Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hi .. I don't wish to scare anyone .. but i found this info somewhere ...
On January 1st 2009
While many Americans are sleeping off the new years hang over. muslim terrorists will launch an attack on the US using Radiological and nuclear devices .In the early morning hours of 010109 the muslim terrorists will use stolen or rented crop dusters and helicopters to spray anthrax over 6 US cities at the same time detonating 3 nuclear devices from the stolen aircraft at 10,000 feet over NY, DC and Boston the combined effects of the anthrax and radiation kill millions that year.
The President of the United States will issue an apology for the muslim religion stating that its only a few that do this at the same time declaring martial law and suspending US citizens rights.
muslims in Detroit, LA and the middle east rejoice at the news of the attacks and take to dancing in the streets. The US news media refuses to show any of this footage but some footage makes its way on the internet where it is view by a wide audience before being removed for offending some.
4 years later a plan is hatched for revenge. This higher ups contact Col. Horn
a US Air-force pilot whose family was killed in the attacks and secretly let him plan his strike against an evil moon cult. Although what he does go against all the Christ teaches Col Horn gets help from a very rich and powerful preacher.
Col Horns steals 6 nukes and an stealth B2 bomber from a base in Japan and with the latest evasion technology Col Horn makes his way to nest of evil and drops the 3 devices....
But this is only the start.

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no offense to any muslim too ...
here's the youtube link ..
hmm .. u're right bro .. i didn't notice ..
complete rubbish, if any nukes were to go off in america killings millions, it will be their own government and not radical extremists doing it :
'Be as careful of the books you read as the company you keep, for both will influence you equally.'

In other words, do not believe everything you hear or read, and investigate a source thoroughly before allowing any mental energy to be spent on the actual message.

Do not misunderstand me, I thank you for bringing us this information, and congratulate you on your vigilant spirit. But fortunately, for us, for the world, and for the sake of peace, this is conjecture and fear mongering only.

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