there is free will that sit in the front of my brain, and it told me. i have the freedom and creativity of the gods. this arguement will not stop untill we collectively agree that we are a little bit different from one and another. artistic expressions in three demensions. time, laws, and space bind to make us this masterpeice. will you create? i will perceive.. everything that you want me to see. the children are gifted. and they want to express their feelings. cant you see? its part of the healing. courageous, so youthful. with a look in your eye thats determined. there is no thought in you mind that is worthless.
Permalink Reply by Dana on December 12, 2008 at 6:06pm
Hi starcloud... there is a group called Works of Art where people have been posting all sorts of beautiful creations... Come join and express to your hearts content :)