Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Message from Montague - on Sunday 24 May 2015, ...Tolec Update ,and more :)

2015, the year of revelations. You will have to face many facts, this year, that will cause great distress to some, who feel that they should have been aware of what was actually going on. I have pointed out to you many times that you live on a PRISON PLANET. You were not ready to hear it then. Now, more of you are beginning to see this for yourselves. You are alarmed at what you now discover to be the truth.

When the decision was made to make the human race SLAVES to those who had ENTERED the Earth, many changes were put in place. All contact with other planets was CLOSED DOWN, and the Earth went into LOCK DOWN. You have been isolated and alone ever since. Religion was created and used to control you. Though the CHRIST they preach about, NEVER EXISTED, it was based on the Christ who was on Earth many hundreds of years before. The Vatican set about changing the names of places in the EAST to fit in with the story they had invented. The evidence for this is available. Great planning went into the takeover that they now want to complete. Many of you have assisted them in the destruction and annihilation of your race. You bought into their propaganda. It was meticulously planned.

There are enough of you awake to this now, to help others to see what you can see so clearly. You were conned by the MASTERS OF MANIPULATION, who drink your blood and eat your flesh in order to survive on Earth. Can you honestly turn a blind eye to all those who disappear every year. It is time you protected the vulnerable. Those who are "taken into care" by the State, are at the mercy of the satanic cults. They need your help to survive. You must face the facts of what is going on all around you. One day the knock will come on your door. Who will speak up for you? You are all Palestinians !

Only those who seek truth can clearly see what was done to humanity to render people obedient slaves to their unseen masters. Mind control plays a huge part in your slavery. Hellfire, damnation, punishment; all cleverly installed in your minds to hold you in check. They serve Lucifer; not the GOD of LOVE who created mankind.

We, in the world of spirit, are ready to help you rescue humanity and the Earth, so that all future generations can live in peace. Are you ready to work with us to achieve this? Together, we can do it. This is your big opportunity to free yourselves. Are you up to the challenge? What have you got to lose. The cabal will destroy you the moment they can no longer use you. Their plans are being exposed every day, as they cannot hide them from you anymore. They are bringing in new laws to buy themselves time. Humanity is sufficiently awake now, to see the full picture, so people can no longer be lulled into a false sense of security. Will the cabal come clean in September, when the head of the destruction of humanity greets his cohorts at the United Nations on 24 September.

Take time to learn the truth. Forget the false history and religions that have held you prisoner. Support your fellow human beings who are being bombed out of existence. For it is them today; perhaps you, tomorow. This is the plan. Connect your hearts with the God of Love. With love in your hearts, you cannot hurt your fellow man. Who taught you to hate and fear? Who began the wars and the killings? Who forced their will on humanity? Who created all the religions in order to cause division and strife? All roads lead to Rome.

Time is running out. Use it to expose corruption, and save humanity from extinction. Yes, people will at first think you are crazy, but then the penny will drop, and they too, will clearly see the truth of what is being done all around them, every day, without them realising it. Once you open your eyes, you can never close them again. Suddenly the corruption becomes so obvious that you wonder how you could possibly have been blind to it for so long. Become one of the many who are on Earth to liberate it and help humanity. Move forward into the light. Do not dwell on the atrocities perpetrated in order to control and destroy you. Concentrate only on creating a better future for the Earth.

This is a difficult time for all who serve truth. The attacks intensify but we will not be deterred. Please help us to move humanity forward into a peaceful world for all.

My dear, we know what we must do. We will not be stopped as the timing is right. With all of us working together, we cannot fail.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

In order to prevent cancer: use hot water, lemon juice to taste, and 1/4 teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda, every morning.

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You are, always have been and always will be, ONE WITH GOD!

You are, always have been and always will be, ONE WITH GOD!

  Listen to Saul Audio Blog for Friday May 29th

Time is running out!  Time is of the illusion, of the dream or nightmare, and dreams themselves last only a moment.  Yes, they frequently appear to occupy long and ongoing periods of time as your expectations, anxieties, fears, and hopes fill your minds with “what if” thoughts that distract you from living in the now moment, the only “real” time that exists.  The now moment is the eternal moment, the moment in which you were created and which never ends, there is, in truth, only now. Any other time, although seemingly very real, is unreal. That is very hard for you to grasp as you struggle with the endless selection of issues and situations the dream state constantly brings to your attention, which was the whole purpose for constructing it.  It is indeed very confusing for you because of the extreme and inordinate limits that you placed on the human vehicles that you built for yourselves so that you could experience as convincingly as possible the state of separation from God, our divine Source; or even apparent complete abandonment by that loving energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

You are, always have been and always will be, One with God!  There is nothing else, there is nowhere else, there is only God.  And God and You are VAST.  Limited as you presently are by the confining nature of your human bodies it is utterly impossible for you to have even the slightest understanding of what this means.  To you, the Universe in which planet Earth is situated, seems unimaginably vast, with planets, solar systems, galaxies, and even other universes separated by unimaginable quantities of empty space. It is mind-boggling, and yet it is nothing!

As you have so often been told, when God created you He gave you everything that He had.  All the power, all the creative ideas, all the energy, and all the Love!  You, like He, are Love.  You can do anything that He can do.  In a moment of thoughtlessness – there is no such state, but it is the only way with words that I can give you any idea of what happened – you chose to separate yourself from Him to “prove” to yourself that you had no need of Him.  But what is One cannot be split off into pieces, separated into multitudes, left alone or unaccompanied.  If separation from your Source was possible – and it most certainly is not – the act of separating yourself off would annihilate you.  Your existence would cease instantly as though you had never existed at all.

God creates in Love, always, and Love is eternal.  What He creates never ends but lives forever in eternal joy.  And when you choose to create what you create exists with those same divine properties, in a state of eternal joy.  When you go within, to your inner sanctuary, the place where the flame of divine Love – the life force – burns continuously, and if you choose to see through the veil you placed there to hide It, you will then have an absolutely mind-blowing experience, a never to be forgotten experience, and you will understand the meaning of being One with God.

All on Earth at this moment chose to be here to assist in the awakening process.  Understand, that being One with God, you had infinite ability to construct the illusion that apparently contains you and all within it of which you are physically aware.  You gave each aspect of yourself – billions and billions of you – free will as God had given it to you.  For your awakening to happen all those billions must freely agree to it.  Collectively you have chosen to awaken, and your task on Earth is to share and extend the field of Love by constantly demonstrating Love in action.  When you complete this task no one will be any longer be able to avoid seeing and experiencing Love for what It truly and eternally is, and then all will awaken.

To awaken from the dream, to dissolve and disperse the illusion is humanity’s purpose.  Entering the illusion to experience life without God was but a momentary idea that collapsed as soon as it happened.  However, you chose to cling to it for the rather wild ride it seemed to provide, and which it continues to provide for so many of you today.  Because you had constructed it with your brilliant mind to be totally believable, it convinced you that it was real, and that the myriad forms in which it presented itself to you were an amazing arena in which you existed separated from God, from Heaven.  An arena from which, if you lived according to the rules – and there are so many rules! – you would one day return to the Presence of God.

And of course it is God’s Will that you return, that you awaken, because His eternal Will for you is infinite and uninterrupted joy.  Having momentarily set your will at odds with the divine Will, you have now chosen to realign with It and awaken into His loving Presence, that is, to become once more aware of your inseparable Oneness with Him.  The joy of that awakening is beyond description.  Words are far too limiting a medium to use to attempt to depict the wonders that await you on your inevitable and unavoidable awakening.  Poets have tried, so have artists and musicians with their creative skills, but none have come anywhere near success, although many of their attempts have been inspiring and uplifting for you.

Bring that moment on by daily entering your inner and most holy sanctuary and remaking the intent that humanity awaken from the dream into the brilliant Light of God’s Presence.  That is your divine task, the task you willingly chose to undertake when you you made the loving decision to incarnate on Earth at this time.  You have infinite support from all in the spiritual realms in every moment, so when you experience doubts, fears, or anxieties, call on us and we will respond.  You will feel our loving presence if you let go of those doubts, fears, and anxieties even for a moment, and reassured by the experience you will find the strength and the determination to bring all Home to the Presence of God.

With so very much love, Saul.


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