Saviors Of Earth

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Pope Signs New Globalization Encyclical; Tells New Archbishops To Protect Their Flocks

He has said the downturn shows the need to rethink the whole global financial system.
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The Times Report: Read here.

Im my local newspaper ... Read here.
*sorry about the awesome translation provided by babelfish*

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has anyone ever noticed how creepy the pope looks?? Whoa baby...thats scarey...(picture in the first link...'read more')
he's a clone of the star wars emperor ...

Upsy Daisy said:
has anyone ever noticed how creepy the pope looks?? Whoa baby...thats scarey...(picture in the first link...'read more')
****shiver***** uuuughhh....
give the guy a break, he's old and wrinkly. one day we'd be old and maybe wrinkly (there's always botox) too?

erv said:
he's a clone of the star wars emperor ...

Upsy Daisy said:
has anyone ever noticed how creepy the pope looks?? Whoa baby...thats scarey...(picture in the first link...'read more')
A while back, probably about 6 months ago or so I was lying in bed half awake when i heard a women speaking to me in my mind which happens occausionally.. well all i can recall about that is that she told me i'd notice the pope wasn't a good person or that he'd be exposed. This was right around the same week when he was visiting america... hmm.. makes me wonder.
ok..nice little old grandfathers..are cute!!! You kind of progresses.cute wrinkles...When your a baby..your cute..and wear diapers..same as when you get old..suddenly that youthfull baby cuteness is back..But... the pope..somehow escaped that fate..he is not cute. At All.
I agree fully!!! I think that it is more the vibe..the feeling you get when looking at a person...Instincts are usually spot on!

Greg said:
A while back, probably about 6 months ago or so I was lying in bed half awake when i heard a women speaking to me in my mind which happens occausionally.. well all i can recall about that is that she told me i'd notice the pope wasn't a good person or that he'd be exposed. This was right around the same week when he was visiting america... hmm.. makes me wonder.
Agreed, he looks like a creep. I can usually sense that soulless look in a lot of the controlling elite, so they're either clones or just not entirely human. Now if i could only see auras as well as i can feel them...

New World Order works for Pope.
Habemuuuuuuuus NWOoooooo!

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