Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

As was stated in our postings and CC materials, this is a very large and
dangerous issue that must be remediated as these contaminated fish are being
dumped at high prices on European and other markets.

You might wonder what an area that now has over 300 Naval vessels from most
countries, including China and Iran as well as all European and Asian Navies,
has to do with pirates. That latter issue has received press as a cover to the
activities for which all those Naval vessels continue for months to maintain a
cordon around the stargate in the Gulf of Aden.

The poor pirates are made to sound like the criminals and the merchant vessels
the 'victims'. Some of those merchant vessels are the ones dumping their toxic
stuff into those waters. This is NOT being addressed by any of the countries,
who just shrug their shoulders, when asked about the spread of contamination.

All countries should be called to count and join in ceasing these polluting
operations and in making reparations to the poor people whose food supplies have
been taken from them.

I can tell you that the Aden StarGate is the most important new development on
the planet in millions of years.

In May of 2009 we understand that a second stargate will open in the Miami
Circle area of Florida. Teams are already on their way there to observe and
report on this coming phenomenen. There will be others beyond these two before
long. Coverups will be impossible.

When the Aden StarGate reaches its readiness it will be sending out golden
particles over the whole area that will reach Saudi Arabia as well as all the
countries surrounding the Gulfof Aden.

That will connect with the activation of the Stepped pyramids/Ziggurats
throughout the mideast and thence to the whole planetary grid and then rise
around the planet in a force field of overlapping electromagentic and
crystalline 5D nature.

At that time the inner planetary grids will generate a horizontal forcefield
that will make hostilities impossible and render weapons non-functional. Ashtar
can advance or retard these processes to a degree and is doing so now so that
the timing will harmonize with the other events and responses that are reaching
critical mass, including arrests and economic systems and decloakings and
NESARA's Announcement.

After our announcement, the Altamarians and other galactic scientists will
quickly be able to use galactic methods to neutralize the radiation effects in
that and all other areas of contamination on the planet.


Re: 2009 April 14 MarkH: You are Being Lied to About Somali Pirates


I would like to know the truth.

I know the truth is not being told about the pirate situation. The article you
sent for us to read states that nuclear waste has been dumped in the waters
surrounding Somalia, yet also states the waters are being fished for seafood
being served to Europeans. This means that they too shall suffer the effects of
radiation poisoning, which does not make sense to me.

What does the somalian pirate story have to do with the Gulf of Aden
stargate situation; or are they two separate stories?

The news article states that ships from nations are there to protect the passage
of oil tankers...

You and Mother have stated that the ships from many nations are there to
'ponder' the activities of the stargate.

My intuition 'brought up' the ships 'reported' as high-jacked by pirates
actually witnessed the stargate and were 'high-jacked' to prevent the crew
members from telling what they saw to others.

I cannot believe the small ragged fishing boats armed with approximately 4 or 5
somalians could actually high-jack a large vessel with 5 times the men on them.
It seems silly.

Red flags rose in me today when I heard on CNN that the crew (especially the
captain) of the American vessel was going to be 'debriefed' by the military.

Debriefing to me means; they saw something they did not want them to see and
share; and are making sure these people stick to one story, and one story

Am I wrong?


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