Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"Playthings of the gods" very interesting read (Part 2 of 4)


Once you have established a belief system, you must maintain it.  There must be some method to constantly reinforce the belief or it will gradually weaken and fade away.  There are various ways to do this.  Also, there are static and dynamic belief systems.

Static systems, such as many church systems, cling ot a set of beliefs from long ago no matter how much the real world changes.  Because of this, sometimes they die out of attrition.  But, some seem to hang on.

Dynamic belief systems, such as the US consciousness belief system, are always changing.  Today's belief is not the same as a past time belief.  It is sort of like the "1984" model where you are at war with one country and love the other one day and the reverse is true the next day.  Incidentally, if you have not read this classic novel by George Orwell, you really should.

Using the US belief system as an example, some principles completely reverse.  By example, in the 1950's, the only people allowed to have knowledge of the female reproductive system were doctors.  They were forbidden to tell women anything about how their body worked.  Vice squad agents would send pregnant undercover officers to doctors and they would beg to be told how to avoid becoming pregnant again.  If the doctor said anything, he was busted.

Today, we have the reverse.  Grade school kids get sex-ed.  The schools pass out condoms. There is an abortion clinic on almost every corner and 25% of pregnant girls kill their babies.

In the US, the belief system is maintained by the daily mass media news.  Every day, there are five or six news stories that are used by everyone.  You may find it strange that thousands of "independent" TV and Radio stations and print media companies just happen to report the same set of stories every day.  Anyway, this "information fix" keeps you locked into the US belief system for another day - until your next "news fix".  It has been suggested that, if something somehow went wrong with the mass media so that it stopped operating, the US government would quickly loose control of the people and possibly would not be able to regain control.  If mass media stopped, people would have to resort to independent thought to decide what to believe and what to do.  Once they learned how to do this again, it could be difficult to "recapture" them.


Belief systems go hand in hand with compartmentalization.  Belief systems create a compartment and compartments created by compartmentalization develop internal belief systems.

Belief systems cause followers to voluntarily limit their life activities.  Church systems teach followers that they are "chosen" and the rest of the world is not so people limit their relationships to members of that specific system so as not to get "tainted by the non believers".  They may also have weird dietary and other obsessive compulsive habits that they feel they must have to be "saved".

Government SCI groups [sensitive compartmentalized intelligence] may drift so far away from "normal reality" that the only people they can relate to are their coworkers.  Remote viewers, for example, would have trouble relating to everyday people and getting them to understand the things they know assuming they were allowed to talk about them [which they are not].  Therefore, their only friends would be fellow members of their "belief system".  Hopefully, the government trains some girls to be remote viewers so the guy viewers would have a chance to have some type of normal home life.  Otherwise, their uninitiated mate would eventually leave them. 




Destructive testing is the process of obtaining information about something in which the "something" does not survive the test but the needed information is obtained.  For example, if you want to know how much weight a concrete beam will support, you keep putting weight on it until it breaks.  This ruins the concrete beam but it gives you the information which you can now use to assign specifications to equivalent concrete beams which are not broken so that they will not break in use.

Human destructive testing means doing experiments on people which will kill the people but will give you information you are seeking about humans which you can then use to help [or maybe hurt] other humans which you predict will respond in a similar manner.  You justify the killing of a few to advance medicine for the many.

It used to be unthinkable to do such a thing.  Researchers were supposed to use lab rats and the like to get information.  All this changed when Hitler started herding people into his camps.  Since he was going to kill them anyway, the thought occurred to the German pharmaceutical companies to use these people as test animals instead of the usual lab rats.

One drug developed using human destructive testing was a prescription face cream mainly used by women.  It contains an acid and is used to create a smoother complexion by basically "eating away" a layer of skin.  It is still used today.  In the research, the drug company wanted to know how much acid to use in the formula.  So, they made up batches with different concentrations and took them to one of Hitler's camps.  Then, they brought in the first set of test girls - oops - too much acid - face came off - throw them in the furnace and bring in the next set of girls.  This went on until the right mix was obtained by trial and error.  Many women use this cream today and it is very doubtful that they know how the formula was perfected.  Apparently, many other drugs and medical procedures were perfected using destructive testing on the people in the camps.

You won't see people on TV praising Hitler for his accomplishments in medicine, but it is a different story in private.  I have been to private gatherings where doctors have nothing but praise for Hitler for being the first to dare to use humans in experiments and how he advanced science with his experiments.  They absolutely love the man.  And, after he "showed the way" to the fast track for the accumulation of medical knowledge, others got the word quickly.

Obviously, it is a crime to pick up people off the street and kill them to get medical knowledge.  But, there are ways around this.  For one thing, essentially everything governments do is a state secret so if they want to kill people no one is going to find out.  One case where this happened was the search for a "vaccine" against radiation.  The elite wanted to make sure they would survive in case of a nuclear war.  They developed the vaccine (which is secret and only available to the elite ruling class), but at the cost of killing over 100,000 US citizens in secret experiments.  The government has admitted to some radiation experiments but has never discussed the vaccine project.

Perhaps the largest human destructive testing project was done in Vietnam during the "war".  Actually, it was not a standard war because the US controlled both sides.  It was more of a "war project" to take advantage of the fact that you can get away with stuff during a war that you cannot get away with under normal conditions.  In Vietnam, anyone who had a medical research project they wanted to do simply built a facility - grabbed as many Vietnamese people as they needed for the experiments - and went to work.  When the project was over, the research team packed up all their notes and data and left.  The "test people" were left locked in their cages and then an air strike was called in to destroy all the evidence.  Many such projects were done which is why people in power wanted to keep the "war" going as long as possible.

It was during this period that human physical death was eliminated.  Beyond the 1960's time frame no "important" person has died. 




Cloning was discovered on a college campus in the time frame of the 1960's.  It was so simple to do that kids were doing it at home.  Immediately, there was talk about how this was somehow "not right" and should be stopped.  But, news travels fast between college campuses and soon everyone knew about cloning.  By the time government scientists realized the potential of what had been discovered, it was too late to recall the information and the concept of cloning became public knowledge.

If cloning had been discovered today, you would never know about it.  This is because there is a system in place to monitor college campuses just in case someone makes a significant discovery such as cloning.  Today, all persons involved would be immediately seized by government agents and all the research records would be confiscated.  The people involved would be ordered to sign non disclosure agreements.  Anyone refusing would be killed.


As soon as government scientists heard about cloning, the first words out of their mouths were, "We're going to make people".   They knew the power and potential of what they had and they hoped that the general public would never figure it out.

Early tests were, of course, done with animals.  One such test was with a dog.  It so happened that this (dead) dog had been a show dog and knew all kinds of tricks which it performed on command.  When the clone was made, the scientists found, to their surprise, that the clone dog responded to the dead dog's name and all of the commands to do tricks that the dead dog knew.  It was at this point that all government cloning projects went "black".  The secret of cloning had been discovered:  a clone is not just something that looks like the original - it is the original complete with memories.  This is the secret the government hopes you never learn.

This is why the government wants a worldwide ban on cloning - so that ordinary people will never discover this truth and the process can be used for the elite as one of the methods to allow them to live physically forever.

The next step was to make people.  The government guessed - and it proved true - that they could now "bring back to life" anyone who had died if they could find a DNA sample for that person.  They "brought back" people like Einstein, Tesla, Edison and the like.  They also brought back people they secretly admired like Adolph Hitler.


We need to get into some esoteric stuff at this point.  Life continues beyond death.  When someone loses access to their physical body, they find themselves in their Astral or "light" body.  Most people in atheist, materialist countries such as the United States assume that nothing exists beyond physical death.  When they die, they find themselves "earthbound" and real confused because they can see people and hear people but those people can't see or hear them.  They do not know they are dead.

They continue to have a natural affinity for the specific vibratory pattern of the last physical body they had.  Unfortunately, it cannot be reanimated because all the blood has been drained out and replaced with poison to make sure it can't reanimate.  Before embalming, some people would come back to life only to find themselves locked in a box and buried.  Since they could not get out, they eventually died "for real".  Anyway, there is a natural affinity to locate this particular genetic structure.  So, if you are psychic and go wandering around a graveyard, you will find Astral forms who don't know they are dead hanging around where their body is buried trying to figure out why it does not work any more.  Since you can communicate with them, you will probably explain to them that they are dead and that they need to move on (up) to where other beings like themselves live.

Let us suppose, however, that a perfectly well genetic structure exists (clone) which has the exact vibratory signature as the spirit's old body did except that this one works. Well, the same natural affinity that led the spirit to the graveyard would now lead it to the clone and the clone is in perfect health and can be reanimated.  This is how you get people "back from the dead".


There has been assisting technology developed based on other secret discoveries in temporal science.  Obviously, a clone begins as a single cell and it takes some time before it is a recognizable and viable structure.  But, because of time acceleration technology, a "grown up" clone can be whipped up rather quickly.  This is most likely begun using an "artificial womb".  The government already has a law prohibiting any ordinary person from attempting to build an artificial womb to make sure they do not catch on to this secret.


Cloning is only effective for spiritually immature entities who are earthbound due to desire.  A spiritually mature person, upon physical death, would quickly leave this dimension of existence and could not be forced to come back by cloning or any other method.  However, this is not a problem because the type of person the government wants to bring back is filled with earthly desires for money, power and the like and also is likely to be intrinsically evil.  Such people cannot and also do not want to leave the earth and so it is no problem to "bring them back".  The government has no use for legitimately good and spiritually developed people and considers them "a threat to its security".


Cloning is one of the most revolutionary discoveries of modern times.  How many people the government is willing to kill and how long it can keep it up to prevent this knowledge from becoming public remains to be seen.  It only takes one successful clone case to be made public to shatter the secrecy and make the knowledge and technology available to everyone.  And, the world is still a big place. 


Controlled reincarnation devices take advantage of the fact that astral entities cannot escape from a charged faraday cage.  Basically, this any space enclosed by a metal screen which is charged with electricity [high voltage] with respect to earth ground.  You can make such a space any size you want as long as you have the material to build it and an uninterruptable supply of power to keep the cage charged.  Obviously, governments have plenty of both.

You have now created a sort of "sub space" of the universe.  If you know what is inside this controlled space, you can cause nature to obey your will.  For the purpose of controlled reincarnation, if someone dies inside this special space and someone else gets pregnant inside this space at roughly the same time, nature will reincarnate the dead person into the new fetus because that is its only option.  This technique has some problems because of the lag time of waiting for the new child to grow old enough to be told what happened and then trying to get the child to recall its past life. 


Body swapping uses adult bodies and special equipment to strip the spirit out of one body and put it in the other and do the reverse at the same time.  The advantage of this method is that you immediately get a useable body that is "ready to go".  Controlled reincarnation sort of "cooperates with nature" and is not a Universal Law violation, however, stealing someone else's body is a violation. Clearly, governments really could not care less. 


Blanks is the concept of creating a stockpile of useable human bodies which are "alive" but which do not have souls.  This is tricky because, normally, if you remove a soul from a living body, the "silver cord" breaks and the body dies.  There is internet chatter of underground installations in Nevada where this research is done - reportedly with help from aliens - and where the successful "blanks" are stored.

The advantage of blanks is that no special methods are needed to prepare the new body for habitation.  Since it has no soul of its own, you just "hop in and drive away".  Blanks obtained by chasing a soul out of a living body would violate Universal Law but blanks obtained by manufacturing a body which never had a soul and growing it in an artificial womb would not violate Universal Law.  It is doubtful that those doing this research would care either way. 


At Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, there is a section called "secure housing".  This is sort of a nursing home for people who have spent their lives in government service and who know too much to be allowed to roam free.  Hence the "secure house".  The fact that this unit exists is not a secret, but what happens there is.  Here is how it works.

The government tells these people that they have been a great service.  Everything they have done in their life is then compiled and put on a "microdot".  This is stored together with a DNA sample.  Then the person is told that "the government thanks them for their service BUT that the government does not need them any more right now so they will have to die".  However, should the government need them again at some future time they will be "brought back to life" [using cloning] so that they can serve the state again.  Then, when it appears that the person cannot realistically care for themselves, they are euthanized.  People in this class sign an agreement "never to leave the service of the government" and apparently "never means never". 


Yogis have known for thousands of years about the special powers that humans can develop with practice.  These powers are commonly called the Siddhi powers.  Yogi Masters interested in the Spiritual development of their students will caution them to ignore these powers if, by chance, they should acquire them in the course of their training.  This is because becoming absorbed in such special powers makes any further Spiritual advancement impossible.

However, if you don't care about Spiritual advancement and instead want power, wealth and control over other people, these powers are just the ticket for you.  These are the primary Siddhi powers: 


Parkaya Pravesh means entering one’s soul in the body of some other person. Through this knowledge even a dead body can be brought to life. The need for this Siddhi is largely replaced by the secret body transfer equipment.


This special power allows a person to neither feel hungry nor thirsty and allows him to remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.


This special power allows a person to be unaffected by change of seasons i.e. by summer, winter, rain etc. A person can sit in the snow or sit in fire and feel no effect.


This special power has to do with changing the size of your physical body [shape shifting] from very small to very large.


This special power allows the person to quickly travel from place to place by flying.


This special power concerns the ability to acquire great wealth which is a primary desire of the elite ruling class.


This is the special power of Alchemy, i.e., transforming one substance into another.


This is the special power to bring the dead back to life.  It has now been replaced by cloning.


This is the power to overcome physical distances.  It is an altered state where space and time have no effect.


This is the ability to get anything you want - rulers love this one.


This is the ability to defy the laws of nature [physics] and do unexplainable and "impossible" things.


This is the ability to put other people under your control [similar to hypnosis].  This Siddhi has largely been replaced with effective mind control drugs and methods.


This is the ability to get anything you want anywhere you want and is sort of a master power including many of the other special powers.  What politician would not drool at the thought of having this power! 

The government has discovered that you can "turn on" these special powers by a combination of hyperbaric oxygen and special ultrasonic frequencies.  This makes all the years of difficult yoga practice unnecessary.  It also produces people with amazing power who have no discipline and no regard for humanity. 


The AURA is the magnetic field surrounding the human body.  Psychics can see Auras and anyone can see them with the help of special filters such as those made with dicyanine dye.  Dicyanine dye is an old chemical compound and is not hard to make.  However, you may have to find a source outside the United States because it is supposed to be one of the "secret ingredients" used in US currency and so the government does not want you to have any.  This is really ridiculous considering that the benefits of seeing auras far outweighs some secret component of paper money but that is how they think.

The Aura relates to the Physical body under the "as above, so below" rule.  Specifically, a problem in the physical body first appears as  a defect in the Aura.  Since most people can't see the Aura, this warning goes unheeded and the physical problem manifests.  However, if you were able to see the Aura, you could correct a potential problem there and so never have to experience it in the physical.  This is what a competent psychic healer is able to do.

The government has now perfected "aura balancing machines" which use sophisticated computers to analyze the magnetic field [aura] and compare it to some "perfect reference standard" and make the necessary corrections.  Consequently, the gods and other special elite can keep their Auras perfect.

This equipment is part of a family of magnetic medical devices.  The only member of this family that is public knowledge is the MRI diagnostic device, which was actually an accidental spin off from the original project to develop the Aura balancing magnetic device.

When people spend their lives doing bad things - constantly plotting to hurt other people and cultivating hate and the like - the Aura is damaged and the person suffers.  The elite like to do all these things but they don't want to suffer the natural consequences of their behavior.  Therefore, with periodic use of the Aura balancing equipment, they can lead as evil a life as they want and still have a "picture perfect" Aura and enjoy excellent health.  They have effectively "defeated the law of karma". 


In past times when public education actually tried to educate young people, teachers took pride in their work. They knew that not everyone would be an intellectual success but they also knew that there would be a few outstanding students who would go on to do great things and this knowledge gave them a sense of job satisfaction.

However, today the government has developed a secret process that will turn any ordinary person into a genius.  Part of the process involves drugs that will remove all uric acid from the person's body.  This is the key secret.  Actually, it is a secret only from the ordinary people of the world.  Other governments know how to do this too.  In fact, if someone is captured and suspected of being a foreign operative, one of the tests used is to check the uric acid level.

Now that the government can manufacture as many genius kids as it wants whenever it wants, the value of a "naturally occurring genius" has greatly decreased.  In fact, a naturally occurring genius would now be considered a potential liability because he would not be under government control and could possibly develop independent thoughts which could upset the status quo.  He would be watched as a potential threat to the national security.

The manufactured geniuses are "contained" in government installations.  The kids are not kidnapped and their parents know where they are.  They believe their kids are doing a service to the country.  The typical manufactured genius will have several Ph.D.'s before he becomes a teenager.  The kids live on a diet of potato chips, candy bars and soft drinks.  No one cares about the future effects this diet might have because there is no plan to keep the kids beyond the early twenties.

Although the government has all the supercomputers it could possibly want, there are still some problems that only real people can be used to solve.  The reason for selecting kids is that, although they can achieve incredible intellectual capacity, they do not have any maturity, common sense or moral values.  These are learned qualities which come over time and cannot be instantly "drugged into someone".  The government does not want to see these qualities because it interferes with work.  For example, if you told mature scientists, "go make germs to kill everyone in the world", they might have second thoughts about obeying since, for one thing, they live in the world too.  However, if you tell the kids to go do this they will say," gee! - wee! - that sounds like fun - let's go do it!".  This is why the government uses kids because the moral component of their personality has not developed and they will freely do projects that mature people will refuse to do.

None of the kids is kept beyond the early twenties.  The government cannot kill them because their parents know where they are.  However, it is not known whether the kids gradually return to normal once the special drugs are withdrawn or whether the government uses one of its CEOM [Chemical Erasure OMemory] drugs on them before they are released.  Clearly, they know things that the government wants kept secret so it is probable that something is done to them since the "lack of morality" which the government liked would now become a liability since the kids would also "lack any respect" for any nondisclosure agreement they signed.

Because the government can manufacture smart people when it needs them, there is really no longer any need for a strong public education system.  Educating "ordinary" people could be a liability because educated people tend to object to government policies.  Therefore, public education has now been trashed.  School is just a place to get a free lunch, buy and sell street drugs, and hook up for sex.  There is even a movement to arrange for all school kids to see a psychiatrist who would have the power to force brain damaging drugs on any kid who showed a tendency toward independent thought. 


The government arranges controlled drugs into five categories or "schedules" from I to V.  A regular doctor can prescribe from schedule II to schedule V.  Schedule I are drugs whose names are known [such as LSD] but which you cannot get without a special schedule I permit which is usually issued to universities and research labs.

However, this does not account for all the available drugs.  The cure for AIDS, for example, is kept at all full service hospitals.  It was created at the same time AIDS was created.  It is not on schedule I or any of the schedules.  However, it does exist.  We have made up the name "Schedule 0" to cover this class of drugs simply because it sounds logical.

Schedule 0 drugs are available to doctors and others with Q level clearances.  In every major hospital, at least one of the doctors has a Q clearance.  The code name for this doctor is "Doctor Ray".  That is not his name, of course, but if you ask to see Dr. Ray, he will come.  Other drugs in schedule 0 would be the "genius drug" we discussed earlier and the class of brainwashing drugs used to create "manchurian candidates" and the like.  Also, secret assassination drugs.


At drug companies, thousands of unique chemical compounds are made which never existed before.  Some become drugs.  Some are pure trash and do not do anything.  But, many others may do weird undesirable things or even kill people.  You don't need to throw those new chemicals away because the government will pay good money for them so it can use them against people it does not like.  Remember, this is a unique chemical which has never existed before.  No one knows it has been invented and therefore there is no literature available on it and no test for it.  Who could wish for a better assassination drug than one with no history which would be almost impossible to ever isolate and detect. 



As a general rule, the government likes privacy.  They tend to choose locations where ordinary people will not likely find them.  Because most all of the real estate on the Earth is already in use, some creativity is necessary to find places where no one would want to go or where no one can go.  Examples of such places would be desolate places like Area 51, inhospitable places like Antarctica and inaccessible places like the far side of the moon.

However, these places only allow for limited expansion.  The solution to this problem is to use the existing real estate of the planet on a lower level, i.e., to build underground cities and installations.  This solution provides access to the entire planet - even the water covered regions - as "empty space" for whatever you want to build.  Because of the water covered regions, there is more real estate available underground than there is on the planet surface.  And, ordinary people have no idea that such places exist or are even possible.  So, it is just a great place all the way around.


When the idea of moving underground first occurred to the government in the early 1900's, the only technology available was conventional technology like men with shovels and whatever heavy equipment was around at that time.

Later, as the government began to develop its seed knowledge, some very fast and efficient methods became available.  The system developed, which is in use currently, involves lasers "pumped" by a small nuclear detonation.  This device produces a cylinder shaped tunnel with "smooth as glass" walls which can be made many miles long with one pulse of the laser device.  Since the material removed in the excavation is sort of "disintegrated" by this device, excavation can be done at a fairly rapid pace.


You may remember - before the age of computers - that stores had vacuum pipes running around so that clerks could put paper documents in cylinders and have them sucked thru the pipes to some central office somewhere else.  The office could reply thru the outgoing pipe.

Because the laser technology makes perfect cylinders that mimic a large pipe, they can be used to transport people and equipment underground at fantastic speeds.  A large cylinder, similar to the idea used in stores in the past, forms a car or bus which holds passengers and cargo.  One vacuum cylinder goes one way and its companion goes the other way.  The entire planet is now connected by this underground transport system which links all underground cities and underground installations.


As a general rule, a country protects its air space and its physical borders.  However, no one seems to consider the possibility of an attack from underground.  Consequently, the nations who have not yet been taken over and co-opted into the new world order are easily penetrated by the underground transport system.  All that is required is a "safe house" in the target country located where you want to send in agents.  This is then tied in with the underground transport system and you can enter and leave the target country whenever you want and the fools never even know you are there.


Underground installations are mainly work places as opposed to underground cities which are living spaces.  There are underground installations all over the world.  However, for our example we are going to talk about the installation located below Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.  This is a huge installation and extends far beyond the physical limits of the base above it and even extends into neighboring states.

This installation is basically an underground office building.  Once you get into the underground, you see brightly lit hallways which seem to go on forever.  Every so often is an area with electric carts.  You grab one and go to wherever you are going and leave it in the closest "cart park" for others to use.  One interesting aspect of this underground office building is the doors to the offices.  The doors are about twelve feet tall.  Even basketball players don't get that tall.  However, it is said that some of the alien races we have business relationships with are almost twelve feet tall so this could be an attempt to accommodate them.


You may have seen TV stories about "secret" underground places for government executives to go in case of some attack.  These stories typically show some concrete block room with very uncomfortable looking bunk beds and maybe a crate of tasteless dry food from the 1960's or whatever.  Such places may exist, but they are certainly not for anyone at any high level of government.  They would laugh at such crap and they certainly would not want to stay there.

When we say "underground city" we mean "city" with all the associated amenities.  Underground cities have houses, open spaces, trees, gardens and, of course, golf courses.  They look like any other city except that they are underground.  And, they are "camelot perfect".  Remember, "the rain may never fall 'til after sundown...", etc.

Everything in an underground city is state of the art technology perfect.  The air is "manufactured air" which means the air is made from stocks of liquefied gasses [nitrogen, oxygen, etc.] which are then mixed in the exact correct proportions.  There is zero pollution.  Artificial sunlight creates day and less artificial sunlight creates night.  Water can be tapped from natural underground sources.  Power is generated from geothermal energy and is essentially unlimited.  Local transportation is electric.

The ideal location for underground cities is Africa because the African Continent has essentially no seismic activity.  Underground cities are immune to all surface weather problems and are completely safe from any war type event on the surface, however they do not do too well in an earthquake or similar seismic event.  So, they cannot be located in areas of the earth subject to such events.

In the underground cities are located the living quarters for the gods - the permanent residents of the Earth.  There are many reasons for the underground such as privacy, secrecy and security.  However, the apparent main reason is the anticipation of some future natural disaster which will end all life on the surface of the earth.  The gods, of course, plan to survive such an event.  When things quiet down, they can manufacture a new race of people to their specifications and repopulate the surface.  Then, they can resume business as usual.


When the plan for using the underground was first conceived, it was designed to be a secret place for the elite and the "ordinary" surface people were never to have knowledge of it.  However, a problem developed due to the new high tech equipment in use by the oil exploration industry.  This equipment can map the underground and therefore it can also map the underground cities and installations.

This was discovered by accident in Russia.  Russia had allowed some US companies to come look for oil with all of their cute gadgets.  At first they felt that they had found a huge pool of oil.  Then, they realized that they had actually discovered a gigantic secret underground city.  Because this took place in Russia, the event received brief press and was then quietly hushed up.

This creates a problem for the US and the other nations who have underground cities because they can now be located and mapped.  Therefore, all persons who are allowed to possess this equipment must now be watched to make sure that they do not locate and expose the secret underground.  Apparently, only oil companies use this equipment.  So, since these companies have a close relationship with governments, it should be relatively easy to make sure that no one talks and the secrets of the underground are preserved indefinitely as originally intended. 



Here we wish to go thru some of the basic sources and methods that the government uses to gather information.  Sources and methods only work when no one suspects that they exist.  So, as we go thru these you will probably be in for some surprises.


Pen Registers are devices which federal law requires that telephone companies maintain so the government can spy on you.  Basically, the pen register is a list of all the phone numbers called from a phone and all the phone numbers of calls received by that phone.  Pen registers are maintained on all phones including public phones.

Phones have been around a long time and so it has been realized that you can get good information by listening in on calls.  That is why we have legislation to prevent this.  However, it has only been recently that the Caller ID system became available due to new electronic switching equipment.  Originally, it was not possible to detect numbers called and received and so no law was written to make logging this information illegal.  Before one could be written, the government stepped in and demanded that all calls be logged and that the logs be given to them upon demand.

Let's look at an example of how you might be affected by pen register data.  Let's say you are in the front yard watering the grass or something and someone has car trouble and asks to use the phone to call home for help.  You let them use your cordless phone.  Now say one of their kids is known to the police for being involved in drugs.  The pen register will show a call made from your house to the suspect's house and therefore you will be put on a secret police watch list as a suspected drug dealer and placed under surveillance.  All this will be secret and you have no way to know it has happened and no way to do anything about it.  To take it further, say your mate is being considered for a sensitive job.  But, now the FBI file will have a note about suspected drug activities so they won't get the job and you will never figure out why and it is all secret.

This is how the pen register surveillance system works.

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Thank You Greg ...

for some people is this  information unbelievable, but I am convinced it is only the tip of the mountain ... The real Truth is far far more worse ...

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