Well, it’s a new day. I so hope you are able to communicate, but if you can’t, you can’t, and I shall have to accept that.
Dear lady we are with you. We must contain thoughts.
What do you mean by that and why?
There is a thunderbolt that is underlying our transmission. There are many who wish us not to get through. There are those who desire a package of ill truth to be transmitted. There are all manner of miscommunications taking place at this point to confuse. Since our message was first transcribed and sent out by you, there has been mass development regarding the future of your planet. There are those who are deeply opposed to this evolvement, for it means there downfall on a scale that is vast. We wish no harm to the ones who have created such devastation; we desire only that your planet regains its beauty and Truth. If we were to wish harm on another being of life then we would not be creating this new world we know can be created by you of earth. Let it be known that the resonance that is filtering through your planet at this given time is preparing you for what lies ahead.
You question as to why our ship was not presented to you in the manner we had promised. You question as to whether it was ever going to be of that way that we presented. We say to you that our plans had to be aborted at the last minute. Many of you will accept this. Many will not. We can only give to you how it is. Yes, we are still here. Yes we will continue to be here until our task is finished. We have said many times that we have waited too long for this to fall on its feet.
Look how you are assisting us, even though there was disappointment on a large scale, look how your hearts are telling you that we are of Truth. We cannot persuade those at this point, who feel they were deceived, to rethink. That is not for us to do, for it is part of their soul’s journey. However we can tell you that there shall come a time when all shall be made clear and we say to you in LOVE that this shall be given to you when least expected. We have learnt much through the non appearance. Initially we were gravely disappointed also. Especially when we could pick up on the mass disillusionment from so many. And yet … do you not say in your world ‘every cloud has a silver lining’. What this non happening has allowed us to do is far more beneficial than one could realize. We have assessed the ‘glow’ that has emerged due to the very thought of our arrival, and we have noted also how that ‘glow’ is still Lighting up your planet and also allowing many individual souls to receive that ‘glow’ in their hearts . There is much that is taking place on your planet. A revolution of LIGHT has begun BECAUSE of our non appearance. We are overjoyed at this outcome. Those of lesser Light have assisted us in a way they could not have imagined. Do you see” Even those who are in the dark are bringing forth the Light. THE POWER OF LOVE IS BEYOND ALL COMPREHENSION.
A movement has begun in many areas of your planet. Rivulets of determination to renew your planet are now flowing downstream. In the days ahead each one shall merge into the fullness of THE ONE. THE ONE River that flows through all. All that is life.
We have new plans.
That’s good to hear, but let me just say before we go any further, don’t even think about telling me a date …. Because as much as I love and TRUST you … I really don’t think I could go through that again!!!!!
This is understood by us and we are enjoying the colour of your humour at this moment. From little acorns oak trees grow.
Not sure how that fits in with what you are saying but it came through strongly enough that I needed to put it down. So … OK … boldly here I go into the unknown and I am going to ask a question if I may?
Your bravery is excelling itself.
So some say …. There is much confusion between different chanellers regarding whether or not there is such a ship and if it is of Light energy only so therefore, only those that have risen to a certain vibration would see it anyway. Yet … YOU said, that there would be a ship for all to see, so that the argument as to whether there is life on other planets would be dealt with once and for all. Can you elaborate on this quandary please?
Certainly. What WE said is what WE meant. There indeed is ship that can manifest into your vibration and as we said it is one beyond your wildest imaginings.
OoooH … I am picking up on your next sentence …. OOOHHH… shall I? Gotta !!
IT SHALL BE SHOWN TO YOU and then you will know.
NO offence, just a little apprehensive on matters such as you are speaking … I am sure you understand?
To a certain degree and yet dearest friend, this is showing to us that your TRUST level has depleted somewhat. Is this correct?
If it had, believe me , I wouldn’t be talking to you now. The clarification from White Cloud that you are of TRUTH is enough for me. I have no need to question you, for he is someone I TRUST beyond all measure, and if you’re ok in his books, then you are certainly ok in mine. I guess it’s the acceptance that it will actually take place. So many of us were so Trusting and we learned many lessons from that within ourselves. It still is hard to imagine that something like this could actually happen,. Do you know what I mean or not?
Not really, for we are inside the ship therefore we know it exists!!!! All we have to do now is follow our new plans, and we shall not be disclosing them to you at this juncture.
We have understood through what took place on the 14th that it is not wise … for your safety, (and may we say to a degree that many of you may never be aware of) … to reveal our ‘show date’. Yet it shall be so. It shall be so.
We feel we must leave now as we will leave you tired for the rest of your day if we do not.
Yep, understood, could feel us just creeping over that line…. How lovely to be able to chat for so long. Thank you. Thankyou so much.
We say to you the pleasure is all ours.
There are many who shall read this who would disagree. It seems your words give pleasure to a great many. We give thanks for that guys.