Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



Crystalai (c)2011

The most glorious time that has ever been known on heaven and earth will happen within the next six months. One day very soon you will see nothing but a great plane of light from horizon to horizon. There will be no darkness on this plane for 12 days and nights. The stars and the sun will seem to become invisible. There will be a light in the sky that is greater than all of the suns and stars. The principle of light that will come will light the void. The war of light will be fought using the light bands- the frequencies of thought. That light from the Consciousness of YAWEE, who manifests the pure light of Freedom and the light from the Consciousness of ID, who manifests the pure light of Peace will combine with all of the light that is manifest from our starry brothers who are here to love and protect us. The war of light will remove Jehova - the Consciousness who manifests Fear, Control, War and Judgement- from our plane forever.

We will be caught up in awe of Utopia. We will gaze into the heavens and see the blazes of light. Many will think that our sun has burnt out because it won't be seen. What we will be seeing are the great ships of the Thirteen Great White Brotherhood. The ships will be made of the light of their Frequency Bands of Consciousness. These will be their Merkaba Bodies of Light and Sound as large as the Universe. Their light comes from Thought through the Mind of God within them.

We will glare into the heavens in idiodic wonderment at the light that surrounds us for days. We will be protected and loved and the last war to remove Jehova from our Solar System will be won by YAWEE and Id.

And we will have gone into a NEW TIME. That is how we will be saved. We will slide seamlessly into a NEW TIME. That doesn't mean we will go anywhere. All times exist in the Now. Our Consciousness will shift into a higher dimension where our Souls will turn from their Involution to their Evolution. We will have a Rainbow Bridge formed from our Soul- in our Fourth Chakra area- that connects us into our Fifth Dimensional Mind. The all knowing Soul, the imagination of the thymus gland, the immortality of the heartbeat will all become manifest realities. Our vision will shift to allow us to see in Infra Red as our digital cameras do.

This will be the NEW TIME when we will contemplate UTOPIA - the Divine of Man in the marvels of thought and light. It will be the beginning of the new time when Tyrants no longer rule the Earth.
That event will happen sometime in October or November of this year.

The events in the sky will be what is needed to cause the consciousness of our governments to become more afraid of that which is outside of our selves than of that which is inside of our selves. This will cause all governments to unify and stand together. The minds will begin to shift into a new way of balance and harmony.
In 2012 most nations will have already shifted into the reality of using energy created by the sun, water and air. The problems of nuclear energy will be removed before the Solar Flares in December of 2012.
By the first month in 2013 our consciousness will have fully shifted into the 12 DNA template of Christ Consciousness. From that time on, all we have to do is learn how to use the Mind of God within us to Co-Create our new realities. We will begin to learn instant manifestation. We will learn how to manifest into all dimensional realities. By 2040, this planet Earth will be returned to her Divine Reality that she knew as TERRA.

Crystalai (c)2011

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