Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

About a year ago, I was able to read about the NESARA on the Internet. The funny thing is that now, it happens to be mosly disinformation websites and videos all over the place.. as if everybody is saying "NESARA is a lie" but no trace of "what is NESARA". So why would they say its a lie in the first place?...

For those who dont know about the NESARA, here's a reminder according to my understanding.

-NESARA was voted at the us congress and converted into a federal law under clintons adminstration (in 2000). and are disinformation websites (just like CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox are disinformation)

-NESARA was to be announced on 911 10am. but for some reason (inside job) it was reported.

-NESARA has nothing to do with NWO and chip implants.

-with NESARA, banks wouldnt charge any interest on loans, it would clear your mortgages debts, clear you creditcards debts, as the interest theyre charging would be considered a fraud. it is someting to help the poor people.

-NESARA was rename GESARA because it becomes something Global or international, with GESARA, poor african people will be able to eat.

-NESARA is somehow related to "saint-germain" light being, who works for it to come true, hes working with ashtar and samanda on the ascension process and the economy has someting to do with it because it is holding us down.. it is taking all our energy and time, leaving no time left to focus on our true mission on earth. NESARA is becoming more and more a possibility. I also read its one of first things obama will put in application in 2009.

The thing is, we build our reality at every moment, with each thoughts, beleifs and actions we take, every moment is the result of some previous actions. This is the reason why channels cannot predict the future with accurate precision because man has the ability to change it. It is our responsability to BELEIVE or at least DREAM of a better world, where money is not a problem, where knowledge isnt kept a secret by those who want to control, Where we dont have to work from 9 to 5 every day to survive, in other words a world where we are free. We need to beleive in a world where we all live in the present, without stress or fear about the future. With this post, I hope some of you will be able to bring the truth NESARA and be able to share with the rest of us. It is important we discover the truth so it can become a reality..

Do you have any pointer to NESARA? Or thing to say?

Here's one that looks OK

Here's one for those who can read french

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NESARA: National Economic Stability And Reformation Act
GESARA: Global Economic Stability And Reformation Act

Irony upon irony, NESARA was created to /prevent/ the collapse of the worldwide banking system as we're seeing it today. There was no incentive to pass it into law before, since too many people stood to lose their positions of power. Now, as the economic situation becomes entirely untenable, it is looking increasingly likely that NESARA will be looked at more favorably in the US and actually has a decent chance of passing as law.

NESARA states, quite simply, that loaning with interest is a fraudulent means of profit and thus illegal. Since most all of the world's current currency is what we call part of the 'fractal reserve' which is created /entirely/ by loaning with interest, the deflation of value would be so significant that most prices would return to pre-war standards when all the duds have been removed from circulation. In case you are wondering, every dollar note that says 'Federal Reserve Bank' is money /not/ printed by government, but under license by banks and accepted as legal tender, which means that such notes would hold no intrinsic value under the passing of NESARA. Your mortgage would disappear, as would all debts created on a vehicle controlled by banking systems and their subsidiaries. Only your debt towards the state would remain as legally enforcable.

After the voting of NESARA, foreign governments were approached to back the plan, since any change in the US system of banking would have global repercussions. As NESARA was designed to stabilize and not destabilize the economy, it was of vital importance that enough major governments backed the principle worldwide, even if they did not want to enforce it themselves, so as to accept the new US currency as valid for trading outside of US borders. The concept of NESARA, however, is so alluring as an economic fail-safe or back up plan, that most major governments have by now accepted the principle and are likely to pass a NESARA-simile into law should the former be passed into law in the US. This would lead to the so-called GESARA principle.

Economically speaking, this makes sense. NESARA implies that you cannot spend money you do not have, nor can you create money to loan to others on the premise they will pay you back more than you created to give them, thus drawing real funds towards a fictional amount as a means of personal of business gain. It's interesting to note that until the 15th century 'usury' (or the loaning for interest) was considered to be the act of a thief or a parasite and thus against the law practically everywhere. It wasn't until the rise of the bankers near the Renaissance period, when kings and rulers were forced to borrow vast sums of money to maintain their rule, that this law was repealed.

I recommend watching the video 'Money as debt' on youtube for an enlightening view of our current economic system. Beware though: finding out what's really going on with banks today might lead you to believe the world has gone entirely insane.
This plan would be good as it will give a spin to the economy but I doubt that the bankers and their minions are willing to be left with this "pile of debts" in their hands... they will rather see the destruction of the system rather than their own.
Binary Warrior said:
This plan would be good as it will give a spin to the economy but I doubt that the bankers and their minions are willing to be left with this "pile of debts" in their hands... they will rather see the destruction of the system rather than their own.

The line that major banks and bankers walk is a precarious one. On the one hand, what they are doing is causing a global economic collapse (which is simply inevitable under the system currently in place) but on the other hand they operate entirely by the grace of the government. If NESARA were declared as law (which is a different thing entirely from being passed as law) the banks would have no choice but to follow, as to stand in open defiance of legislation negates the leniency they enjoy which allows them to work.

If they were to strive for a total collapse, they would still be left with the debts on their hands. Under NESARA, they would still be in business, albeit a far less profitable one than before. The fractal reserve, and debts with it, would cease to exist. Ulcer inducing chaos for an accountant, yes, but ask any accountant which they prefer, a few days of frantic calculation or being lynched by an angry mob, and you'll find that a refreshing majority will prefer survival.

Upon request, I could post my insights into the fractal reserve on this forum, if there is sufficient interest? It would explain why this system is doomed to failure, and any other would have to operate under NESARA principles for there to be any banking future at all.

Or should I start saving bottlecaps? :-)
Hi Ullan,

In principle is like you say... and yes, more info is always welcome! :)

What did M.A. Rotschild say?

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.

so as long as THEY print our money... we are always their slaves... having a huge debt to repay!
In case of a social collapse, what will they remain with? Our gold. What will we have? Debts. Even if the system gets zeroed.... they have already scooped up all they could already.

Ullan said:
Binary Warrior said:
This plan would be good as it will give a spin to the economy but I doubt that the bankers and their minions are willing to be left with this "pile of debts" in their hands... they will rather see the destruction of the system rather than their own.

The line that major banks and bankers walk is a precarious one. On the one hand, what they are doing is causing a global economic collapse (which is simply inevitable under the system currently in place) but on the other hand they operate entirely by the grace of the government. If NESARA were declared as law (which is a different thing entirely from being passed as law) the banks would have no choice but to follow, as to stand in open defiance of legislation negates the leniency they enjoy which allows them to work.

If they were to strive for a total collapse, they would still be left with the debts on their hands. Under NESARA, they would still be in business, albeit a far less profitable one than before. The fractal reserve, and debts with it, would cease to exist. Ulcer inducing chaos for an accountant, yes, but ask any accountant which they prefer, a few days of frantic calculation or being lynched by an angry mob, and you'll find that a refreshing majority will prefer survival.

Upon request, I could post my insights into the fractal reserve on this forum, if there is sufficient interest? It would explain why this system is doomed to failure, and any other would have to operate under NESARA principles for there to be any banking future at all.

Or should I start saving bottlecaps? :-)
this law will never be passed.
pointless even discussing it.............
For those who have seen the video, the preposterous notion of fractal reserve should be clear, so I won't discuss it here further. Those who have not yet seen the video, by all means please do.

As for my insights in the matter... Mind you that these thoughts are heavily tinted by personally knowing several bankers, a top level accountant and a tax lawyer, and several months of pondering the subject for alternatives.

So here goes.

Obviously, in a world where money is created out of thin air to cover the debts of other people based entirely on their promise to pay it back, the only reason this is allowed is for an elite club of bankers to get richer as others get deeper in debt and which is hoped to keep working until the end of their lifetime. Damned be the future generations, as long as they don't have to fix the mess, they don't care. Why should they? After all, this system has worked fine since about the fifteenth century. Sensible people who actually /work/ for their money (and are given money which is technically worth no more than if someone had raided a monopoly box) realize that this is a system which is flawed on a molecular level. The current crisis, and all the crises that came before it, are living proof of this. As the margin of debt and interest increases exponentially, so does the frequency of crises and each brings us closer to the eventual collapse of the international banking system.

But what is to happen to us after the banks collapse? Will there be riots? Will we still have a shop to go to to get bread and butter? The honest answer is that I simply don't know, but I suspect that in both cases the answer will be yes. But with a nuance.

Many people are at the moment watching the stockmarkets and sigh heavily every time they hear that the FTSE, the Dow, Nasdaq or even the TSE has dropped another five percent. Truthfully, answer this for yourself: what does that actually mean for you? Do you have stocks? If yes, are they so valuable that a five percent drop ruins your finances?

Let us be honest about this: the only people losing out on the stock market downturns are those who were wealthy enough to own stocks to begin with. Some investors are losing several millions a week, which in turn means that they are used to earning several millions a week normally. When the news is broadcast that the Dow is plummeting, suddenly they make it out to be everyone's concern. They want /you/ to be worried about /their/ cashflow. How is this conundrum solved? Easy, the federal reserve bank (as you now know a bank controlled by banks and bankers) slashes interest rates. Cheaper free money for all! By all means, put that money in your account so a rich investor can use it to buy more stocks to offset the loss he made yesterday. And if you are a regular saver? Sorry, but a rich investor needed the money to keep his fleet of expensive cars running, so I'm sure you'll understand we'll pay you out less interest this year. Only fair, after all.

Mind you, these are not the angry ramblings of someone with a unique perspective into the economic system. This is economic reality.

Rothschild indeed said it best: Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. There is someone who understood, and actually champions the notion, that as soon as a government gives up control over who prints the money, they become utterly reliant on those that do. In a sane world, only a government would print or stamp money, and it would be backed by value, be that resources, labor or real estate.

The rate of interest and debt has reached such levels that it has become impossible to pay it off within one lifetime. In short, the only way to pay off debts is if someone creates more 'reserve' money (through debt) to pay off a personal part of debt. Naturally, this only makes matters worse. This akin to taking out a greater loan in order to pay off a previous loan.

Before I go off on yet another tangent, my conclusions:

1) The current banking model is flawed and cannot sustain itself indefinitely.

2) Any replacement system would have to see government as the sole source of printed or stamped currency.

3) Any replacement system must have every denomination backed by value, be that resources, labor or real estate.

4) It should be possible for all holding currency to exchange this for the final value it was secured upon, not simply more currency.

5) Like church and state, economics and politics should never be allowed to mix.

6) Any replacement system would need to be equal for all who use it and the means of generating revenue should be similar and of equal value to all.

Only by embracing these six guidelines above can a system emerge which can sustain itself indefinitely, and will not lead to the creation of an elite class of ultra rich who have the power to influence entire countries at their whim.
I hadn't heard of this before reading your thread, thank you for bringing it to my attention
Interesting reading, I really hope it happens
My thoughts about NESARA/GESARA.

1) If the law exists, it is likely to be declared soon considering the amount of chaos the financial markets are in. If ever there was a time to implement something like NESARA/GESARA, it would be now.

2) If the law does not exist, then it is still a well written piece of legislation that should, in my humble opinion, be passed and declared into law anyway. Something this beneficial to mankind should not be dismissed easily, even if it only exists as an idea.

In short, the existence or non-existence of NESARA/GESARA is, as a point, entirely moot. What matters is the idea behind it, and serious thought should be given about something that has gathered this amount of momentum in the current political and financial climate.
Ted - please check out the discussions and postings on theres so much fascinating stuff about NESARA in there also website is for detailed info. I tried to start a discussion on here a couple of weeks ago about's pretty exciting stuff!
Im happy to see that some of you beleive in this despite the info we can find out there.. I have read some channelings from st-germain and Im glad that some of you could confirm what I read.. Some of you got the info from channeling as well and it pretty much comfirms everything. The main idea behind this post was to share the knowledge that has been hidden from us and tell those who dont know or dont beleive in NESARA. Also, I read recently that Obama has put his team in place, it is said that some people in his team are actually enemies but Obama knows he has to get closer to them before he can do anything against them (sounds wise). I think of Hillary whose husband has something to do with NESARA, but personaly im not very psychic, so... (to be continued)

christalm, I tried this link but it forwards to , URLs with a @ are URLs that contains a user password and for some reason it doesnt seem to get me where its supposed to..

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