Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Adam Kadmon is the Archetype who live out his/her highest possibilities in the physical body.

This activation is brought in by galactic being who have been helping this planet and human-beings to the next step of evolution. Wonderful part of this activation is that it lights up all 24 strands of your DNA, including the divinity codons, which is your blueprint in this Universe to manifest your Love, Joy, Peace and Beauty as a GOD-HUMAN(=Adam Kadmon in Hebrew). When your blueprint becomes active, a lot of miracles will happen in your life! This is the activation that King Salomon had seek for but could not because we were not ready to receive it. Now is the Time to evolve as we are at the end of the old days to enter into the New Paradigm from 2012! You are NOT who or what you think you are, but you are much more than that and it is the time for YOU to come out! You know THAT! Don't miss this incredible opportunity in NYC to find your own MAP to your divinity, and become WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Some of the gifts you receive from the Adam Kadmon include but are not limited to:
*Having a deeper knowledge of your purpose here on Earth!
*Living in the "now", increasing consciousness, awareness, going with the flow of the galactic universe.
*Accessing control of the Four Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire to increase your ability to manifest into the Physical.
*More spiritual and physical abundance. … And Much More!

Thank you, Besimi . I loved both of these !!

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