Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Massive 7.0-magnitude Earthquake has just struck the Caribbean nation of Haiti!

Please send your Thoughts & Prayers for all those affected in this Tragedy!

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I did last night after watching the news. It is very sad that it always happens to the poorest countries.
Sometimes i wonder if it is been orchestrated that way from the PTB.
Anyway trying to stay focus on positivity...
Thank you Ravi
My thoughts go out to them.
And I hope golden_angel_k is ok.. Haiti n Dominican republic do share the same land mass..
Thanks we are safe in dominican...the most affected was Haiti...the presidential palace was devastated and many buildings prayers are also with them....Now international help is arriving there to Haiti

Reb said:
My thoughts go out to them.
And I hope golden_angel_k is ok.. Haiti n Dominican republic do share the same land mass..
Thank YOU Ravi for spreading More the Info...
But Also i would like to ASK here are more than 2000 people PLEASE send your positive thoughts, you are powerfull beings of light, lets care about our People, they are US....WE ARE ONE...
In Gratitude dear patricia...Please send your thought to Haiti as a target...They need them.

paTricia T. said:
Absolutely. I am so relieved to see you here today Angel. I too was concerned last night but then something told me you were just fine. Having said that...lets still put a blue bubble of protection around your land mass. It will serve to protect and to calm those inside it.
will send my prayers to our brothers in Haiti.
peace and love to all
Sending love and light to all humans and animals in Haiti.

Glad to here the help from everywhere is getting there...

Remember that we are all one...


Violet Flame for people of Haiti. Much love and Prayers for All of them.
Remember : Be Strong and Stay in Your Light. As forces of Darkness are sensing their End,they are capable of these dirty tricky deeds now. ...........they will be completely exposed soon,and will be stoped by Humanity. Discernment & prayers.

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