Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I was feeling very bitter and angry after a situation with friends, and had it in my heart for a couple of hours. I felt I had to get out of the emotion, but it was so strong I couldnt reason it away and I couldnt meditate it away.

Hence I logged online to Saviors and Clinton was there. :) So I asked him for help.

He said he was gonna do remote healing. So okay, I accepted his healing. and halfway while i was typing something on the chat, i felt my heart *Click*

it was a peculiar *Click*, not an audible one, not a very violent one, but just a gentle *click*. And i felt my chakra open, so taking the opportunity, I rested myself and asked for the Mother Earth, my family, my dog to fill my heart with love (okay, a bit unorthodox, but i just did that).

After 10 minutes, I'm back to normal! Wow.

So with permission, here's the steps that Clinton mentioned that he uses to do remote healing. I'll cut and paste the chat log as follows:


All being
ok im gonna try shift it

did something open?

All being

All being
i opened it

All being
its a new gift of mine

All being
im doing it to myself now

All being
seems to be helping amazingly

All being
this is how healing will be done in the future

All being
and vibrational surgery

All being
you have to use the same method you do to connect when you auto write

All being
but when you are dowsing energy

All being
with your mind

All being
so its connecting with .. instead of a guide or a channalee.. you connect withnthe energy

All being
so next time you auto write ask your guides to connact you to a resistance you are holding energetically

All being
you will be directed

All being
then once you have the vibrational marker

All being
like for me i connected to the anger you where talking about and saw this anger in your heart chakra

All being
then se this energy opening by giving the intent and saying open... open... open

All being
you will see the energy opening in your minds eye

All being
and you will feel your energy opening

All being
remember that any resistances in your energy affect your entire being

All being
thats the fun thing about it.. when you go into the higher vibrations energies become playable.. and changeble...

u mind if i post the steps to help others too?

All being
for sure

All being
its very advanced though

All being
for allot of people on savoirs

All being
but go ahead

All being
it will give them something to open too


There you have it, I hope this helps in any way :)

Thanks Clinton!

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