Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"Playthings of the gods" very interesting read (Part 4 of 4)

Missing and Exploited Children

Well, the title is correct:  They are missing and they are exploited but the details should surprise you!

Runaways are a drain on society.  They annoy tourists and use up social services.  Also, they have some "attractive qualities".  For one thing, no one who knows them or cares about them knows where they are.  This means that, should they "disappear" no one will be the wiser.

If you are an attractive young girl or if you fall into the category of a "cute, supple young boy", you will probably be used for a sex slave.  Otherwise, you will be used for spare parts.  [If you are or plan to be a runaway you should seriously consider maintaining contact with some mainstream person who can tell your parents if contact is lost.  This will not help you but it will give your parents some closure because they will know that you are never coming back]  Here is how we play this game:

Kids and others who are secluded to be slaughtered for parts are stored in Mexico.  Obviously, they are not told that they are waiting to be killed.  Exactly what story they are given is not known but it would be something to "keep them quiet and cooperative" while they are "waiting".  When the call comes in for something for which there is a tissue type match "in stock", the appropriate person is slaughtered and the desired parts are shipped out.

If you are cute and are selected for a sex slave you will be taken to a government brainwashing center in the US for "processing".  Processing is similar to the Clockwork Orange movie.  You will be given drugs to make you susceptible to suggestion and then shown films.  For the purpose of sex slavery, these will be sex films to train you what to do and to program you to like and desire what you are trained to do.  If the programming is successful, you will be put to work.

Sex slaves which are captured by "private industry" are stored and trained in Mexico before being shipped to their destination.  Private industry does not have the special methods available to governments and so uses various "crude but effective methods".

Sex has always been popular in diplomatic circles.  The classic erotic film Emmanuelle [Sylvia Kristel and Alain Cuny] is based on the diary of a diplomat's wife and is essentially a true story [you must be over 18 to watch it].  Nothing has changed today.  When you entertain foreign dignitaries or even heads of state you try to provide them with appropriate entertainment.  Some like girls.  Some like boys.  Some may like both.  It is diplomatic courtesy to make these things available.  Young runaways are generally in good health and after you "clean them up" and "program them", they make excellent and vibrant sex slaves.

Additionally, the brainwashing system can be applied to other special uses when necessary like making people into "manchurian candidates" and the like.  It appears to be the films and not the drugs which effect the brainwashing.  The drugs only create susceptibility to suggestion.


Division Five is supposed to be a special division of the FBI whose job it is to murder US citizens who are deemed to be a threat to the national security.  There are supposed to be about twelve different groups all called "division five" for compartmentalization and members of one group think that they are the "only division five" and do not know about the other eleven or so "division fives".

Every day, thousands of US citizens are murdered by these people.

The state of consciousness of the "average american" is really a belief system.  This belief system is carefully designed to maximize productivity.  Since it is imaginary with no real relationship to any "concrete reality", it is quite fragile and any "disturbance" could seriously effect production quotas.  Consequently, it must be constantly "maintained" by eliminating any source which could cause "disillusionment" and cause people to "lose their belief".  Division Five ensures the stability of the belief system by systematically eliminating any dissenting source which could disturb the delicate status quo.

Some of the cases where a division five agent would be dispatched to kill you would be: 
1.  If you discovered a cure for AIDS 
2.  If you discovered a cure for cancer 
3.  If you had physical evidence of a UFO 
These are just a few examples of things that would guarantee your immediate death.

In case you are wondering about "bad people" like terrorists and general criminals, the government actually likes these people.  If it were not for them, it would not be possible to scare people into voluntarily giving up their freedoms and accepting a police state.  It is the honest people seeking to help and uplift humanity that the government fears - not the criminals.

Incidentally, so called "organized crime" has now been incorporated into the secret structure of the government because it can get away with stuff that the "real government" cannot.  The two are now secretly co-oped together and are fast friends.


Human bodies are alive because they have Souls.  Souls choose to come to this place because they feel it will accelerate their development. Earth is considered a challenge and any Soul who successfully escapes from Earth is shown great respect because it is such a difficult lifetime to do.

However, as conditions on Earth worsen for the average person, new Souls may choose not to come here.  They have that right.  In such a case, if the quantity of Human bodies being produced is greater than the quantity of Human Souls who choose to come here, nature will assign an animal soul to the unused body rather than let it die and go to waste.  This is called a "minion incarnation".  As conditions on Earth systematically worsen, the leaders worry that they may run out of Human Souls to "play god to" and boss around because Human Souls will refuse to come here.  Therefore, they have come up with various schemes to prevent the Human Souls which are already here from ever escaping.

Psychic Interference Devices

Psychic interference devices are denial devices designed to prevent natural psychics from using their abilities.  They mainly consist of radio frequency interference patterns broadcast over specific frequencies known to effect humans.

Spiritual Interference Devices

Spiritual interference devices are devices designed to prevent the Souls of the dead from leaving the sphere of influence of the Earth rulers and, instead, forcing them to reincarnate on the Earth.  The classic "tunnel with the light" that many claim to see when near death is supposed to be a mechanical "soul trap" designed to "suck up souls" and then hold them and force them back to Earth in a new body whether they want to come back or not.  It is supposed to be of alien design and is discussed on the   TRUFAX  web site.  Please see TRUFAX for more specific details.

Operation of a Spiritual Interference Device is one of the highest violations of Spiritual and Universal law. 



We have now established the basics of how the world operates and discussed who is pulling the strings and the various techniques they have developed and use.  Now, we want to discuss everyday activities which we call "playtime".  You don't want to get bored with your life as a god, so you need to do stuff to keep occupied.  Since you have no power beyond the planet Earth, your "play" will consist of projects directed at [or against] the general surface population which you hold hostage.


When the Earth rulers decided to abuse the seed knowledge, they realized that finally they had within their power the tools to create what they had always dreamed of:  a one world absolute dictatorship which we commonly call the "new world order".

The question then arose as to what would be the best way to manage such a system to achieve desired results. Since this was to be a world of slave labor, the desired result was productivity - how to get the absolute most out of the slave before it drops dead from abuse.

A series of "test governments" or operating systems were tried.  For example, the United States created and financed the Soviet Union and still secretly controls it today.  It was used to test the concept of an overt dictatorship where there was no doubt that you were a slave and would be tortured or killed if you resisted.  This technique worked to a point, however terrified people were found to be less productive due to the stress and fear under which they lived.

The United States tested a system of "democratic illusion" which it called "democracy".  Now, a real democracy would be unthinkable because you would lose control of your slaves if they really had self determination.  So, the solution was to create a system where the people were constantly told how free they were and how it was they who voted and therefore determined their fate and then secretly control things from behind the scenes.  This worked great and so it was decided that the most efficient operating system for maximum productivity from the slaves is "democracy".  Consequently, non democratic systems which still exist in the world are being gradually converted to democratic systems now that the testing is complete.

The democratic system coupled with "false future hopes" produces very high productivity.  You get people all sexed up telling them how free they are and then promise them great retirements and all kinds of good stuff "off in the future".  Then, when the future comes, you tell the suckers, "sorry, social security is broke" and, "sorry, someone stole your pension money" and so on.  By then the slave is old and you don't need it any more so you don't care what it thinks or what happens to it.  You got your productivity so screw the stupid slave for believing your lies.  Turn your attention to conning the young generation of slaves.


The people in South Korea are from the same genetic stock as those in North Korea.  So, we know they have the potential to be very productive since their brothers and sisters in the south are.  Now, the people in the north have been beaten down just about as much as it is possible to do.  They have literally abandoned all hope.

This is great because, when the United States takes over North Korea and installs a puppet leader and proclaims it to be an "emerging democracy", US corporations can move in and get work out of the people there for essentially nothing.  If you have a group of people living on grass and mud and you drive in as the "liberator" with a truck full of twinkies, the people will bow down and do gladly do whatever you want.  You won't even have to pay them a salary - just give them decent food and promise you won't kill them if they do not meet the production quota.  In the future, the US corporations are going to have a ball there and the local people will happy and "glad to be a free democracy".


Eventually, a group of people get too comfortable.  They demand more money.  They demand more benefits.  They refuse to do some jobs at all.  Americans are now like this.  That is why all the factories have to move out of the country.  However, gradually other countries learn too.  Their people start asking for rights, benefits and more money.  To make sure you do not run out of slaves, there must be some kind of recycling campaign.

When a society gets too affluent, you need to do something to it to "beat it down" so that you can later "raise it up" and exploit the people in the process.  You can arrange some kind of revolution, "natural" disaster, plague or some such scheme to trash the society.  Then, when all hope is beaten out of the people, you come in and "rescue" them and put them to work in factories for a fraction of the wages that you had to pay them before they were "recycled".


Africa is a special place.  It has essentially no seismic activity.  For this reason, the World Control Directorate is located there - underground, of course.  However, the surface of Africa is pretty too.  Unfortunately, it has been determined by the rulers of Earth that the native people simply cannot be adapted to the new world order.  Therefore, the decision has been made to kill them all.  This will create fresh real estate which can then be occupied and developed by "approved" people.  It is similar to the occupation of America which was already occupied by the native americans - try to find them now.

Henry Kissinger, who reportedly signed the order to begin systematically infecting the African people with the AIDS virus that US scientists had manufactured,  is said to have called this process "cleaning out" certain parts of the world.  Sort of like taking a "chemical mop" and just moping up the unwanted people and putting them out for the trash.  Anyway, despite being infected with AIDS, the African people continued to live so then the "fast kill" designer virus Ebola was used but they survived that too.

Then, it was decided to send in agent provocateurs to start civil wars everywhere and let the people kill each other.  Additionally, whenever no one was looking, CIA agents would fly around and drop poison on whoever looked like they were not being effectively killed by the other methods.  The process is ongoing, but eventually there will be no Africans left in Africa and the US corporations can move in and develop the land as they see fit.


If you were in some position of responsibility on another planet and you got word that some "federation" from the planet Earth was on the way to pay you a visit, you would want to get every weapon you could find and blast them out of the sky.  You would know that these people were not "seeking out new life" but were rather "seeking to conquer" new life, colonize the planet and turn the native population into slaves.  In short, they are bad news.  No civilized world would want people from Earth, under its present directors, to come anywhere near them.  No advanced society would want to touch Earth with a ten light year pole!


Let's say that you are the leader of some country.  One day, a representative from the United States comes calling:

You:  What do you want?

US:  I have come to ask you to turn your country over to us and to become a puppet of the United States.

You:  You must be crazy - I am the supreme leader here and our country does not need you and our people are happy - I will never do such a thing!

US:  Well, that is understandable.  However, I would like to invite you to come visit the US for a few days as our guest.  You have our oath under the principles of diplomatic immunity that no harm will come to you and we would really like to show you some things that we promise you will find interesting.

You:  OK - I will come but my position will never change.

US:  Fine.

[In the US you enter an elevator for an unusually long ride which appears to be downward]

You:  Where am I?

US:  You are in one of our underground cities.  This city is my home - everything is perfect here - the air is absolutely pure and all natural elements are totally computer controlled to maximum perfection.

You:  This is incredible.

US:  Yes, quite an achievement - we have been building them for years now and we have them all over the world.  But, you must be tired now from your trip.  As it is late, let me get you some quarters assigned and we can talk in the morning.  Would you like some girls from our diplomatic recreation division for the night?

You:  Well, OK

US: [walkie-talkie] 257,  092  report.  [two girls show up] Go with this man - anything he wants - understood?

Girls:  Yes Sir.

US:  Have a good night - see you in the morning.

[the next morning]

US:  Good morning - have a pleasant night?

You:  Sure did - your girls are great - we can't get our slave girls to do some of the stuff yours do even when we threaten to kill them - how do you do it?

US:  We use chemical persuasion - very efficient.  Most of these girls were young runaways - they were a burden on our society.  Now we capture them and send them to processing - they turn out as you see them and are now useful.

You:  What happens when they get older?

US:  We send them for recycling.  They are stored until someone needs a spare part - liver - heart - whatever and then they are used to provide it - very efficient re-use of a biological unit and most of them are in excellent health.  What would you like for breakfast?

You:  That guy over there - I know him - but he died ten years ago.

US:  Why don't you go enjoy breakfast with your "dead" friend and then we can talk.

[after breakfast]

US:  You see, I invited you here so that you could see these things for yourself.  We are gods.  This is where we live.  We are totally protected from all outside forces.   I died 16 years ago.  This is my second body.  When it wears out, I will get another one - and another - forever.  Your friend you just had breakfast with is one of us.  From our underground bases and cities we control all activities on the surface of this planet.

You:  You do not control my country - we are a proud and sovereign nation.

US:  Well, that is what we need to discuss.  Here is our proposition:  If you will secretly turn control of your country over to us, we will promise you entrance into our community of gods.  You will become a god like us and live forever and have every conceivable luxury.  If, however, you reject our proposal, we will take your country by force.  We already have agents in your country.  We can release deadly viruses and cause mass death and panic.  Our agents can arrange a civil war.  Eventually, after we trash your country, we will get a UN resolution and invade it directly and make it one of our satellites.  You will most likely be killed.  Certainly, you know of our power and you know you cannot resist us militarily.  However, none of this will be necessary if you voluntarily submit to us.

So, what is your answer:  Do you agree to become our puppet and, in exchange, be allowed to become a god and join us and live forever - or do you choose to resist us and be killed when we come take your country by force?

What would you say - put in this position ? 


When we began and discussed the seed knowledge, we noted that it was not a "strings free gift".  It was designed to be used for the benefit of humanity and not to enslave humanity as has been done.  Since the Earth leaders seem to have no ethics or regard for the agreements they make, sanctions and corrective measures have now become necessary.

In the case of sophisticated Spiritual criminals, simply putting them to death has no effect because they immediately grab a new body and continue on as if nothing had happened.  Therefore, the ultimate penalty of AID is used in these cases.  In this penalty, the soul of the accused is stripped of all its bodies [physical, astral, causal and mental] and is then dumped into the void or zone of darkness which separates the created universes from the pure Spiritual worlds.  Here, the helpless soul wanders around lost forever.  There is no return from the AID penalty.  Since the "gods" underground will face this penalty when they are are captured, they essentially have nothing to lose and will therefore take any steps they can think of  to escape judgment.

The general human population of the Earth, although handicapped by genetics which have been damaged and tinkered with throughout the years, are still capable of spiritual evolution.  It is a fundamental violation of the Universal Laws, therefore, to design a system to prevent Earth humans from Spiritually evolving.  This is what the Earth rulers have done.  Such a situation cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely.

If you go pass out loaded guns to children and then the kids go running around killing people and each other, common sense would say that you have to accept responsibility for this.  Similarly, the civilizations who chose to attempt to help the Earth people by giving them advanced technology have a responsibility, now that that knowledge has been misused, to correct the situation.

The Earth is already under sanctions which prohibit it from any contact with advanced civilizations.  That is why the only space activities you see are things close to home like making space stations and such.

Earth has made a few "friends" from other worlds but they are not human and are fundamentally inferior to humans.  The Insectoids [commonly called the Gray People] and the Reptilian races do not desire Spiritual advancement because they are not capable of Spiritual advancement.  It is not part of their makeup.  Therefore, they spend their time seeking power and military conquest.

It is ridiculous to have a Spiritually capable race [Humans] being dominated by advanced bugs and lizards together with evil humans who have no place to go because they are wanted criminals for Universal Law violations and so hide underground in the Earth to avoid capture.  However, this is the current situation.

For those of you who live on the surface of the Earth, you need to know that you do not live under the rule of any type of "government".  You live under a cult.  You cannot join this cult or even meet its members because they are all safely hidden underground.  This cult controls your life and it controls your life to your detriment.  If you expect any relief from your situation in the future, you must at the very least become aware of the true nature of your situation.  Otherwise, those of you who cannot leave the planet Earth will continue to be "playthings of the gods". 


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read the whole thing. very interesting and informative, but doesn't leave us with much hope. one can only wonder what is the true motivation for writing such a piece

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