The Great Shift and the Freedom of Photon Energy
Master Guide Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
KIRAEL: The energetic grids of the force field of Earth are shifting rapidly now, and the photon energy is capturing these grids in a moment in time and reducing their force fields, not so that you can’t feel them, but so that they are a more controlled phantom. When I say phantom, I mean that it does not have the appearance of existence, but rather the mystified energy of a localized force. This energy travels upon itself, but because this photon energy in its in-lightened form has only a present and no past or future, it detects what the next photon energy must do and sends a message into the next photon light through a weave in time and space.
In current time, all of your electromagnetic things on Earth must be connected by the actual force of the field itself; whereas, in the photon energy, they will be controlled by the thought of the photon projecting itself into the next photon. I stress again that although the photon does not have a past or a future, it has both a particle value and a wave value; hence, in only a moment’s notice, it has a vibrational skill that manufactures a certain strand within the weave that can be followed through a wavelength.
Eventually you will recognize that, through this photon energy, you can control every experiential reality focus available within a matrix-type system, or an energetic field controlled by the electromagnetic force. You will be able to reopen that magnetic force until it aligns in the present. Hence, the past will have no value in relation to what you can do in the present, just as the future will be aligned by your present energetic fashion. You will, in some sense of the word, control the future, but you will only control it through the Love of God Creator. Nothing will unfold on your Earth plane without the configuration of the loving particles of the Creator. These particles are the makeup of the photon light. The photon light can be reduced to love.
Now I will take questions in the hope that you will open the floodgates to more information.
To discover more about photon energy and the Great Shift listen to the Kahu and Kirael LIVE! CD or MP3 recording, "Great Shift Updates: Lightworkers, Photon Energy and Galactics, Part I”
Q: How will the galactic energies inform us about how to use photon energy?
KIRAEL: The galactic energies have already learned how to use the photon energy. They’ve been through photon belts of their own. They’ll go through at a much faster rate, because they can use warp drive and things like this. So they’ll wait inside the photon energy for you. They will assist you by bringing much more technology. Much of your learning processes will come from the galactic energies. They will download the information into the computers. Believe me, they are the reason that you even have the computers. You were to receive the computers in 2044, so you can see you’ve already advanced well beyond that. Now you have the computers and you see them changing every day. It won’t be long before you start seeing information come over your computers on how to use and store photon energy. Many people will scoff at this information, particularly those who depend on selling you their oil. There will be a short time when certain forces will try to shut all that information down, but the galactics will send much of that energy through to you.
You will receive information via your Internet. Your galactic brothers and sisters are already using the Internet for communication. Much of the information that you receive once you go into the shift process will come from them. The galactic energies have already been through multiple shifts. For instance, the Pleiades have been through a shifting process such as yours approximately seventeen times, each one upgrading their way of life and their systems on how to compute things. They are quite advanced on that particular ground.
Q: When we come out of the three days of darkness, will we meet the galactic energies? Are there additional groups that have come now to assist us, and, if so, what role are they playing?
KIRAEL: Some of you will see these beings before you go through the three days of darkness and some of you will not. When you come out of the three days of darkness and go through the fundamental process of the dimensional shift, the galactic energies will appear all around your world. In fact, the numbers of ships you will see will make it seem like a Sears parking lot at Christmas. That’s how many will want to be here to witness this. Within the last year, the Aquillians have sent in a whole fleet in spy craft.
Unbeknownst to the Earth plane, much of your eating source will be rearranged by the galactic energies after the three days of darkness. What you eat will need to be replanted and re-shifted. During that particular time, a great supply of energies will come from one of the Aquillian crafts or a group of the Aquillian crafts. They have been monitoring your current foodstuffs and simplifying their own foods down to matter so that you will be able to eat it. Now, don’t think they will give you hamburgers, because they won’t. They have been working at food that tastes similar to yours. For example—and this might make some people happy and other people downright distraught—they have perfected the exact taste of beef stew. However, it will look more like tofu. When you bite into it, you will say, “Oh, my God, that tastes just like beef stew.” I’m only using that as an example. The Aquillians have been studying much of your food supplies, especially Chinese food. I hope you like Chinese food. There are so many Chinese people that it has been easier for the Aquillians to study them.
There are four sun systems that hold the planet source. One group that is almost unknown to the Earth plane has come from a far-off planet system that is just one of four populated planets in a sun system similar to yours. We call them Quadranals. They have not arrived yet. They’re coming in with purifiers to take care of your Earth atmosphere post-Shift. After all of your fossil fuels fail to work, your atmosphere could take as many as 150 to 200 years to cleanse. This energy force is on its way here with a brand new energy to cleanse your atmosphere, clean up the holes in your atmosphere and things along those lines.
Many, not all, galactic energies will come in. All of your galactic brothers and sisters want to come over here. They can’t all come because there are just too many of them. So we’re sending out the word that we’ve got more than enough help at this point. That will eventually change and then they’ll be brought in. You can inspect them, they can inspect you, and you’ll have a good time interacting with each other.
While that’s happening, the Andromedans will keep the protections up. I must assure you of this, my friend: Galactic forces that do not have the highest intent in the world still exist. That is why you have the guardians set up around you. They will make sure that none slip through the barriers. It is up to the Andromedans to take care of them. The reason you have scary pictures on television and in the movies about the galactics right now is to remind you that the potential of something happening with those energies exists, although it is minimal and getting more so every day. Remember the Cold War, when the Americans were afraid of the Russians and vice versa? Well, it was all about speech and rhetoric. In the galactic world there is no rhetoric, because they don’t talk much. They have action. So it’s active out there right now.
For more information on the Great Shift, the three days of darkness, the Galactic brotherhood and more, please see the book, Kirael: The Great Shift Revised Edition by Fred Sterling.
Q: I take it this isn’t the shift to end all shifts. Are we going through more shifts after this one? It’s a staggering thought that we will evolve to this new light body and that we’re still going through more shifts.
KIRAEL: This new shift will last, if you count in human years, approximately between 800 and 1,400 Earth years. I can’t be exact. If you look at this year, it seems to have passed quickly. You can imagine this next thousand. They can go by fast. The Earth is an antiquated system of life form. The human endeavors that you’re in right now are quite antiquated compared to the endeavors of much of your galactic brothers and sisters, who have shifted multiple times. You still count light years when speaking of distances in outer space. They don’t look at light-year systems anymore. They look at agarthics. Agarthics refer to how many layers of energy they’ll pass through until they arrive at the vibration they’re seeking, which in this case is Earth. For example, with respect to the Pleiades (and I’m relatively sure of that count of seventeen shifts), when they went from a third-dimensional experience to the next level, just like everybody else, they got to stay for quite a while, but not 50,000 years like you did in the past. This first shift is only a thousand years and then you’ll shift from there into new understandings.
In essence, during the first thousand years, most of you will stay home. Many of you will join the star fleets and things like that, but, for the most part, you’ll stay home and rebuild and have this beautiful experience of being Earth human. Those who join the star fleets and move into the galactic realms and travel with their brothers and sisters from the other worlds will be a special breed. They will be ready to go out and learn more and bring the information back. They will be the scientists, the searchers. The teachers will go out, too. A different breed of teachers will be left here, and they will be the teachers for those who are still not up to par on what the new energy is. The real teachers will be released to go out into the other worlds and start to learn from there. That’s why many of your teachers now are experiencing inner-world travels, or outer-world travels, whichever way you want to look at it. Many of them are experiencing those other worlds because they’re preparing for the Shift.
This is the shift of all shifts for the Earth plane. It is the one time when you will take a whole crew of energy through a massive awakening, without having to go home to the Creator so that the Earth can be reset. That’s how you can get through sixteen or seventeen shifts soon after you’ve gotten this first one down. This shift is staged, so to speak. This is complicated. I may go above everybody’s head here. When you move into this shift, you will have the opportunity to stay on board the planet forever, if you want to. You can live over here for a thousand years or ten thousand years. We don’t care anymore. You have the choice to stay here and develop this process, but Earth will never be as it is today. That thought usually causes a little sadness, so I don’t like to talk about it too often. Nevertheless, you’ll never look back at this time and say, “Oh, boy, I wish I were back there.” There’s just no comparison between the new world energies or the new energy patterns and Earth as you know it now. You’ll look back at this and say, “Oh, man, why did we wait so long?” After you’ve brought the whole of the planet through the new energies, you as a human population can decide whether you want to use Earth as a star base, like the Pleiades.
The Pleiades is now simply a star base. It’s where accumulations of civilizations gather. It doesn’t accommodate only Pleiadeans anymore. Many Earth people will want to go to the Pleiades. It is what we call a star system equator, which means that it has the potential of life. All sorts of life will move there. I doubt that, after about a thousand years, you will keep Earth in its current condition. In fact, there’s a chance, and this is a scary thought, that the Creator will just shut this whole thing down and move on.
Earth is too small to do much with it. Earth is a tiny planet and it doesn’t fulfill us the way other star systems do. There are other sun systems that have inhabitable planets that are much larger than Earth. You can see where we get greater opportunities for growth on systems like that.
On the other hand, this little planet is much loved and it will probably be around for a long time, because the Creator, expressing itself as human, has an energy pattern of thought that has a memory. Most of your galactics have gone past remembering the old. They consider only the new. That might be the one drawback about being a galactic. They have lost track of their greatest memories. When you go from the third to the fourth light, you do a lot less remembering. You’re more concerned about where you are and where you’re going. Whether the human part of God Creator can maintain a memory strong enough to maintain this planet will be the question.
Q: What are the practical benefits of the photon energy?
KIRAEL: When I first started talking about photon energy, it was hardly even heard of. Now I will take you to the next level of awareness. In its reality focus, photon energy is about changing the understanding of the way the world looks at its resources. The resources you use to continue your evolution, such as oil, coal, and things along those lines, will be replaced by photon energy.
Studies on how best to deal with photon energy are being conducted within your government forces and some of your private sectors as well, but only the rich are privy to them. You can harness photon energy free, without any expenditure whatsoever. You will not need huge machines to convert photon energy, because it is so simple to work with. It is human-oriented, made for We the People. So those who have made their wealth from the oil cartels won’t know what to do with the oil after the Shift. Meanwhile, those who have, for all intents and purposes, decided to go through the Shift, will learn quickly how to use photon energy. Now, at first, those who have figured out how to work with the photon energy will want keep it a deep, dark secret, until they realize that if they don’t give it to We the People to use, there’ll be no We the People.
Hence, they will give it up, and give it up freely, and then every human being on the planet will learn how to convert photon energy into power, into what it needs to sustain life forces. You don’t have to go into much more depth than that, because there are many government agencies researching photon energy right now. Most of them, as far as I can see, have fairly well learned how to harness it and are busier trying to keep that fact under wraps than they are trying to work on it any further. The more they work on it, the more they realize how simple it is to work with photon energy—and the more afraid the cartels become.
This information will not be leaked, if the governments can help it. Your governments don’t want any information disseminated that causes you to think. Once you start thinking, you’ll say, “Wait a minute. If photon energy exists, and it must—I mean, every time you turn around, there’s an article out there about photon energy—and if it’s that beautiful, that powerful, and has that type of energetic force, then why aren’t we already using it?” Well, common sense will tell you that. If you use photon energy, what will the cartels or the oil corporations do? What will happen to all the so-called money-makers in the world right now?
You, as lightworkers, have to let the world know that photon energy is a basis of powerful energy that, when reacting with itself, produces everything that your combustible energy powers produce now. You must be able to say what I’m saying without completely freaking out the whole world. Photon produces energy that will run all of your machinery, all of your computer systems. Believe me, the computer system you have now is in the Dark Ages, compared to the one you will have. You think the computers are cute right now, but you should see what the galactic world will give you. They will give information to you in a rush, when the time is right.
Right now, they’ve given information to a few, who have held it in abeyance. Those few are leaking out the information a little bit at a time, as they were told to do, but the leak is a little slower than we anticipated. Those few have made billions and billions of dollars on the photon information.
The photon energy is a powerful force of energy that is produced by Creator Force; therefore, it cannot be harnessed by any one person or group. It will be available to all human forces to rebuild and re-establish an awakening of a new dimensional energy. Photon energy, my friend, is a beautiful source of energy, free for the taking, and it can be used to power machinery. Electricity will be replaced by photon energy. Everything will run by photon, and photon will be in such abundance that you couldn’t use it up in a hundred million lifetimes.
Learn more about photon energy! Listen to the Kahu and Kirael LIVE! audio CD or MP3, “Working with Photon Energy .”
Q: When will we start to use the photon energy and what does it feel like?
KIRAEL: Use of the photon energy begins in your awareness—when you recognize that you can work with it. When We the People realize that you have been held captive, if you will, by a certain segment of your thought systems, the photon energy will offer you an alternative thought system. Once you release the current segment of your thought systems and search outside of the box, so to speak, you will discover that so much more potential exists in the photon than the mind could realistically perceive. Be willing to think outside the box and the photon will be available to you.
What will it feel like to you? You will feel as if you have been released from prison. You say, “Oh, but I can’t feel like that. I’m not in prison now, so how am I going to feel like I’m released from prison?” When you feel that your purpose is the culmination of your entire existence, you will be out of the box, out of jail. Recognize that the will and the word are the connecting force to all that emanates from your planet. Everything that shines here shines because you allow it to. Therefore, when you realize that you are not forced into one limited space, you will feel as if you have been born again.
I could give you a hundred different scenarios of what photon energy feels like, but the simple one is that it feels like freedom—no more oppression, no more suppression, only the totality of impression. You will be impressed by what you think, and what you think will become what you relatively experience, and whatever is relative will be a focus of your inability to hold yourself to what was. You will force yourself into what is.
The photon experience has already started. Any one of you sitting here today can draw a deep breath and your body will feel so good. Post-Shift, when the photon permeates your atmosphere, someone with asthma will take one beautiful full breath, and his eyes will widen. He will over-oxygenate himself, be giddy from the thrill of being able to have that breath and then another and another until finally he breathes fully with no more constriction. That’s what it’ll feel like, my friend, living without constrictions. You will be free to do as you please.
There are those, don’t you know, who would like to sell you on this bill of goods: “Oh, what about all the crashing of the systems that run on electricity?” Your governments have set up everything to run either through a tube or along a wire. That’s how the government controls everything. Internet radio broadcasts such as the medium’s travel on a wire to a certain space and then they’re free to fly. People already understand that the photon is free out there and they’re zapping it out of the sky, so to speak. What happens when you can’t control everything by running it on a wire or into a tube?—freedom. So there’s a great awareness that feels like a deep breath. I can already hear those in power saying, “Oh, we can beat that one. We’ll just tell them, ‘Yeah, Master Kirael’s idea of the Shift sounds like a deep breath.’” You know what? I’ll stand behind that statement because that’s exactly what it’ll feel like. As long as no one puts a hand over your mouth or pinches your nose, the one freedom you have on this Earth plane right now is to inhale a deep breath. They can put you in chains, in a jail cell, or in a cave, but as long as you can take that breath, you’re free. I’m talking about freedom that you’ve never experienced before.
Q: We were speaking about cycles of photon energy on our planet and someone mentioned a 26,000-year cycle of photon energy. Is there a determined time that photon cycles through our planet?
KIRAEL: If the question was, “Is there a 26,000-year cycle of photon energy, as I’ve been told?” my answer is that you are asking for a measurement of time that cannot be measured. I will allow the question to stand nonetheless. By today’s standards, the photon cycles approximately every 26,000 years. What you must realize is that every cycle leaves a trail of photon energy behind it. So, you’re floating into these trails all through your systems. Your sun star is moving through the galaxy, and it is passing through waves, if you will, of photon energy that have been there and available for use for thousands of years, not 26,000 but over 26,000. Your Lemurian counterparts used a form of energy that did not have to run over a wire or through a tube. They used a manifest power of coalescing energy factors from a focus that was an in-lightened source that was not held in check by any one force. It was the freedom of all experience. Today, your scientists have labeled that energy photon energy. They measure the photon by the wavelengths of photons that pass through you, or, if you like, pass over you.
The photon belt is such a huge wave of energy that it can engulf the entirety of the Earth plane in one moment. So, if you can look at it from that standpoint, you’ll understand why, when I give a photon energy reading, it’s good in America as well as Russia. It is a huge belt of energy. At the end of this cycle—and I won’t call it a 26,000-year cycle anymore—you’re heading toward the outer edge of one of the hugest photon masses of energy that has ever existed. It cannot be timed; therefore, it cannot be measured. If you looked at your sun star with its planet systems revolving around your central sun, you wouldn’t even be visible in this photon energy. That’s how huge it is. You must go through the outer layers of this photon belt. The outer layers are comprised of the energies that are pressing toward the center of the photon. Again, the belt is not comprised of the photon energy that’s coming out from the center. It is comprised of the energy that is pressing toward the center, trying to re-manifest itself. Hence, a huge belt of photon energy has built up.
When you pass through that photon energy, you will enter into the three days of darkness. People have been saying, “Tell us about the three days of darkness.” Now everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and has an answer for it—everything from planets absorbing your sun to your sun going out and having to be re-lit. The truth is still the truth. You will go into so much light that your sun will seem to be blotted out, but the sun’s rays will still penetrate and operate on the photon energy. So you will still have your oxygenation systems and everything else intact. Yet you will have extreme cold, because the full rays of the sun won’t be able to shine through. In those three days, your Earth will be rejuvenating itself. It will open itself to a new vibration of this photon energy.
Once you have gone through that belt, through that ray of photon energy, and emerge into the full photon energy, everything will be workable. Everything will be usable again.
Q: Do all shifts have the presence of the photon energy?
KIRAEL: The answer is an emphatic yes. Yet photon is seldom used as a shift process, because, at each shift, the Creator has released all societies back into its own Love and Light. During this particular shift, you’re going to remain on your planet system. That’s the difference that makes photon the focus of this shift.
The photon has always been there, but nobody ever used it, because everyone was brought home by the Creator. Lemuria was different. The first incarnate beings on Lemuria were the whales and the dolphins. When Lemuria was incarnated by the human experience, the Lemurians were already fortified and knew how to work with the photon energy, because they didn’t have gas and oil. They wouldn’t have known what to do with gas and oil anyway. Everything was photon then.
Atlanteans started out with the photon and quickly turned it off because they were not about to repeat the Lemurian experience. Most societies have been able to work from wood, carbons, oils and things along those lines. Your current incarnation is held captive by these sources of power.
Q: So the shift in Imhotep’s time didn’t use the photon at all?
KIRAEL: Well, yes, photon was used, but only because Imhotep himself used it. It was easy to vibrate the photon energy. One man could pick up a four-ton block using photon energy. However, Imhotep was, shall we say, sternly reminded that he wasn’t supposed to use photon. That’s when he turned to sound vibration to build the pyramids. Master Jesus used the photon energy a couple of times and he got a bit of a scolding, too. You won’t get scolded this time when you come out of the darkness. You’ll be able to use the photon at will.
Q: If the photon cycles every 26,000 years, then it will be physically impossible for the photon to intrude upon the Earth’s atmosphere during this Shift. So, when you say Imhotep and Jesus used the photon energy, they must have been using it in a different way, not because the photon energy intruded into the Earth’s atmosphere.
KIRAEL: Well, let me try it again, because I thought maybe I answered it, but obviously I missed it. Picture a huge cloud, bigger than anything your mind can imagine, and outside of that cloud is this little dot. That dot is your host sun. The cloud is the size of this room, and the pin prick, or dot, is your sun, which you can’t even see because it’s too small. That’ll give you an idea how big the photon cloud is.
The photon takes an extremely long time to pass Earth. As it goes by, it does nothing. The photon looks like a comet with a tail of light. There are always remnants falling away from the photon. Photon energy is always compounding itself. That’s why you have a belt on the outer edge. Don’t consider the mass to be the belt. The belt surrounds the mass. All the time that the belt is folding in on itself, photon is falling out over it. So, no matter where you go, your Earth plane will be in photon energy. Photon is always there, but, depending on the 26,000-year cycle, the amounts available may or may not be extreme.
See, the photon chart I prepare each month shows the intensity of the waves of photon that cross the Earth’s atmosphere. If I tell you that the photon will cross the Earth’s atmosphere at an 8.5 level, that means that the cloud over your office left that much photon in the atmosphere and you’re passing through it. As you pass through it, there’s another burst of it floating that you pass through. Your path is the same as that big cloud’s path.
Listen and hear more from Master Guide Kirael about the Great Shift on the audio CD or MP3 recording, The Great Shift: Now That We Know, What Do We Do?
Q: Does the “three days of darkness” happen when we’re not in the fullness of that belt?
KIRAEL: Okay, back to your cloud now. The cloud’s over your office. We’re moving along, when suddenly we catch up to the cloud, because it’s time to enter the belt. That cloud is your doorway, but because the photon is folding in on itself, it’s like a wall. We’re just drifting along there and suddenly we come to that wall, which is the belt. When we get to that wall, we don’t see the door. It’s not there. We go right to the wall from here. Well, we can’t get you into your office because it would be just too difficult, but, as we move along that belt, there’s the opening we’re looking for. That’s the way God planned it. I hate to say that, but that’s the truth. That’s the way the Creator put it all together. We’ll move right along that wall, which is the belt, and then, as we find that door, we’ll go through, but when we do, we’ll go through the wall at the same time. Hence, there is so much of it folding in on top of itself that you will be in the thickest, densest part of the photon energy.
Once you go through that belt, you are in the photon light. Once you’re in the photon energy, then the belt means nothing to you anymore, because you take your sun star with you. The photon always retracts and brings its energy to more than it can offer. It’s like the ultimate Creator Source. The more you use, the happier it is because the more it can reproduce itself. That means the “three days of darkness” happens much less frequently than the shifts.
Earth enters the photon belt every 26,000 years or so. There are other planet systems that have gone through the photon belt numbers of times, when your Earth has been waiting to do it once. There are planets that have been trying for a long time, with greater aim and greater thrust than your Earth plane, to make it through that belt. Now, they can’t do anything about that, except use the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating. You see, your Earth’s trajectory is slowed by the consciousness of the human population. Your consciousness is the force that relates to the Creator, and the Creator moves without any hesitancy on anything it wants to, but it looks at its own learning segments and says, “Don’t move any faster than this.” Yours is not the only planet the Creator created. The Creator created all planets. So, when it’s got a society that is fully aware and limitless in its own reality, it throws it right into the photon energy. Those who experience for the Creator are brought along at a pace set by their consciousness. I wasn’t kidding about the Ten Principles. If you practice the Ten Principles, you will raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you are moved at a more rapid rate.
I cannot predict when the three days of darkness will begin. I cannot predict the day you will call yourself through the Shift. I can only tell you that as you awaken, you’ll get there quicker. When more of you awaken, you will speed everything up, because the Creator Light, the Source from which you are made, is in contact with itself, which is you. You are the only reason you are not moving faster. So you are the speedometer. You are the one pressing on the pedal, or steering the craft, or standing with both feet on the brakes—yes, you, We the People. Every time I say “you,” I mean We the People.
The Creator has to wait for six billion segments of itself to move; otherwise, it follows the brightest light that it can. The Billion Person Peace Meditation is valuable to your shifting process because, when you get a billion people lit up all at once, the Creator says, “Hit the gas,” and off you go into the Shift. The speed at which you go through the Shift is based on thought accumulation. If six billion people suddenly woke up tomorrow, you’d be in the photon energy tomorrow and it would happen so fast, you’d say, “What was that? The sun went out, but it’s back on.” You wouldn’t experience the three days of darkness.
Q: Besides the physical description of the three days of darkness, you also mentioned something about it being symbolic. Going through the Shift as quickly as you just described resulting from a sudden awakening of We the People sounds like what you mean by symbolic. Is that enough explanation of the idea of the three days of darkness being symbolic?
KIRAEL: I don’t know that I used the word “symbolic,” but I could have easily enough. Remember, anything that’s in this Earth vibration, anything human, is accustomed to being relieved of its physical-ness to go through a shift. Few of you are capable of wrapping your mind around the fact that you’re going to stay here during the Shift, because you have lived through hundreds, maybe thousands, of shifts on other planet systems as well as this one, and each time, the Love of the Creator said, “Come on home. We’ll repair the planet for you and then we’ll send you back to try the evolutionary process again.”
This time you’re going to go through the Shift while still embodied. The three days of darkness will result from the Earth going through that outer band of photon. The Creator could go—poof!—and you’d be through the belt, but the Creator, in my humble opinion, will not send you through that way. The Creator will send you to sleep and let you get a little bit of rest. In the “three days of darkness”, you will go through mind warps. Your brain synapses will be refocused. The refocusing of your brain might be painful, so, as you come out of the darkness, you won’t remember any of it. Your brains will have been reworked, or re-circuited, in those three days.
In the symbolic gesture, where you go through the Shift in a “poof,” your craniums would be expanded because your brain would have been restructured so that you can deal with a whole new way of life—and it will be a whole new way of life. It would be as if the Creator took everyone off the planet, reset the planet with photon energy, and then set you back onto the planet again without going through the birthing system.
Q: When I prana breathe, do I bring in photon energy? What’s the relationship between prana breathing and photon energy?
KIRAEL: When you prana breathe, you breathe in pranic air, but you do it through your thoughts. You already have prana in you, so you activate it when you prana breathe, or breathe deeply. You activate the prana through your thoughts. Most of you activate the prana by envisioning the golden particles going through your crown chakra down through your pineal and into the body. After a little while, you forget to see the particles yet you still enjoy the sensation of the prana. That’s how the photon works. You don’t have to envision it, but it helps the process. Prana is always present, and as you activate it through prana breathing, you bring photon energy into your system. When you bring photon energy into your system, you lose track of time because photon is the future, and, in the moment, you’re living in the past, but the past doesn’t exist. Then again, neither does the future.
Q: So, Master Kirael, is it fair to say that in this expanded consciousness, as the brain is re-circuited, peace will prevail on Earth and love will be the prevailing consciousness?
KIRAEL: When you wake up after the three days of darkness, nothing will appear to be the same. For those who don’t understand about the Shift and for some who do, fear will be the focus of emotion at that point. You will turn on the light switch and the lights won’t go on. You will turn on the heater, and no heat will come from it. Fear will prevail for some. The people who understand about the Shift will send their thought patterns out, and the person in upper Alaska, who needs that heat, who’s thinking he’s about ready to die from the cold, will get a thought—“Oh, I need to do something. What do I need? I need to do this.” He’ll suddenly think, but he’ll be thinking with the person in Hawaii, because the person in Hawaii will be sending out thoughts to everybody out there who is not informed about the Shift.
You’ll suddenly realize that it doesn’t matter what color you are or what language you speak, because you will speak something that’s beyond language. You will speak like the Creator, in love, and you will have thoughts that don’t come in language, but you’ll know what to do anyway. Suddenly you will realize that you have no enemies, that your human brothers and sisters are a life support, and then everyone will learn to love one another. So, yes, the world will look different fast.
When you wake up, the first thing the lightworker will say is, “What about me brethren?” You will feel safe and snug as a bug in a rug. If you live in New York and it’s twelve below zero and you’re a lightworker, you will immediately start to work with your photon energy. You will be warm in the middle of a snowstorm. You could stand in the middle of a snowstorm with a T-shirt on.
You will want to pull together as a community of humans. Your thoughts will be the thoughts of your brothers and sisters. You will think into each other. You will be that pulsation of energy that travels on photon, and that’s how everybody will receive it.
Q: Will the influx of the photon energy accelerate the dis-eases of the body?
KIRAEL: Prior to the Shift, many people will leave the Earth plane. Each person who leaves will have chosen to leave. If you see that you would be better off on another vibration, then you’ll get out of here. Many of you are lightworkers who will want to be part of the Creator’s experience and will stay for the shifting process. When you go through the Shift, those who have disorders such as asthma or dis-eases such as cancer won’t have them anymore. Dis-ease won’t be part of the lesson plan anymore. Post-Shift, you don’t die. You just quit and go back home. You do what you want to do for your Creator, for your Source, for your Light, for your brethren, and then you return home. If you want to come back and experience the Shift, that’s fine, but there are no rules or regulations about that.
Remember, there are seven levels of consciousness to the Shift. If you come out in the first couple of levels, you may come out with a cancer growth right in the middle of your tummy. That will result from fear that you couldn’t let go of. You will have the opportunity to “cure” the cancer by waking up to a higher level of consciousness.
Q: Can lightworkers lessen the time they spend in the three days of darkness? You have said that Hawaii and Switzerland would not go through the three days of darkness. Would you explain why that is?
KIRAEL: Time in the three days of darkness will be lessened for those who are willing to have it lessened. Lightworkers will spend less time in darkness than anybody else, because you will have to get prepared to set up for the rest of the people who want to go into this next paradigm. The time will not be lessened by as much as you want to think, because you won’t recognize that it has been lessened. You will come out of the Shift a little bit earlier than those who have not yet awakened.
Now, as for the people in Switzerland and Hawaii, or Lemuria, as I like to refer to it, they will spend less time than anybody else in those three days of darkness. The Great Shift will not happen in Lemuria and Switzerland the way it’s going to happen in the rest of the world, because that is where the Shift will start. You don’t have to sell your homes or whatever and move to Lemuria. You will find that you have a sudden urge to go to Lemuria, or Hawaii, as you call it, and that’s what you’ll do.
When you come out of those great three days of darkness, or when you awaken to whatever it is you will awaken to, you will want to jump for joy. When you do, you will float up and come down slowly in your newly in-lightened bodies. You will meet with your galactic friends, who will be right here to meet with you. You will not be afraid of them. You’ll have access to your ninety percent brain and, in that, fear will be gone.
Closing Statement
The Shift is about love. That’s how these two or three billion people will come out of this new shifting process. They will come out with great love because they’ve got so much to do. When you wake up after this darkness, you will hear the people crying because they want to feel what you feel. You will bring in this beautiful one-light shift, called love, and that’s what it’s going to be like.
God bless you and good evening.
Tags: Guide, Kirael, Master, channelings