Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Project Ley-Lines: Meditation Skellig Michael ~ Little Skellig




SKELLIG MICHAEL (male principal) contains the energies of the blue ray of truth/blue print. By blazing the violet flame towards Skellig Michael you will receive the codes of the divine blue print. See your energies creating an upwards spiral. The forces of light will provide the downwards spiral

LITTLE SKELLIG (female principal) contains the energies of the violet ray. By blazing the violet flame towards little skellig and seeing an upwards spiral created, you will receive the code of the new essence of the violet ray for the Time to come: LAVENDER VIOLET.

When you have connected to both energies, the blue ray of truth and the blue ray of transmutation, see the energies provided by the forces of light coming down into the Skellig islands combining their energies with the groundcrew, then see these rays flooding the ley lines towards the coast of Ireland and flooding the ley lines towards Tara Hill seeing an upwards spiral created.

The forces of light will connect by providing a downwards spiral containing the codes of the emerald green ray (Archangel metatron). The healing emerald green ray contains the codes of the consciousness of Atlantis.

See the emerald green ray combining it’s energies with the blue and the lavender violet ray and reaching the Glastonbury TOR and creating an upwards spiral again. The forces of light will provide the right codes of the lower heart.

Then envision the rays flooding the ley lines towards Europe crossing Paris and creating an upwards spiral in the Museum the “Louvre.” In Paris, the forces of light will provide the new energies matching this vortex again.

Then we go to Rome and we see an upward spiral shooting out of the obelisks and activating the others worldwide.

We follow the ley line to Giza and combine the energies of Giza likewise — and then we go to the border of Israel and Palestine and connect to the Merkaba Crystal — and see the energies of Michael and Quan Yin reach their destiny.

Then we see that we have collectively cleared this important leyline to enact full galactic disclosure for all of humanity. We envision these energies reaching every being who has a heartbeat.

Connect to the other chakra’s likewise to collectively enact the Rainbow serpent. The correct codes of the reptilian brain. Every Chakra has it Colour/ray/codes to add.

These are the locations this group has empowered mentioned in a text from the 4th of July event:

crown chakra:  Mount Everest (Himalaya)
pineal gland: Giza, Egypt
higher heart (thymus):Tara hill, Ireland
lower heart: The Tor, Glastonbury
solar plexus: Uluru/Ayers rock, Australia
sacral chakra: Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, peru (Andes)
root chakra: Mount Shasta, United States.
Gaia has many chakra’s with the same energies divided over her surfice.

Then we look again at the Tesla ball and see this as the sun of hollow earth
sending us the blue ray of truth and the violet flame, energetically combining their energies with ours (surface), and we see these rays — NOT STOPPING at the surface, but shooting out creating upward spirals towards ALL ley lines and nodes worldwide.

SEEING/IMAGINING Rainbow colors and gold particles, .and again the forces of light providing the downwards spirals.

A special request to add the golden ray and bring its essence back to the light again. It will therefore clear all metal based matrixes used against us.

with love and light
Auriel, Nicolas and Hilda

Posted in Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption | 4 Comments

Skellig Michael – Vortex Energy – Sacred Sites & the Ley of the...

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Veronica Keen is requesting our help: Blockade in force on Skellig ...

PLEASE Help! The cabal is attacking the St. Michael ley line. We are extremely worried about this. The MICHAEL LEY LINE STARTS AT THE SKELLIG ISLAND.

She asks our help to counter their efforts. We know the drill. Let’s do it!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

By Donal Hickey
Source: The Irish Examiner
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The force was strong on Skellig Michael yesterday as the navy set up an exclusion zone to prevent anyone from sneaking a peek as the Star Wars team rolled into town.

I see that all rights are reserved (Why?) . . . so please go to the site . . . 

Click Here to  continue reading. 

Scheduled for Aug 1, 2014

Audio recorded on Aug 1st 2014

Veronica Keen and Andrew Bartzis the Galactic Historian continue in this amazing conversations.

August 1st is LUGHNASAD. I ask that you put special effort into your ley line work on that day.


Keep up the momentum and all wars will cease and justice will be restored.

- montague keen, sunday 27 july 2014

The Ley Lines

There is a belief among many people, that Skellig Michael, is a very spiritual place situated as it is at the beginning of an energetic leyline.  In fact, Skellig Michael is  considered one of the key lines in the Saint Michael leyline which extends from Ireland, through Britain and across Europe where it then forks into ancient Judea, Israel and Egypt, and connects to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  The Saint Michael ley line runs across Ireland for several hundred miles, intersecting with various sacred sites in the UK  that have been dedicated to Saint Michael.  The Saint Michael ley line intersects with another significant ley line at the Skellig Michael monastery and this second ley line goes on to connect to Saint Michael’s Mount in England, to Mont Saint Michel in France and so on.  But what is most interesting is that it comes to an end in Israel, at Mount Carmel, where Jesus is alleged by some to have lived among the order of the Essenes.[9]

Because of Saint Michael’s {Skellig Michael’s)  strategic spiritual location many are worriedimages-2

that there is a nefarious purpose to the presence of a Disney backed film being made on the Island, as Disney is known to be a collaborator with the Israeli government and the Zionist movement.[10] [11] [12]

Paranormal investigator, Veronica Keen of the Montague Keen Foundation[13] has expressed her deep concern that there is some sinister purpose behind the filming on Skellig Michael where a 3km exclusion zone, ministerially approved, is in force around Skellig for the three days of filming, with a naval patrol vessel present and all locals involved in the project are believed to have signed confidentiality agreements for the duration of the film shoot.[14]

Skellig Michael – Star Wars – Irish Government Deliberately Dupes I...

We are calling on everyone who thinks that this was an underhanded and unbelievably sneaky move by our government, to come to Skellig Michael and to protest strongly about this undertaking.

We are looking for volunteers to help us to co-ordinate this vital campaign. We are running out of time.  The underhand tactics of our government have ensured this.

Please lend your support to this campaign.

For further information please contact

Emily Twomey, in Ireland

Veronica keen

Jean Haines

[1] The Irish Independent

[2] The Irish Times

[3] The Irish Times

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

[6] Irish Times

[7] The Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign

[8] Avaaz Petition

[9] The Awakening

[10] L.A. Times:

[11] Dr. Kevin Barrett, Editor, Veterans Today

[12] Veterans Today

[13] The Montague Keen Foundation

[14] Irish Examiner

[15] ibid

[16] Irish Independent


The Ley Lines

There is a belief among many people, that Skellig Michael, is a very spiritual place situated as it is at the beginning of an energetic leyline.  In fact, Skellig Michael is  considered one of the key lines in the Saint Michael leyline which extends from Ireland, through Britain and across Europe where it then forks into ancient Judea, Israel and Egypt, and connects to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  The Saint Michael ley line runs across Ireland for several hundred miles, intersecting with various sacred sites in the UK  that have been dedicated to Saint Michael.  The Saint Michael ley line intersects with another significant ley line at the Skellig Michael monastery and this second ley line goes on to connect to Saint Michael’s Mount in England, to Mont Saint Michel in France and so on.  But what is most interesting is that it comes to an end in Israel, at Mount Carmel, where Jesus is alleged by some to have lived among the order of the Essenes.[9]

Because of Saint Michael’s {Skellig Michael’s)  strategic spiritual location many are worriedimages-2

that there is a nefarious purpose to the presence of a Disney backed film being made on the Island, as Disney is known to be a collaborator with the Israeli government and the Zionist movement.[10] [11] [12]

Paranormal investigator, Veronica Keen of the Montague Keen Foundation[13] has expressed her deep concern that there is some sinister purpose behind the filming on Skellig Michael where a 3km exclusion zone, ministerially approved, is in force around Skellig for the three days of filming, with a naval patrol vessel present and all locals involved in the project are believed to have signed confidentiality agreements for the duration of the film shoot.[14]

Skellig Michael – Star Wars – Irish Government Deliberately Dupes I...

Since I been to Stonehenge in 2012, my life has changed. How can I use the energies I received there for the peace and awakening of this world???

My pineal gland has fully awaken and I want to participate my share. Thank you xxxx

thanks for sharing, ismail.

there is a white vortex within stonehenge which may have helped speed up your awakening.

you may want to participate in the project-leyline meditation or any project that your higher self/mighty i am presence is guiding you to and that is leading to the liberation of this planet.

before anything else, please make sure you connect with the supreme creator force and your higher self/mighty i am presence heart-to-heart, protect and ground yourself.

hugs and take care.

Ismail said:

Since I been to Stonehenge in 2012, my life has changed. How can I use the energies I received there for the peace and awakening of this world???

My pineal gland has fully awaken and I want to participate my share. Thank you xxxx

harry oldfield on the stonehenge energies


thanks for sharing, ismail.

there is a white vortex within stonehenge which may have helped speed up your awakening.

you may want to participate in the project-leyline meditation or any project that your higher self/mighty i am presence is guiding you to and that is leading to the liberation of this planet.

before anything else, please make sure you connect with the supreme creator force and your higher self/mighty i am presence heart-to-heart, protect and ground yourself.

hugs and take care.

Ismail said:

Since I been to Stonehenge in 2012, my life has changed. How can I use the energies I received there for the peace and awakening of this world???

My pineal gland has fully awaken and I want to participate my share. Thank you xxxx

Published on May 23, 2013
The women were filmed as they started to connect energetically, in the same way as do every time they work together to clear negative energy from places and buildings.The live video stream was run through the Biofield Reader Imaging System so that changes could be seen as they happened. The subtle changes in light are not normally seen by the naked eye, but are made visible by the special filtering process within the BioField Reader program.

In the video we can see that there is a sudden shift in the light, or energy, and that after this shift the energy patterns and colours have changed.
Red energy is often seen as dynamic and forceful when seen in the context of movement of energy.

After the shift, the energy connections are stronger and appear to be more focused in certain areas. The woman on the left now has a great deal of red energy/light concentrated around her third eye and eyes. She uses her sight and third eye during her negative energy clearing work.
The woman on the right uses her throat area and speech to clear negative forces. The 'ball' shaped energy in front of her chin is very unusual.

See blogspot for more...

go to:


Veronica now shares that: 

“A key to the puzzle has come forward about Skellig: The Dark are attempting to reestablish on this Ley Line what they did back when the Druids were destroyed, bringing in the Darkness. Our connection has started a counter catalist to this event. The Dark  came to Atlantis and did exactly the same.”


“The time when our Galactic Brothers and Sisters choose to live with us on the ‘surface’ of the Planet will coincide with the descent of the Superamental Force (the Cosmic Force of Divine Love)  that will establish Divine Unity for good on Planet Earth. In SKELLIG ISLAND, we were told that this will be the beginning of a New Golden Age; 2017.”

(I’m reminded that Alfred Lambremont Webre has stated that by 2017 our consciousness level will have risen enough to make it possible for us to welcome our Cosmic Family to our planet. ~J)

UPDATED with important info – Veronica Keen says: We were successful!

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