Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Yesterday I found myself pulled into meditation only to be placed in a room of white light. It was silent there except for the high pitched ringing sound of silence. I stayed there for a time then opened my eyes to ground because i realized that I have a some residual fear of moving upwards, I guess.

These experiences move me out of this "comfortable" plane and onto one where I feel so very different, separate somehow and my mind wants to feel "normal" again, connected to the earth.

Later on, I felt in a daze but thankful to still be here on earth, still on this plane and mostly, still with my son, feeling this high level of vital energy available to me on this plane. I am always reminded that I am safe, that it is alright, but as I am moving forward and sometimes outward, I am still encountering some fear of letting go of this plane in order to see or travel to other planes. 

 How do you all reconcile the out of body or higher places experiences with our normal everyday experiences. Its like EVERYONE is in on it (the forgetting who we REALLY ARE). We all know on some level that we are all the same thing, here to experience whatever, but for those of us that REMEMBER or are remembering on this level... I am wondering how you cope or if you ever get scared with the shifting. 

 And also, then when you know you have access to these places, how do YOU go about using it or experiencing them without fear. I don't feel "special" having these abilities. It is more, that I feel a level of duty/honor/responsibility in using them for the up most service.

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This is so great, finally another person who had experienced the white light, great topic dear Brandy ...
What I asked myself is, do you have this experience of white light just once or did it occur more times?
I do have only one experience with the white light, certain for three seconds. Indeed there was no sound in my experience either, just far away a soft pitching of high tones. In my feeling I exist at that short moment solely out of light, stupid but that was my feeling.
You talk about a room full of white light, well I didn't see shapes of being some where but my head was filled with more horizontal krystals of pure white.
I was totally surprised for 3 seconds I was in heaven and then the fear caved in...I opened my eyes because my next thoughts was that I was having an attack on my brain. It was nothing of that kind, but what was it then...

Since then I had no more pure whit light encounters, but when I close my eyes, there is no darkness anymore, but beautiful lights blue red and pink and yellow, alternate eachother.
Now I work out my fear of new opportunities to curb, it is a matter of openness to unknown possibilities. And I must say the fear is way much lesser than last year... I just go with the flow and I will see where it brings me :)))
thank you thank you so much for this reply.. Your right about it not being a room per se as there was no limits or walls or anything...

thank you for sharing this it has eased my heart and mind :)
Sometimes I wonder if this is a dream and the other side is real.

I only saw the room of white light once, that I can remember, just recently too. It wasn't in a meditation but in a dream. It was brief and there were people there wearing white. I have had meaningful OBE's in meditation but not that one yet. The experience I had when i first started having them is a feeling of falling. Like on a rollercoaster when it goes over the top of an incline. Its zero gravity. There is no pull of the Earth's gravity anymore, because that part of you is not as dense as the physical. So the falling sensation is no gravity. You will get use to it in time and your quick visits help you adjust. Another fear is fear of the unkknown, but you can return to your body andytime you want, just think of your physical body here and you will be back. In this plane your thoughs will take you where ever you want. This is why we must be fearless. Our true nature is energy with consciousness that can take on any form which never can be destroyed, only transform or grow.
And you ask how do you cope. Well it can be hard at times but there are good times too. Just remember you are a powerful being of divine light and your trip here has purpose. Give your self credit sometime, fear is an obsticle that is not easy to master. It sounds like you are well foucused, grounded and know where you are headed. You are doing well, my friend. Just remeber, your not alone, we are all in the same boat. :)))
Many mahalo's (thank you's) for this message. It was very helpful and reassuring to know that I am not alone... one of those things we know but sometimes need reminding of. Thank you for your insight and encouragement!! I liken the experiences to that of spinning more so than falling however, I feel like this opening up of somekind and there is a spinning sensation. Another thing I just remembered was just before i returned from the white light I spoke, I asked a question (a personal one) and the sound or the vibration changed instantly, it felt like when a bowl or a plate clattering against the floor... like i had knocked the perfect centering (like when you center clay on a wheel) off kilter somewhat, and that was partially what brought me back to my normal state.

simpleman said:
Sometimes I wonder if this is a dream and the other side is real.
I only saw the room of white light once, that I can remember, just recently too. It wasn't in a meditation but in a dream. It was brief and there were people there wearing white. I have had meaningful OBE's in meditation but not that one yet. The experience I had when i first started having them is a feeling of falling. Like on a rollercoaster when it goes over the top of an incline. Its zero gravity. There is no pull of the Earth's gravity anymore, because that part of you is not as dense as the physical. So the falling sensation is no gravity. You will get use to it in time and your quick visits help you adjust. Another fear is fear of the unkknown, but you can return to your body andytime you want, just think of your physical body here and you will be back. In this plane your thoughs will take you where ever you want. This is why we must be fearless. Our true nature is energy with consciousness that can take on any form which never can be destroyed, only transform or grow. And you ask how do you cope. Well it can be hard at times but there are good times too. Just remember you are a powerful being of divine light and your trip here has purpose. Give your self credit sometime, fear is an obsticle that is not easy to master. It sounds like you are well foucused, grounded and know where you are headed. You are doing well, my friend. Just remeber, your not alone, we are all in the same boat. :)))
another thing before I forget, I wonder about life being the dream also... A part of me certainly doesn't seem to want to wake all the way up yet either, because it resisted, and this is probably fear of the unknown, just like you said... the fear of not being able to go back to "normal" whatever that is... sorry just being honest guys.
remember one of my old blogs ??? I KNOW THAT ''I AM'' :
I had seen that '' white light'' ,and since then I always wondered :):):) :

Two decades back I had to go to a medical place ,for a blood check ,for some emigration procession ( Atlantic City Hospital,NJ) ,and that was the last time I ever saw to a doctor :):):) .
I never really liked to see blood anyway but this time got worse:):):) I Passed Out ! :

Here I am sitting in a chair ,and a nurse came with needles,bottles and spiral plastic pipe to draw my blood. Here she goes and puts the needle in my vein and attached the spiral pipe to it,than to the bottle. ...than blood came out!
Once blood started to circulate spirally through pipe, I new only that I was fading ... ''than I went to another place".
I passed out ,and temporarely disconected from all my senses and my brain. ...was just ''Me'' left ... .

Here I am now inside a ''light room'' surrounded ... ... ...
it has only happened once, so far and very recently like a few days ago, on 2/4

Trudy said:
This is so great, finally another person who had experienced the white light, great topic dear Brandy ...
What I asked myself is, do you have this experience of white light just once or did it occur more times? I do have only one experience with the white light, certain for three seconds. Indeed there was no sound in my experience either, just far away a soft pitching of high tones. In my feeling I exist at that short moment solely out of light, stupid but that was my feeling. You talk about a room full of white light, well I didn't see shapes of being some where but my head was filled with more horizontal krystals of pure white.
I was totally surprised for 3 seconds I was in heaven and then the fear caved in...I opened my eyes because my next thoughts was that I was having an attack on my brain. It was nothing of that kind, but what was it then...

Since then I had no more pure whit light encounters, but when I close my eyes, there is no darkness anymore, but beautiful lights blue red and pink and yellow, alternate eachother.
Now I work out my fear of new opportunities to curb, it is a matter of openness to unknown possibilities. And I must say the fear is way much lesser than last year... I just go with the flow and I will see where it brings me :)))
Mahalo for your post Besimi. I tried to read your blog but the link wasn't working. :?

Besimi said:
remember one of my old blogs ??? I KNOW THAT ''I AM'' :
I had seen that '' white light'' ,and since then I always wondered :):):) :

Two decades back I had to go to a medical place ,for a blood check ,for some emigration procession ( Atlantic City Hospital,NJ) ,and that was the last time I ever saw to a doctor :):):) .
I never really liked to see blood anyway but this time got worse:):):) I Passed Out ! :

Here I am sitting in a chair ,and a nurse came with needles,bottles and spiral plastic pipe to draw my blood. Here she goes and puts the needle in my vein and attached the spiral pipe to it,than to the bottle. ...than blood came out!
Once blood started to circulate spirally through pipe, I new only that I was fading ... ''than I went to another place".
I passed out ,and temporarely disconected from all my senses and my brain. ...was just ''Me'' left ... .

Here I am now inside a ''light room'' surrounded ... ... ...
I KNOW THAT ''I AM'' - My Personal (Passed Out) Story

Two decades back I had to go to a medical place ,for a blood check ,for some emigration procession ( Atlantic City Hospital,NJ) ,and that was the last time I ever saw to a doctor :):):) .
I never really liked to see blood anyway but this time got worse:):):) I Passed Out ! :

Here I am sitting in a chair ,and a nurse came with needles,bottles and spiral plastic pipe to draw my blood. Here she goes and puts the needle in my vein and attached the spiral pipe to it,than to the bottle. ...than blood came out!
Once blood started to circulate spirally through pipe, I new only that I was fading ... ''than I went to another place".
I passed out ,and temporarely disconected from all my senses and my brain. ...was just ''Me'' left ... .

Here I am now inside a ''light room'' surrounded with bright fog-like walls.

I observe,I can see clearly,I know I AM right there,cause I feel so real (it's really ''me'',in this bright room).

But I can't think,I don't have any memories at all. .... nothing, just ''Me'' being there .

I have feeling that I know something ,but can't recall anything at all .

Was no need of anything , just curious looking.

I don't see any form of myself ,but I don't miss it either cause I don't know anything at all.(just observer)

I was alone ,but that was no bother. No pain of any kind ,just completely self-contained so to speak, nothing misses.

Than suddenly I begin to feel discomfort and pain ,as I started to get back to my senses and the urge to get back my
memories grew .

....I than ''woke up'' to this world to see dactors and nurses slapping my face so hard and I was all wet from cold
water they threw on me,trying to bring me back ''on'' . Well ! they sure were so glad and relieved when I woke up.
They told me I was ''out'' for almost one minute, ...nurse got scared and she went to call doctor ..and so on.
But what was interesting to me , where I had gone during this time.??? was so real . ???
And why I remember now all that experience,when I was disconected from my brain completely at that time.???
I couldn't remember anything at that time ( inside that ''room'')from this world memories.
I was being slapped on my face and yelled all the time ,and I didn't feel or hear anything at all.
..........I know I didn't have access to my senses and brain at all,that's why I didn't feel,hear,or know anything. That
makes sense to me perfectly, but this remembering of experience out of my senses is still with me, to this day.

Since then ,I later got to be very interested in spirituality ,though I have always been very spiritual and an ''not-ordinary" person so to speak ( friends have told me that may times) :):):).

Well ! to this day I never forgot that experience and have thought time after time to discuss it here .
I am glad now that I have had that experience ( being cut off all my senses) and realize that still I WAS after that.
Reading also on spirituality and out of body experiences ,from diferent people all over the world,than my experience started to make sense to me more and more.
... I now KNOW that I AM and will always BE no mater what ever happens to my body,and this does for Everybody.

You will remain the ''real you'' and get access to this and all other lifetime memories ,and will continue to explore and evolve on your spiritual journey.

That experience was so REAL ,as real as I am right now (except: no fear,no worry,no needs).
Just that I stood there temporarely :):):)

I can only tell you that: I KNOW THAT I AM ,always,eternally :):):) So do all of you . No doubt about that.
..namaste and lots of love to all of you.
Besimi this is very similar to the experience i had, Thank you so much for sharing this.

I know of one other person who went there, the light, and realized it was only him there too...this is fascinating. I was just thinking about this in the drive to work today and that I like the idea that there are beings on the other side available for us to help and to help us, that we are somehow both a singular, independent consciousness and also ONE great consciousness... but it was hard to find the "ohters" in the white room/place whatever because there was ONLY me.

Perhaps we all get a glimpse of the other side from time to time to remind us why we chose to come into form to begin with. Why we chose the forgetting and what we can do with it now.
:) I found this while researching, thought you might find it of interest..

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