Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mother Sekhmet's Call

June 11, 2009

Transcribed by Your Transcription Team

Shirley, Jan, Annie, Katie, Patricia and Jules

Edited by Andrew McManus

Part 1: Roundtable with Mark, Rama, and Tara

AGGIE – Is it true that the Federal Reserve was ordered to close
down by Obama?

RAMA – Greetings!

MARK – I'll take this because I'm the one who probably read
it all the way through. This is Sorcha Faal(audio was hard to
understand) a retired KBG agent who is probably covert CIA also, from
all that we have [received] from our sources, which are very high up,
indeed. The first 90% of that article is basically historical fact; then
comes the spin at the end.

TARA – Shirley do you have the end of that article?

MARK – It's the last 2 paragraphs.

TARA – In the first part, what did it say, Mark?

MARK - It just talked about the history and that's all fact of

TARA - What history? The Federal Reserve?

MARK – Yes. It's got the history that's the problem. Then
they go into the editorializing where the spin comes.

TARA - Shirley when you get to those last 2 paragraphs . . .

SHIRLEY – "According to Russian legal experts [etc.} it does
appear on the surface [inaudible] President Obama. President
Kennedy's Executive Order #11110 has never been repealed by any
American president making a showdown inevitable between Obama and the
Federal Reserve before the U. S. Supreme Court in which Obama has
recently nominated U. S. Federal Judge Sonia Sotomayor to America's
highest court where she will become the 6th Roman Catholic justice near
control of U. S. monetary policy. In this epic battle between the
Vatican-backed Obama and the Rothschild-backed Federal Reserve, we can
plainly see that the 1849 secret agreement between these two monstrous
powers and inflate the west nearing its catastrophic end with no clear
winner to be seen but an entire world being destroyed in its titanic

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considered a threat. The U. S.
stated this week that, `We're going to change the world. Please
don't interfere.' The American people have not even been told.
This cannot be [inaudible] Putin however who immediately upon learning
of Obama's battle to the death with the Federal Reserve, joined with
China and Brazil and ordered Russia's central bank to begin
divesting itself of U. S. Federal holdings and replace them with
International Monetary Fund bonds as the United States is about to be
crushed with what London's Fleet Street News is calling the triple
crown of financial disaster which can very well see the complete
destruction of America. Most sadly of all, the American people
themselves continue to remain the only people in the world not knowing
about what is soon to happen to them.

One indeed wonders what it will take for them to ever wake up from their
long sleep."

Is that the part you were talking about Mark? That the Vatican and the
Rothchilds are not fighting each other or . . .

MARK – No they are. First of all, the first spin comes when he
makes a statement of fact that Sotomayor is beholden to the Vatican. The
second mistake is when he starts editorializing. It's a
"he". He starts editorializing and saying the destruction of
the U.S.

You see it is how you say something and the words you use. If he had
said the destruction of the Federal Reserve if he has said the
destruction of the corporate government, he would be right. This is all
good – all the rest of it is good. Do you see how they try to spin
it at the end for you to be very fearful, something bad is happening?

This is far from it – the opposite. This is wonderful. It has to
happen because these guys need to be thrown out and the only way
they'll be thrown out is if they are broke and their whole plan has
collapsed. That's what's happening. People have different
points of views and agendas depending on what their interests are. As
long as you keep that in mind, you can read these things and sort the
wheat from the chaff.

TARA – Obama supposedly is a Manchurian candidate and Brzezinski is
his handler. Handler means KGB a double agent undercover covert CIA KGB
handler named Brzezinski and he is also, with a fervor, hates Putin. He
would go against anything that Putin would try.

CYNTHIA SUSAN – Thank you for clearing up that rumor if you want to
call it that, or misinformation.

RAMA – I heard that today, I think it was on maybe Stephanie Miller
or somewhere else, that Obama was getting ready, along with another
group of senate committees, that were going to audit the fed and put it
in the trash.

TARA – That's already after the fact that on the 31st of March
at midnight, the Federal Reserve and the IRS were completely insolvent.
It was done by a Declaration of Insolvency which is a document that took
from 1999 until March 31st at midnight to actually inact. That means
that everything is downhill from that point in terms of the Federal
Reserve and the IRS. So everything that's been . . .

PAT in Houston - Ron Paul's audit of the federal bill pending in the
House of Representatives, As of this afternoon, it had over 50%
sponsors. It's due to be voted on, I believe, next week. That was
in a letter from somebody in Ron Paul's immediate circle – an
email that I got just before we went on. I happen to know Ron Paul
– not well, an acquaintance. In that article, they said
Kennedy's Executive Order was never rescinded. My information was
that was the very first Executive Order that Lyndon Johnson undid on the
plane before he even landed in Washington, which was to undo
Kennedy's order dissolving the Fed.

TARA– That's 100% true we know for a fact and it's in the
true colors report on the assassination of JFK, Sr. The reason that
Hillary had John John assassinated, along with her cohorts Bush, Sr. and
Jr. She did have him killed. The night before he was killed, Al
Franken was in the office of the magazine "George" and in that
publication, which was going to come out on the day they killed him, was
going to be the entire true colors report of who killed his dad.

RAMA – Janet Reno and he were supposed to meet. That's why they
took John John out. Bush Sr., Bush, Jr. and Hillary have their names
all over that plane.

TARA – I think it was Pat Robertson or Rush Limbaugh, one of those
folks, saying a terrible, terrible off color joke that the late show,
David Letterman said about Sarah Palin's daughter which the Palins
implied he was talking about the 14 year old daughter getting knocked
up. He clarified all that and then Keith Olbermann went further. Pat
Robertson or Rush Limbaugh, no sure who, yet what was said was coming
from a very evil place. They said that Chelsea, basically, was a demon
in terms of the words put to – it was just horrible.

Both Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann have people on their shows
tonight which are getting deeper into this hate crime thing, which means
the rights of women to their own bodies and self-determination –
their choice with counseling from a doctor who would also only do
something under the circumstances needed. As it was described many
times already, many children are being raped by their parents; girls
being raped by their fathers and their brothers. They're 10, 11,
12, 13 and they're having babies. Those are the ones.

RAMA – In terms of the news today, what I have heard in terms of the
big story, all of this is leading up to the sort of unspoken race. Dr
Stephen Bassett has it on his web site. It is 143 days since the
inauguration; there has been no full disclosure of the galactic
presence. As Friday approaches, we'll see what happens. There are
hinting at it at certain levels out there on radio land. I'm saying
that it is not without its merit.

People are talking about Galactic presence. Is France going to announce
it before Obama announces it or is it China or is it Putin? You go to and click on the English version.
They have a place called `technology' and almost every day they
have a new article about UFOs. This is a major Russian newspaper –
the state newspaper. France is getting ready with the European Union to
put more information out. Brazil is about to announce their UFO
information, along with Argentina and Ecuador.

TARA – And on the Journal News this morning, the European markets
are not improving; they are going bye bye. It's not working at all.
It appears that way, just for a moment. The Euro is worth something
like a $1.49. The dollar is back where we were when the market was
going down, down, down. The value of the euro is far enhanced again and
yet the dollar is about to crash. Oil is soaring so that means the
death of the United States economy, which means the death of the world
economy. It's just out there on a cliff, on a precipice. Just go
ping and it's gone.

RAMA – What I heard today with all of this coming in at this time is
most important because it has to do with first contact. How we, as
humanity - one race, one heart, one mind; the one-hearted people. How
do we greet our galactic brothers and sisters? Do we greet them with
scary pointy objects or do we greet them in love? It is an incredible
understanding and concept.

This is what Gene Rodenberry put together with all the Star Trek series.
This is what it was about. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest
Kelley, the lady who plays Uhura [Nichelle Nichols] – the original
folks - they all know about this and know about what is about to happen.
They can't talk until after the facts. I believe they are getting
us ready for what is called the Galactic Federation of Worlds. I pass
the Talking Stick.

SHIRLEY – Right now on CNN it's saying that Chastity Bono is
going to convert to male and that all her life she has been male.
It's publicized right now. She probably couldn't have a better
mother to be in the situation that she's in. I just wondered if
Rama has any comments on that?

RAMA – Are you speaking about Sonny and Cher's children? I
don't know what to say on that.

TARA – She's getting new parts.

RAMA – All the souls have free will choice within the laws of the
one to follow what their hearts are telling them now.

TARA – It represents a wound that is so deep in the person that came
in with certain parts and doesn't want to be in that body. Often
times it's a person who needs to experience, for instance, being a
man in a woman's body and then getting treated by society in the way
that women get treated.

It gives the experience of a man in a woman's body at the soul level
learning to have compassion for women, which in his previous lifetime
may not have been happening. That is an experience that a lot of people
who find their twin flames of the same sex are having these days. A
woman and a woman getting feeling like they are getting married because
they feel they are twin flames, one is a man's soul in a woman's
body and the other one is the twin flame. That's why they get

RAMA – that's not a bad thing at all.

TARA – As a matter of fact, in the past, according to spiritual
understandings, it was ok to express love between two women. It's
also ok to express love between two men yet it's not ok to use your
parts and go in the "back door". That goes for women's
bodies and men's bodies. The act is sacred. The purpose of semen
is to bring new life into the world. The release of semen can be
controlled by a male and a female who are actually making love.

They have studied the words of tantric yoga and they know exactly how to
redirect the semen and not ejaculate it out into the physical womb space
but to bring it up the spinal cord of the shishuna and activate all 7
chakras, including the pineal gland and create a new being in the
etheric world. It can be an angel; it can be a deva; it can be an elf.
You're actually birthing a child in another realm. That is how
sacred making love on an intimate basis is. When a child comes into
being in any realm except the human realm, they mate for life.

That means the twin flame in the human realm that's bringing through
a being in another realm by making love to his consort is, also, by
higher law – bound to mate for life. Be responsible until the
child, in the physical – that they birth in the physical - is at
least 12 years of age. At that point, they go into a chaperoning
process where they choose what they want . . .

QUESTION – For the last two nights at one o'clock in the
morning, I noticed EBS, the Emergency Broadcasting System, was on - two
nights in a row solidly. What does that mean?

RAMA – They are tweaking their systems because tomorrow they are
supposedly going from analog TV to digital TV. I heard it was June
12th. At the same time, who is to say what the White Knights are doing
other than what needs to get ready for the total switch over in terms of
being in statutory law where corporate USA has been the modus operandi
and all of this talk about the Federal Reserve going down. It's
inevitable that we're going to constitutional law republic. I pass
the talking stick.

HOUSTON – I would just add that I noticed over the last month there
have been rolling blackouts of stations lasting from anywhere from 15
seconds to a minute and no explanation. I think it's more of the

MARIETTA ROBERT – I have noticed that here in Indiana as well.
These are the regular stations; I don't have cable. It's the
local stations here. There were blackouts for 30 seconds up to a minute
or two minutes. There's never any explanation. I don't know if
that's across the country. Thank you for mentioning that.

MARY JANE – If you listen to Ed Schultz, Ed's going to have
something about the stock market and what they're doing tomorrow the
way I understand it.

TARA – You mean on MSNBC?

MARY JANE – No. Oh, yeah; that's what I mean – MSNBC.

TARA – Ok, thank you. I haven't watched it yet. Whatever he
does on MSNBC will come on Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow if

MARY JANE - I understand that it has to do with what they're going
to do with the stock market.

That's all I can tell you.

TARA – That's very good news everybody.

MARIETTA ROBERT – One more comment and then we will go to our guest.

BILL in Minnesota – I'm confused. I'm trying to dig out
where is Brzezinski at? Is he more for the dark or does he have some
desire for the light? I am confused the way you described him.

RAMA – Brzezinski represents the elder dragons and, supposedly, he
is Obama's handler. Yet, I believe

TARA – and he's a former head of the International Monetary Fund
which means he's completely controlled by the Vatican, the British,
the CIA and likely a double covert Russian KGB.

RAMA – Mr. Brzezinski. What he represents as the old order, it is
getting its just due. It has to do with the fact that at the same time
all of this is going on, there is just an understanding that Brzezinski
with the elder dragons; they have to go on their way. I pass the
Talking Stick.

MARIETTA ROBERT – We thank all of you for making your comments this

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