The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Published on Apr 13, 2014
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know
As presented at the 22nd WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON UFOs AND RELATED PHENOMENA; Extraterrestrials and World Politics (the Italian equivalent of the Citizen's Disclosure Hearings).
Republic of San Marino.
© 2014 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower /
All rights reserved. May be posted in it’s entirety, complete with copyright and links.
For starters, I would like to share a quote from my Great Grandfather President Eisenhower from his farewell address to the Nation on January 17, 1961 ~
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military– industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”
Being a descendant of Dwight David Eisenhower opened me up to everything that had to do with what his famous speech warned us about - that being the Military Industrial Complex.
It also helped me to see the responsibility we each have as citizens, to be alert and knowledgeable and to express our peaceful methods and goals.
Many of us were born with solutions and its time that our voices were heard.
No one is addressing our concerns and our children currently have no real future, but to live in an enslaved society.
After seeing so many rumors throughout my life in regards to Eisenhower and meetings with Extra Terrestrials, I began to investigate the subject and then discovered that my path was leading me into more than just research and information, but actual events that made it clear that these were not just rumors.
None of what I share comes from anything I got from other family members; I stand with my views, experiences, theories and facts independently.
The creation of Contact Protocols in case of an open contact with Extraterrestrials is extremely important.
But the awareness of possible alien contact scenarios is important as well.
There has been a massive cover up in regards to ET contact with our governments and there has been much secrecy in regards to those who have been either abducted or contacted - this is because an invasion has already taken place and they don’t want us to know this.
This invasion has infiltrated every sector of our society, in disguise to most, but blatantly obvious to many.
When we look at Whistleblower testimony - it is clear that some sort of deal was made with a group of ET’s and from what I have discovered, this began long before Ike ever stepped into office.
I have researched, experienced and investigated Exopolitics, remote viewing, channeling, purported ET races and Galactic History and have been on a Mission that goes into this deeper energy terrain, ever since I was a child.
I also do session work with people that have experienced contact and have gone through abductions so there is no question or doubt in my mind about whether or not ET’s are interacting with humanity.
Perhaps some of the pieces of my jig saw puzzle might be wrong or false, but many are surely trustworthy.
Besides, as I shall tell you later, in 2006 I was recruited to go off planet to Mars, which is tied into the secret Treaties which I will discuss in this paper - this agenda is called Alternative 3.
Sad Realities
We cannot deny Weather modification and the spraying of our skies.
If this is something that people struggle with believing, please research the work of Dane Wiggington, who is an expert in this field and also Scott Stevens - a former meteorologist.
Really, all you need to do is look up at the sky to know that something is very wrong.
We are also dealing with the Fukushima disaster, Geoengineering, Genetically Modified foods, false flags in the news, media control, Mind-control, possible fake alien invasion scenarios, possible fake ascended masters and the threatening controlled collapse of the Economy, Martial law, FEMA camps and the chipping of civilians.
For people hearing this for the first time, it pains me to share this, but I have to because I know things could greatly shift, if you knew this all to be true.
If you decide it is inaccurate than I accept that, I just ask that you San Marino; Disclosure have an open mind and from there, do all you can to learn more and help us to make this world a better place.
All these are not conspiracy theories, but a sad reality behind which a world Secret Government is operating.
A Shadow Government who has its hands on extraterrestrial technology.
This has all been carefully planned and set up, as a massive infiltration into the areas that are trying to solve these issues
and protect us.
An Ex M-16 operative whistleblower states that the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary ecocide and genocide.
He states that the Pleiadian fleet is here to liberate humanity and will be successful.
Those responsible and those who are involved have to be held accountable or assisted in breaking free of the controls that are blackmailing them into doing this.
With so many accounts of trauma-based mind-control, many involved are not even fully in possession of themselves.
If this is hard to believe, please research stories like that of Cathy O’Brien, Duncan O’Fineoan and Arizona Wilder, among many others.
We are challenged as a humanity in fully understanding the difference between who is here to help and who isn’t, but that can only come through discernment and educating ourselves about our Galactic History and through bringing hidden truths out into the open.
We also must develop ourselves spiritually, so that we are not limiting or blocking ourselves from expanding into higher Earth energies.
This is not about New Agey or religious belief systems, it is more about the recognition of integrity, our need for unification and taking care of our planet and respecting other life forms.
We need to do what is right for ourselves and for future generations and not put money or fear first.
We need to see all beings as extensions of ourselves and it is up to us to align with what will serve the highest good of humanity and the planet.
Surely there is no concrete evidence for all the elements I am going to present.
On the other hand, in spite of this, they really show a possible “secret history” we have to face and consider.
When We First Hear About Treaties
For the most part, when we hear about relations with ET and our governments, we only hear about Eisenhower.
For instance, as Dr. Pinotti and CUN documented in 2000, today we know that UFOs were reported in Italy during the Thirties and that Mussolini — considering them a new foreign aerial weapon, he created in 1933 an official committee headed by Guglielmo Marconi – “Gabinetto RS 33” - with the purpose of reverse engineering studies after a UFO crash in Lombardy and the recovering of two Nordic-type pilots (II Duce) considered German pilots.
These Italian studies were later inherited by Nazi Germany.
In any case, in the USA the above mentioned Treaties did not originate with Eisenhower and although I have numerous people to mention who validate this, I am only going to list a few.
According to Jason Bishop III, a Dulce Base Whistleblower, “The U.S. Government in 1933, agreed to trade animals and humans in exchange for High Tech Knowledge, and allow them to use underground bases that we would not disturb, in the Western USA”.
According to a whislteblower and ex-operative of M-16, the first treaty between the Grey extraterrestrials (reptilian-like beings from the Draco star system) and the American Government under the administration of Roosevelt, was signed in July, 1934.
It was the so-called “Grenada Treaty”.
The treaty stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology, the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing ET genetic programs.
This occurred after refusing the help of the Pleiadians who wanted eventual military disarmament.
He also said that after the US government refused to work with the Pleiadians, they approached Hitler and the Nazis instead.
The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the Nazis that in exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack the Jewish people.
The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from the Pleiadian technology.
Though Greys are well-known in abduction cases, ufologists have no reports of such events, as well as of close encounters of the third kind with reptilian entities.
But this whistleblower is not the first to make such claims.
Reports confirmed by contactee Billy Meier stated that space-time technology was exchanged by a certain race of Pleiadians with Hitler’s Germany during 1933 to 1934, seemingly through a group of Nazi channelers: the psychic women called ‘Vrilerinnen’ and headed by Maria Orsich.
Billy Meijer and the ex-operative both said that by 1941, the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty and would no longer deal with Hitler and Nazis.
It was at this time that the Greys approached them, and this is where the Nazi trauma-based mind control technology came from.
According to the ex-operative of M-16, the Treaties are renewed every 10 years...
If these statements are true, this is what the backdrop is, which potently validates the meetings with ET’s that took place in the Eisenhower administration in 1954.
Our government, during the Roosevelt administration, seemingly got secret technologies that weren’t about mind control, like what the Nazis received, but were anti-gravity devices, metals and alloys, free energy, and medical technology and this was in exchange for allowing the Greys to infiltrate human societies on different levels, which also included the possibility of
cloning certain World leaders.
So now we see that both sides have been influenced by these Greys.
Infiltration Continues
It seems infiltration has been a factor since the 2nd World War and the War just changed into something else, but was never won.
During Truman’s time in the presidency, handling the ET problem was a task that the President could not alone manage.
Many crashes seem to have taken place before Roswell in 1947, and this was stored at today’s Area 51 where many tests, crafts, ET autopsies and experiments have been and are still being conducted.
Extra-Terrestrials are also said to occupy this base along with others, like scientists and military personnel.
Morgan Martell discusses on his website about Project Paperclip ~
In 1946, President Truman authorized Project Paperclip.
One purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific expertise and knowledge to the Soviet Union and United Kingdom as well as inhibit post-war Germany from redeveloping its military research capabilities.
One of the fields that Nazi doctors and psychologists had made advances in, was that of social and behavioral engineering in humans, also known as mind control.
The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) had already been active with Operation Paperclip for over 3 months before Truman gave the order, and many Nazi party members had already entered the United States.
So the OSS resorted to whitewashing the histories of Nazis or sometimes even creating entirely new identities which made it easy for them to spread their influence in America.
It has been said by the Whisteblower of M-16, that the CIA was created almost two years after this and the American National Security act of 1947, to handle the massive number of mind-control, cloning, and other covert projects that were born from Paperclip.
Normal laws do not apply to them, so they can get away with all sorts of things.
All of this has turned most defense related projects and technologies, into weapons used to control us.
MJ-12 (Majestic Twelve) was also created, as a group dealing in ET investigations.
This was also the year of the Roswell crash and where the Extra Terrestrial Biological Entities (EBE’s) came into the picture, that helped us to make contact with their race.
Alternatives 1,2, 3 and Mars
When President Eisenhower was in office, he commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) in 1955, which is considered to be a branch of Majestic-12, that Truman established while in office.
The Jason Scholars was created to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question.
Alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are three agendas recommended by JASON Society scholars and are related to different scenarios to prevent a possible future Doomsday that is more than likely induced and not natural, but this was not known back then by many because they surely would not go along with it and I believe that this is a part of the warning Ike gave us.
The first Alternative is about the use of nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere from which heat and pollution could escape into space, the second aims at building a network of underground cities and tunnels in which mankind’s selected élite could survive, and the third deals with a secret space colonization program on Mars with the same purpose.
I was recruited to go to Mars in 2006, but declined, because I believe the power of the human Spirit, our connection to this Earth and our unification as a race is going to carry us through, and so will our connection with our own higher consciousness and higher dimensional ET races and their advanced technologies that are in harmony with Nature.
San Marino; Disclosure
© 2014 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower /
All rights reserved. May be posted in it’s entirety, complete with copyright and links.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know
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