Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello: I am a new member and have been getting info at night when I sleep about upcoming events that will change the earth and our reality forever. I have played the money game hard with credit and interest and such over the past 15 years or so. I now have gone with my gut feeling on certain issues and am going all in with access checks and credit cards with large balances. I am using this energy to change my family's living situation and purchase land for use at another time. I also feel the need to give out money and gifts to newly met friends and such. I always have been easy with money and spent almost all I have ever made to keep the energy going. I now want to help even more and give back to all who I meet that need it in these what some would say difficult times? How do I keep the law of attraction going here until the world changes and we are free? Most of my old friends fear money and hold on like no tomorrow , can they be helped with giving and my show of faith that all is one even now?
All That Is, Is Love
Sincerely, Rob

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Do you have any tips to share about how you are making it work for you? I hadn't any luck. You can private message me too if you feel the need.

Thank you.
Great, Thanx. for the responses. Look for some help from above then go with that feeling, this is what is working for me and my family. I now have been introduced to new friends who need stuff and soul advice, but nothing is expected back and I do not preach just suggest. Life is really a wonderful thing when you see the light not the dark, it just all comes to you. Love to all and peace, change is coming very soon, have faith!
Blessings, Rob
Yes it is a great feeling to give unconditionally , it is way better then hoarding. The thing that started all this info coming my way was a change in lifestyle, especially in what I would eat. No more fast food, no more chemicals in my cleaning and bodily products. Live cleaner and you will realize that life is all laid out for you and we are headed to the greatest thing that has ever happened to this earth, even better then the ascended one Yashua, Jesus or whatever you choose to call him. It is his christ like ideals that we are all after and should live by, do this and you will reap what you sow, so to speak!
All That Is, Is Love, Rob
By giving you shall receive...I think what stops people from giving is the fear of not having enough for themselves which I find it to be very selfish and I am saying it without judgment, I believe selfishness comes from not knowing the divine inside . I also understand that some of us were raised with those ideologies of never having enough to share and that we should save for our future and our family. I have come to the understanding after many years family is everyone and everything. Which means for me I most give freely and think about everyones future and not just my own or my family meaning husband, mother, children, sister etc...
I feel abundance but not in all aspects of my life and I am sure the only one preventing the rest to come together is myself. Wishing you the best on your path to a better World Rob.
Hello Namaste: Believe that you are going to do this for you and those around you and I know you will. Yes, we must all learn not to judge the person who throws that cigarette butt out the window on a hot day. We have been stuck in duality for so long now getting out sometimes seems impossible. Yet if we keep spreading peace , love and understanding(quite a good song by the way) then all will come into place. We are soon about to reap the benefits of our long hard struggles over many lives. A debt free and happy, loving world is just around the corner for all those who see it. This should happen no later than 11/11 of this year. Those numbers are all over my area reminding me from above to manifest what we have started long ago before the fall of man. Give all you have up to this point and trust in that All will be good. Getting other people to believe without pushing them but showing a good example will make this happen for more and sooner. Good Luck Namaste may the Force be with you and all you touch.
Love, Rob
My whole perception about money is having to do something to receive money, like a physical thing, in all my life i have never seen money come to me, it has always been that i had to work hard for it, I do like to give to charity even though i'm still unemployed and have no way of making anything, I'm at the point that i just want to give up in this monetary system and just let all this old stuff go. Apparently it's not happening and i still have to play this rat race game.

I know for a fact that i have to have some sort of tool to bring in some sort of currency but there isn't anything i can do. I'm losing my memory on a daily basis, soon i will probably start forgetting my name. My memory is getting worse, i've forgotten all my skills except for some computer skills which i still can do. I try to fill my mind with information but just forget it the next day.

This alone has really torn my life apart and has lead down to trying to sell things just to pay off some bills. Luckily i'm still above water, and i do have place to sleep and food to eat, and i have my phone and internet.

So i can say i'm much better off than some people are, but i'm just so tired of this monetary system i want everyone to have everything they need and have all the access to the tools and resources so they can build they're future.

I'm definitely not smart only because of my memory is a huge problem. I've always done hard labor jobs and i have just a few months before my unemployment runs out. Those hard labor jobs are dropping all over the place, and finding a new one does not look to be possible for me, no matter how many applications i do fill out.

I hardly ever get a chance to go any where, and i just see reality just so limited in my life, and i just have no idea what is true freedom because i've never expeirenced true freedom before.

I just can't wait to we all get to gain our abilities back, especially the teleportation or flying one back. If they are real abilities.

I really wish i had just a little bit of faith, because everything in my life has been like a brick wall room with no windows, or doors. Like i've tried to have faith for something good to happen in my life but in turn i had a bad thing happen, and i continue to have bad things happen, but they aren't real bad things, compared to others, they are just small things that happen. Ever since then i just don't have any faith.

Like i was in Iraq and Kuwait for 9 months, but i believed i was leaving in 2 months and i totally believed i was going to go home. Well 7 more months i finally got to go home. So i lost my faith after that to. I suppose i see things in black and white and don't see the shaded grey or the other colors.

My consciousness has just been in a blank state for a long time, and i still can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. I'm not really afraid of Death, i just don't want to keep playing this really dumb game that we all choosed to play anymore.

In my city things are just the same over and over, just the same thing day in and day out, the same loud heavy metal and rap music i hear, the same drinking and party animals around my neighberhood the same cop cars that go by on a constant basis, the same banking system that we have to deal with, the same things over and over, and nothing changes.

When the time is right i'm planning on leaving this city and state and find another place as long as it isn't the same as it is here in this city.

Sorry i've ranted a little long, i'm just expressing my feelings. I suppose i'm just not much of a faithful person, and will probably never be. I just will have to except whatever comes my way.
Hello Aaron: Quite the situation you have there for yourself? Faith comes from within, when we lose the ego and blend our personalities with our soul we can obtain faith. The game is at the end, this you can be sure of, I just cannot give any dates , but my gut feelings tell me around 11/11 of this year. Our world has asked for peace and now help can come from above and beyond what we usually would expect. Get right with your diet and do what your body tells you to do. Then you can begin to restore your memory and such. We are all gifted in some special way, that is what makes us special and different. I was almost about to leave my physical body around 5 years ago, then I changed little by little and began to get back my health and was able to get right with my soul. Following all this and through the ups and downs I began to find faith and totally lost my fear of leaving this body. We are eternal and have an awesome chance coming soon to graduate to another level of being. Find this feeling inside of you and all the shit around you will fade away like Bush Jr.s golf game. There is no more room for the dark, all is coming to the light, the doors will open for you soon and you and things around you will change as you move up in vibration. Love is here like instant Karma, and knows nothing else. So do not fear or be tired of this game, we came here for a reason and signed up to this to get the real experience. We are here now and about to move forward really fast, so hold on and enjoy the ride. Life can change at the next second, manifest your needs and let go of any negative thoughts and you will be on the right road, or as they say the road less traveled(Good book by Scott Peck?).
Peace and Love, Rob

Aaron said:
My whole perception about money is having to do something to receive money, like a physical thing, in all my life i have never seen money come to me, it has always been that i had to work hard for it, I do like to give to charity even though i'm still unemployed and have no way of making anything, I'm at the point that i just want to give up in this monetary system and just let all this old stuff go. Apparently it's not happening and i still have to play this rat race game.

I know for a fact that i have to have some sort of tool to bring in some sort of currency but there isn't anything i can do. I'm losing my memory on a daily basis, soon i will probably start forgetting my name. My memory is getting worse, i've forgotten all my skills except for some computer skills which i still can do. I try to fill my mind with information but just forget it the next day.

This alone has really torn my life apart and has lead down to trying to sell things just to pay off some bills. Luckily i'm still above water, and i do have place to sleep and food to eat, and i have my phone and internet.

So i can say i'm much better off than some people are, but i'm just so tired of this monetary system i want everyone to have everything they need and have all the access to the tools and resources so they can build they're future.

I'm definitely not smart only because of my memory is a huge problem. I've always done hard labor jobs and i have just a few months before my unemployment runs out. Those hard labor jobs are dropping all over the place, and finding a new one does not look to be possible for me, no matter how many applications i do fill out.

I hardly ever get a chance to go any where, and i just see reality just so limited in my life, and i just have no idea what is true freedom because i've never expeirenced true freedom before.

I just can't wait to we all get to gain our abilities back, especially the teleportation or flying one back. If they are real abilities.

I really wish i had just a little bit of faith, because everything in my life has been like a brick wall room with no windows, or doors. Like i've tried to have faith for something good to happen in my life but in turn i had a bad thing happen, and i continue to have bad things happen, but they aren't real bad things, compared to others, they are just small things that happen. Ever since then i just don't have any faith.

Like i was in Iraq and Kuwait for 9 months, but i believed i was leaving in 2 months and i totally believed i was going to go home. Well 7 more months i finally got to go home. So i lost my faith after that to. I suppose i see things in black and white and don't see the shaded grey or the other colors.

My consciousness has just been in a blank state for a long time, and i still can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. I'm not really afraid of Death, i just don't want to keep playing this really dumb game that we all choosed to play anymore.

In my city things are just the same over and over, just the same thing day in and day out, the same loud heavy metal and rap music i hear, the same drinking and party animals around my neighberhood the same cop cars that go by on a constant basis, the same banking system that we have to deal with, the same things over and over, and nothing changes.

When the time is right i'm planning on leaving this city and state and find another place as long as it isn't the same as it is here in this city.

Sorry i've ranted a little long, i'm just expressing my feelings. I suppose i'm just not much of a faithful person, and will probably never be. I just will have to except whatever comes my way.

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