Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

OzAngel: Sending Love and Blessings to Greg Giles ~09/30/2012 ...whom was he channeling ?

OzAngel: Sending Love and Blessings to Greg Giles ~09/30/2012

For those of us who have been following the channelled scene for a while Greg Giles is a name that was often talked about in lightworker circles.. Chanellor of the GFL and Ashtar Command I had become appreciative over the months for Greg’s regular updates.

Over the last month or so though I found myself out of resonance with Greg’s work. While I still (for the most part) read his messages I found myself “put off” by the introduction of fear and accusations that had (for me) appeared more and more in his writings.

I was genuinely taken back though to read his “finale” message where he says he was “duped” that there is no assension, no GFL and no cabal… I have attached his message at the end but I do urge anyone who chooses to read it to use discernment as there was definitely some disturbing messages writing in the body of his finale writing.

Some chat rooms are asking if Greg has gone missing, others are saying his site has been hacked.. Whatever the reason, I would like to extend a big hug and thank you to Greg for his tireless work over the past few months. This is a big reminder for me on discernment, that we are all responsible for running messages through our heart before accepting them as true… Everyone is entitled to their sovereignty and to their own opinion… But I can honor and respect the person who is doing what they believe to be their highest good.

So, thank you Greg. Whatever the truth be behind your exit, I wish you well and from my heart to yours I send love and blessings _/\_

*link to Greg’s final message…..

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Greg Giles Missing? His Site was Hacked? Who wrote his last Message? 09/30/2012

Hi everybody,

I have come back from being away for the weekend, and have read on several sites and forums that Greg’s Site was hacked and that he is possibly missing.

(Here is just one example:

If anybody has infos on this please leave a message for us on the comments section here or email me on

I have rapidly speed read through his last message on his site:

The message resonates as entire disinfo and psy-op to me, certainly not Higher Level of Consciousness. I wonder was it really Greg who channeled the “Final Message” and posted it? or was his website hacked? It is highly unusual at any rate, and I wish we could all send love and prayers to Greg and Glenn. I fail to understand exactly what has happened, and I am sorry to cause concern.

I hope this will rapidly be cleared for us. I think this entire experience is something worth dwelling on, and personally I feel deeply concerned and shocked, as I have exchanged several emails with Greg a few months ago, the last time we communicated was about one or two months ago maxiumum on facebook chat and on a group on facebook.

He has always been a kind and supportive person to me and to others. I am under the impression that many lightworkers have turned against him for a few months, although I have not read any of his messages in about one year, I know he has always had the best intentions.

Please lets send him and Glenn plenty of love and light ! Hope to hear from you two super soon guys. Love and hugs, Laura.

latest from ''Gregg'':

What's the Difference Between the Colorado Shooting Suspect and a GFL Channel?

Colorado Shooting Suspect

Absolutely nothing. You heard it right my friends. This is Greg, Greg Giles. It’s me, so please everyone, let’s get off this Greg has been kidnapped by the cabal and these words are coming from an imposter. I sincerely believed I was a channel for the GFL and also the Ashtar Command, but I have news for you, I was not, but hold on, wait until you find out why because this involves all of us, including your families, your friends and every single member of our human family. I not only thought I was a channel of higher dimensional communications, I also was prepared, yes listen to this, to arm myself to the teeth with automatic weapons and have a shootout with whoever it was who came to my home one evening, as I was warned through the voice in my head this was going to happen.

I trusted this voice, for there is more going on here than simply trusting what feels like a loving voice in your head. It is true, we have all been part of a very remarkable, and I will even say, life saving program. Do not be ashamed that you fell for all this, but you did. So did I. I believed, and I followed to the letter a voice in my head. All of you, and that means all of you reading these words right now, followed me and you did not even hear a voice in your head did you? And this is the real scary part. ... ... ... ect ect
to continue reading click this ,below :
Greg Giles Blogsite has been hacked by the dark cabal
Posted by Spirited on September 30, 2012 at 11:00am
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.Posted by Mr.Ed on September 30, 2012 at 7:17am in Spirituality In General
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.Clearly things are not right and something has happened to Greg. His site showed a message that something was to be announced and then a message came out that clearly is not from Greg and tells many lies that are obviously there to add confusion.
I know what is real or not and this message contradicts itself over and over.
The desperate illuminati will go to any lengths to deceive the people and have made a big mistake in their attempt to trick us.
They did not take into account that Greg is an actual member at this site (and perhaps others) where he personally posts his own messages. And he has not posted it here...which further points to a hack job.

It is true that we may not know what Greg even looks like...or if he even exists...but some of us know what we have experienced and learned over this lifetime and will not be shaken by the simple words of an agent of the dark.
I have forwarded the message in question to Sheldan Nidle and expect a comment by tomorrow from him & I will post it when I hear back from them.
Clearly Greg has never been MIA before.
Clearly Greg has never posted a warning for a post prior to posting.
Clearly the message contains many lies and contradictions within.
Clearly it is not the words or energy of Greg or anybody of the light.
Clearly Greg would not quit or retire from his life calling before the job was done.
More as it becomes available...

Ascension Earth 2012

Read more:

Of course I will send love to Greg Giles, he will be forgiven like all the others whom channeling one of their higher selfs...  but how pure is ur higherself when you can bring out fear in the most  devastating way. I said it before, his message was all about fear and not a single word of love or how to improve yourself. You can bring out a message of warning but there is allways the touch of love beside every message otherwise ur not a lightworker!

That linked message supposedly by Greg was difficult to read.

Because it is all BS, Greg Giles knows it and now we all know it..  when ur realy in touch with ur higher self there will be no nonsense come out,  just pure truth! Ego has many truths, but the heart knows only ONE ^L^

Read this comment I get from Greg giles his FB, a guy named Bill Ballard...

Bill Ballard Well now... For me... Since the Star Knowledge Gathering last week, I have felt as if I have been being bombarded with lower vibrations. It seem there is INDEED an attack going on with so many of us. Oh, do I have things to say about this. 

I quit posting Greg's work in April or May as he was telling everyone to move away from the shores. Previously his work resonated with me. But when it went negative that was the beginning that something changed and was not right. I "feel" what I post more than think it. 

As someone who has been trying to teach chakra activations, and ascension mastery initiations I try to explain that you cannot be psychically attacked if you are truly in your heart. There is no mind chatter when you are in your heart. You feel, and don’t think. 

It is a process and takes time to shift your consciousness (mind) there. It is an ongoing process of detachment from the brain and the heart ~ mind controls the brain from there deciphering the message sent from the heart and relays that to the mouth to speak. It is a flow of feeling being spoken rather than carefully chosen and thought prepared words. It is simply a different way of being.

The brain control they speak of here is NOT mind control... One cannot be attacked and controlled IF they are truly in their hearts... feeling, not thinking. BUT the radio control that is spoken of here REALLY EXISTS! That is lower vibes that can be aimed at us, like what HAARP was intentionally designed to do and spoken of in the late 1980s and early 1990s. 

I used to make Hulda Clark's Zappers as well as have studied intensely Royal Rife’s and Bob Becks work on killing parasites with frequency. Everything there is has a resonate frequency. When you can attune and mimic that resonate frequency you create oscillations neutralizing the target. Certain frequencies can affect thought processes and even have thought input into the brain. Dr. Nick Beglich did much on this in the Jesse Ventura vids as well as the movie "Angels still don’t play this HAARP". It is all the same thing.

In the mid-1990s, I realized via my commercially manufacturing these frequency generators, I could easily make one from parts from Radio Shack... and literally make a frequency weapon that was back pack sized to go hunting with... When I realized what I could do.... knowing thought goes to the grid, I buried that one... deep! But they have these now. They are indeed being used, but brain control is not possible IF you are truly in your heart. 

What happens when you ARE in your heart IS your electromagnetic field, the Hear Torrid that IS YOUR MERKABAH or Light Body, protects you. An activated Heart Chakra has the power of more than 50,000 times the electromagnetic field of the brain. That increases with each higher initiation and chakra activation or higher download which is nothing more than an expansion of the light body which protects one from these various radiations, like radio waves. 

The light body is something we each must develop for our own selves. Chakra activations take time and must be focused on intensely to complete. For me, my heart chakra activation was a 5 year long process that ended up completing in the 1st 40 Day Event I was called to get the world to join in in Nov-Dec 2009 and was what began my FB page. Many persons have now done the same thing I have and can confirm it is indeed real.

Chakra activation IS ENLIGHTENMENT, or In~Lighting one's self. Ascension is the increased frequencies or vibration that occurs with that Enlightenment unlocking and taking us into the higher dimensional consciousness that each chakra or Lotus Petal of that chakra is attuned too... Those are the Ascended Master Gifts, or Avatar Abilities, as I was told years ago... 

The game is to see how high we can get before the coming dimensional shift, how much light quotient via the chakra activations, and how high the frequency each of us can obtain... At the shift, THAT IS THE BENCHMARK, so I understand and was told... Others have confirmed that message since too. 

Back to Greg, he, I feel was never "activated". This is what left himself vulnerable. Or too, as stated above, he may have always been a disinfo agent... There are so many out there, just as the negative SaLuSa Luciferian messages... Its all out there and really a gauntlet for those newbies to come through... ha..

For me, I have been receiving messages PM from Archangel Michael since I was 4. I have KNOWN beyond shadow of doubt I am one of his volunteers and have remembered, although veiled as everyone else.

When I was 4, my mother took me to church and I had AAM tell me, via the preacher behind the pulpit, I was NOT to channel, other than my own higher self. I was NOT to astral project or leave this body in any way. I WAS of a group, and here for the End Times. I WOULD BE a part of the Biblical Bottomless Pit, which we now know is the Gulf Oil Spill and Hopi 7th Sign, that unfolded right in my own front yard, LITERALLY! 

My messages were that was to take place in the Middle East... Funny as I wrote on my FB page in those months before it was to happen, that is was getting ready to happen. 

Now, I was also told I was a Melchizedek. As a child in 1966, in Mississippi speaking of Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, or the End Times.... What do you think I felt like? Even NOW, my own daughter, my twin flame who activated me and so many friends who have watched me throughout these past 50 years, and MANY since the 87 Harmonic Convergence has left my life, not being able to handle me... 

That really sucks and funny as when I read this message, these past days I have been detaching from my twin flame, this incarnation... My daughter too... So many friends too... I have felt since Asheville Star Knowledge on the 21,22 and 23rd, that there is HEAVY LOW VIBRATIONS on the exterior of my Merkabah.... I FEEL IT! I FEEL TARGETED! But that is NOTHING NEW TO ME!

I have been a target many many times with these radio frequencies... It is indeed happening right now as I type this. Like they may have my location now and oops... I’m not hidden... but I knew that anyway as I speak openly about what I see and feel is going on as well as what I’m doing... That is definitely a test of my own ascension mastery... Now here is the funny thing... ha

Since I read this message, knowing what I have felt this whole past week, and KNOWING these messages are meant to KNOCK US DOWN, or make us feel as if we are wrong... They are also to get us to those lower 4D vibrations of fear or need to protect ourselves...

Bill Ballard Sorry guys... That won’t work... hahahaha... I’m laughing my ass off now after having gone through ANOTHER death process with my twin flame and daughter, releasing them to experience the choices they have postulated... THIS MESSAGE just lit me back up to the higher vibrations... The GAME IS ON!

See, I’m one of Archangel Michael's WARRIORS... Legions of LIGHT... I don’t handle the doldrums well... Feeling hurt by those who don’t understand and turn their back on me thinking IM NUTS... but you see here where my focus is... ON HOW TO BUILD THAT COLLECTIVE ASCENSION... for those who desire it... where I must leave those others I love who don’t desire it behind, for now. 

The game is on... I SEE IT! I FEEL IT! I AM A LIVING STAR WALKING ON EARTH! Nothing can change that but ME! What I LOVE "IS" the Battle! 

I've had enough of the 3/4D! That IS where these frequencies are eminating from!


ONLY ME can do that! ONLY ME can let my guard down by going back into my head, fearing, worrying, or feeling anything else other than UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

You see, Unconditional Love IS the Key! That is one thing that must be mastered by the time you have taken your 7 initiation and formed the ascension column.... There are NO shortcuts and no way around the process.. haha... 

Unconditional LOVE has one seeing what the duality experiment is all about too... 

The Illuminati or Dark Cabal, or the "Other Side" while we are still playing the game of duality, but not unity consciousness, is our best BEST Drill Instructors... They are badass... But NOT the champions... Their limitations are the 4th and astral dimensions and they cannot go higher as they cannot activate their heart chakras from love... 

It is said though there is an opposite way, but I am not sure of that as I felt when I heard that one could go into 5D with extreme negativity that felt like disinfo to me... I don’t feel that is possible, and I have done this before, ascension via chakra activations in Atlantis, which is why I am back now teaching this process, same as Djwhal Khul. 

Fear is what lowers one's frequencies as you know... Greg's message here is about the focus on this collapsing world so we can defend ourselves saving us from these concentration camps, that ARE INDEED there... haha Yes... This IS a real illusion! haha

Oh... I have to laugh as the whole thing is so amuZing. I’ve done the training to fight, physically and am quite good at that... I wouldn’t have a problem is the shi@ hit the fan, at all... Id thrive actually as that’s my cup of tea... BUT... that’s not what’s going down here...

Listen carefully to these messages and note that Greg is NOT heart chakra activated, leaving him in his head. Greg is NOT speaking, no has on group focused intent leading the way in such. Greg has ALWAYS asked for persons to share their thoughts which have INDEED flooded the bloggers emails who post his work, jerking them around, and clogging their messages...

I know, because with what I DO and have been doing sharing the current news including all channels, it has happened to me when I used to post Greg's work. I know many of the other bloggers personally and have spoken to them about Greg in the past, but always with love wondering about what we see unfolding here.

This is simply a ploy to, and it is now 11:44pm as I type this.. haha... This is simply a ploy to lower our vibrations. Just as they can brain control those I LOVE, since they CANNOT BRAIN CONTROL ME... They read my messages... THEY KNOW WHO MY TWIN FLAME AND DAUGHTER ARE... 

You see, this war has been going on a long long time for me. Many lifetimes too and I do remember... They have killed me sooooo many times now and this is the one where they cannot, wont be able too... ha... I have been holding the light, a bodhisattva if you will, since Atlantis, time and time again. 

In this Earth School Experiment, the Dark plays off itself, both sides of the game... The Luminaries or Bodhisattva who have volunteered come to hold the light while the duality games play out. These are usually previously ascended masters who come back to do this. They are seeked out and terminated many time by those of either side of the dark... But it is that dark that brings humanity into the higher awareness... That IS why they are called the Illuminati, or illuminated ones. They hold many of the 4D Sacred Truths, but not the 5D which these returning Ascended Masters are encoded with, until the right times of Ascension, or NOW...


What a hoot.. What a story this is... and how cool it is all unfolding now!

Thank you Greg Giles for all you do and have done!

A few hours ago, I was in such sorrow until I read this...

It is funny being on my 11th Ascension Initiation now, and holding this SUPER INTENSE LIGHT and ELECTROMAGNETISM within my Merkabah and Light Body, feeling such intense bliss and spiritual buzz while at the same time feeling such sorrow for my TF and Daughter.. haha... Life as an Ascended Master walking on 3/4D Earth is quite a trip!

Thank you Greg!

Bill Ballard

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