Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It is not as it seems to be!

Be greeted dear friends, I am KRYON of the magnetic service. It is for me, as always once again, a great joy to be present in this circle. I know who has joined in, and who reads this. And it does not matter if it is now, in one week, in a year or five years. For this encounter it is always NOW. So, therefore I start this meeting in the NOW and take you to the NOW. Here, where I am dwelling, where my essence is present, it is always NOW. You are in a time-room-continuum, which is accompanying you during the entire phase of your Earthly presence. This is not correctly expressed and it does not hit the core. Only with your physical body you're captured in this strong time-room-continuum. This is not the case on the other side of the veil. Because you are a multi-dimensional being, you also are living in the areas which are behind the veil. There you are - or rather here you are - multi-dimensional. How would it be, dear human, if you would take your leg, which is in this now-time, and strengthen it? It is not as it seems to be: You are not only a physical being; the clocks are running differently on this side. And as crazy as this is, if you concentrate on your multi-dimensional being, you are out of the time-room-continuum. We want to look at this closer:

You act here on the Earth-level with one leg; this is the comparison which I always like to choose - and to which you are subjected to - because you are adjusted to the physical life and its follow up of time. If you concentrate on the other leg, then you're in the timeless zone, in the multi-dimensionality. That sounds, at the moment, as if it would be contradictory. For a demonstration, please lean back for a moment and permit yourself to move in more intensely into the now-time. Try to concentrate totally on these lines and on the energies from home, which I am bringing. These lines are now effective in the now-time. Now, if you dive in deeper, you will not perceive the physical world, maybe your children or your partner, that well - only more peripherally. You are in that moment shifting the levels; you are lifting the veil. Welcome into the now-time! You are shifting your consciousness; this would be the correct description. You know if one diagnoses schizophrenia in people, then it means that the levels of consciousness are shifting. Voices or parts of other levels are stepping into the daily consciousness of the person. Every soul-aspect, which incarnates here, is composed of many parts, aspects and qualities. Most times a part in a certain activity or phase of learning has an upper hand; this is considered normal. With people on which this image of illness gets diagnosed, those parts come together into consciousness; there is no separation. This becomes a drama to the person, who does not know what is happening. He is no longer in mastery over his aspects and cannot file them. He constantly vacillates back and forth in his levels of consciousness. Many times also with energies - which are not acting out of Earth-levels - he changes as he likes in his large field of vision.

Why do I describe this here? Because of the expansion of consciousness that all people are experiencing now and, more or less, can consciously accept a glance to further parts, aspects and levels of one's own and expanded being. The being of All-That-Is. This is what's going on right now here on Earth. And this creates great fear in some people.

When you are reading this, you are now tightly connected with me and my vibration. You know those high vibrations from reading my channelings, the books, and even more intensely, broader and higher from the group-channelings. Here you are for a longer Earthly time in the field of unity and you can explore the different worlds as you like. This is like switching the TV with a tuner. Therefore the expansion of consciousness is also an exploration of many worlds. The exciting, but at the same time somewhat frightening, thing with it is that you really can explore everything within a nano-second, at once. You do not have to take long journeys to get somewhere. You simply shift your consciousness and you are right there; if it takes a little longer, then your lower mind has told you that it would be impossible. To look at it quantum-mechanically - and this is the real quantum-physics - you are everywhere and can act everywhere. This may be something which lets you be puzzled and throws you into doubts. How can I be everywhere? How is this possible?

I would like to be a support for the coming physical years if you need my help. I reach my hand out to you and undertake all journeys with you. Do we want to create a small test?

Good, lean back, close your eyes and think of something that you would like to visit. Maybe an aspect of yourself in the future; this probably interests you very much, right? Then feel and see where you are? What are you? Look at it very closely. --- You saw enough? Now we go to a further possibility of your future; look again very closely. How and what are you here, and where?

You have revealed the veil of forgetfulness. Everything you desire is available to you. You only have to believe it and take your steps accordingly. Maybe you just have been surprised because you have seen the different futures. This is the New Energy; it is lifting you, free of old imprints, into the future. There are different potentials for your future. This one, that one and the other, which one are you choosing? Which potential has the strongest possibility? You decide and, in connection with your higher Self, you will make the right choice.

It is the time of many possibilities. While we both are connected tightly and chat, many things are going on in your outer world. You are just not aware of it - or only partially - because your consciousness is set to read and swing into the home energies. For a few seconds you can also detach yourself when you expand the energies into a mutual field and, for example, send a part of your consciousness into the kitchen, where your daughter just tries to cook a pudding. Your alarm-bells ring; she could burn herself, but then you notice that the older sister is close by. You draw your alarm-bells back and are once again with me.

How would it be, if you would expand this divine field of unity in which you would always be if you are closely connected with the divine carpet, the Golden Wave, so that it contains your entire being? The field of your divinity can expand in anyway. You always decide anew to which degree you act out of this field or yet out of the Earthly room-time-continuum. When you are within the divine field, there is no time. Out of this perspective you can also stretch or stop the time. Just try it once! An example: You forgot something in your Earthly time and you notice that you should be at the train station in ten minutes to catch a train. But actually you need fifteen minutes for the train station. Would you make it anyway? This is the question of your level of consciousness. Are you ready to let go of your time setting? Then concentrate on that which you want to take along and go ahead without putting yourself under pressure; take it easy, don't check your watch and let yourself be taken by the divine field to the train. I guarantee you, you'll reach the train.

It is not as it seems. If you look now to the World-politics, you see many activities, war fields, discussions about nuclear power, about the election of a religious leader; the power play is going on. This is a matter of point of view. If you're looking at it from a higher sight - out of the divine field - then you'll see the options for the next months; you actually feel the power of love and the strength of the positive power. The potentials are already present. It only needs pioneers, who make this come true. Barack Obama is one. You are also one. Michael Jackson is also one. Look at the story of Michael Jackson; see and feel it from a higher view point. Isn't there maybe a high being behind this seemingly very crazy Michael Jackson? What kind of energies brought the masses to rejoice? What kind of power was driving this rather delicate human being to commit such exhausting actions? And which divine power lifted the hearts of people into ecstasy though him? I can assure you it was one of the very high souls. The person Michael Jackson left; the energy that shared so much heart-energy has fulfilled his service, and the anchored energy stays. Why was his past paved with so many different also so-called negative things? Do not all people who move things have a hard path? Didn't your life also run filled with many tears and clearing work? Wasn't it also - as with Michael Jackson - that joy and sorrow were close together? Life is duality. Lots of joy, lots of suffering. The path is now a different one. Woven into the divine core you walk through everything in happiness and joy. In this field there is no sorrow. If sorrow comes into your life, then look at it from a higher point of view, you will recognize the reason and be able to ease the suffering. This takes place, because you no longer see it as sorrow. And to be very honest at last, most of the suffering in your life isn't even yours.

Another wonderful aspect to be always in the divine field is that you also nourish yourself from this field. You no longer draw energies from others; you don't nourish yourself from the mass-consciousness. This mass-consciousness, which contains everything that men ever thought and felt. If you are anchored within yourself and expand the field as you please, and still stay within, then the mass-consciousness no longer really affects you. Only if you step out of the oneness, many times directed by your lower mind, then you'll be influenced by this mass.

Some of you readers are a bit astonished, slip immediately into the lower mind and think: "This cannot work. If I am in daily life, in my daughter's kindergarten, in the school of my son, in the circle of friends, how could I then make it and also stay in the divine field?"

My answer is: It's all really a question of consciousness. Become aware of each situation, who you really are, and always imagine that the Earth is a playfield with a special condition and observe everything with a little distance; this is the divine sight. I already see an understandable smile on your face. It does not mean that you're all alone here. You just had chosen your family. You wanted to make your experiences here and do your service for mankind on Earth. Right out of the center of your life, you wanted to learn to shift your consciousness to dive into the divine and to act out from it. So it is!

To those of you who like to explore the spirits worlds, and hope, finally to leave their heads, to watch themselves from above, I like to say: This is an old fashioned way to explore the worlds. Through the high energies, this wonderful Golden Wave, which reaches Earth more concentrated with each interval, you will be carried into the worlds to which you like to travel. It just happens. You don't need to leave your body; you travel with your consciousness. You simply shift your frequency. And this does not occur with a loud click, but very softly. This is the core message of this channeling. It is not as it seems; you are not just human - you are much more. Shift your consciousness; this is the expansion that we always talk about. You should not leave the ground floating; you should stand with both legs here on Earth but still be everywhere, through the shifting of frequencies of your consciousness.

You can try it in any way. Here is another experiment, to which I invite you: Close the eyes and concentrate on me. Don't think, but concentrate with your entire being on me. Maybe you need a moment for it. We will now be immediately intense visual and even be in connection stronger and noticeable. What is your famous saying? Practice makes the master! Practice - practice - practice. Explore the higher levels and connect them with the Earth but at the same time be firmly present in the physical; this is your pioneer work. You are honored and loved for your service to be here on Earth. On your color-frequency one will later know you as an Earth-pioneer.

I am in deep love and connectedness

Received by Barbara Bessen, July 2009

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