Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Minerva Regarding the Call for Galactic Assistance to Stop The Oil Flow as Requested by Mother Sekhmet - May 26,2010.

Minerva Goddes. (Ancient Greek Athena )

Mother Sekhmet

From Minerva Regarding the Call for Galactic Assistance to Stop The Oil Flow as Requested by Sekhmet - May 26, 2010

From Minerva Regarding the Call for Galactic Assistance to Stop The Oil Flow
as Requested by Sekhmet - May 26, 2010

"I am Minerva. I have been chosen to speak for the group, a very large group that is so concerned about what is happening with this oil gushing forth, this life blood of the Earth, Mother Gaia. It is distressing to us that humans can ignore this and allow it to continue unabated. It is clear, as you see now, that these corporations have every intention of allowing it to continue because they know it poisons the Earth, it poisons the sea, and it destabilizes the plates of the planet. It is their intention to cause great destruction because they cannot release their control and they are so angry and resentful that they have lost this control.

"We want to intervene, but we must hear from you, enough of you. There must be a great outcry! We want to support the call that beloved Mother Sekhmet has put forth for a mass voicing of your views to the authorities who can call for our appearance. We are so anxious to come forth and assist you, as we know you wish. But these authorities are terrified of the mass public's reaction. They are more afraid of that than the oil. Meanwhile we are weeping for the Earth and for the sea creatures. I want to convey to you that we want you to mobilize all lightworkers, all beings who care for the Earth to bring us forth. Call us forth now so that together we may stop this hemorrhaging of the Earth and clean this up before it destroys your planet, your waters, your air, your people who are innocent truly. In their ignorance, they are innocent, but their eyes are opening in horror. We cannot say it strongly enough. Please call us forth. We will mitigate as much as we can with the wind and the waves until you can bring forth this great outcry that will bring us into your visibility in your skies, into communion and into co-creation to assist the Earth. We know that together we can do this. Thank you for listening. Thank you for hearing these words. I am Mighty Minerva and we love you. Know that we love you so much! And so it is, Beloveds, so it is. Namaste."

Fran: "Minerva, from the Office of the Christ, can you expand on who you are?

"Yes, Beloved. I am known as Minerva from the Greek times and I go back much farther to the ancient times of Pangaea. I am Athena."

Fran: "Are you associated with the sea?

"With the sea as with all of Mother Gaia. This planet is so, so precious to me, to all of us who lived at that time and still live protecting the planet, acting as guardians of the humans who are a part of us, who we had a hand in evolving to your present embodiment. This planet is for you, and we as your guardians wish it to continue and to resurrect itself into its pristine condition. We are in agony as we watch this hemorrhaging and can do little to stop it, because you, Beloveds, have reached your majority where your free will is paramount. Your self awareness and independence must come forth in its fullness and you must choose this assistance. To save Gaia, you must choose, as the Spirit of Humanity, you must choose to stop this and call upon us to assist you. It is quite simple, but it is a choice. We will not remove your choice, and we are in agony as we wait because we can do nothing further. And the dark side knows this - they want you to fail. They don't want your release, your independence, your sovereignty as equal beings with us which you truly are. So we wish to awaken you now from your lethargy, as we have said. We know you will do this. We know. Thank you for listening once again. Namaste."

Given through Fran Pearre, May 26, 2010. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Message From Susan:
Greetings Ashtar Family!

The Gulf of Mexico and Mother Gaia herself are crying out for our help. Our starseed brothers and sisters are telling us that we can call forth Complete Healing by insisting that all of the government leaders give them official recognition and request their intervention. This is necessary for reasons of diplomacy, bridging the dimensions, making the "First Contact" Announcement worldwide all at the same time, and transmuting all programs of fear which the dark hats have instilled in those who aren't fully awake yet. Together, we can transmute the arrogant disdain which BP, Halliburton and others have shown for the Gulf and indeed for all of Planet Earth. Just imagine how beautiful our world will be when it's ALL cleaned up!!!!

This mission also presents to us an unprecedented opportunity to fast forward the Announcement timelines for NESARA as well as First Contact. Ashtar and other messengers have assured us that they're just waiting for us, and that we do have the power to do this. Just participate in the June 3rd Call-In, follow up every day that you can, and Pay It Forward to everyone that you know! Please don't sit back and expect that everyone else will take care of it - this is our moment to shine together as ONE with our Galactic Family. We feel their loving empowerment for this Call-In, and we're paying it forward to you!

We will be hearing more on this from Ashtar and other Masters on our next teleconference*, and will be co-creating a powerful and healing Peace Exercise for the Gulf and all of the kingdoms of the water and shores. Meanwhile we invite your prayers, meditations and Pay It Forward participation on all levels of dimensionality! To further assist you, we have posted a Call to Action for you to send to your more mainstream, "in-the-box" friends:


We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar Teleconference Tuesday, June 1st. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PDT and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara,Rama & Beth of , followed by Ashtar and the .

Please here: or click on 'Conference Calls' here:

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'' Just participate in the June 3rd Call-In, follow up every day that you can, and Pay It Forward to everyone that you know! Please don't sit back and expect that everyone else will take care of it - this is our moment to shine together as ONE with our Galactic Family. We feel their loving empowerment for this Call-In, and we're paying it forward to you!''
''Please don't sit back and expect that everyone else will take care of it - this is our moment to shine together as ONE with our Galactic Family. We feel their loving empowerment for this Call-In, and we're paying it forward to you!''

''We will be hearing more on this from Ashtar and other Masters on our next teleconference*, and will be co-creating a powerful and healing Peace Exercise for the Gulf and all of the kingdoms of the water and shores. Meanwhile we invite your prayers, meditations and Pay It Forward participation on all levels of dimensionality!''

At this moment, pray for the earth and the world is so important !
Earth was crying, Oceanic and other organisms, I can feeling their pain! Beings pain is our pain, our self-awareness and independence must to be stand up, With love, light ,peace, continue to transport to the earth... Much love ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi! paTricia T.~
Saw previous the video, I was also in the midst of tears pouring down my face...
Including my Turkish friends, recent reports chaos, I can feeling them with a heavy heart...
See all the unrest and chaos phenomena, as far as possible, we can do - is the focus of our focus we hope to complete the constructive achievements, the only way to keep love, light, joy, enthusiasm and insight, high frequency vibration energy- will give us wisdom, strength and courage to complete the work.
paTricia T. You are really a very nice and loving person, I will for the rehabilitation of your feet lots of prayer, may God bless you lots,much love ♥ ♥ ♥
well i emailed white house right now and asked for an answer.i don't believe i'll get one but hope that the message hits the point.
this was the message:
" Dear Mr. President Barack Obama, i'm 30 years old and i live in Portugal.
I'm just a frightened and tired girl on a human body and i came here to show you my support and belief on your personnality and heart.
with all my respect please help humankind to know the truth.
i want to stop crying for all the pain, suffering, death that i see since i was born.
i'm trying to raise my child with purity and truth, but everytime i turn off the tv she only sees images of violence,war,games of power, poverty and lies.
i don't want her or anyone else on this planet Earth to suffer anymore whe n you and i know it's not necessary.
please fight for respect, true love from the earth and a community and planet that walk together with equal rights.
it is time to reveal to everybody that we are not alone.that we are able of change for good by accepting the help of other star nations.
do you sir, know how many times i just can't sleep because it hurts so much that sometimes i just wish to go away from this planet.
we all have a mission to do.and you know what's yours.
yes it's a lot of responsability but you're that major public person that can reach other countries and talk to them.
if you do that, you will not be alone.we'll be by your me there are million asking for the same,suffering in silence.
don't let our planet die as all the beauty that lives on it.
blessings to you and your family."

someone is laughing right now at whitehouse but i really don't mind.
Beautiful letter indeed ,Rainbow Warrior :):):). Much love to You,precious Soul. .. Namaste.

Rainbow Warrior said:
well i emailed white house right now and asked for an answer.i don't believe i'll get one but hope that the message hits the point.
this was the message:
" Dear Mr. President Barack Obama, i'm 30 years old and i live in Portugal.
I'm just a frightened and tired girl on a human body and i came here to show you my support and belief on your personnality and heart.
with all my respect please help humankind to know the truth.
i want to stop crying for all the pain, suffering, death that i see since i was born.
i'm trying to raise my child with purity and truth, but everytime i turn off the tv she only sees images of violence,war,games of power, poverty and lies.
i don't want her or anyone else on this planet Earth to suffer anymore whe n you and i know it's not necessary.
please fight for respect, true love from the earth and a community and planet that walk together with equal rights.
it is time to reveal to everybody that we are not alone.that we are able of change for good by accepting the help of other star nations.
do you sir, know how many times i just can't sleep because it hurts so much that sometimes i just wish to go away from this planet.
we all have a mission to do.and you know what's yours.
yes it's a lot of responsability but you're that major public person that can reach other countries and talk to them.
if you do that, you will not be alone.we'll be by your me there are million asking for the same,suffering in silence.
don't let our planet die as all the beauty that lives on it.
blessings to you and your family."

someone is laughing right now at whitehouse but i really don't mind.

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