Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I got robbed last night while sleeping. My roommates and I sleep upstairs in our rooms while the living room and kitchen are downstairs. I feel asleep at 2am, Kevin got up at 6. Somewhere in between, some "person" slid open a window that was unlocked, stole Kevin's 4 month old comptuer, Skyler's X-Box 360, My i-pod, and some random stuff that make this whole situation make no sense.
Of the trinkets missing, the contents of my wallet. Not my ID, or Bank cards, but various business cards a membership cards to places like Blockbuster and Safeway. I don't understand?
Oh, I forgot to mention, my computer was in my room so they didn't get that, BUT - i had a flash drive sitting out that went missing. The contents of this drive are rather, important.
You see, I graduate on sunday. I had 2 finals this morning and had to turn in 2 papers. Tomorrow I have a final and a paper due, and the same for wednesday. Friday I have a portfolio due that contains about 40-50 pages of my work (im an english education major).
I know, i know, make copies and backups and all that jazz.
 I dont own a printer. I print at school in the lab i work in because its free. I write my papers wherever i have access to a computer, hence the flash drive that has served me well for nearly 6 years now. I had a lot of my work from the past on there, about 3 years worth.
WHY? Why did this have to happen?
I lead a very positive life, I firmly believe in karma and try to be such a good person because i know the fruits of positive thinking/intention/etc etc etc. WHY!?? I know im supposed to find the meaning here, but its not coming.
and that bothers me
Among the things missing, my snowboard is not. In the case of a house fire that would be the only thing I would grab, so I AM thankful for that. It might seem silly, but snowboarding is the closest I get to completely freeing my mind of all thought, and I love more than any other "activity" I have found so far.
So please help me, fellow saviors of earth. a few reassuring words, maybe? your interpretation? anything will help. because the police and their 'csi' kit couldnt get prints off my window, i have to make excuses to teachers and deal with stress i dont need, or want.
I did actually laugh earlier walking to school, im not sure why. Its just funny how the world works sometimes I guess. Maybe its the worlds way of telling me those papers weren't good enough and i wasnt going to pass? doubtfull...

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sorry for that, but really it's a little funny too :-). Who knows what the good thing was about that, but as you say you'll know it someday, rather sooner than later.
All the best!
Hi DanBal ! I know the feeling... but now looking back at those situations that happened to me years a go (long story). I know now that everything happens for a good reason but only you can get best of this or make it the worst. Life is basically how we react to situations that is actually how the law of attraction kind of works.First the feeling you get about the situation then your reaction = your reality, I don't know if I make any sense here? But I hope your situation resolves and that things work out for you with your school work.
It is difficult to contain, but everything has a reason ... which, that is only knowed by the Great Creator of our Universe ...
But you can also use this ... each setback brings positive progress...
And that my dear friend DanBal is the clear truth ...

Gerd - you're right buddy lol - im still upset but keep laughing at myself for it
Crystal - you made perfect sense! i guess it will just take some time before i have a better understanding about the whole situation and my reactions. I also believe that we're not meant to suppress any emotions, even anger. Which is why I don't feel bad about my reaction and just let all the negativity flow through me as fast as it could so I could get rid of it. There is still some lingering, even now, but mostly I am leveling back out. Thank you for your words of encouragement! =)
Trudy - you reminded me of something very important, even if i dont know the reason, he/she does (i view god/creator/prime source as being a-sexual, if you can call it that) and that is something i overlooked today. I also like your 'each set back brings positive progress' - i can think of plenty examples in my own life that fit this, thank you for helping me see things more clearly.
thank you all!!!!
thanks for telling us Danbal, i think that all this was to make you a more spiritual being, maybe this stuffs of you give you the tendency of being less connected with others, so i think God make you a favor for you to connect more with us all
Interesting perspective Golden Angel - I have been quiet on here lately, and this sure reminded me what wonderful people you all are =) (we all are)
and Simone - ohhh your so right! flash drive are the backup! but since i dont own a printer i always put my files on the flash so i print at school... i hardly ever save it to my computer - guess that will change now! lol and it is really weird that they only took the things most important to each of us - skyler is a gamer and loves his x-box, and kevin is a musician and records lot of his music using his webcam on his laptop - good thing he uploads his videos to youtube but he had just bought it like 4 months ago! its just gut wrenching too knowing that someone dug through my wallet and left the important stuff... just to mess with me? i dont know, im over it now. the past usually doesnt stick with me for too long (thanks tolle!) so i am in much better spirits now.
ive taken several things from this experience - some of which i already knew but i guess had to be reinforced.
no matter how much you trust in good in the world, lock your doors lol
no matter how much you trust in technology, dont HAHA!
and above all, dont watch csi and expect your local police to be able to figure it out lol... ohhh hollywood your effects are devestating in ways you will never imagine!

thank you all and may you have a SAFE and wonderful week =)
hahahahhaa you re funny man, i must admid that =) LOL

DanBal said:
Interesting perspective Golden Angel - I have been quiet on here lately, and this sure reminded me what wonderful people you all are =) (we all are)
and Simone - ohhh your so right! flash drive are the backup! but since i dont own a printer i always put my files on the flash so i print at school... i hardly ever save it to my computer - guess that will change now! lol and it is really weird that they only took the things most important to each of us - skyler is a gamer and loves his x-box, and kevin is a musician and records lot of his music using his webcam on his laptop - good thing he uploads his videos to youtube but he had just bought it like 4 months ago! its just gut wrenching too knowing that someone dug through my wallet and left the important stuff... just to mess with me? i dont know, im over it now. the past usually doesnt stick with me for too long (thanks tolle!) so i am in much better spirits now.
ive taken several things from this experience - some of which i already knew but i guess had to be reinforced.
no matter how much you trust in good in the world, lock your doors lol
no matter how much you trust in technology, dont HAHA!
and above all, dont watch csi and expect your local police to be able to figure it out lol... ohhh hollywood your effects are devestating in ways you will never imagine!

thank you all and may you have a SAFE and wonderful week =)
DanBal, I think that lately everybody is on a crash coarse. What ever we need to learn is coming at us like a eight hundered pound gorilla. Its like we need to hurry up because events will be accelerating. I think its getting control of our mind, therefor control of our feelings. I have learned we control our mind and feelings by the way we look at things. The only way I found peace, when I was ready rip stuff apart, is to look at the higher purpose of the situation, what to learn from it and how to handle the situation. What ever my problem is will kick me in the face untill I change the way I look at it.

BTW, I have a feeling it was someone who knows you and knows your place and what you have and grudge or jelousy was the motive too
OH my dear sweet friend So sorry to hear about your troubles, and OMG getting robbed is soooo not the most fun thing to experience.

Perhaps the perspective of it all happens for a reason is all that is needed. I don't know the answers to your questions, I so wish I did. One thing that came to me to say is, you may have lost the copy of the knowledge you have been gathering those 3 years, but you did not lose the knowledge with in you. That can not be stolen.
Sorry for you lost DanBal but letting go is one of the hardest lessons to learn I think ,and yes we are on a crash course to start paying more attention to what is going on around us and for more to start seeing through the lies.also it is true that the most important knowledge that you have can not be stolen from you as long as you keep BELIEVING all will turn out in the end and all will be as planed by God and Yourself .LOVE,LIGHT & BLESSINGS
all i can say is thank goodness that you didnt get hurt..i mean think about it.. Imagine you had gotten up to go to the washroom and heard a strange noise..generally the theif will flee but what if they didnt..what if you saw their face and they decided that wasn`t ok..i sucks to loose those things ..and expensive to loose and have to replace your stuff.....and maybe your paper did suck..(hahha kidding) but ..your still with us..and thats what matters the most.

Hello, DanBal I'm so sorry to hear about this rather traumatic incident. I've been robbed many times, and I know how it feels. The first impression I got while reading about your experience was that it might be a student that knows you from where you go to study...perhaps someone jealous of you or your work? The next impression I got was that it (or they) are younger people (maybe a younger brother of a student, or some such). Young punks, you know? The reason I say this is because of the stolen membership cards. These cards impress the younger generation, because they think they can obtain more "free stuff".
The last impression I got was that it COULD be gov' if they wanted to know your "contacts" or acquaintances.
Please let me know of the latest developments? (I'm a "crime-fighter" at heart) Blessings to You

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