Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

SAINT GERMAIN ~ Your Help is Requested !
Co-creating in the next days needs active love energy that you produce. All of you, not just a few, can make the light very bright now. God has deleted the dark, negative influences that he/she created to deliver unsuspected teachings about negative influences. What this means, is the end of managed influences in your energy field. Can they all be gone? Yes, God can do anything.

Many collective energies have been disbursed, so heart light can only be deleted by those living human lives. No more negative dictations to the mental body are coming to any of you. No more negative attitudes are being energized in your aura. No more answers that confuse are being delivered. You are now completely able to live the life you choose to live. Not that any circumstances will automatically alter themselves - altered circumstances will only occur when consciousness demands them to. Will the ability to change all circumstances be equal? No, some circumstances will require many of like mind and less will be needed for others.

Your minds are being asked to contribute intention. Your bodies are needed to anchor light. Your hearts can light up entire areas by only giving an ok to our realm to bring in the energy. Are you able to give us this go ahead? Are you able to let go of the fear you have about this non-invasive co-creation? No one will be "overshadowed" by an Angel or Ascended Master – only divine light will come into the crown chakra to be grounded in the body's cells. Radiating this light depends on how clear one is in the absence of external influences. Can you completely empty the mental and emotional bodies as a test of this magnitude takes place? Can we do this together?

No dates or times will be given. Consider this an ongoing call. Identify the mental body's concerns and ask God to answer them. Are holding on to these concerns worth giving up an opportunity to Awaken? My comments about giving up your concerns can delete them in the answer God gives.

Your mental intention is most important. Focus on the light to be delivered to the entire galaxy through this little experiment. Purify your non-aligned thinking with Oms or another mantra that clears the mind. You can also hum a melody that has caring tones. As this melody enters the current mass consciousness, be aware of the atmosphere in the next days – as light from all over the galaxy will come to a mass of humans in gravity in a way that has never completely been accomplished before.

We are attempting to do this to avoid the effects of the comet detonation that could destroy human beings on the continents where they live. We are asking you to help us divert the fragments that could elevate a crises of comet destruction that comes next. Please do not go into fear. Nothing can destroy your domain unless you cannot become a beacon of light as I have just asked.

Clear the mind of all your comet concerns. Allow the body a good dose of accelerated transformation in the light of God's creative answer to your human intention. Be a warrior and tell God you want to be an anchor for divine love NOW!

Meditate whenever you can. Not to draw the light but rather, to be a clear vessel when it comes. No experience is needed for this work – only delivery of an agreement to be the light of your own divine nature.

An apparition may appear during this experiment. Consider it another message from God.

Chelas, can we count on you? Can this request be disseminated to as many light workers as can be contacted? We must act at once. In the density you are now in, a comet can deliver a major calamity. In a higher vibration it can be less destructive. Please turn on your light.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

SAINT GERMAIN ~ Moving On With Love

Cheers to those who have delivered my last message to more who can assist. Can we alter  God's design? No, only the degree of the comet's movement. We are not telling God to make any alterations to the big picture – only adding the light God wants us to contribute. Can man determine any of God's creations? Yes, by giving God the needed additions from man that were designed to be part of the mix.

Our aid in this creation is to assist God in an amplified way – because man does not yet have the ability to give forth from his own awareness without a call from the Masters and Angels. In the days to come our messages will not be needed, as all will hear God's call directly.

The message the comet brings is that man needs to accelerate the light as his contribution to human evolution. Comets are not transformers because of their ability to make alterations. Human transformation comes with the actions and thoughts man delivers as a consequence of the comet's contribution. This call is to amplify the light so we can collectively redirect the course of movement for Elenin. What will be will be, but more light also increases the possibility of awakening and deliverance for more chelas, those not committed to ascend at this moment. Fear not, we are not commandeering a coup against the divine plan.

Asteroids and comets come with many destructive possibilities. Navigating them to another direction is what we are being asked by God to do. Are we going to make them disappear? No, nor are we going to deliver an uneventful turnabout. Once we brighten your awareness, you will help to make what happens in all the galaxies much less disastrous. Peace begins in YOU!

Achieving a particular goal is not our way. Acting to create God's will is. Are you willing to help us do that? Chelas, my love for all that is demands that my words give you everything they can to advance the will of God; also the call of your own God Self. Make this your highest priority. Open up your heart and you will hear the very same direction for your attention.

What about the astral? Those stuck in the astral realm continue their journey in this consciousness until they are able to move on to another dimension. Not all is negative in the Astral realm. The astral contains many of your ancestors, those who are still not able to accept their current condition of existence and they remain mentally identified with their previous incarnation. Are they destructive? No. Can they haunt houses? Yes. My comments about the ending of negative inner dialog is referring to those beings assigned by your contract to teach you how to let go of whatever can cause you to have a negative attitude. Can you act as though they are your friends, not enemies? They were mentors who came to help you with the lessons you chose to have. Families do this for one another. Your soul family includes the beings who have been giving you these lessons.

God has ended this form of lesson giving. What needs your attention now is love. Love all as they are. Love all that has been, and love all that will be – no exceptions. False prophets have disseminated many myths about these times. Accept all as nonsense. Accept none as accurate. Allow your own awareness in each moment to keep you in the flow.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

Om Namah Shivia

Om Namah Shivia

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