Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Messages from the Galactic Federation Jan15 & 16 ,2012 ~ Greg Giles.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/15/12


Code of Conduct.

Wherein no affiliate or member of the Galactic Federation shall engage in the slander or abuse, either physical or verbal, of another, and shall at all times refrain from altercations on any level with another. At all times shall a member of the Galactic Federation respect and honor all other’s views and opinions and refrain from disrespecting another in any way. Violation of these said rules shall remove the violator from any consideration of becoming a member in full standing or working with the Galactic Federation on any level, either personally or indirectly.

Further rule states that no person working either directly or indirectly with the Galactic Federation partake in the use of mind altering substances as this can, and does, interfere with the optimum function and performance of the individual and this cannot be tolerated at this level of commitment in service to our mission and to others. Please understand we do not wish to force our views on anyone. We must, however, strive to offer our best efforts and purest commitment to the mission we have agreed to undertake as per decree of our Creator. Only those prepared to give their sincerest efforts and full attention in this regard will be considered for posts within the Galactic Federation, and only those who adhere to these guidelines will continue their service with us.

Please be advised that other rules do apply, and at the time of our initial orientation with those deemed qualified for a position with us, these rules will be fully explained to each of you. There are many benefits to working with us, and although some release of habits or tendencies you may have become accustomed may be required of you, in the long run you will receive far more than you are asked to contribute.

We, the Galactic Federation, deem ourselves capable of such missions to restore worlds to their pristine conditions, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, due to our steadfast commitment to reach the full potential of ourselves as individual members of our organization and as an organization as a whole. Many planetary societies depend on our existence and our assistance to help lift them out of the darkness that has befallen them, and we make every effort possible and carry out our duties with honor, integrity, and absolute commitment to see to it that all those in need of our services receive the highest quality of assistance from highly trained personnel who have made the commitment in their lives to reach their highest potential and use their talents in service to others, to assist all others on their journey.

There are a multitude of pleasurable experiences that one can enjoy while a member of the Galactic Federation, and we are confident many of you will not miss for one moment some of the lower dimensional diversions that you have become accustomed. We are excited and eager to show you just how much there is to enjoy and experience once a member of our team, and we look so forward to meeting so many of you personally in the days ahead when we can get to know each other better and discuss your opportunities and future with us. Until then, persevere to reach your utmost potential in the 3D physical world as the bar is soon to be raised quite high for you, and your possibilities will be virtually limitless.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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Great message but I find it hard to believe that the plant marijuana, that grows in the ground naturally, which can cure many ailments, is bad to use un-altered.  Marijuana affects the brain but not in a bad way.

Pot smokers will not 'be considered for posts within the Galactic Federation' ... who gives a fuck ?
ian said:

Great message but I find it hard to believe that the plant marijuana, that grows in the ground naturally, which can cure many ailments, is bad to use un-altered.  Marijuana affects the brain but not in a bad way.

Actually they never say marijuana ,so they could be talking about other things .

ian said:

Great message but I find it hard to believe that the plant marijuana, that grows in the ground naturally, which can cure many ailments, is bad to use un-altered.  Marijuana affects the brain but not in a bad way.

It's all baloney, to ridiculous for words, it is all ego from Mr. Giles  what's up here, nothing more. But hey Steve Beckow confirmed his channeling so now it's all right?? And what if they have made an agreement, Steve Beckow gives Giles credibility so now we can trust his truth!!! No not in my life time!!!

Still marijuana affects the brain.  But ya who gives a fuck.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/16/12


More people are awakening every day and are beginning to search for and find the clues that are plentiful throughout your world. We see so many of you collecting these clues and putting the pieces together that solve the riddle of your existence and your future ahead of you. Continue to search for answers, and we shall help you further your understandings in every area in which you wish to gain more wisdom.

There is so much more to your reality than meets the 3rd dimensional eye, and one of our tasks as a member of the Galactic Federation is to assist you in discovering these new avenues of wisdom to travel upon. We send you clues, and at times gentle nudges to set you in the direction you expressed your desire in traveling before you left the spirit world for your new 3D adventure. We saw the times when you veered slightly off course, and we helped you reset your compass points and regain the trail. We must always honor your sacred right of free will, and we are careful to not overstep our boundaries, allowing you to make your own choices and travel the paths you so choose.

Up ahead in your very near future comes a fork in the road. Many of you will have a very important decision to make at this time. Will you choose to exit this 3rd dimensional world of illusion and separation, or will you choose to begin a new adventure in the realms of higher possibility? The choice is purely yours, and we honor each and every decision you make. We only wish to make your options very clear to each and every one of you, and this is one of the prime reasons for our messages shared with you through our many channels. We have carefully, and we feel fully, laid your choices out for you and what each would entail. We have reviewed what you're 3rd dimensional existence was all about so you would fully understand what you would be leaving behind if you so choose to see your experience here come to an end. We have also painted a clear picture for you describing what your lives would be like here in the higher realms, and although there will be those of you who choose to continue their lessons here in the 3rd dimension, we see many of you choosing to begin your new adventure beyond your current limitations.

Your challenges are not over when you begin your new lives in the higher realms, but we wish to make it clear your challenges will be of a very different nature to the 3D challenges of survival. Advanced life plans are what you will experience here once you make the transition, and we are confident many of you will relish the opportunity, the challenges, and the adventures of higher dimensional life. This will certainly be an exciting time for many of you.

Please see to your affairs at home, as we have forewarned many times, the many changes for your civilization are quickly approaching. Final preparations are being made for disclosure announcements to begin to filter out into your world through your media outlets. Do not wait for one big announcement that will act like the ‘Shot heard ‘round the world’, but rather listen for some announcements from media outlets with smaller viewership as this is the final plan we have decided upon in our last meeting of all the many groups involved in this project. This was decided upon as to lessen the severity of far-reaching initial announcements as our monitoring services foresaw large disruptions to your societies and we wish to avoid this scenario. With a series of several smaller announcements, we foresee fewer disruptions in your services and many less individuals succumbing to fear and panic. Keep your eyes and ears open as these announcements are scheduled to begin very soon. This is the moment many of you have been waiting for. Please make the most of it and do your parts to be there for your brothers and your sisters who will look to you for guidance and reassurance throughout this challenging period in humanity's history.

The cabal continues to crumble to pieces, and our days are filled with more of a sweeping up of their many scattered operations and their many scattered minions throughout your world. Their weaponry, once relatively formidable, is now dismantled and useless against you and our forces of the Galactic Federation. No longer are we observing their conversations concerning battle strategy, but today we only here the bickering and chaotic ramblings of desperate men searching for a way out of the hole they have deeply dug for themselves. The blame game is their new choice of strategy, and many names are being volleyed back and forth in offer of sacrifices to the justice we will soon dispense upon them for their continued efforts towards their twisted agenda.

Please allow us the opportunity to deal with these lost souls. Lynch mob mentality is not suited for this purpose, and this flavor of justice has never had a place within your society. We know who these souls are in the larger picture. We know their actions, their motivations, and their inner thoughts. We understand the thought processes that led them to their decisions to support such a dark agenda, and we feel we are better qualified for the assignment of seeing to it that they receive the punishment fit for their crimes. We also have highly advanced rehabilitation programs that will better suit the individual needs of these souls. Please try to see these souls as damaged and needing assistance, rather than objects of your scornful wrath. Vengeance is not a higher dimensional virtue, but understanding and forgiveness is. ‘To err is human, to forgive divine’, are very wise words that have been purposely seeded into your collective consciousness, and never before have these words been more appropriate for all to embrace.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Thanks again, Besimi, for sharing these great messages !!

Besimi said:

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/16/12


More people are awakening every day and are beginning to search for and find the clues that are plentiful throughout your world. We see so many of you collecting these clues and putting the pieces together that solve the riddle of your existence and your future ahead of you. Continue to search for answers, and we shall help you further your understandings in every area in which you wish to gain more wisdom.

There is so much more to your reality than meets the 3rd dimensional eye, and one of our tasks as a member of the Galactic Federation is to assist you in discovering these new avenues of wisdom to travel upon. We send you clues, and at times gentle nudges to set you in the direction you expressed your desire in traveling before you left the spirit world for your new 3D adventure. We saw the times when you veered slightly off course, and we helped you reset your compass points and regain the trail. We must always honor your sacred right of free will, and we are careful to not overstep our boundaries, allowing you to make your own choices and travel the paths you so choose.

Up ahead in your very near future comes a fork in the road. Many of you will have a very important decision to make at this time. Will you choose to exit this 3rd dimensional world of illusion and separation, or will you choose to begin a new adventure in the realms of higher possibility? The choice is purely yours, and we honor each and every decision you make. We only wish to make your options very clear to each and every one of you, and this is one of the prime reasons for our messages shared with you through our many channels. We have carefully, and we feel fully, laid your choices out for you and what each would entail. We have reviewed what you're 3rd dimensional existence was all about so you would fully understand what you would be leaving behind if you so choose to see your experience here come to an end. We have also painted a clear picture for you describing what your lives would be like here in the higher realms, and although there will be those of you who choose to continue their lessons here in the 3rd dimension, we see many of you choosing to begin your new adventure beyond your current limitations.

Your challenges are not over when you begin your new lives in the higher realms, but we wish to make it clear your challenges will be of a very different nature to the 3D challenges of survival. Advanced life plans are what you will experience here once you make the transition, and we are confident many of you will relish the opportunity, the challenges, and the adventures of higher dimensional life. This will certainly be an exciting time for many of you.

Please see to your affairs at home, as we have forewarned many times, the many changes for your civilization are quickly approaching. Final preparations are being made for disclosure announcements to begin to filter out into your world through your media outlets. Do not wait for one big announcement that will act like the ‘Shot heard ‘round the world’, but rather listen for some announcements from media outlets with smaller viewership as this is the final plan we have decided upon in our last meeting of all the many groups involved in this project. This was decided upon as to lessen the severity of far-reaching initial announcements as our monitoring services foresaw large disruptions to your societies and we wish to avoid this scenario. With a series of several smaller announcements, we foresee fewer disruptions in your services and many less individuals succumbing to fear and panic. Keep your eyes and ears open as these announcements are scheduled to begin very soon. This is the moment many of you have been waiting for. Please make the most of it and do your parts to be there for your brothers and your sisters who will look to you for guidance and reassurance throughout this challenging period in humanity's history.

The cabal continues to crumble to pieces, and our days are filled with more of a sweeping up of their many scattered operations and their many scattered minions throughout your world. Their weaponry, once relatively formidable, is now dismantled and useless against you and our forces of the Galactic Federation. No longer are we observing their conversations concerning battle strategy, but today we only here the bickering and chaotic ramblings of desperate men searching for a way out of the hole they have deeply dug for themselves. The blame game is their new choice of strategy, and many names are being volleyed back and forth in offer of sacrifices to the justice we will soon dispense upon them for their continued efforts towards their twisted agenda.

Please allow us the opportunity to deal with these lost souls. Lynch mob mentality is not suited for this purpose, and this flavor of justice has never had a place within your society. We know who these souls are in the larger picture. We know their actions, their motivations, and their inner thoughts. We understand the thought processes that led them to their decisions to support such a dark agenda, and we feel we are better qualified for the assignment of seeing to it that they receive the punishment fit for their crimes. We also have highly advanced rehabilitation programs that will better suit the individual needs of these souls. Please try to see these souls as damaged and needing assistance, rather than objects of your scornful wrath. Vengeance is not a higher dimensional virtue, but understanding and forgiveness is. ‘To err is human, to forgive divine’, are very wise words that have been purposely seeded into your collective consciousness, and never before have these words been more appropriate for all to embrace.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

As channeled through Greg Giles

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