Saviors Of Earth

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The universe that we live in has only three spatial dimensions. We are limited to length, width, and height, and we can only travel along three perpendicular paths.

Many fascinating possibilities exist when a spatial fourth dimension is present. Several types of wheels are possible, very complex machines can be built, and many more shapes are possible. Objects can pass by each other more easily, but they are harder to break into multiple pieces. Energy reduces much faster with distance than in the 3rd dimension, so both light and sound are weaker. Much more things can be compacted into a small space, but its much easier to get lost.

While giving someone a definition of the fourth dimension is relatively easy, giving someone an intuitive understanding of the fourth dimension can be quite difficult. A definition of the fourth dimension could go like this: The fourth dimension is all space that one can get to by travelling in a direction perpendicular to three-dimensional space. Whenever an uninitiated person hears this, they start pointing their finger around in the air, trying to figure out how it's possible for such a direction to exist. Such a short explanation gives them no intuitive feeling of the fourth dimension.

I believe that you have to be actually there to know what it is ...

5th - Imagination/Twilight Zone.

btw .. amazing video lee ..

peace, love and light ....
.. Abhimanyu ..
your question about music ..

In 1d I think the only possible instrument would be some sort of drum, which the musician would just bang itself into to produce sound.

In 2d, percussion would be available. But in addition I think they would be able to play intruments that required blowing.

In 3d, we have both these type of instruments. But in addition, we also have the ability to create and play stringed intruments. I think these can be created in 2d, although the bionian wouldn't be able to play it b/c he wouldn't be able to pluck it.

One thing we could do in 4d which we can't now is rub one realmic surface over another one. We can only rub lines and planes together. Rubbing of realmic surfaces could create some pretty complex sounds, i'm sure

the differential equations describing a vibrating surface at any particular point in time use more variables the higher the dimension. You can only create so many patterns of vibration with a string - you can create more with a plane, and yet more with a realm.

Our trionian drums are played by hitting the circular top and making it vibrate a little up and down (a 3rd direction).

I think a tetronian drum would be interesting. I figure it would be played by hitting the spherical top and making it vibrate a little ana and kata (a fourth direction).

And a bionian drum would be played by hitting a linear top and making it vibrate up and down (a second diection).

sounds are just longitudinal waves, so we could hear 4d sound just fine. don't worry. it will only be better.

peace, love and light ...
.. Abhimanyu ...

PS: i m still searching for answers to your other questions
I found something ..


In 3D, the horizon is a single line across the field of vision, dividing the sky (which we could regard as the "upper half" of the 2D image of the countryside) from the ground (the lower half of the image). Roads that lead far ahead will approach this horizontal line. A lateral road, running from left to right, would always intersect with roads that stretch forward to the horizon.

In 4D, the horizon is a plane, and divides the sky from the ground. The sky would project to the upper half-space of the 3D image of the countryside, and the ground to the lower half-space. Roads leading far ahead will approach this horizontal plane at some point. A lateral road, running across the field of vision, can easily avoid intersecting with any road that stretches forward to the horizon; indeed, they can spiral around the road and wander off without ever touching.

Buildings in 3D along the roadside project to trapezoidal shapes: the front of a store facing the forward-stretching road, for example, projects to a trapezoid rising from the slanted edge of the road. The side of the building projects to an adjoining trapezoid.

Buildings in 4D along the roadside would project to frustum shapes; the front of a store facing the forward-stretching road would project to a frustum with its underside tracing the slanted face-edge of the road. The side of the building projects to an adjoining frustum.

n 3D, to find the entrance to a building you simply have to walk in a circle around the building (assuming it's not attached to another building) and you're bound to reach it eventually.

In 4D, even if you know the entrance is on this side of the building, it may not be easy to find it, since you need to cover a 2D area in order to locate it!

In 3D, when viewed from a distance, the front door is usually a rectangular in the middle of the front face of the building, with windows on either side.

In 4D, the front door is a cuboid in the middle of the front cuboid of the building, with windows all around it!

This abundance of windows, of course, hints at the amount of space there is in a 4D building. A single storey 3D building with rows of 4 windows along its walls has the area of 16 rooms (assuming four walls and one window per room). A 4D building with rows of 4 windows along its walls has 16 windows per facet, and it has six walls. So that makes a total of 96 windows: 96 rooms, and only one storey with at most 4 windows in a row!

In 3D, the road has two sides, where two pavements may be paved.

In 4D, the road has one side, a hollow tube (polygonal or otherwise) that completely surrounds it. A single pavement in the shape of a tube is sufficient. In fact, in 4D, you never ever need to cross the road! You can always walk around it. So crosswalks and pedestrian lights are completely unnecessary. Drivers don't need to expend road rage on jaywalkers, because there are none! (At least, no sane ones... the only jaywalkers would be those who want to get hit. Actual effort is required for them to end up in the middle of a road!)
I couldn't find anything about art but i found something about letters ...

Wouldnt their letters just be 3D figures?

When a 1D being looks at a letter, its a point (my my, what an alphabet), one dimension down from his. Same for 2D and 3D.

4D beings would also use alphanumeric symbols one dimension down from their own wouldn't they?.
Their computers or blocks of paper would somehow have the symbol "carved in", but as easily as we write our letters.
For example, if they wanted to write their 4D letter "A", then it might look like a 3D letter "A", but with four legs instead.
A one could be just a rectangular long block standing on its side.


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