Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Rolf Telano had contact with "Borealis" - claiming coming from a level of Venus.

(contact through radio-transmissions?as told more below here).

His contacts with "Borealis" told him (attempt to translate from Swedish - which is the language of the book on the case I have):"…you can simply not adjust our channel. And yet still we are solid and real. There is sound your ears cannot hear and colors your eyes cannot see. Yet those are in reality as real as those you CAN see with your senses. The limits to OUR ability to perceive is much bigger than yours, but the difference in level is so big that we normally also are unconscious about you. We are able to enlarge the limit down to your level, but for most efficient observation, it is necessary for us to transform or readjust to your lowlevel-frequency.

THIS CAN BE DONE EITHER DIRECT THROUGH THOUGHT CONCENTRATION or through artificial way - by a mainpulse-generator on the moon which envelops earth in a wave of the specific frequency to create a conversion of our bodies to your level. All of our observators in their crafts on your earth have a small mechanism, which makes it possible for them to lock into synchronisation with this wave. This automatic regulates the suitable level - without any thought concentration from their side. They can disappear from synchronisation anytime and switch to mental control if they wish to alter their level a little..."


In the book:

Other Tongues--Other Flesh Book III. Other Flesh Chapter 2. The Wanderers from the book "Other Tongues--Other Flesh"by George Hunt Williamson [1953]

We read on page 213:

"...Rolf Telano (Borealis-contactor) wrote: "The messages received on radio are actually point-to-point messages intended for certain persons on this planet who are working with the operators of the flying discs . . mostly their own people whom they have put here to live among the people of this planet, and act as observers. A telephone directory check would be useless because they are not known among the Earthlings by the same name as in the message. In most cases, the name mentioned is the actual name of the person, but it is often a name which would sound strange to the people here, so they assume one which will not arouse so much curiosity. The particular band was chosen because it is not as much used as others, and it is thus less likely that others would hear the messages. As an extra precaution, they are also usually coded. The 'CW' is not actually such, but merely a tape recorded message which happens to sound like it. The transmission is on a rather wide band (in frequency), but on a quite narrow band as to direction, being beamed directly to the person whom they wish to contact. If a radio set happened to be directly on the beam, it would be quite likely to pick up the message even if it was turned off, as it is possible for the voice coil of the speaker to pick it up by induction. (as in the Koldas-case - rø.rem) Ordinarily, however, the set is working on the fringe of the beam, and must be turned on and tuned somewhere near the right frequency."

Some have said that the coil of the speaker could pick up the code by induction, but there would have to be a cold solder joint somewhere in the circuit to act as a rectifier.

When writing the above, Telano had reference to the strange message picked up by the Iowa research group that was mentioned in "The Saucers Speak!" This message was received on 405 kc, and said, in part ". . . contact Alesandro Stockvet of Chicago." When the group checked the telephone directory in Chicago, no such person was found listed.

Telano could be referring to "Wanderers" and also regular Saucer occupants now engaged in activities on the surface of the Earth. However, as mentioned before, most of the space people on Earth are "apples" ("fruits" from something being sown here in the far past - rø-remark)

Addition: spacepeople incarnating on Earth - or through the WALK-IN process - after crashing their ships here. (also the Swedish contactperson telling his story here (scandinavian), say he came to Earth that way) 

It may seem as a weird story for many:

Paul Wellmer, whose true name is Nommos, claiming born on the spaceship Monitor 74 Earth-years ago. He was among thousands of space aliens aboard the starship, which came from the planet of TaoPao, an Earth-like world situated in the Sirius B System of Constellation Canis Major. When his spaceship crashed on this planet on June 18, 1946, the extraterrestrial starship engineer survived by invading the body of a 2-month-old earthling and taking his name. He has been living the life of a normal human ever since, marrying and getting a job as a night clerk at Kmart in the small town of Fredericktown, Mo. Wellmer says on his native planet, his physical appearance is entirely different. "Our bodies can adapt to living on land or underwater because we have gills within our lungs, two circulatory systems and two hearts," he said....


interview on english with OMNEC - claiming origin from Venus -  from many of her talks

here about an alleged incarnated from Venus

An Interview with Dr. Frank E. Stranges |   mp3 with Frank Stranges on intr.stuff


video with Dr. Frank E. Stranges_Extraterrestrials and the Dead Sea...

Ufo-contacts from a frequency- raised level of Venus - near the soc... (W.Stevens and the pseudonym "Edward James" have made an ebook of EJ's experiences)

Physic and later trans-telepatic: Contact to 4th dim. People from planet Venus in their lowered state of vibration:...

Venus lowest PHYSICAL life-level is eteric -short in mp3

Adamski's Contacts to higher dim.people on Venus and else and here ...

Anne S. forteller: Min reise til Venus

Main ufo-contact page

Lobsang Rampa-page - spiritual knowledge


"venner i universet" oversatt fra A SPACEWOMEN SPEAKS gjennom "Bore...

orig.engl.language in pdf:


Story of a Venusian incarnation;
Venusian incarnation into Earth body

 Other links about Venus;

Venus landscape
Pictures of planet Venus
Planet Venus
About planet Venus


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