The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
School Shootings and False Flags, The Solution
I have been asked over and over what my opinion is concerning these matters. I have watched people being led down a path of lies, disinformation and disempowerment. Very few are asking the right questions or know how this all fits into a grander plan. If you know the grander plan it is clear how all of these events fit into it. There is an elite that wants you chipped, drugged, disarmed and under complete surveillance and control. Why would they most ask? If you were a banskster, a politician, a major corporation or anyone involved in illegal and nefarious acts against humanity and the Earth is it not logical to see those you have harmed as the enemy if they awaken to your deeds? It is really that simple. Follow the money and take a good hard look at the war and disease profiteers. Let me repeat this because it is so simple most cannot see it and have over complicated things.
"If you are involved in lies, theft, deception, embezzlement, the spreading of disease and murder is it not logical to consider those you lied, deceived, embezzled from, caused illness and disease too even murdered your enemy? What happens if they find out who is behind their misery and seek vengeance?"
If you are involved in these nefarious acts the uncovering of these acts and reaction of those these acts have been perpetuated upon is a threat that needs to be controlled, dominated or removed altogether. You and all others awakening are a threat to the controllers, those who have enslaved you through dependency and the war and disease profiteers unless you continue in ignorance and serve their agendas.
This goes up to the highest levels of Government, Religious and Business institutions. Yes even the mainstream media is in on it. Understanding this one can make sense of all the poverty, pain and suffering even untimely death happening on Earth.
Now apply this to 911, other false flag events, school and mass shootings.
How can they get you to go to war against people who have resources they want and pay trillions of dollars for offensive weapons under the guise of defense?
They would create false flag events, blame it on those they wish to conquer then use fear, the threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction; which never seem to be found or fear of future violence if they don't act swiftly. They also give these operations catchy names, like operation freedom yet the death of millions is usually the outcome. What is sad is this method has had several repeat performances and the masses swayed by the media be lie ve this is all for God and country. Tyrants have been financed, created, destroyed and recreated to keep the fictitious threat going.
How can they get you to inject yourselves with cancerous, weaponized or engineered virus and bacteria or deadly chemical concoctions?
Create deadly flu virus and bacteria even put it in the very shots supposedly designed to prevent it creating an epidemic or wave of fear. Yes the media is fully behind this one too.
Now the 2nd Amendment is under attack. Of course armed people are definitely a threat to the controllers, enslavers, war and disease profiteers. How do they disarm the American people? Create a few mass shootings by drugged, mind controlled zombies, employ the media to blame it all on the guns. Lets not look at the drugs, the complete failure of psychiatry through the use of drugs or any ties to known mind control operations. We also must not look at the fact most of these events happened in gun free zones with already strict gun control laws. What better place to have a mass shooting where no one can put up any resistance. It is like putting up a sign no guns here, shooters welcome. In each case the story given by the mainstream media is full of complete contradictions and has but one agenda to pray on the emotions and disarm the people. How can a building freefall, experience complete dustification and end up in its own footprint when supposedly toppled by a plane? How can buildings built to withstand a direct hit by a plane fall in their own footprint including ones; which were never hit like building 6 and 7. Didn't know there was a building 6 did you? Why was Aurora and Sandy Hook on the map in the Batman Movie saying this is where the next strike will be? Why were there multiple shooters according to witnesses; which later disappeared as well as witnesses statements? Why were actors smiling, laughing, then bursting into fake tears when on camera completely out of character for a man/woman who just lost their child not knowing they were filmed beforehand? Why was the Sandy Hook kids supposedly killed by semi automatic rifles when the rifle was left in the car and only pistols were found with the supposed shooter? Who were the others in custody according to police tapes? Why were websites asking for donations or information about the shootings up and running days before the event? Why has there been no mention of mass shooting avoided by one person with a concealed carry permit; which intervened?
Now I know many will take offense to this and I wish we could live in a world where defense is not necessary from enemies, "Foreign and Domestic." This includes those who have betrayed a trust and an oath to obey and protect the constitution. I wish we could trust our government to act in our best interests and not the corporation's best interest or the elite. I wish good people would stop following orders blindly without asking why they are harming others. I wish we could all live a life in harmony with each other and nature, a life of freedom and abundance.
These wishes are in direct opposition to the goals of the elite and their puppets. They want us all impoverished; which is why the bailed out the banksters and are printing trillions of dollars making the dollar worthless. They want us enslaved to debts that can never be repaid. They want us sick and dependent on drugs rather than being healthy and healed. They want us to remain in ignorance especially considering their nefarious deeds. They want us warring with the world and ourselves because peace and health is bad for business if you are the war and disease profiteers. They want to divide and conquer which means praying on separative beliefs in God and country. Who are those men, women and children of diverse culture and belief we have warred upon, "Illegally" other than the children of God?
Universal Law has universal rights many of which have been written into the Constitution yet go far beyond it. There is a fiction; a corporation acting in direct violation of those rights posing as your government; which has violated the divine rights given to us by our Creator. It is a for profit corporation that survives through force and extortion. It is not the Republic yet the republic still exists although buried under endless rules and regulations by the defacto government, The United States of America Corporation. They have their defacto agencies to enforce these rules and regulations which owe their allegiance not to the people but to the corporation which has nothing to do with America and is of a foreign nature. Most of these rules and regulations are in direct conflict with your divine rights. Observe what is going on. Your right to privacy is gone with all the surveillance of phones, emails, and private space. Your right to assembly is gone; look at the protests and what is happening to the protestors. Your freedom of speech has been jeopardized with a controlled media, censorship of websites, radio shows, even the untimely death of many critical thinkers. Even the freedom to practice your spiritual beliefs is now illegal in many places. Reason this. Is it the wish of the people to be lied to, deceived, enslaved, and driven to poverty, war, and disease with little or no freedom? How are the people being represented?
How obvious does this need to be? The cause is not what you have been led to believe nor is the solution. You would not need a solution once you realize the true cause. The very people creating the problems are the ones offering you solutions yet in each case the solutions have but one agenda. It is the agenda of the controllers, the war and disease profiteers who created the problem. You can wave your flags, shout out allegiance to one party or the other. Vote for politicians who promise you everything and deliver nothing redundantly. You can claim to have an exclusive on God and demonize even destroy all others. You can be moved by fear. None of this has anything to do with the solution it only perpetuates the problem.
Unity consciousness is the solution. Living a life in peace and harmony with each other and nature in service to the Creator in all Creation is the solution. Ending acts of aggression, trespassing on the rights of others and refusal to cooperate in any way or be a willing participant in actions that are harmful or enslaving to humanity and the Earth is the solution. Bringing back the Republic and Universal Law discarding all else is the answer. I would be glad to give up any weapons in a world such as this because they would be unnecessary. They would become a form of art, a history lesson of a time when we could not master our emotions, believed in separation, and had a government that went completely astray. If there were leadership that truly served the people and acted according to Universal Law there would be no need for arms. The problem is not the guns, the solution is not disarming the peaceful law abiding people who simply want to maintain their rights. If you want to end the violence, end the poverty, end the misuse of psychotropic drugs, get rid of the self-serving tyrants with a sense of entitlement who care nothing for humanity or the Earth, they only care about their power over others and material gain.
Rid the country of all oppressive and enslaving agencies that serve corporations with a conflict of interest that are in conflict with our divine right to live a loving, joyous, prosperous life in freedom. That is the solution.
james gilliland
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