Register for the Next Intention Experiment TODAY
The Love Wave Heard Round the World
December 11, 2010
12 noon US Eastern Time
Dear Friends,
The next Intention Experiment is coming up this Saturday!
This time Russian physicist Konstantin Korotkov will be measuring both our capacity to purify water, and the 'horsepower' of our collective love.
He has developed a range of special equipment that detects subtle changes in water and in the ambient energy field from the collective emotions of a group.
Join us "" and tell all your friends to join us "" to test whether we can use intention to purify water - and make love contagious.
But remember: you must register beforehand at:
to avoid getting 'locked out' on the day.
Time of experiment in other time zones:
9 AM December 11 US Pacific Time
10 AM December 11 Mountain Time
11 AM December 11 Central time
5 PM December 11 UK time (and GMT)
6 PM December 12 Rest of Europe
4 AM December 12 Sydney Australia
For other time zones, please consult:
Remember: on Saturday don't go to the Intention Experiment website. The experiment is being run directly on
on the day.
How to participate
1. Register TODAY. (The site gets very busy on the day of the experiment, so register now, so that you can just use your password to get in.) If you have not registered for our Clean Water experiments before, please do so by signing in on
. If you have already registered, you will be able to use your old password to login.
2. Note down the date and time. Besides marking down December 11 on your calendar, please note the time zones in your area:
9 AM December 11 US Pacific Time
10 AM December 11 Mountain Time
11 AM December 11 Central time
5 PM December 11 UK time (and GMT)
6 PM December 12 Rest of Europe
4 AM December 12 Sydney Australia
For other time zones, please consult:
Tell all your likeminded friends to register, too, so they can participate.
3. Practice POWERING UP - the program I developed to maximize your intention skills. For best results, please consult The Intention Experiment book (and if you don't have it yet, do consider getting hold of it). Purchasing the book also helps to support our work.
4. On the date of the experiment, come onto the site: . Login early "" even an hour before the experiment is due to begin. You can always leave your computer and come back before we're due to begin. But that way you won't have trouble logging in once the experiment starts.
5. If you have problems on the day, email OUR Web Team: Our team will send you the URL to go to directly.
6. Five minutes before the experiment is due to begin, get into your highly focused POWERING UP state.
7. Follow instructions to the letter. After the powering up session, the pages will flip over and you'll read a description of the intention. The pages will then flip over again and you'll be told to hold a particular intention for 10 minutes. Music will also play during that time. At the end of the 10 minutes, the page should flip over to signal that the Intention Experiment is over.
8. Don't attempt to change pages. Our web team will automatically flip the pages over for you.
9. Notice how you are feeling during the experiment. I AM as interested in any changes in the intenders as I am in the target itself. I will survey you in a few weeks.
10. Click on the button to join the lively community discussion afterward:
. Tell our community from 90 countries around the world how it was for you.
I look forward to joining you on Saturday.
Warmest wishes,
Lynne McTaggart