Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Miracle Mineral Solution for detox & as a remedy for various ailments

This is a product my family(as well as our cat) has tried and it was very effective for healing a variety of things, from colds, bringing down fevers, infections and also can be used to purify water. One bottle lasts for about a year and fortunately we rarely need to use it, but it's nice to have one for emergencies.

Here is the best forum thread I found, full of posts with experiences written by users of the product that I read before ordering the MMS solution and the book by Jim Humble.

If anybody considers trying it, I really recommend reading a lot about it first. I spent a couple months learning about it before ordering.

Here are some sites of the product:

And a video of Jim Humble's interview:

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Great information for the health of all people, really genuine and easy to use...
Thank you for this... beautiful sister mlp *L*
I have read a story of a Dutchman who used MMS. His body is detoxified and his meditations are also deeper. I am already convinced and ordered MMS here in Holland. My teeth are in bad condition and I can use a boost...
Thank you Trudy for your kind words & love and both you and Berry for the helpful comments! love, light & cheers, mlp

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