Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

As you well know, we have gone through a twenty-one day period in which a lot of things that are not on the surface took place. Some of these we aren’t going to find out about for awhile, but I can assure you that absolutely everyone knows that we are in a changed environment at this time.

One of the things that maybe some of you don’t know is Benjamin Fulford’s turnabout. Most of the time in the past, he has not discussed galactic intervention, nor Nesara, or the Reformation Act. He has stayed completely away from those. He had two emails posted in a row, in which he suddenly came out and said, ‘There are people (unnamed) who have so much gold and precious metals (which was the tip-off) and they want to use that to help out the whole world.’

For any of you who haven’t heard that information, it is very important, because as Steve Becof would tell you all the time, when we can get confirmation from a third party, it is always very useful to nail that down. Because some of our sources can hint around and tell you certain things, but they can’t give away information on operations that are in process.

So when he said that, what he was talking about was St. Germain and Nesaras’ gold and precious metals which are here in such quantity that it will remove all doubt forever about any lack of abundance in the world. I wanted to start with that.

He also seems to know – he hints – and some of the things we have talked about in terms of the committee of 300, which for those of you who may not have been following that, the King of Swords passed on to Rama a recommendation that they look at the committee of 300 information again. Many years ago, they had given Tara a book on that by Dr. John Coleman.

The fact that this was recently, within the last 3 weeks, to put that in context, he did that just before Obama was scheduled to go to the G20 meeting. When Obama did go there, we knew a line had been drawn in the sand, because Mother Sekhmet whispered in the King’s ear, that she had delivered a notice to the Illuminati 13 families, all the heads, that this was it. They either joined the group, or they were history. That is a very important set of things that have happened in the last 3 weeks.

Then as Obama went to the G20 meeting, and met both officially, and behind the scenes with heads of state, Holograms began to appear. The Queen, and all the top Illuminati families, either before he got to them, or after he left suddenly became Holograms. Then we finally got the message that indeed, they were all now, physical Holograms.

For those of you how are not prepared to hear or understand what that means, it means that the King of Swords has a remote control for simplicity purposes. All the Holograms, in Congress, and in the top banker positions, and in all of these now 13 families. They are all gone. But the Holograms persist, and they have complete memory, just as the embodied soul did. But they do not have the embodied soul. What it is, is a duplicate at a certain moment in time, and it can be programmed. It can have its program changed to a certain degree so it still looks and acts pretty much the same, but it can be terminated at any second with the push of a button.

In this last 3 week period – and I want to concentrate on that term – 3 weeks – because 21 days was what Kuthumi, Ashtar and Mother told us that it was where a lot of this stuff was going to take place. During this 3 weeks, the committee of 300 are all Holograms. Also, we found out, but not only they, but also their key minions, subordinates who support them, are also Holograms. Which means they also have been removed, and are under the same single remote control of the King of Swords.

Then it was suggested to us that we also consider that most of the people that you find opposing Obamas’ policies, were neocons in the Bush administration, or in the 75,000 indities, and many – we will not say at this moment, all of them – but many of them are now solid Holograms. So what you are going to have here, as we have been told three years ago, was that when it finally came down to this last chapter and verse, was that it would be basically accomplished before we would have our announcement. That is so, that at the push of a button, without any muss or fuss, they just disappear. That is a single command, world-wide, and they are just gone. These are up to 400 congressmen involved in this, they have been given every chance possible, and they did not meet the test that St. Germain said they had to pass. In other words, they were not salvageable on this level. There are some, though, in the last few weeks period of time, that Ashtar has hinted at on his call, Susan Leland Ashtar on the Road call. He almost came right out and said any of these ones who are so programmed that they can’t even think at all for themselves, and are asking for another option, they know they are going to have to flip that black had into a white hat, and stand up and be counted and speak the truth, or else they are instantly gone. There will be no appeal; it will be just simply done. We don’t have any names for who those are, so we can’t give you that at this time, except to say that pretty much every one that is resisting and opposing is indeed now, already a photographic memory of something that used to be. But still in charge, and I think Rama will speak to this, or Tara, is that it is Hillary Clinton that is at the head of all of these black operations, that you are still seeing, that are poking their heads up, that are jerking the chains of neocons who may not even be here, but they still have the memories and they still follow those rules. You know she is a double who was cloned and programmed with Hillary’s memories, so she is acting, and she is not even a direct clone; she is a double that was cloned and programmed. The original was executed inthe Hague at the order of Barak Obama, because she failed miserably to change any of her policies. The one you see running around out there as Secretary of State is doing the same thing as the original did, and will be hauled up. Because the public has to have closure. They’re gone, so they can’t get closure, but there will be these key figures that will, in face, stand up on TV and be seen as being arrested for war crimes. ************************************************************

(Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to start until about 9:34 PM tonight. So sorry).

Jan Chapman's transcripting begins here. MarkH

Tara - That is why none of the positions under Geithner have been filled. Nobody wants to step in under a 10’ pole. That’s why the positions aren’t being filled. With the case now proceeding, that will be more of a challenge. Reactions on American editorial pages are divided. (Tara was reading an article written by a professor on legal matters for Harper magazine).

Mark – In summing this up, while many of us would like to see actions taken in the U.S. on some of these matters, they really aren’t U.S. jurisdiction. These are international war crimes and intergalactic war crimes to boot. These are the same folks that have been doing this for eons of time. This is the prelude to general war crimes trial in The Hague.

This is setting this all up so the people know here that this is not Obama’s job it is Lady Master Nada’s job. She has the authority, she has the responsibility and she has the venue without the chicanery in the U.S. judicial system here.

We are seeing more and more of these events taking place. Behind the scenes we can go into more things that Obama is doing in the areas that he can. He has topped all old regulations from being enforced in any part of congress and has said that he will scrutinize when he gets the word, new regulation proposals. He does not invite any new regulation proposals because he knows those writing those proposals are neocons; all bushites. That’s why some of the stuff doesn’t show.

Leon Panetta and Dr Stephen Bassett will be at a conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC next week and they will be talking on the disclosure project and about declassifying anti-gravity technology, which Obama has already signed an Executive Order for. Leon Panetta and Dr. Bassett are to bring this stuff in a staged manner. So much of what is going on is window dressing. I’ll say something that to a few of you won’t be new. We do not need any nuclear weapons. Why? We have weapons; we have systems; we have technologies based on ET reverse engineering programs; we’re in the 4th and even 5th generation now with one being the TAW-50 (hypersonic antigravity figher-bomber).

One of these planes can take out a full city dropping down at supersonic speeds from 80,000’ up in the air at an 80 degree flight angle and they can do this in seconds and turn around on a dime in 150’ and reverse course and return from where they came without anybody even knowing they have been there. Except the beam weapons [disrupt all particles]…at the molecular level. That’s why they are talking about nuclear disarmament talks. That’s only to entertain the public and keep them so mesmerized on a subject that has long been solved.

The old KEYHOLE satellites. These can be inserted in orbit any place in the world where there is a combat situation developing. This[Gulf of Aden] is a high priority area where all of the world is looking to see what is happening there. This is a high priority for a number of military satellites, to fully use technology and scanning devices beyond what you have been told about. They have known about all of these things. Any time you see delays, that’s because they want it to happen.

They are using the pirate things as cover and to find a bad guy to blame that is not them. Keep that in mind as you are paying attention to the current news as most isn’t there. Up to 75,000 holograms may be appearing in the place of top people in the world. This is the 13 families and all of their minions.

We are in the last inning of this game that has gone into overtime. It could take almost nothing. What is the something that might happen to change this whole thing? That would be whistleblowers coming out on TV and completely blowing the cover of all of the 9/11 participants like Hillary, the Bush regime, and international [Intelligence] units, black ops. Pretty soon you are into the whole black ops program drug programs, slavery, child and female slavery, prostitution. All of these things are funding operations that all intelligence services on the planet are mutually engaged in. that is something that is hard to understand because you might say, go to the police, but they’re involved as well. That’s why the Dodi and Di[clones] were taken out because of these international espionage operations that they were endangering.

Mark – Rama did you want to add anything?

Rama – Only that what Mark was saying was that these folks, the way Stephanie Miller put it this morning was that…. GOP and permanent exile is trying to create a disaster any where they can. Obama is just plodding along forward laying it out. The crimes as they are.

Tara – He’s not really doing that. He’s just laying out his Executive Orders which now then get them exposed like the story about dropping their nuclear medical ways is a story that would not have been told but for the fact that he signed an Executive Order to roll back all those secrets. It’s over hump day now. He doesn’t need to indict them; they are indicting themselves by the revelation of this classified material. Everything that KOS has up there in classified intelligence. Fasten your seat belts.

Mark - If you would like to put us in Q&A mode: Moderator - North Virginia, do you have a question?

This is Charles. My question is whether the capacity to disable firearms will carry similarly to nuclear weapons?

Mark – The question has to do with personal fire arms and whether they will be functional when the changes take place. There are several things happening. We have the ziggurats, which are the stepped pyramids in the Middle East which have ZPMs, zero point power modules in their bases and they form a grid and they have been powered up. They are being complimented by the star gate in the Gulf of Aden and the citrine color spinning holographic crystalline structures above that that are communicating down 7 miles into the ocean. That Stargate goes 30,000 light years out into the universe in both directions. All of this is being coordinated and when the ZPM’s are allowed to complete their 100% power up this will connect with [the 3 Giza pyramids] and the grids in the U.S. which are the mirror image of the [Giza 3,like those on Galveston Island,TX which Tyberonn has been working to activate since March 20th.]

And all of this together will produce a critical mass effect which the ZPMs will generate a force field; a crystalline matrix field [around the planet]. It has two arms; one is electromagnetic and one is crystalline and they will be over each other and this will be a fifth dimensional force field and unless you are fifth dimensional you can neither enter nor leave [through]the force field. This will be around the entire planet without exception. It has a horizontal component going from the Mideast, where most of the combat activities are engaged. This is already having an impact on weapons that are becoming increasingly non-functional. It will spread this throughout the world. That means anyone... (We’re talking about 5th dimensional). This is not aggression. No aggression (will be allowed) that is intended to harm another. Everything in 5th dimension is done with love. That may be hard to conceptualize but that is true. As Rama was saying earlier, it’s a matter that the planet is guaranteed ascension. The people are optional.

Tara – They have their own ascensioning.

Mark – It means that we have to choose to be a part of it. If we choose to be a part of a society that has reverence for all life, it’s that simple.

Getting back to the question about private guns. This has nothing to do with the Constitution. It has to do with 5th dimensional universal law and when that occurs all weapons become non-functional. That’s how the Galactics can do this without war. There is plenty of fear out there about soldiers. That is all fear based nonsense. None of that is part of 5D. None of that is part of ascension or the Galactic Federation Ashtar Command. This has nothing to do with that whatsoever. This is why the holographics exist. When the signal is given, they can be turned off. I hope that answers that question. I pass the talking stick.

Moderator - Central Colorado, go ahead with your question.

This is Robin from central Colorado. I would like to know about Obama taking our Nesara money and investments. What is going on with that?

Rama - That is absolute lies. No one is taking any Nesara money. If you read Casper, Poof or any of these things out there promising deliveries forever, that is all Bush Sr. garbage. The real packages, I think you can understand why, are controlled only by St. Germain, Lady Master Nada and are under King Of Swords protection. That is all a dog and pony show and they chuckle every night at how gullible people are to continue to believe this nonsense. So many people talk about deliveries first which is insanity. If you have the incorrect people in charge, you can only imagine how long it would take to steal your money. No packages have gone out and they won’t until we have the announcement; until Lady Master Nada announces when this will happen, which will be within 72 hours after her announcement on TV. There is no other delivery schedule and no other person interfering with it. That is all psychodrama to keep people in turmoil about imminent delivery and characterizations of who is involved. I wanted to make that very clear. I pass the talking stick.

Moderator – We have a caller from west Washington State. Hi, this is Elise. We did a special exercise today with Meg Hoopes in one of her clearing calls. She was guided by St. Germain as well as Mother Sekhmet. We did a massive core clearing for the entire planet instead of person by person. We did a planet release to remove the disrupters for everyone on the planet and also removed the dendrites that are connected with all the parallel lives and all of the remnants for the disrupters. That was massive and Ashtar told us that we were 100% successful on all levels. Ashtar asked us to tell you this and he said this contribution permanently disconnected the Illuminati and their hold on the planet. They are now 'one fingernail hold' on the cliff. Thank you for letting me share.

Mark – For those who don’t know what this disrupter is. About a month ago on the Ashtar call, they brought a special guest[Meg Hoopes] in who was given this technique. Everyone on that call it was lifted from. Now this is a very exciting announcement that Elise just made. Ashtar just confirmed that it is lifted for the whole planet. This is why whenever something good happens; the disrupter would knock you back down by this internal program. This is another major breakthrough and it happened 2 days after Easter. This is what has been going on. The preparation for this had to happen within the last 21-23 days. This is amazing. We thank you so much Elise for coming on and sharing this.

Moderator – We have a question from Colorado.

This is Delores from Colorado – We had a friend here yesterday and he is disgruntled about Obama originally saying no troops in Afghanistan and then reversing that. Perhaps there is a valid reason why he is reversing this and perhaps it has to do with misinformation and disinformation.

Mark – We can give one name that explains it. The whole thing centers on Hillary and the neocons who are in all of these governmental positions and who have been issuing orders. And Obama has to take, in his position; he has to allow them to hang themselves. And by bringing these things out, they are convicting themselves. I think the time she has left to continue this is seconds on the clock. This is why it appears to be that he is behind this but he is not. When he made that statement, [in spite of the fact that the Spanish Courts asked the US if we wanted to take over the investigation, our reps said No, we're just here to observe, at this time.]

We have had diplomatic contact and presence there during all of this and the reason we are not openly joining this is because this is an international issue. It is almost number 1 on the priority list of what is to be done. I am sure that mother will have more to say on Thursday and certainly Ashtar has already spoken of this. We will be getting more of this in the near future. Just have compassionate neutrality towards these people who have been stirred up by the hate groups and all the right wing people with agendas to try to undermine the administration. This is the last administration in the normal sense of what we will think of as government, as this government begins to reveal its true nature. We had another incident today where Al Franken was certified by the courts to be the official Senator from Minnesota. So all of these things are coming up, yet it takes a little time and it’s not as pretty as we would like to have it. Every single thing is happening because of absolutely thorough planning so that none of this stuff slips thru the cracks. Lady Master Nada has assured us that there is no way any of these criminals will escape one bit of accountability.

Moderator – We have a question from California.

This is Mark in California. I have a question for Mark. You had made mention of the ‘No Nukes and No Dates’ many times. Can you comment again on the gadget(secret craft) or whatever it is that goes from the airport runway to 80,000’? Would you explain that a bit more and who owns that, the white hats or the black hats?

Mark - This is out on the internet. Dr. Richard Boylan’s site has a ton of information on this. I sent some of it to the GRT and I will send that segment to Steve and he can evaluate which site to post it on. We have the most advanced weapons systems in terms of air craft. There are twelve aircraft; I can mention the top three.

The TAW-50 is a hypersonic space craft that is the state of the art and beyond. It can go in excess of Mach 50 [38,000 MPH+]. In the newest [craft design] there is the [Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc] aircraft. This one would involve aircraft sitting on the runway. It can go from sitting on the runway in seconds to being at 35,000’ directly over a target city in a country on the other side of the world. This is the compact version of the SDI[Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative] technologies. The new updated version, several generations later, that our government used in the initial attack on Iraq; part of that is the Shark Helicopters. The Shark 75 helicopters are anti-gravity helicopters with stealth cloaking devices and with several kinds of weapons where they went ahead of the troops. They are on the internet. That’s another one.

In addition to that they have the Nautilus, which is a [space-faring] craft. If you look at these as the latest technologies. This is quantum effects where they can lift straight off the runway. One minute they are on the runway and they next minute they are thousands of feet up.

TR3-B Astra is a large triangular shaped antigravity,[nuclear powered] aircraft which was in wide use by the black ops and has been photographed all over the country. They are secret government craft that can go to the moon and come back. They have 2 days of oxygen on board.

The F-22 Raptor (advanced stealth) fighter bombers, which are in production (however) Obama is thinking of cancelling the contracts for those. Here’s a signal. Any time they are willing to discontinue a contract on one thing, it’s because they have something better and the something better they have is the version 2 of the X35 fighter bombers. This has 18… that is part of the command system. This allows the pilots to be in the aircraft and he (the pilot) is connected to this artificial intelligence. It is as if he has no aircraft around him. He has no restrictions visually around him. He can go directly up to 80,000’ from the runway and turn around and come down at supersonic speed and turn around. This is because of the antigravity technology. What we are talking about here is nothing compared to what the Ashtar command has just in case anybody was wondering.

Now we go to a recent incident in the last week or two over Nellis Air force base test range in NV where they brought an F-22 Raptor where they purposely brought his pilot and went there specifically to try to shoot down a star craft. They had this ET gene basically galactic genetic material in the controls of the plane; it’s like an artificial pilot that hooks in with the pilot and allows him to do things that he normally could not do. Because the ET genes are so advanced, that when the ET AI found out that they were trying to destroy a star nation craft, which it felt like it was its own family, it shut all its equipment off and the plane crashed. In other words, it gave its own life force to protect its family. That’s fifth dimensional consciousness.

I’ve had experiences in dealing with these air craft. Many of these air craft are spewing Chemtrails. I have put violet beams around these air craft and they have stopped the Chemtrails; it’s because of the heart. They can tell when you are speaking to them from the heart. Their society is galactic and it responds to that over all things. That is why the nanites, which Bill Gates loaded into all communications satellites, will no longer obey a signal to destroy anyone. Upon such a signal they will connect with the bridge of the New Jerusalem and will put themselves under Ashtar’s advice and control and ask for instructions and they will upgrade to 5D.

When you talk about technology, it is very important to understand that you are talking about people who are tens and hundreds of millions of years further advanced than anything the negative ETs have brought here and signed agreements with the Cabal to provide to them in technology transfers.

Tara - Mark, tell them about Sunday morning at 3 in the morning and Monday morning again.

Mark - Tara is referring to (2 recent nights) when she was on the couch watching a documentary and I came in and turned my lights out and was looking up to see what I could see in the sky as we have skylights. I could feel a presence but couldn’t see it. All of a sudden a section of the sky shined out and this bright object showed up and it was bigger than Venus and Jupiter. This was of that size or larger and it was traveling across my vision out of the corner of my eye. The second I looked at it, it stopped and spinned around and I could see all the colors. That happened 2 nights in a row. One was 5:30 in the morning and one was about 1 a.m.

Tara – the second [on Easter night] was a lot lower and bigger than the first one.

Mark - They might have been coming to give me a ride. They are here and are making themselves visible. As long as I feel them I can see them. The second they put their attention on me I can feel them. Then when I look at them they flash me. They are all but shouting about how soon they will be with us and how joyful they are to be able to decloak and share the most joyful part of the next phase of this whole program. I pass the talking stick.

Moderator – East Iowa you are next in line. This is Roxy. I just got a thing in where Obama, this is breaking news, is going to announce the situation with the 19 largest banks in the United States. That‘s a news flash. I wanted him to know that I have been feeling a presence also. I’m hoping they notify me like Mark, Tara and Rama. He is in a news conference shortly about the largest 19 banks.

Mark – There was a companion story about the Federal Reserve having press conferences on a regular basis. You can see how they set the scene for the other. Instead of stonewalling people and telling people they’ll never tell people about the money, they are saying ‘ok, I guess we have a different set of marching orders.’ A couple of things we have been told have to do with the U.S. Treasury banks. Tara would you care to say a word about Wells Fargo, Nations Bank and Bank of America?


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