Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Greetings everyone,

Here is the transcript for last nights call. There is a lot of good
information here. Despite being away from my usual computer, I have
managed to get the transcript edited. I will have this transcript
uploaded to the Files when I get home.

Much appreciate to Jan, Jules, and Annie for all of their hard work in
getting this transcribed. This was not an easy call to get down as well
as they did.

I also wish to express appreciation to Mark, Tara and Rama. We are truly
blessed by this information that you disseminate, and to have you
blessed beings among us.

Marks Conference Call

May 12, 2009

Transcribed by: Jules and Annie Beam

Edited by: Andrew McManus

PLEASE NOTE: Mark, Tara & Rama had difficulty, this evening, staying
connected so there will be some missing words or statements in this
transcription. These breaks will be noted in red.

Part 1: Mark, Tara, and Rama's briefing

CYNTHIA SUSAN - Mark is a retired naval intelligence commander who acts
as a conduit for the Faction 3 intelligence. Faction 3 is a Galactic
Federation spiritual hierarchy and their Earth allies. Mark has ongoing
spiritual experiences that enable him to evaluate events that are
happening around him and he is able to offer us a unique point of view.
This is the reason why we are here tonight – to listen to him and
ask him our questions. So as the night starts, Mark will talk and then
he will pass the Talking Stick to me; then we will go into the Q&A. So I
pass the Talking Stick to Mark.

MARK – Thank you Cynthia Susan. Hello everybody. Here we are after
Wesak. Most of us are still here. Most of us got kicked about a little
bit. Stirred up and activated. This is a very good thing because without
this current energetic, cosmic wave and the new connections that it
makes to us, we would not be able to consciously connect with out
multi-dimensional aspects, that is to say our higher selves and all the
places and expressions that we are on all the galactic and higher
levels. One thing we have to get used to everybody is you are very vast
solar beings.

You have many, many facets in all times and in all places. Wherever you
go, you will find you are already there. It is not an unfriendly or
unknown territory; it is a territory that you are remembering – all
of us, each of us. All of us are not only remembering the journey. If
you think of a u-shaped parabola, it comes down, bottoms out then it
curves and starts accelerating as it goes back up to the place from
which it came. That's all of us.

The place from which we came, believe it or not folks, it's not 5D,
it's not 3D, it's not 1D; it's 100 dimensions . That is the
important part. At that level, we are all part of the godhead. When I
said we, I mean all of us. There are no rejects. Anyone who is here has
automatically qualified by having, at least, 3 successful ascensions.
That is very important to remember. You cannot be other than what you
truly are which is a direct divine expression of the infinite source of
All That Is.

So starting with that, this Wesak Festival we just went through and
which will, actually, continue to ramp up through the new moon on, I
believe it is the 25th of this month, that is a very critical phase of
reconnecting with our 12th dimensional –all the way up to higher
dimensional, all the way up to 12th dimension – you might call it
our I Am source self which is fully integrated with all of our aspects.
In fact, that is where they all come from. It is all us. We fragmented
ourselves just as source did. Source fragmented itself to experience
what it was like. How can you know yourself if you have no reflection?
Correct? That is what Source did and we are the result of that.

We come from the Great Central Sun; we come from the divine heart-mind
of All That Is. To that we shall return. However, there are ventures to
be had; we have had many thus far. But the one we are preparing for now
is unique in that as we complete this particular cycle and reintegrate
our parts, we are reconfiguring the whole template of not [break in
connection] only the solar system not only of this galaxy but of the
universe of [break in connection] concrete plan and that means we cannot
go back to where we've been because it has already changed. When we
get there, it will have changed again and again and again.

The change is joy, bliss, and unbelievable ecstasy in every moment
because there is no boredom. It is impossible! There are an infinite
number of possible interactions that actually coagulate in every second
or micro second or nano second to produce a uniquely new, albeit
orderly, transition from one moment to the next as we go through this
next major hurdle in our return to 5th dimensional consciousness. We
then begin to exercise, in a conscious way, our ability/our powers and
our responsibilities and accountabilities for co-creation.

We are becoming a consensus reality expression. Unique in the sense that
each of us is individualized, totally unique and sovereign from a
certain point of view. Yet, we are a collective. As we remember the
collective, it will be like thinking like you are a single point of
light and suddenly discover you live in a sea of light, an ocean of
light, a universe of light. That is all you; it's all family.
It's all known; it is not unknown. It is all wonderful because it is
reunion time - the greatest celebration since the beginning. It is for
all of us.

With that as a preface, I wanted to start there tonight because
we're on the far side for now of where we have been. As we enter
this new country, this new territory, it is a bit strange simply because
we have forgotten how easy it is to fit in a multi-dimensional
environment. As we drop our fear, as we release what we thought of as
our defensive boundaries, our perimeters, of me vs. them and this whole
thing of duality, as we release that, you will not believe the joy you
will experience. For the first time, you will feel free again. You will
know who you are; you will know who you have been.

You will know what you want to be – more of that which you are. It
is an unending, never-ending, story. It keeps getting better and better
as you rise up through the dimensions. Because there is a lot of
activities going on in the world that are influencing the actions that
are being taken – and the players that are taking some of these
actions – are unknown to most people because they are working behind
the scenes. They are working at incredibly deep levels, incredibly high
levels of vibration and they are working, out-picturing and
orchestrating and coordinating a master plan that is timed to the nano

Why is it tied to the nano second? What is the importance of this?
What, the insertion point if you want to call it that, of corrections to
this whole 175 million years into our future, a puzzle was pieced
together. There was an exact point, a moment if you will, that
intervention could take place. This is absolute minimal intervention.
That took place in 1949 – wasn't it Tara? That timeline where
the intervention point was seen? That's how this completes itself?

TARA – Oh, I'm not sure which one you are talking about. But I
know that Omni magazine reported that the United States Air Force,
actually, tracked a transfer. This changed the timeline. It went from
Tibet, underneath the [inaudible]. In Tibet there are 13 skulls. The
energy transfer from those skulls, our permanent bases were transferred.
They could follow the transfer in the light. The air force sent up I
don't know what kind of jets – I can't remember – they
traveled from Tibet . . . The Mayan calendar had something to do with
that, too.

What happened was they went to the Monastery of the Seven Rays in Machu
Picchu. That is Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is about 12,000 feet –
11,000 going to 12,000 feet – and about 4,000 feet above that is a
monastery called the Monastery of the Seven Rays. In a valley about
4,000 feet above Lake Titicaca is the Valley of the Blue Moon. Rama you
want to tell more about that; what had changed and what that means? That
was in 1984.

RAMA – That place, the Monastery of the Seven Rays – there is a
book out there that's called The Secret of the Andes by Brother

MARK – It's a very small book but very powerful

RAMA – Paperback and it came out in the 60's. It basically
describes how Lord Amaru Maru and Lady Master Maru were part of the
Elohi masters who were on Atlantis [break in connection]

MARK – [continued break] that the godhead that they never descended
and cause any problem.

RAMA – At the time before Lemuria was beginning to change and, also,
when Atlantis high priest/scientists on both islands when they
weren't at war with each other – it was more the common folk, as
I recall, that had inequality and suffering at such a level that they
used the mutant slave-labor race to do all the labor in Atlantis. These
people were treated like the illegal people in this country where they
get a pittance and they live in tin shacks. I heard an incredible man
[Reza Aslan] the other night on Bill Maher where he was saying that when
the Islamic people step out of the realm of having to live in garbage
heaps and live like the rest of the people, then we'll have a
difference on this planet.

I was speaking about this in terms of the people of Atlantis/Lemuria.
There was class, a caste drama. I remember this like it was yesterday. I
was a priest/scientist in the Temple of Whales and Dolphins and I used
to help the mutant slave-labor race come back to god. There were many
other temples [where] this was going on. Lord Amaru Maru and Lady Master
Maru were preparing this time where they were taking the kelosonium
plates of all the records of Lemuria, Merk and the Lady of the Sun. They
brought it from Lemuria to the Valley of the Blue Moon where the
monastery was set up.

After they had done all of that - it took a matter of just months at
that time -Lemuria sank. Atlantis sank. They were prepared for this
because the golden sun disk was underneath the Monastery of the Seven
Rays. This golden sun disk is ten stories high. It represents an inner
dimensional sidereal technology that can be used to heal or to kill.
When you strike it and you make a certain sound frequency, it resonates.
It can create earthquakes or it can create changes in the weather
patterns so that the Devas, the angels, the fire elements, the Jinn are
called in. They do what the disk tells them to do. It is like a printed
circuit that is already hooked up to the amino acid computers on the
ships. I pass the Talking Stick

MARK – For some who don't know what we are talking about when we
talk about mutant slaveries, understand there were a lot of rampant
genetic experiments that were going on and some of them were carried to
their logical, ridiculous conclusions. That created an abomination.
They, finally, realized they had gone too far. Some of these were not
correctable – the technologies that they had - so they were
ostracized; they were cast out of the city.

Any time you separate a portion of the body, a community body, you
create hostility; you create injustice, you create a difference in
status and this breeds discontent. We're seeing the same thing right
here repeated over and over again where what has happened in Iraq, what
has happened in Afghanistan and Mumbai. Too many other places to even
begin to do it. It's time to end this. I think we are all aware of
that and we all know this has just got to stop. We have to start
becoming not only smarter but wiser and more loving towards ourselves as
well as towards others.

There is no way we can ascend as separate. We have to recombine our
essence. Not our stuff, if you want to call it that. Not the garbage
dumps that we have created. We have to clean up the garbage dumps and
then we have to clean up ourselves, which we are doing very handsomely
at this present moment. When the garbage dump is cleaned up and
everything has been transmuted, that is one of the secret things that we
have. As star seeds, we come in with ability when we open our heart and
start running our energy through the chakras; amazing things happen.

[break in connection]

Nothing has to be handled. It simply transmutes to a higher level which
is all essence.

[break in connection/had to dial back in]

MARK – We'll go past what we were saying because there is no
point in repeating it. The main thing we were talking about is that when
you trace energy, you can trace it backwards to its source. You can also
trace its pathway. This what the air force did. When they did that they
discovered several [inaudible] locations, the path that it had taken.
There are some very strange aspects of this that very much pertains to
what we're going through right now. Rama you want to mention a
little more about that to finish it up?


TARA – Hyperborea. Tibet is a hyperborean city. Talk about that. It
has to do with the . . .

RAMA – When the Atlantian hyperborean and the Lemurian people were
all shifting about the planet as Lord Amaru Muru moved the kelosonium
plates and the records of the Lemurian people to the Monastery of the
Seven Rays – all of that was brought there. Like Tara was saying in
1984 when the energy shifted, the air force tracked it. They went over
the area of Lake Titicaca. What the King of Swords told me is that when
the air force tracked the area of the location of the Monastery of the
Seven Rays, this large black triangle showed up over the area of the
land and they could not read what was underneath the black triangle. It
was almost as if this force field came up from the monastery itself and
blocked the air force from scanning them.

I wanted to share that.

MARK – Another thing Rama that you were alluding to that you
didn't quite get to was the fact that the sun disk, that ten story
tall sun disk, which is far more than has been described by anyone thus
far in open print, that that was actually removed to that same location.
Then, was it taken up on the ship for a while?

RAMA – It was taken up and, you could say, given a tune up then
brought back down to the monastery.

MARK – This is not only a location; it is also about a force field
which has its own protection built in. Of course, it is connected to the
Ashtar Command, which means that anybody that meddles with that triggers
alarms that bring, shall we say, corrective actions. If you are some
place you shouldn't be, doing something you shouldn't be doing
then there would be corrective action taken to see to it that you're
exited that area.

TARA – It became a [inaudable, possibly set up or seed of )of
instant karma you might say. It angered the knowledge and the wisdom in
the west. That was why we had to have knowledge of the Land of the
Condor. Then as it moves up the snake spiral of ascension coil . . .
Archangel Michael's retreat in Lake Louise, Canada – Alberta
that right? Alberta, Canada is the goal. As it moves up, it goes through
– a portion moves up through Mexico and Central America, which is
the iguana (is a sacred being). Then it moves up from there to the
eagle, as you understand, which if you go all the way to Can-nada, Nada
Can – really and truly – and anchor it at the Archangel
Michael's etheric retreat with his sword of Excalibur truth, you are
in the land of the Thunderbird. You want to talk about the Thunderbird
because that is very important?

RAMA – The Thunderbird has the energy that connects up with the
Phoenix frequency. This is ascension frequency. Phoenixes are immortal;
they never die.

TARA – The Phoenix rising. I was always told by my mentor, William
David, that the time of Scorpio would be very important. That is because
the Phoenix rising does the Scorpio journey. The paths of the Scorpio
journey to ascension is five fold. The first is represented in the
medicine wheel as the scorpion; the second level is the swan. The third
level is the dove – dove of peace.

Then you go to the fourth, the swan is Divine Grace – it is
unconditional love and divine neutrality with grace. This is the grace
period; we are talking about graceland. This is the grace period, the
grace light that came in last year on India's new calendar. That was
in April – already passed this year – but that was the star that
came in at the same time you know – that only comes once every 1,000
years which means 1,000 years of the [inaudible] which we said Divine
Grace and Divine Peace. Then the fourth is the eagle. The eagle is
spirit merged again with all creation, not just ourselves, at its
highest level, 100th density.

That means you have your sun lit; you have your lights lit. Then we can
make a land of light. That is L-I-G-H- T, the law of the land. The first
law is be calm; that is what the grace if for. Then the Phoenix rises
inside and out. That's ascension.

RAMA – In terms of the latest news of what I have heard today,
Stephanie Miller, interestingly enough early this morning, had Joe
Wilson on for almost 5 minutes. He said this goes all the way back to my
wife and this deals with 9/11. We're going to come full circle with
this. Stephanie Miller, 7 o'clock this morning

MARK – Joe Wilson's wife, for those of you who don't recall,
is Valerie Plame. She is the CIA covert agent. Her whole team of over
107 individuals that were compromised by the White House `s outing
her identity. Over 100 of those agents – could have been all 107
– were killed immediately as a result of that. That has never been
publized in the regular press, but it is known by everyone who is on the
other systems.

TARA – How did they know in the country because when you are
classified as covert, they use a corporation to represent who you are.
It is called Bruster and Jennings. All of the countries in the Middle
East who were participating with Mr. Bush and all of those guys, had
these 107 agents in their countries executed. That's not just kill
but execution and the blood is on the hands of, guess who? Same folks.

MARK - And another part of that was why were they killed? What was the
objective? First of all, these people had been preparing reports on WMDs
attempted to be inserted into Iraq across the border. As a result of
good intelligence gathering, they determined that many other things were
going on - funds used in bribery, many other illegal activities to put
it mildly. These are war crimes; every single one of these things is a
war crime. This is what was going.

They [the agents] had prepared a rough, a raw report and made the
mistake - they were ordered to do it - they turned their report in,
first, before they came back to the country. As soon as their report was
received, the order was given to take them out by any means possible.

They [the White House?] had calculated this whole thing; it was no
accident. This was a purposeful thing because they were all involved in
drug trafficking, contraband as well as planning 9/11 and trying to
continue their subterfuge by saying that Iraq had WMDs when in fact they
knew, for a fact, that they did not. They had determined to reinsert
them in so they could discover they were there. They were desperate to
do this. This was, actually, a way to stop their own exposure in so many

This exposure is now going to happen no matter what they do. The
evidence - there are warehouses full. They have, truly, been discovered.
That evidence has been evaluated and, in fact, they will be tried and
they will be executed for genocide and more things than we care to
elucidate at this time. It's too horrible to understand that people
of this ilk actually did this while pretending to do the right thing.

RAMA - This is why Benjamin Fulford gave the final edict to the folks,
the families, 13 families that `your time is up.'

RAMA – Yesterday, I heard this guy on a rock station. He wrote a
book. He was a drug smuggler for 20 years. He was fresh out of Vietnam
and got involved with the 13 families. He moved up in rank to where he
was the captain of over 120 guys that were tied in directly with [break
in connection].

His name is Brian O'Dea, meaning the "DEA". He woke up and
saw the light after coming out of Vietnam. He did 10 years in a federal
prison for drug running and now he has joined the normal organization.
He is working to, in a sense, turn over all kinds of state's
evidence on all the 13 families where this ties in all the way up to the
top of Bernie Madoff, AIG, Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, JP

This ties in with the roles, the funding of the bank paper economy,
phantom economy, where they take the money from the black ops of the
drug running. They run it through these different laundering operations
called "roll overs" and distribute it through their financiers
of Wall Street - lobbyists, congressmen, senators, different
politicians, heads of military, the bio-medical military complex. This
is what Brian O'Dea was talking about. How deep it goes. At the same
point, their money is gone as it has been exposed now and they are going
to the world court. I pass the Talking Stick.

MARK – One thing I want to say because I know we have some new
people call. When you hear about the Committee of 300 and the 13
families, these are all of that organization's infiltration into the
number 1 and 2 positions, throughout the world, in all of the key
organizations and industries – matter if it is religion, science,
university, whatever it is - they have infiltrated all of these

They were at the top. Now, Benjamin Fulford released the list of the
Committee of 300. This is not the current list of names. This was the
original names from World War II, most of these are. He knows exactly
what he is doing. He is naming the families basically, that were
involved. He's saying: "I know who you were then; I know who you
are now and I have another list, which he didn't actually in those
words. I have the current list of who you are". He did not say,
although I am certain that he knows, this committee of 300, thanks to
Mother and the King of Swords, is already solid holograms.

For those who don't know what this is, you'll have to bear with
us and read up on this on GRT news. All the information is already there
about clones, doubles, holograms and how the roles that this has played.
Bear with us if you will and just accept for the moment, for
consideration, the hypothesis that all of these 13 renegade Annunaki
families - they have been here for 65 million years completely
dominating this planet and they almost totally succeeded except for all
of you out there and all of us, we all agreed, we volunteered – you
might say as a galactic Swat Team - to come into this reality and begin
to turn it around; infiltrate it for the light so that this could all be
healed in whatever way that needed to happen. So there's a lot of
wild characters in this audience.

In a good way, in a good way. I wanted to make that point that these
have been reduced - this Committee of 300 – to solid holograms. Not
only that, the people behind them down deep in the earth in the caverns
there, in various locations all around the planet, have been these 40
and 50 foot tall dragons. That is the only way to describe it. If you
saw something 40 or 50 feet tall, and there are some pictures of the
twin towers on the Internet, some of these flying beings were actually
smashing people as they fell from the towers. They were having quite a
good time doing it.

It is a nasty business but we have to tell the truth. And this is the
truth! It needs to be known to understand why some of these methods and
some of these measures, like war crimes trials, have to happen in order
to resolve the atrocities which have persisted for 65 million years here
alone. Elsewhere in the universe, these are intergalactic war criminals
that have moved out of their space-time continuum where they are not
authorized to be. Mother Sekhmet and many others from the Ashtar command
are here to retrieve them and see that justice is done.

The universe works slowly but it works absolutely binding so that there
will not be a single one who slips through the net and cause havoc ever
again. So when we complete this, it will be done for ever and all the
timelines out to 175 million years in the future will be cleansed,
cleared and joyful with potential without any problem with these old
issues and energies that no longer are appropriate for the direction of
our future.

So Rama do you have any other news? Or Tara do you want to mention
Obama's speech on Saturday?

TARA – Yes. Obama's speech on Saturday. Remember everybody at
12:01 Sat. morning AM eastern time, the moon came into fullness in
Taurus and a 3 day period ended Monday night at 12:01 in the morning.
Along with that, the speech that Barack Obama gave, on Saturday night,
was in that energy and, in addition to that energy, he was
recalibrating, you might say, the coding and templates of the light
codes into the new age of enlightenment of the Age of Aquarius. Which
means that we have been in a transition period where there has been
certain other ignitings of this process.

The first one was at the end of 1996. In 1996, the last total, lunar
eclipse of the 20th century occurred and then in the new century in the
first week, it was the 9th of January, we had the first new moon and
eclipse. Also, the next morning of that day when the moon was in the 7th
house, the next year after the 9th . . . So in 1997 after the 23rd of
January was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius began at a certain pace
in earnest in the new century. The transfer of the energy of everything
that we did to prepare for NESARA in the old century was transferred to
the new century in terms of arriving at the midpoint of this day, which
we were talking about which was the 11th, the 9th to the 11th, when the
Hunab Ku, central intelligence of the Mayan calendar, adjudicates into
the new earth.

The new earth is Tica Lacoria , the diamond one. The old earth has been
called the planet Shan and has been called that for all of the time we
have been living with this reptilian rule, which you might say started
450 million years ago. That is really how long we became]in the latter
days anyway, so limited when we volunteered to come in this lifetime we
knew it was a very decisive moment. We all wrote the scripts – each
one of us - and that means even to the tiniest little baby who got
killed in Iraq. That child is a spirit of a high evolution who offered
that to be so that the Divine Lelah could be exposed in the public and
complete the mission.

The completion of the mission is done and the process that Barack Obama
introduced on Saturday night, he said in the next couple of days I have
been contemplating losing my cool. He dropped names that would scare a
horse. He told Mr. Steele to get up. He [Obama] said, "Hey.
What's up?" Mr. Steele was being a good Illinois Southsider,
which represents honesty. There's a certain honesty with
"what's up, let's hear from you. The Republican Party does
not get a bailout."

You should have heard the audience. Mr. Steele didn't get up yet and
Obama was kind of laughing. Obama said "write off" or deficit
asset. (Tara didn't remember the exact words.) Then Obama was saying
there was a nice new face that was showing up on the side of the
Democratic party – such as Arlan Specter. The audience was
hysterical. That nice fresh energy. Then he [Obama] did something very,
very clear; he said Joe Biden was instrumental in convincing this fresh
energy to come to "our side" of the court. In other words, Joe
Biden has got a red face for that one.

Then he [Obama] said: "Oh, Hillary. My relationship with Hillary has
been very interesting. She went down to Mexico and then when she came
back she hugged me, she kissed me. He said: "That was nice."
Everybody laughed. Then he said. Do it yourself the next time. In other
words, she got nailed. What is the issue about immigration that she went
to Mexico about? Do you remember, Mark?

RAMA – I know that she went down there for the drug wars.

TARA – 7,000 or 6,000 dead in the last year and a half.

RAMA - All of this is tied in with those 13 families.

TARA – The drug running and the illegal marijuana

MARK - And the money laundering.

TARA – And the money laundering. See this guy [Obama] is laying it
down. The follow-up we can watch on Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow.

MARK – Explain about the 72 days again.

TARA – OK, the 72 days; that's right. Barack Obama, when he was
wrapping it up, he was saying oh well - Oh, I want to say one more thing
about that Dick Cheney. Obama said about Dick Cheney: "He
couldn't make it because he was busy writing his memoirs, entitled:
`How to shoot your friends and interrogate people'."

Then at the end, Obama said: "By the way when I get to the point of
the next 100 days, I'll be able to finish it in 72 days." I
counted it on the calendar and it goes to the day before the new moon.
[Rama: July 20th.] He then said, "On the 73rd day, I will rest."
Everybody laughed because he was doing like the Genesis thing.

I looked at the next day, the 21st, which is Rama's birthday and it
is, in the true zodiac with Ophicus included, the first day of cancer
where Rama always had it on the last day of cancer. That's how
different things are. It's the new moon and he said he was going to
rest. That means we're in the new moon which always means we are in
the new beginning. "So I'm going to take a rest after getting
all of these guys out of our hair."

MARK – That's an important point. He didn't say "I'm
going to start then." What he is talking about is "I am going to
start breaking protocol and loosing my cool", which means
"I'm going to start calling a spade a spade and everyone with a
red face standing around me may still stick to their strict protocol but
I am giving myself permission to loosen up." He was being funny but
he was saying deadly serious things: "We are going to the
accomplishment of these arrests. We are going to have war crimes trials.
We are going to have exposure of 9/11. We are going to have removal of
all of these characters". [Tara: including their heads] And what
does that mean? That means we're going to have NESARA's
announcement. And what else? What important thing?

TARA - Arrests first.

MARK – Of course, the arrests have to come first. That's 75,000
to 100,000 indictments that are sitting there ready to be unsealed and
executed. I like the term executed in this case because they are all war
criminals. They will go to The Hague and they will all be tried there
– not in the United States because these are not local crimes they
are all international war crimes - genocide. Over 1 million American GI
service men have been killed. They have never reported this. It is out
there folks if you want to look for it – 4 or 5 million Iraqis. This
means between now and. . . The only way you can interpret [what] he said
is in the next few days he is going to start losing his cool and
speaking out on things not in the strict protocol of the office. He is
going to start revealing things.

First of all he has rescinded all of the regulations that Bush put into
place during 8 years of signing statements and other things that he did
to protect himself and all his henchmen. Tat has been revoked. In
addition, he has also signed new Executive Orders asking Leon Panetta to
figure out a way to safely reveal anti-gravity and other technologies
that came thru Tesla, Einstein and thru ETs. So all of this is going to
mean that he has - the plan is now ready to unfold to bring us up to the
present moment and talk about Galactic presence. We got that clear
indication when Edgar Mitchell stood up on April 20th and gave his
lecture, which is in the archives, many of you have already read it, and
he [Mitchell] basically said: "They are not only out there, they are
here and we need to talk to them." This is all coming together.

So if you look at this and you look at the 72 days of his current second
100 day cycle, almost all of this is going to happen in this 72 day
cycle. He's already announced this. Just like the Illuminati do.

TARA – The first thing he said was he was going to do it off the
teleprompter, off-the-cuff. Then there was this beep. What that meant
was that the prompter guy had to buzz him to keep it so he couldn't
say anything. He said this isn't working out so well. Then he said
hello and greetings and pulled his papers out. Then he went on at the
middle point, he said, we've got some warmer fuzzier things going on
in the White House now. We've invited someone to the White House.
He's effervescent, warm and cuddly.

MARK: And everybody thought he was talking about the dog.

TARA - And he said, "Enough about Joe Biden". Oooohhhh. Then at
the very end, to wrap up what he said in the beginning about the
teleprompter and Joe Biden, he said: "I am going to be doing a lot
more things off the prompter and Joe Biden will be doing everything and
learn to read it from the prompter." In other words, "I [Obama]
am the boss now and Joe Biden isn't going to be making it up as we

MARK – Right. What he is saying is that Joe Biden will be speaking
the script that he is told to follow. Whereas Obama is releasing himself
from being bound by the script of the prompter. This means they are not
going to get signals in advance to what he is going to be saying in any
given moment. That is very, very important

The reason we have taken this time is because . . . Anyone who
didn't listen to that speech and even if you did, - with all of the
jokes and things, you would have thought it was all light humor. This is
serious business.

TARA – Nobody did in the audience either. You may not have thought
that at all.

RAMA - The very fact that Wanda Sykes mentioned 9/11.

TARA – Then they said that wasn't appropriate for her to say it.

MARK: She looked at Obama when she did that. They were a little bit
joking and seeming to get a little bit over the edge

TARA - What she said was: "Did I go over the edge?" and Obama
was grinning from ear to ear. He was basically saying

MARK - Thank you for going over the edge.

TARA - The other thing was Bloomberg. He [Obama] started with someone in
NY who has been controlling the media and completely abusing - the words
were unbelievable. He pointed out that it was Michael Bloomberg and
looked in his direction. Then he said: Michael Bloomberg everyone."
This is the guy I'm talking about. This is the media thing that Amy
is right behind in all of the truth-seekers and the truth-tellers.

They are saying, "Guess what? The media hold is not held by the
powers that used to be and think that they still [are]." They
don't be and they don't think that anymore; they

are just still trying to make you believe it. It's too late because
he's just had enough of that and it's all over.

RAMA – Something I forgot this morning - Thom Hartmann started his
show, on a rant, saying Dick Cheney, George Bush are the terrorists;
Afghanistan never did 9/11. Get that one. Dick Cheney, George Bush are
the terrorists and are going to hang for war crimes.

MARK - This is Thom Hartmann speaking live on Air America radio. You
know that for him to be able to say that, on that station, it had to be
approved at the highest levels. No one says anything of that nature
without a Swat Team showing up to jerk him off the stage unless it has
been approved at the highest levels. So all of these things –
I'm backing up here because this is very important to understand.

The King of Swords, Mother and all of King of Swords' men have been
busy 24/7 , you might say, cleaning up the back rooms so that when they
open the front doors it will be fit for company. When we get the
announcements for arrests, it will already be done. That will just be
the public announcement of all of these things that have actually
happened. So somewhere in the next 72 days, we are going to have
arrests. We are going to have acknowledgment of Galactic presence and
even beyond that. We are going to have actual decloaking of ships and we
are going to have NESARA's announcements. We cannot give a date. No
nukes and no dates. As Ashtar would say.

TARA – Except that Mother said sooner, much sooner than anyone
thinks. Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame - that means immediately the

RAMA - The very fact that so much coverage is being given by showing
Dick Cheney outing himself in every statement he makes about trying to
say that we have made ourselves safer by torturing has . . . it's

MARK –He [Cheney] is convicting himself. Also, he was asked
specifically if the president authorized it and he said, "Well, of
course. This can only be authorized by the President." He said that
on live TV. You're not going to be looking at a long drawn out trial
going on for years.

RAMA – No O. J. Simpson here.

MARK – Right, no O. J. Simpson situation. When they go to The Hague,
it's already decided. When they get there a lot of these holograms
have a little characteristic, they can be shut off with a remote control
and they just simply cease to be – like turning a TV off.

TARA – An the King of Swords has got some lever in his hands.

MARK – He's got the responsibility; he's got the lever. He
has the backing of Lady Master Nada, St. Germain, the Ashtar Command and
the whole spiritual hierarchy all the way up in the universe. Anyone who
wants to buck that hasn't got a whole a lot of smarts. This is the
good news.

Now I think that we're past our first hour and we need to turn this
back over to Cynthia Susan and start getting questions answered.
We'll do it as fast as we can.

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Did you hear Andy that Obama said he will be so successful in his second 100 days that he will be done in 72. That he will rest on the 73rd. Take heart ma man, we will dance on the naked!

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