Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Remember all the talk back in March and April about Jupiter igniting and is now located behind the sun. Well has anyone found any evidence to show that this has really happened? Shouldn't we be seeing it now that it is July?

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1. it hasnt happened.

2. if it does happen, it's not happening anytime soon.
wake up early before sunrise...look toward where the sun will will see Venus (closest to sun) then Jupiter will be right from should pick them out quick....its like the only stars you can see....=)..well the brightest anyway
Jupiter is high in sky to South when venus appears in the East... the 2 "stars" u see are Venus n Mars i think... :)

wake up early before sunrise...look toward where the sun will will see Venus (closest to sun) then Jupiter will be right from should pick them out quick....its like the only stars you can see....=)..well the brightest anyway
JUPITER will be visible in the late evening and through to the morning, during July. By the end of the month it will rise about 7pm so become well placed by later evening.
Ok, I'm confused, if you can see venus and mars as stars, then you obviously can see Jupiter like a star too, so then how do you know it has been ignited?
i stayed out late w a friend not too long ago
there was a huge white star that looks like it has an 'aura' or a corona around it
saw this star before sunrise, im living in GMT +8

not sure whether im looking at Jupiter though
yesterday at 3am gmt

There you go...thats what i see =)

erv said:
yesterday at 3am gmt

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