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Pure Bentonite Clay for internal & external DETOX
Used for both internal and external applications
Bentonite is a highly absorbent montmorillonite clay. It is part of the smectite group of clays. Bentonite clays usually form as a result of weathering of volcanic ash. Bentonite expands when hydrated, absorbing 18 times times its dry mass in water. This property makes the clay particles expand and increase their negatively charged “active” area many times over.
The clay particles become polarized by acquiring a negative charge as a result of hydration – it is know as negative excess charge. This negative charge in turn attracts positively-charged ions called “cations” from the environment. This ability of clays is called cation exchange capacity and is an important factor in detoxification processes, since a large majority of toxic substances in our bodies are positively charged. Bentonite clays have the highest CEC among all clays at 70-100.
Because of its high absorptive properties, bentonite clay also works as a magnetic micro-sponge, mopping up what our bodies do not need.
This is what a prominent American researcher and America's outstanding authority on bentonite clay; Jason Eyton says about it:
Bentonite clays action is due to five characteristics. First, it has a varied mineral content. Second, it has a negative electrical attraction for positively charged particles. In the human bodies many of the toxic poisons are positively charged. Third, its particles, being shaped like a "calling card" with the wide surfaces negative and the edges of the card positive, have many times more negative than positive pulling power. Fourth, the very minuteness of the particles of bentonite give a large surface area in proportion to the volume used thus enabling it pick up many times its own weight in positively charged particles. Fifth, to obtain maximum effectiveness in the human body, it must be put in a liquid colloidal-gel state. This is why it cannot be made into tablet form which would save shipping costs”.
“We quote from an addition of the US Dispensary: "In aqueous suspension, the individual particles of bentonite are negatively charged, this resulting in a strong attraction for positively charged particles and being responsible for the ability in bentonite to clarify such liquid as contains positively charged particles of suspended matter . . . In addition to the growing number of external uses for bentonite, it has been reported to be of value as an intestinal evacuant when used in the form of a gel."
one gram ( 1/28th of an ounce ) of this product has a surface area of 800 sq. meters. This would be forty times that of its only competitor now being commercially used by doctors and hospitals. The greater the surface area the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles.
Bentonite Clay Profile
A natural hydrated aluminosilicate mineral with typical empirical formula: (Al, Fe0.67 Mg0.33) Si4O10(OH)2Na,Ca0.33
Origin- Wyoming/USA
Extraction- 100% naturally occurring and naturally quarry mined
Shelf life- Indefinite
Color- Light grey
Odor- odorless
Mesh Size < 200
Typical mineralogical composition: Bentonite (CAS No. 1302-78-9); up to 3% crystalline silica (CAS No. 14808-60-7)
Typical Chemical Analysis:
Particle size: Retained on 75 um 15% maximum pH: 9-10
Cation exchange capacity - 90-100meq/100g
Common uses: manufacture of cosmetics, refining of wines, juices, cheese making.
As seen from the above profile, Wyoming bentonite clay is a truly outstanding clay, with a very small particle size which not only gives it a lovely velvety texture, but also provides it with an extra swelling capacity. The high pH level at 9-10 ensures high alkalinity of the clay – a property which is invaluable in neutralising acidic conditions. It has been researched that cancer cells proliferate in acidic environment and die in the alkaline. This is just one of the reasons why it is so important to maintain an alkaline environment in the body. Bentonite is widely used for purification of wines and juices due to its high cation exchange capacity and ability to bind proteins. This property is very important for medicinal purposes – it can be used to bind organic toxins - bacteria, viruses, fungi and metabolic toxic waste of organic origin (e.g. lactic acid). Bentonite clay is commonly used internally to help reduce high body acidity and promote detoxification from the inside. Bentonite clay has a remarkable ability to bind proteins. The amazing property can be used in neutralising organic toxins, such as bacteria, viruses, fungal infections (e.g. candida) and products of their metabolism. There are other numerous organic toxins which can be neutralized by bentonite clay. This toxin “binding” property goes hand in hand with its remarkable ability to alkalise the body raising its pH.
Why is pH balance so important?
An optimal body and blood pH is an extremely important factor in maintaining good health. The term “pH” means “Potential Hydrogen” and measures the level of hydrogen in the blood body environment. If the pH drops below 7.2 or rises above 7.6, the brain will no longer be able to function properly.
The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4. The body has a way to regulate its pH level by means of various buffers – haemoglobin, some proteins and phosphates. If the pH is too low it means that the blood contains too many H+ ions, and the buffers will get into action trying to mop up excessive hydrogen. On the other hand, of the blood becomes too basic, the buffers will work to create more hydrogen ions to neutralize alkalinity and bring blood pH back to normal.
However, these buffers alone cannot ensure pH stability in the body, since they have a certain limited capacity to do so before becoming saturated. In which case there must be other ways to control it. And this is where our lungs and kidneys kick into action. The lungs control pH through breathing. If the pH is high, then the process of hypoventilation (slow breathing) will reduce the intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide needed to produce extra ions of hydrogen – so the body becomes more alkaline. On the other hand, with high pH fast breathing (hyperventilation) will increase the body acidity and reduce alkalinity.
Kidneys are another very important organ to regulate body pH. They process about 85% of basic (alkali-forming) HC03 ions which form in the blood as a result of respiration. These ions can then be reabsorbed into the blood stream to reduce blood acidity if necessary.
How can pH in the body go wrong?
There are 2 basic reasons for pH imbalances in the body: respiration and metabolic imbalances. Respiratory acidosis happens when breathing is slow, so the concentration of hydrogen in the body rises. In this case kidneys start working hard to remove basic HCO3 and raise pH. With fast breathing, the body removes too much CO2, so the blood becomes too acidic. In this case kidneys slow down re-absorption of HCO3, thus raising pH. Metabolic acidosis is caused by such factors as diabetes (ketoacidosis) and renal failure. Increased vomiting cause increased alkalinity of the blood through loss of stomach juices, while diarrhea causes loss of base HCO3 and increased acidity.
More common reasons for increased acidity include nutritional imbalances resulting from a high intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates, foods containing too much fat, tinned produce, excessive consumption of proteins, low level of magnesium, potassium and other essential minerals, as well as sedentary lifestyle deprived of regular exercise. Too much exercise can also briefly increase acidosis, but cooling down exercises, water, mineral supplementation (especially magnesium), and relaxation will bring it back to normal.
High body acidity and cancer
“There is research indicating that cancer grows slowly in a highly acid environment (because the acids cause it to partially destroy itself) and may actually grow more quickly as your body becomes more alkaline prior to reaching the healthy pH slightly above 7.4 where the cancer becomes dormant. Therefore, you will want to get your pH above 7.4 as quickly as possible by every means available.” pH below 7 is acid, and above 7 it is alkaline. Our body fluids – blood, lymph, interstitial fluid – are designed to be slightly alkaline at 7.4. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live (Barefoot, pages 66-67). This property is a basis for chemotherapy where pH is raised to a level which is deadly for cancer cells. Of course, there is much more to medical cancer treatments than just upping the level of pH, but this is the major one.
How can pH levels be raised naturally?
Diet is a very important factor for maintaining a health level of body pH. It is important to reduce intake of refined carbohydrates (sugars), red meat, dairy produce, alcohol, saturated fats, processed foods, and junk foods replacing it with vegetables, fruit, pulses, cereals, nuts, seeds, herbal teas, purple berries and purple grapes, orange and red fruit and vegetables (e.g. carrots, sweet pepper). Coconut oil is great for reducing the number of free radicals in the body, since normal vegetable oils are prone to oxidation, especially under high temperatures. Drinking plenty of water to help eliminate toxic waste is essential. It is also important to exercise and have enough sleep to help the body re balance itself and maintain homeostasis.
What else can Bentonite clay be used for?
Many people now use Bentonite Clay as their first choice for pain relief. It’s kept in the medicine cabinets and in first aid kits by many people who have suffered from fever blisters, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomachache, acid indigestion, hiatal hernias, acid reflux, diverticulitis, and colitis... just to name a few. Bentonite Clay has been used as a mud for smoothing the skin. And as a poultice for cuts, bruises, insect bites, bee stings, boils, infections, rashes, eczema, arthritis, acne, and burns. Bentonite clay can provide relief in muscle and joint aches and pains, headaches and migraines, poor sleep, low immunity, high body acidity manifested in various ways, irritability, nervous tension, restless leg syndrome, after a strenuous sport activity, to neutralize lactic acid, high stomach acidity, ulcers, healing wounds, allergies, hay fever, and many more.
After consuming Bentonite Clay for just a few weeks people have reported the fallowing benefits: Better sounder sleep and wake up refreshed, less tension, whiter and brighter eyes, more alertness and clear-headedness, Extra support of the immune system, higher resistance to infectious agents, Enhanced growth and tissue repair of gums and skin. Reduces insulin intake for diabetics, giving more balanced sugar levels, Some even get off insulin all together.
Bentonite clay also helps with weight loss, by creating an environment in the digestive tract that is more conducive to breaking down fat, sugar, and nutrients. Used as a laxative, Bentonite Clay may help the dieter lose a few pounds of built up waste in the colon; wraps medicated with Clay, along with proper diet and exercise, can help in the removal of unwanted inches off the waist or thighs as it draws retained water from the skin.
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