recently had to go through a minor surgery, which almost succeeded in devastating my plans and time table for a month. Like every other person, who ever had an encounter with a sudden, not so pleasant surprise of going under doctor’s ... more »

Be True to Yourself ~ Jacqueline Schiff

Be True to Yourself By Jacqueline Schiff, Positive Thoughts, May 21, 2015
Be true to the light that is deep within you. Hold on to your joy for life. Keep good thoughts in your mind and good feelings in your heart. Keep love in your life , and you will find the love and light in everyone. Be giving , forgiving , patient , and kind. Have faith in yourself. Be your own best friend , and listen to the voice that tells you to be your best self. Be true to yourself in the paths that you choose. Follow your talents and passions ; don’t take the roads others say you must follow becau... more »

A Vision for Family

*The Vision Alignment Project* *A Vision for Family *
We see a world where we have expanded the definition of our family; where we are not only family to those with whom we are blood related, but that we are also part of a larger family - a soul family that is made up of those we made arrangements and agreements with before we came into this lifetime for the purpose of learning lessons and helping each other in our evolution. We see ourselves understanding that the members of our soul family do not always provide us with pleasure and beneficence, that sometimes they come to provide... more »

Russian Prime Minister Confirms The Existence Of Intelligent Extrat...

Russian PM confirms!!" class="CToWUd" Source: Collective Evolution [image: russian-pm-300x225]; width="221" class="CToWUd a6T" tabindex="0" /> Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently confirmed the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in a short interview away from network cameras after an appearance on Russian television. This is extremely significant, as it is a rare occasion when a cu...more »

Happiness is Your True Nature – Look for It Within ~ Wes Annac

Happiness is Your True Nature Look for It Within By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
If you think about it, the way we seek happiness as a society seems counterproductive. We rush around every day to earn a living, and in doing so, we never give ourselves any time for the pursuit of actual happiness, contentment or inner peace. The busy, hurried nature of life causes us to seek happiness in shallow external things that only satisfy us for a short time before failing to meet our growing material hunger, and this causes us to crave more and more external stimulation as we graduall... more »

Jesus through John Smallman, May 21, 2015

There is no alternative to the divine Will because there is no other will Jesus(1) through John Smallman, May 21, 2015 Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday May 21st
As the divine plan for humanity's awakening moves steadily forwards, those so successfully holding the Light on Earth to assist in this great venture are highly honored by all in the spiritual realms. Without you the plan would come to nothing! However, it is God's plan, and so perfect success is, of course, absolutely guaranteed. Nevertheless, your willing and enthusiastic involvement is an essential aspect of His plan. At ... more »

Mercury Retrograde In Gemini: Adjusting The Way We Think & ...

Mercury Retrograde In Gemini Adjusting The Way We Think & Communicate By Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution, May 20, 2015 [image: merc-gem-cover]
The planet Mercury started its retrograde phase on May 18th/19th which will last until June 11th/12th. This is an astrological phenomena that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period. From an Earth based perspective, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards, but this is not the case. It only appears that way due to the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologer... more »

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 23rd 2015 (13 post)

A Vision for Glamour

*The Vision Alignment Project* *A Vision for Glamour*
We envision a world where everyone sees the natural beauty in everyone else; where judgments based on a person's looks are no longer made because we have all learned to distinguish the difference between our appearance and our content; where we are all honoring and respecting each other, not for the cosmetics and adornments we cover our bodies with, but, instead, for our measure of character, our skills, our integrity, our ability to respond and to express our love and compassion toward our fellow travelers. As a result, we see a... more »

Blossom Goodchild, MAY 23rd, 2015.

The Federation of LightThrough Blossom Goodchild *
Hello there.* *Here is the latest channelling from The Federation Of Light.* Hi, my friends. Well, as you are aware, I hit rock bottom for a few days this week. I don’t doubt you … I don’t doubt me … I just didn’t know if I could do this anymore for one reason or another. However … there was a FEELING inside me of ‘Why jump ship, when any minute now, someone is going to shout ‘LAND HO!’ So, here I am … I have no agenda for today … I would just like to see where you take it. *The warmest of greetings to you Blossom and to all who enc... more »

Saul through John Smallman, May 23rd 2015

Peace and happiness are found by being your true Self. Saul (Paul) through John Smallman Saul Audio Blog for Saturday May 23rd.
Humanity's journey through the illusion has been long and arduous. You have all spent many lifetimes trying to find your way Home. As you know from personal experience much suffering is undergone as you search for love and are betrayed or abandoned by those who you would relate to with love. It often seems that life is not meant to be either happy or enjoyable, but more likely a path that involves much pain and suffering. And those who lead so-called “goo... more »

The Presence of Now ~ A Michael via Natalie

The Presence of Now by Archangel Michael Channelled through Natalie Glasson 22nd May 2015 Sacred School of OmNa [image: Image]
Greetings and Angelic love extends from my presence into your being and your pathway. I, Archangel Michael, am present as a protector, a guide, to anchor and enhance the divine will of the Creator within you and to ensure the purpose of your soul is carried out upon the Earth. I come to be present with you now as an expression of the Creator so you may be present with yourself as an expression of the Creator. My purpose is simple and yet magnificent as I... more »

Pleasure Always Brings Pain; It Is a Fact ~ J. Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti Quotes Pleasure Always Brings Pain; It Is a Fact J. Krishnamurti Online, May 22, 2015 [image: Krishnamurti Quotes: When Are You Conscious Of Being The Me?]
There is a vast difference between pleasure and love. Consider it for a minute. All our relationships between man and woman, between ourselves and each other, is based on pleasure. And, pleasure always brings pain; it is a fact. And, where there is pleasure, there is no love. Love is not a process of thinking; love is not the result of a thought, whereas pleasure is. If you understand that, not intellectually, v... more »

Cannabis Decriminalization In Illinois Now Awaits The Governor’s Si...


Cannabis Decriminalization In Illinois Now Awaits The Governor’s SignatureBy Claire Bernish, Anti Media, May 22, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) Cannabis decriminalization in Illinois is now one signature away after the Senate passed the bill with 37 in favor, and 19 opposed. Possession of up to 15 grams would be a civil violation equivalent to a parking ticket with a fine of up to $125 if Governor Bruce Rauner approves the measure, though his spokesperson only offered the canned response: “The governor will carefully consider any legislation that crosses his desk.” Illinois lawmakers have been... more »

Why Is the System so Screwed Up? ~ Joshua Krause

Why Is the System so Screwed Up? Because Corruption Is LegalBy Joshua Krause, Activist Post, May 22, 2015
Many of us often wonder how our system of government became so dysfunctional. Theories abound as to why, but one thing is certain: No matter what we do, it rarely seems like the government is listening to us. If anything, when they do pass or repeal a law that the vast majority of the voting public wants them to pass or repeal, it seems like they only do it when it happens to coincide with their interests (or the interests of their financiers). The truth of the matter is that... more »

Positive Thoughts: How Do We Love Others?


Positive Thoughts  How Do We Love Others?  From Positive Thoughts, May 22, 2015
How do we love others? Accept them as they are. Allow them to be themselves. Stop trying to change them. Let them take care of their own growth processes. We can’t learn for another. If their behavior is detrimental to us, then we may choose not to be in their presence—and that is fine. We must love ourselves enough not to be brought down by self-destructive people. If we have many negative people in our lives, then we can look to see what pattern there is in us that attracts these people to us. When ... more »

You’re Not Done Yet ~ Gloria Wendroff

You’re Not Done YetHeavenletters via Gloria Wendroff, May 23, 2015
God said: Unless you are moving forward, you are simply holding on or perhaps going backwards. Past practice may consume your seeing and thinking and responding. You relive the past in the present. Pretty much you tend to play out the present as, once upon a time, you did the past. You tend to hit the same obstacles. You flounder as you floundered before. Life presents itself to you the way it used to. It brings out the same things within you that it used to do. Beloveds, it is not meant to... more »

The Prepare For Change Newsletter - May , 2015

In 2012, the Light forces have cleared our Solar System of all secret space programs and their colonies that were not directly protected by the Chimera group. Unfortunately, a relatively small number of colonies and implant stations throughout the Solar System has been protected by Chimera'... more »

Archangel Gabriel, May 21, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2015  Through Marlene Swetlishoff  Image Source May 21, 2015
Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love called excitement. Having this quality is most helpful for living the life of ones dreams and living it to the fullest. Feeling excitement allows one to be truly grateful for the wonderful things they have in this very moment and for being happy. Happiness depends on one’s ability to be grateful for the things one has in their life. Happy people live with excitement, enthusiasm and amazement, they are always curious to discover their deepest de... more »

We’re All in This Together ~ Wes Annac

We’re All in This Together By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Credit:
I stand with all the free-thinkers out there who’ve liberated their minds from cultural illusion and tapped into true reality. I stand with everyone who’s awakened to the fact that the world is massively imbalanced, and I invite you to contribute to the creation of a new way of life. I stand by the spiritual teachers who genuinely want to help their pupils come closer to enlightenment, as opposed to using rigid dogma to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do. I stand by everyo... more »

Dealing with Stress in Building Nova Earth ~ Steve Beckow

Dealing with Stress in Building Nova Earth By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, May 22, 2015 [image: stress 11]
On the awareness path, we discuss what’s right there in front of our eyes. What’s going on for me right now? How am I feeling? What am I focusing on? Notice that this isn’t the ethic followed by show biz or politics or the media. Their ethics concern things like putting on your best face, talking it up, putting a good spin on things, etc. That leads to a constructed self which is the very thing you and I have been climbing out of for the last three to twenty years. ... more »

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 24th 2015 (8 post)

Making Great Choices for Your Life ~ A Gabriel via Shanta

Making Great Choices for Your Life Archangel Gabriel Through Shanta Gabriel
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day to our busy lives. For this week, the focus of the Gabriel Message is on making choices that serve our highest good. *The Gabriel Message card for this week* Make choices for greater Life, Peace and Joy and all the forces of the Universe align themselves behind you. From the beginning of my association with Archangel Gabriel, he spoke to me in CAPITALS. While w... more »

Peace and Beauty ~ Owen K Waters

*Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter* *Spiritual Growth, Vitality and Wellness**Peace and Beauty**by Owen K Waters*
Peace resides in the human heart. Inner peace creates outer peace in your relationships and in the effect that you have upon the global consciousness. Peace is a choice. It respects your boundaries and it respects the boundaries of others. When you set your boundaries and stop others from intruding into your space, when you respect other people's boundaries and do not intrude into their personal space, then it is possible to move on to the next step, a state of mutual coop... more »

Planetary Upheaval and Me ~ John Kettler

Planetary Upheaval and Me Part 2 [image: planetary upheaval]
Planetary Upheaval and Me Part 1 was all about providing a framework of sorts for a then-pending look at the experience of being a multiple sensitive and empath from the perspective of someone who lives it or intimately knows someone who does. Part 2 is devoted to providing, to the extent such a thing can be done at all, some sense of what it's like to be wired this way. The below video chronicles much of what's happened and is going on, but May isn't over, so we'll have to wait for the complete rundown of all the plan... more »

Jesus through John Smallman, May 24, 2015

Humanity’s awakening is happening right now!by Jesus through John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday May 24th
Humanity's awakening is inevitable. Of course you have heard that many times before, but within the illusion doubts and anxieties assail you almost constantly. That is why it is necessary for me to keep reminding you, so that you hold your course regardless of the apparent lack of physical evidence within the illusory environment on which you focus most of your attention, to confirm that God's plan is unfolding just as He intends. The illusion is a place in which incons... more »

GOD Realized: domain of the christ ~ Lauren C. Gorgo

GOD Realized: domain of the christ by Lauren C. GorgoMay, 22, 2015 [image: reporticon-final]
Have you lost your mind? If not, there’s still time! We just moved into what could potentially be the most exciting, most fulfilling mercury retrograde yet…a time, an opening, an opportunity to GOD realize, according to the Pleiadians. We are entering a period of heightened mental capability and for those prepared, this means the ability to fully surrender the lower (monkey) mind in order to merge with the higher (divine) mind…a time to remember the basis of divine creatorship as our thoug... more »

Approaching The Abyss – CERN, Mysterious Deaths, The French Ministe...

September 24, 2015 Approaching The Abyss CERN, Mysterious Deaths, The French Minister & The Pope At around 1 a.m. on Sunday,
April 26th, two doctoral students at the Louisiana State University (LSU) were mysteriously found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. 28-year-old Ishita Maity and 25-year-old Anton Joe were with the schools physics and astronomy department with Maity studying theoretical astrophysics while Anton was a 3rd-year graduate student studying theoretical gravity. Maity was an author of one of the journal ‘New Astronomy’s’ most popular recent papers entitled “Bl... more »

It Is the NOW - Arcturian Morning Message ~ Suzanne Lie

Arcturian Morning Message and It Is the NOW By Suzanne Lie May 19, 2015
*It is the NOW for you to remember* - your full multidimensional expression of SELF - the mission you chose before this embodiment - you have the ability to visit your home world or your ship within your multidimensional consciousness whenever you wish *Ignite your multidimensional memory!* Download and listen to the message [image: In the NOW] *It is the NOW* It is the NOW for ALL of you, our grounded ones, to BE your true Multidimensional SELF. We suggest that you document your experiences and share... more »

Photosynthesis and the Blended Human ~ Gabriel via Shanta

Photosynthesis and the Blended Human An Introductory Message from Shanta [image: Emerging butterfly] *
Many people have been feeling like a new butterfly lately.* We are just out of the chrysalis, wondering where our myriad legs disappeared to and how to make our big, wet wings work. This newness is the dimensional state where the only thing we are sure of is that the old ways don’t work any more. *Archangel Gabriel would speak of this time when I began my connection with him in the early 1990’s. He would say that the easiest way to acclimate to higher frequencies was to become a bri... more »

Views: 6


Seeking truth to be Free! - May 25th 2015 (19 post)

5 Things To Remember When Dealing With Negative People ~ Andrea Sch...

5 Things To Remember When Dealing With Negative People By Andrea Schulman, *, * May 23, 2015 [image:
5 Things To Remember When Dealing With Negative People in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit] One of the things that can be somewhat frustrating about becoming a more positive person is that not everyone in your life is going to come over to the “light side” with you automatically. No matter how much you look for the silver lining and how much you try to focus on the good, ... more »

Make Certain We Comprehend the Messages We Hear ~ Cedella Marley

Make Certain We Comprehend the Messages We Hear Positive Vibrations – 5.25.15, by Cedella Marley, A Nice Time. [image: Cedella Marley Focus]
Letting others know that we have understood them is a wonderful way to head off any misconstruction of meaning in our conversations. Even though miscommunication is usual, it is often to our best advantage if we proactively work toward making certain that we really comprehend the messages we hear. If we do this we can lessen our sense of frustration that can arise when we don’t quite get things and also open the way for more honest forms of...more »

Video: March Against Monsanto Vancouver 2015 ~ Dan Dicks

March Against Monsanto Vancouver 2015 By Dan Dicks, Thanks to Activist Post.May 24, 2015
On Saturday May 23rd 2015 the global March Against Monsanto kicked off in cities all over the world where people of like mind joined together to raise awareness about the dangers of genetically modified organisms. In this video Dan Dicks of *Press For Truth* covers the Vancouver rally where speakers of all ages and all walks of life took to the stage and also to the streets to protest Monsanto and their genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Visit PressForTruth.... more »

Positive Thoughts: Attracting Abundance

Positive Thoughts Attracting Abundance From Positive Thoughts, May 24, 2015
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a defeatist or negative thought. Since we create through thought, we need to concentrate very strongly on positive thoughts. If you think you can’t do something, you can’t. But if you think you can, you may be surprised to discover that you can. It is important that our thoughts be constantly for the best that could happen in a situation–for the good things we would like to see happen. Peace Pilgrim There are many people out there who mak... more »

Who You Are ~ Creator via Jennifer

The Creator Writings Through Jennifer Farley Who You Are The Creator Writings, May 24, 2015 [image: images (2)]
Each breath you take, each moment of your Earth-plane existence, each tear of joy or sadness, each moment of love you express is a gift from The Universe. It is done especially for you because of who you are……a perfect being of light. ~ Creator URL: - *Please respect all credits. * *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * ... more »

A Simple Ring ~ Gloria Wendroff

A Simple Ring Heavenletters Through Gloria Wendroff, May 25, 2015
God said: Up and down go your moods. You are high, and you are low. It is as though you are torn from pillar to post. In one day, your world can turn upside down and every which way and back again. The resilience required of you is astronomical. You realize, of course, that it is you who requires of yourself such astronomical resilience. You set the tone of your life. How you have wished it could be otherwise. How you have craved peace, and, then, something befalls, and you are agitated. You ... more »

Montague Keen - May 24, 2015

Through Veronica Keen 2015, the year of revelations.
You will have to face many facts, this year, that will cause great distress to some, who feel that they should have been aware of what was actually going on. I have pointed out to you many times that you live on a PRISON PLANET. You were not ready to hear it then. Now, more of you are beginning to see this for yourselves. You are alarmed at what you now discover to be the truth. When the decision was made to make the human race SLAVES to those who had ENTERED the Earth, many changes were put in place. All contact with other plan... more »

Music of the Spheres ~ Hermes Trismegistus

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Music of the Spheres The orbital patterns in planets and moons in our solar system reveal musical ratios such as perfect fifths, fourths, and octaves This arithmagic is displayed in the ‘orbital resonance’ of these heavenly bodies. This is what’s called the ‘Music of the Spheres’. Otherwise known as ‘Musica universalis’, this ancient philosophical concept regards these ratios in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of music. Sometimes called the ‘Harmony of the Spheres’. Every 8 Earth years, Venus experiences 13. Every 3 Neptune years, Pluto ... more »

Hilarion, May 24th, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff

HILARION 2015 Through Marlene Swetlishoff May 24-31, 2015
Beloved Ones, There is a deep alignment taking place within your inner self. Many of you are feeling as though you are back to square one, having to start the process of purging and cleansing all over again. This is not so and if you can observe the thoughts that come through you, you will see that this particular strain of thought process comes from an earlier time in your lives. Once you make that distinction, you will observe and release these much more easily. Some of these are your core wounds, deeply held in this ...more »

Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Pr...

Corporate bases on Mars and Nazi infiltration of US Secret Space Program [image: Mars Corporate bases and Nazis] Image:
Secret Space Program whistleblower, “Corey” Goode (aka GoodETxSG), has revealed astounding details involving classified activities on Mars and the Moon. Most disturbing are his revelations about the influence of a secret NAZI breakaway civilization that successfully infiltrated the US national security system. His responses go into great detail of how secret space program activities in the US and globally, have been co-opted by unscrupulous forces an... more »

Finding Faith ~ Millie Mestril

Finding Faith By Millie Mestril, The Master Shift, May 24, 2015
Lately I’ve been feeling like I am on the Bipolar Expressway and most of the exits loop around Crazy Town. So I mindfully begin my mornings with an hour of prayer and/or meditation. I cannot miss a day or I begin to feel ungrounded. I lovingly light my candles for those who need light. Every day is different. (If you’ve been to my house you have witnessed the bucket with a hundred plus tea candles). I light my sage and incense. I wait for the break of day reciting gratitude mantras. This ritual is imperative to co... more »

7 Ways to Better Listen To Your Intuition ~ Elizabeth Renter

7 Ways to Better Listen To Your Intuition By Elizabeth Renter, Thanks to May 24, 2015
Have you ever been in a situation where your“gut feeling” told you one thing, but your rational mind said another? If you went with your brain rather than your intuition, there’s a good chance you ended up regretting your decision. Your intuition is the subconscious leader that many people fail to give proper respect to. But learning to listen to this internal compass could help you make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. “I define intuition as the subtle knowing with... more »

Even Positive People Have Negative Thoughts ~ Dawn Walton

Even Positive People Have Negative ThoughtsBy Dawn Walton, Wake Up World, May 24, 2015 [image: Even Positive People Have Negative Thoughts]
We are all one thought away from happiness, but most of us don’t realise it. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could realise that and act on it? It’s all about our ability to realise that a thought isn’t real. Once we realise it’s not real, we can change it. How can you tell the difference between a thought that you should pay attention to and one that’s trying to lead you astray? They all seem the same. The subconscious is in charge for a least 90% of... more »

Stepping aside – Letting Universal Intelligence Take the Lead ~ Car...

Stepping aside Letting Universal Intelligence Take the Lead By Caroline Diana Bobart Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Can you think back to a time in the past when youreally wanted to create a life-change but had a definite sense of there being both a literal and a vibrational gap between where you were and the situation or place you would much rather be?In the intuitive coaching and strategising I do with clients day to day, I notice that this is precisely the gap that creates some of the most potent varieties of anxiety and fear. When someone steps into an initial consultation ... more »

Challenging Times Ahead ~ Steve Beckow

Challenging Times Ahead Part 1/2 By Steve Beckow Golden Age of Gaia, May 24, 2015 [image: Breathe]Credit:
Many of us are focusing on the tremendous relief it’ll be when the financial dam breaks and abundance begins to flow, even if it may only be a relative trickle in the beginning. But for some people – financial wayshowers; that is, lightworkers who’ve agreed to work in the abundance chain – it’ll be a time of tremendous stress. For their sakes, I’d like to look a little more closely at stress. This is a conversation, a huddle with lightworker leade... more »

Hillary Clinton - Monsanto’s Next Poster

Hillary Clinton Monsanto’s Next Poster PuppetBy Christina Sarich, Natural Society, May 24, 2015 [image: hillary_clinton_talk_735_350]
Conservative, liberal or independent – it makes no difference – when one of the nationally recognized presidential candidates for 2016 supports Monsanto, you know that democracy has failed in the United States. I’m talking about Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is Monsanto’s next poster puppet. Why? She represents a demographic that wants GMOs labeled. She represents ‘women’ who are, in large part, the people who buy groceries, take them home, and fe... more »

Matthew, May 23, 2015 ~ Suzanne Ward

Message from Matthew Ward Through Suzanne Ward May 23, 2015
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us speak first about the earthquakes in Nepal in the context of planetary and personal ascension. Mother Nature was dispersing negativity produced primarily by bloodshed and the fearful, dire conditions in which vast numbers of your population are living. If negativity were allowed to accumulate, it would upset Earth’s tenuous balance and adversely affect her ascension course; to preclude that, she is using quakes, tremors, volcanic eruptions an...more »

The Fall and Rise of Humanity ~ Kathryn May

The Fall and Rise of Humanity Wednesday, April 29, 2015Host: Dr. Kathryn MayCo-Host: Meg DavisGuests: Mother/Source, Sananda, Serapis Bey Audio: (00:1:55 - 2:27:17) Notes: How the Archangel Brothers Sustained Light in the Universe, As Their Twins on Planet Earth Fell and Finally Rise Again. Mother/Source tells the true story of the original "Fall" of the people of Planet Earth, which is nothing like what we have been taught in the past. She shares with us for the first time the tragic and poignant story of Love, passion and heart-break which simultaneously resulted from and furthe... more »

Discernment, Knowledge and Responsibility ~ Wayne Matthew Clarke

Discernment, Knowledge and ResponsibilityPosted by Wayne Matthew Clarke on May 24, 2015 FIRST and Foremost, I wish to acknowledge the Extraterrestrials Website and all of its contributing participants , for ALL that you do for so many to bring enlightenment and solace, that we may discern and conceive our own postulations. Lydia, Marie, Bill and dozens more... keep on keepin' on.. I am very grateful for the Contributors from so many sources. I cannot leave out the Hundreds, perhaps thousands of contributors, whether seeking to discredit or simply "Apply" the "New Age Thinking" to ... more »

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 27th 2015 (16 post)

How The Media Gently Influences You ~ Justin King

How The Media Gently Influences You By Justin King, Anti Media, May 25, 2015 *
(TFC)* – If you’re reading The Anti-Media, you already know the US media is worthless, but how can you explain it to those that don’t know? We’ve pulled together some simple illustrations that are easily verifiable so you can demonstrate to mainstream media followers exactly how subtly they are being manipulated. *North Korea conducts nuclear missile test* Every once in a while the North Koreans launch a missile out into the ocean to test its capabilities and make a statement about how they’re needed to def... more »

How To Say No n Set Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty ~ Maureen Gil...

How To Say No & Set Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty By Maureen Gilbert Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Anyone with a 2-year old knows what the most powerful word in the Universe is: NO! [image: Maureen Gilbert]
Kids love to say “no,” and for good reason. It defines who they are. When a baby is first born, the baby doesn’t know that s/he is any different than his/her primary caregiver. With the amazing development of consciousness during the first years of life, a baby slowly becomes aware that s/he is a separate being with his or her own thoughts, feelings and desires. That’s why a 2... more »

Healing the Wounds of the Inner Child ~ Sobonfu E. Somé


A Child’s Sense of Self Healing the Wounds of the Inner Child By Sobonfu E. SoméThanks to Golden Age of Gaia. [image: sobonfu_some]
Often, we tend to look at other people without actually seeing them — we notice only what serves us or affects us in some way. When it comes to children, our ability to notice and see must be magnified. The smallest detail matters. We have all heard that we have within us what many refer to as our inner child. A lot of us suffer a great deal in our lives because our inner child has old wounds that have never been healed. It is important to know how to... more »

Cannabis Represents the Divine Feminine in the Patriarchal Oligarch...


Cannabis Represents the Divine Feminine in the Patriarchal Oligarchy By Ethan Indigo Smith, *Waking Times, *May 26, 2015 [image: Divine Cannabis]
Marijuana is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Say what? This is what you may say on reading that marijuana embodies divinity at all. However this is my belief, which I will explain. Of course take my thoughts with a grain of salt. What do I know? I’m just the son of a registered nurse and a farmer. The cannabis plant has traditionally been revered, with many useful applications from agricultural to medicinal to spiritual. Providing ... more »

Sri Lanka’s Newly Elected President Bans Glyphosate Effective Immed...


Sri Lanka’s Newly Elected President Bans Glyphosate Effective ImmediatelyBy Christina Sarich, Natural Society, May 26, 2015 [image: pesticides_blue_735_250]
As the US government comes up with ever more creative stall tactics, Sri Lanka’s newly elected president, Maithripala Sirisena, *has announced that the import of Monsanto’s favorite killing-tool, glyphosate, will no longer be allowed in the country.* Sirisena is a farmer and ex health minister, and blames glyphosate for rising rates of chronic kidney disease (CKD) throughout the Sri Lankan farming community. Not only has the Sri... more »

About Mistakes ~ Adjuster via Oscar

About Mistakes*Thought Adjuster*Received by Oscar. Alabama, USA, November 28, 2011.
*Thought Adjuster: “Many problems and complications in the lives of mortals are caused by their own decisions and by their refusing to forgive the mistakes of the past — others’ mistakes and their own. Forgiving is a valuable experience. To forgive those who you think have caused you harm and when you observe the results of these decisions in your life. * “Many things in your life and your siblings’ lives will fare much better just by accepting the fact of your own fallibility and potential for err... more »

Love: The Guiding Creative Force ~ Wes Annac


Love: The Guiding Creative Force By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Credit:
No matter what we do, let’s do it with love. Let’s do it with faith and passion, and let’s always remember that if we have love, we have everything. If we have our higher consciousness, we’ll find everything we could ever need within and we’ll never have trouble enjoying life or passionately pursuing our interests. Passion is a shade of the energy of love, and when we’re passionate about something, we pour a lot more time and energy into it because our passion causes us to devote ours... more »

Wake up Call: Nancy, May 25, 2015

*Wake up Call**By Nancy Tate, **May 25, 2015 *
I woke up this morning, in the last few days of bronchitis, feeling a bit down and tired. I ate very little breakfast and then came upstairs to my computer. One of the emails led me to the Elvis song 'Amazing Grace' and the next was 'My Way'. They were both so inspiring and found their way into my heart. That led me to see probably the last concert he did, and very last song he did, back in 1977. (See the links below) This brought me into a place in which I went back in life to my days of growing from a 3-4 yr old, to a young wife and... more »

Let the People of this World Awaken ~Beloved One via Lytske

Let the People of this World Awaken *Teacher: The Beloved One*Message received by LytskeUrantia, May 9,2015.
*The Beloved One:* “Let your heart be pure and undisturbed when the news of the world upsets you in any way. This is an opportune time for all mortals to learn that those who care deeply about the state of their souls contain with them a Spark from the living God. They shall learn that nothing can disturb the calm peace of their souls, as their souls are safe in the citadel of Spirit. “Let it be known to all who still need to awaken to this momentous truth that a Spark fro... more »

Bliss Is Our Very Nature ~ Steve Beckow

Bliss Is Our Very Nature By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, May 25, 2015 [image: Shiva]
In a reading I had with him on May 21, 2015, Archangel Michael said to me words to the effect that “bliss is your very nature.” He was explaining why it isn’t regarded as importuning Heaven to ask for expanding bliss. I don’t know what it was about the circumstances, but this time, when he said it, I got it. I got it at a realized level. I think it may be the same to say that I got it at a heart-conscious level. It got in and sunk in and I spent much of the rest of the day comfortably wr... more »

4 Major GMO Threats that Endanger Our World Every Day ~ Andre Evans


4 Major GMO Threats that Endanger Our World Every Day By Andre Evans, Natural Society, May 25, 2015 [image: gmo_inect_735_350]
When genetic engineering was just a frontier science, the possibilities it presented were portrayed as positive and innovative, especially for agriculture. Make crops grow fuller, faster. Eliminate the need for pesticides. Make more food available for bigger populations. *However, from its onset, genetic modification has raised questions over the safety of the process and outcome, as well as crossing boundaries of nature and morals. Especially as the exper... more »

Peace Sparkles Its Silver Light ~ Gloria Wendroff


Peace Sparkles Its Silver LightHeavenletters via Gloria Wendroff, May 25, 2015
God said: Some days you are happy to simply survive. You don’t even ask for happiness any more. You would be happy for the day to be over without huge anguish, broken heart and irreparable damage. You don’t ask to get off unscathed any more. You may be grateful to settle for life without happiness and perhaps a little less misery. You are even grateful for a day without catastrophe! You don’t recall when this state of affairs entered. You do remember in the not too distant past whe... more »

France Is Trying To Make It Illegal For Grocery Stores To Waste Foo...


France Is Trying To Make It Illegal For Grocery Stores To Waste Food From Higher Perspective, May 25, 2015
Tonight, about* 805 million people will go to bed hungry*. That number has dropped significantly over the last two decades, but still, 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty. *2.6 million children die every year* from hunger related causes. But do you know what makes it so much worse? *About a third of all of the food produced worldwide* is thrown away every year. Some grocers are so intent on making sure foragers can’t get to the food they throw away that they lock their... more »



Thoughts ~ Creator via Jennifer


ThoughtsThe Creator Writings Through Jennifer Farley The Creator Writings, May 25, 2015 [image: thinking-happy-thoughts]
You have your own way of growing and learning. What one person ‘gets’ immediately takes another person time process. Just because you do not understand it….yet…..does not meant it is inherently wrong. Do not let your temporary ignorance of any given matter create fear and stand in the way of your full understanding of a situation or thing. There are many thoughts to think, many ways to grow and each is as unique as the person who chooses that path. Honor eac... more »

Tolec of the Andromeda Council ~ American Kabuki


Tolec of the Andromeda Council 05.24.2015 By American Kabuki [image: Tolec for the Andromeda Council]
This Tolec for the Andromeda Council video came in a YouTube email to me. I was magnetically drawn to it, I have been working more and more that way. I can't really define how I know something has useful information in it, but I sense it magnetically more and more. I get a lot of email and material sent my way and I only post what I feel is relevant to the current direction of the blog. This has been an open exploration journey of my own multidimensional awakening, which I sha... more »

We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING w...


We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know!!!
We have NOTHING to loose anymore, by going public with EVERYTHING we know!!! Please copy this video, repost, forward, and subscribe! [image: The HAARP Report] The HAARP Report This is the most intense geoengineered aerosol (chemtrail) coverage over a populated, food producing, area that I have ever seen, in my years of viewing satellite images, and studying chemtrails. This intense chemtrailing is an open declaration of WAR against all of mankind. HAARP a... more »

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Seeking truth to be Free! - May 27th 2015 (16 post)

80 % of Processed Foods Are Decimating Immunity, Causing Cancer And..............

4 Ingredients In 80 Percent of Processed Foods Are Decimating Immunity, Causing Cancer And Many Other Diseases By Mae Chan, Disease, May 26, 2015 It’s not just the high fat, salt or sugar content of processed foods that is driving obesity and diet-related illnesses — the lack of food diversity is killing our gut flora, claims one researcher. If we exclude sugar, approximately 80 percent of all calories in processed foods come from a combination of four ingredients. Drawing upon evidence from multiple studies, Professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London and author o... more »

Listen Closely To What A U.S. Air Force Colonel Has To Say About UF...


Listen Closely To What A U.S. Air Force Colonel Has To Say About UFOsBy Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, May 26, 2015 [image: halt] Below is a video of retired USAF Colonel Charles Halt speaking at a conference held a few years ago at the National Press Club in Washington. In it, he shares his experience about what happened at a UK military base in eastern England. He was the Colonel stationed there at the time, along with several other USAF and RAF personnel. This video has made its rounds, but it is still a great resource to share to create more awareness about the phenomenon. So... more »

A Step-By-Step Process For Feeling Your Emotions ~ Corona Brady

A Step-By-Step Process For Feeling Your EmotionsBy Corona Brady, The Master Shift, May 24, 2015 [image: benefits-of-writing-a-journ] Have you ever had those kinds of days where you wake up feeling funky? No matter what you do, nothing seems to shake the funk I had one of those days a couple of weeks ago. In fact, those kind of days used to show up quite frequently in my life. However, the more I commit to working on myself (as in doing my inner work), I’ve noticed that those days are now few and far between. So when they now show up, initially I’m a little shell-shocked (my ego is) and... more »

Your Life Is The “How To” ~ Will Harader

Your Life Is The “How To” By Will Harader, Galactic Free Press, May 26, 2015 This is something that seems universal to spiritual seekers, and a question I hear almost constantly, people want to know “How?” How do I connect with God? How do I connect with my Higher Self? How do I induce mystical experiences? How do I escape my suffering? How can I end corruption? How do I become free? These questions all share the same root, “How do I get what I want?” and of course it’s not just spiritual types asking this, but all of society. The How has become a kind of kind of common mantra,... more »

What Do We Really Seek in Life? ~ Robert Taylor

What Do We Really Seek in Life? By Robert Taylor, Positive Thoughts, May 26, 2015 How many of us truly know what we seek in our lives? Do we confuse our desires and wants with our needs? Are we really seeking that new home, job, car, boat, vacation (you may add anything you can imagine to this list)? Or are we seeking the “peace that passeth all understanding”? We are driven by our needs, wants and desires. The greater these are, the more we are driven. A driven person is not a person who is at peace. That person’s needs, wants and desires keep that individual in a state of con... more »

German Ministers Call for EU-Wide Ban on Monsanto’s Deadly Glyphosa...

German Ministers Call for EU-Wide Ban on Monsanto’s Deadly Glyphosate Herbicide By Daniel Barker, Natural News, May 26, 2-15 [image: ban] (NaturalNews) Monsanto may be expanding its operations in the United States, but elsewhere, lawmakers, scientists, activists and ordinary citizens are increasingly questioning (and in many cases banning) the introduction of GM crops, along with the use of the glyphosate herbicide (Monsanto’s Roundup). State consumer protection ministers in Germany are advocating an EU-wide ban on glyphosate herbicides in response to the World Health Organizat... more »

Ask The Masters, 26 May 2015 ~Toni and Peter

.Ask The Masters, 26 May 2015Through the Celestial Voices By Toni and Peter26 May 2015 *Nobody's perfect* The saying "the perfect is the enemy of the good" comes to mind when reading the first question. An American man's sense of self-worth depends on his doing perfect work, and he'd like to overcome this problem. The Masters take care in explaining the flaws in this attitude and how the man can rid himself of it. A woman in the UK is burdened by catering to her mother's needs and torn by the possibility of guilt if she fails in her perceived duty. The Masters inject some bala... more »

The Use of Medicinal Marijuana Dates Back Almost 5000 Years ~ Bryan...

The Use of Medicinal Marijuana Dates Back Almost 5000 Years By Bryan Hillard, Prevent Disease, May 22, 2015 In 1997, a hemp rope dating back to 26,900 BC was found in Czechoslovakia, making it the oldest known object to be associated with cannabis. Since that time, hemp has played an important role in humanity’s development. For thousands of years marijuana was not only legal, but an important crop among cultures throughout history, and held commercial, medicinal, and spiritual value. The cultivation of cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, can be traced back at least ... more »

Sheldan Nidle, May, 26 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik (May, 26 2015) Selamat Balik! We come now to report to you what is happening on your world. The dark cabal remains full of tricks. The dark forged a world in which dishonesty and deception were to be honored and the dishonesty and trickery is truly immense. This fact led to an outbreak of such deception that it soon became obvious that only those trusted by the Light were able to carry out their assignments swiftly and fairly. Thus, we have decided to employ only those who can complet... more »

Benjamin Fulford - May 25, 2015


The battle for the planet earth continues with regime changes, nuclear threats, imminent financial collapse etc.By Benjamin Fulford May 25, 2015 Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive. That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default, the Ukraine threatens to default, the US runs out of money again, there is another fake mass shooting event in the US (this time Waco), China and Japan say slightly different things about each other’s h... more »

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies

DNA Upgrade Through The Merging Of Galaxies May 18, 2015 *The following is a thorough explanation of how DNA and human consciousness are completely interconnected, along with how this is related to the merging of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy.* *WE ARE NOT FROM HERE* The picture below on the right shows the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from earth on a clear night. Since our earliest education, we have always been taught that the earth, our sun and solar system belonged to the Milky Way Galaxy. New scientific evidence clearly shows that not to be the case.... more »

The Riddle Is Solved – What Happened Since May 19th ~ Georgi Stankov

The Riddle Is Solved What Happened Since May 19thby GEORGI STANKOV on May 26 2015 We are back from our mission on Vancouver Island and have a lot to report. There are some stunning news that began earlier this past week when the PAT reported another peak in cleansing activities with massive descent of source energies in form of cc-waves, headache and clinical symptoms associated with the 3rd chakra of bilocation and ID travels. Also huge ID shifts and uplifting to higher frequency levels were registered. I informed you about the visit of St Germain in... more »

Sirian Mothership 26 May 2015 ~ Phil LightBody


Sirian Mothership 26 May 2015 by Phil LightBody Webpage: Sirian Mothership 26 May 2015 The elite are so intertwined with the common man as to become one in daily life, so are encouraged to work for benefit of collective human good. However they take our attempts at dialogue to resolve problems of social inequality as a sign of weakness. The current leadership has no intention to change their despotic ways, so they will be replaced with rulers who have self-discipline to see through the heavy lifting of clearing out all corruption. As time ... more »

Are Your Thoughts and Beliefs Really Yours? ~ Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Are Your Thoughts and Beliefs Really Yours?By Dr. Michelle Kmiec, Wake Up World, May 27, 2015 [image: Are Your Thoughts and Beliefs Really Yours] To explain the concept of molding your thoughts and beliefs to *someone else’s idea of what is or isn’t*, we must take a look at how our minds work when it comes to believing or not believing that something exists. Many perceive the human mind is of finite boundaries. In other words, we must be able to see things in a tangible manner; in a way that the mind can perceive the information. (Of course our minds are not finite, but the Scientific... more »

A Vision for Uplifting Entertainment

*The Vision Alignment Project* *A Vision for Uplifting Entertainment * *The following Vision was sent in to us from Intender and close friend, Victoria * *Fatula, from Seattle. We can't wait until this one manifests! Thank you, Victoria!* I see a world where all movies, books, video games, plays and music are positive and uplifting. Where it would never occur to the creators of entertainment to create a story about violence and killing. Where they imagine only beautiful, magical, and uplifting stories and games. I see a world where no one would even want watch or read them even if t... more »

How The Media Gently Influences You ~ Justin King

How The Media Gently Influences You By Justin King, Anti Media, May 25, 2015 *(TFC)* – If you’re reading The Anti-Media, you already know the US media is worthless, but how can you explain it to those that don’t know? We’ve pulled together some simple illustrations that are easily verifiable so you can demonstrate to mainstream media followers exactly how subtly they are being manipulated. *North Korea conducts nuclear missile test* Every once in a while the North Koreans launch a missile out into the ocean to test its capabilities and make a statement about how they’re needed to def... more »

Seeking truth to be Free! - May 28th 2015 (12 post)

Restoring Your Self-Confidence – Be Brave, Be Bold ~ Wes Annac

Restoring Your Self-Confidence Be Brave, Be Bold By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Credit:
“Whether or not you write well, write bravely” – Bill Stout I came across this quote on the internet, and it really spoke to me. It reminded me that we aren’t here to be perfect at the things we do to bring the world into the light – we’re here to patiently develop them (and enjoy ourselves along the way) as we use them to help others. Creative bravery doesn’t just apply to writing. Whatever it is we want to do in life, let’s get out there and do it without worrying ... more »

Archangel Chamuel, 25th May 2015

Archangel Chamuel Message for 25-31th May 2015 Channel Gülçin ÖnelTranslation: Arzu Altınay
Look into the eyes of the people in your lives and allow yourselves to see the truth at where you look. What is the flowing energy, are you enveloping one another with love, or are there covers between you? What is causing the heaviness, covering up the natural, purest flow? There, just let the love grow, blossom as the only reality even in the most difficult, darkest moment; and this ascent that comes from there to lift whatever is heavy. Thus, you will feel lighter. As you feel light... more »

Is Your Mental Functioning Switching To That Of A Higher Dimension?...

Is Your Mental Functioning Switching To That Of A Higher Dimension? By Troylynn Scott, *, * May 27, 2015 [image: Is Your Mental Functioning Switching To That Of A Higher Dimension? in5d in 5d mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com]
Is your mental functioning switching to that of a higher dimension? The way we process thoughts and communicate in 3D and 5D are completely different experiences. As we ascend into the higher dimensions we will begin to notice at times that we are not processing ou... more »

The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered – It’s Not What Y...

The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered It’s Not What You Think By Johann Hari, Wake Up World, May 26, 2015 [image: The Likely Cause Of Addiction Has Been Discovered - And It's Not What You Think]
It is now one hundred years since drugs were first banned, and all through this long century of waging war on drugs, we have been told a story about addiction by our teachers and by our governments. This story is so deeply ingrained in our minds that we take it for granted. It seems obvious. It seems manifestly true. Until I set off three and a half years ago on a 30,000-mile j... more »

What is 3D Earth? ~ LJ Vanier

What is 3D Earth? By LJ Vanier, Soul Sciences, February 28, 2015 [image: what is 3d earth]
If we think about the universe as multi-dimensional with layers upon layers of energy and frequency vibrations. Then it isn’t so hard to see or believe that our earth is not just composed of one “round ball” . The two “other earths” are spiritual realms that exist without the base matter of middle earth. They are formless, yet they do have form. This is why it is said that we live in a 3 dimensional world. The coin termed “crossing over” or “I’ll see you on the flip side” holds the preci... more »

We’re All Complete Little Bits of God ~ Ida Lawrence

We’re All Complete Little Bits of GodBy Ida Lawrence Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. [image: Ida Lawrence]
I don’t ever want to see another person hurt in love… in fact, I don’t ever want to see another person or animal or piece of the earth hurt at all, in any way. The energy of injustice and betrayal, conflict and injury, entrapment, deception, terror and fear of death, is food for the emotion suckers… and they are well fed nowadays. It is through the emotions that an individual can be drained of inner power, so the emotional system is a really vital one to look at. We don’t wa... more »

We Are the Source of Our Own Bliss ~ Steve Beckow

We Are the Source of Our Own Bliss By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, May 27, 2015 [image: Crystal 1]Credit:
If my nature is bliss, then many things flow from that. One is that I am the source of my own bliss and, by extension, we are all the source of our own bliss. That doesn’t mean that bliss is not to be had from a myriad of circumstances seemingly “around” me, seemingly “external.” Bliss undoubtedly is the sea of consciousness we’re all swimming in. It means that, in reality, there is no “external. “ Everything is happening inside me, inside you, in... more »

New Study: 80% of Consumers Would Pay More for Non-GMO Foods ~ Chri...

New Study: 80% of Consumers Would Pay More for Non-GMO Foods By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, May 27, 2015 [image: gmo_non_food_4_735_250]
Want more proof that Monsanto’s demise is imminent? *In a recently published Nielsen study of 30,000 consumers, 80 percent of respondents said they would pay more *for foods labeled “Non-GMO.” Do we really need more proof that people are turning their backs on biotech-altered poison crops? This doesn’t mean that people actually trust the ‘Non-GMO’ food label, and unless it has been verified, they shouldn’t. Even brands like Cherrios have... more »

When is Memorial Day for the Innocent Victims of War? ~ Dylan Charles

When is Memorial Day for the Innocent Victims of War? By Dylan Charles, *Waking Times, * May 26, 2015 [image: Innocent Victims of WAr]
Henry Kissinger, one of the world’s top dogs of war, once said, *“military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”* If an architect of American foreign policy feels this way about the men who carry out his global ambitions, imagine how little concern he must have for the innocent victims of his pursuits. Memorial Day originated in 1868 after the climax of the American Civil War when the nation had lost over 625,000 o... more »

Keeping Fusion on Hold — Summary. ~Samuel via George

*Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. * Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, May 15, 2015.
*Teacher Samuel:* “You and I and countless others have covered this oft-debated subject of fusion on a number of occasions, so let us here and now summarize the differences between Teachers that are fused and those who are keeping their fusion on hold. It is correct, as we earlier mentioned, that the Spirit Self (TA) will look forward in time and in many cases agree to fusion, whilst the former mortal “element” may prefer to allow the TA a dowry of greater perceived valu... more »


*Excerpts from Thirty Veils of Illusion **By Suzanne Lie * [image: 30 Veils] *WHEN ILLUSION IS REMOVED, ALL THAT REMAINS IS TRUTH. *
*The Forest* The forest is green and splendid with many unusual flowers and trees. The weather is weather-less in that it is perfect. I can feel no external temperature. The breeze is gentle and caressing like soft feathers being waved in my midst, yet none of the shrubbery or flowers is moved by it. The moisture seems to come up from the Earth. There are no streams or rivers that I can find and there has definitely not been any rain since I have ... more »

You’re Here to Help Others, so Keep Your Strength ~ Wes Annac


You’re Here to Help Others, so Keep Your StrengthBy Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Credit:
I wrote an article a few days ago entitled ‘Stay Strong, World Changers’, and I’d like to return to the subject of strength because it’s relevant to my life and my experiences lately. Life will send things our way that make us want to throw in the towel, and I’ll admit that my hardest times have left me wondering what I should do next or if I should even try to continue. It’s easy to let the pains and burdens of life keep us from being who we are, but their hold over us... more »

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