Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I’ve been walking in the skeptics shoes today,thanks to my dear friend H.R snufnpuf who keeps me on my toes much love to you H.R).

It was too hot to sleep last night, so my mind is too tired to resist, so I went to my heart.And came up with this.
As the mind tires of demanding attention it exhaustedly surrenders, resting in the nothingness state of melancholy, there it hears the soft sweet music of the soul soothingly quietly whispering through the heart familiar words of wisdom.Speaking of a new way of being, a new awareness, but the mind cannot understand these notes as it has long forgotten the resonates.It looks to other minds, some have become still and are hearing these whispers too.But they still don’t totally understand this new wisdom there is confusion in the matrix.This talk of a Golden Age, of ascending, that when we ascend then we will be able to fathom this wisdom, those that are not in this dense dimension not of this planet claim they can assist, that we cannot understand yet, that we must reach for the stars, that we must listen to our truth, our heart, we have heard this before and have been fooled, Is that not foolish weak minded female thinking?We are warriors ,dominant over the Earth and it’s creatures, it has been that way for time in memorial if we become weak THEY will get us.Is it not survival of the fittest after all isn’t it our mind that sets us above the beasts.
Only weak minds will listen to the whispers promising a world that cannot possibly be.
How, if we cannot fathom this truth can we be sure. They say have faith, we’ve heard THAT before. (Control ) Make a man feel fear and offer redemption you own his soul.
What if it is evil? What if it is a lie? What will others think of me then? What WILL I think of me? I will not be able to live with myself. (As Eckhart Tolle said ‘who is the I that I can’t live with?) his answer The Mind.(ego)

As Jesus said, I believe to his ego ‘Get thee behind me satin'
Now we say ever so gently be still child you are safe.

I am peace
I am joy
I am wisdom
I am truth
I am love
I am light
I am spirit
I am creation

I am that, I am

Fear is an illusion; there is only one real truth the energy of LOVE
The nature of which cannot be fathomed by the mind so ‘let go let God’ as they say
And as Deepac Chopra says about the nature of God. ‘A God who can be pleased or displeased isn’t a God of Grace as the essence of Grace is unconditional love’ and
Neale Donald Walsch ‘In order to know God you have to be out of your mind’
So many souls helping us, on this planet and not.
It is with Grace and Gratitude we accept there assistence for the betterment of ourselves and our planet.

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Lovely post Kerrie :) There is nothing to lose. If it is to be as one, as we've been growing toward, then we are to be more than we could have ever imagined. If it is not, then we have gained a better way to be in this world. We just can't lose in this journey :)
That's was a beautiful post, Kerrie. My favorite line is the fear is an illusion one. I hope one day we all learn the power of those words and move towards the love :)
A cross between Snuffalopogus (spelling?) and H.R Pufnstuf :P

Steve Atreides said:
lol. She called you Snufnpuf.
Did you ever watch the show? :) It's so cute and I think you'll love it :)

Kerrie said:
Whoops sorry H.R.PUFNSTUF whats with the name?????????

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
A cross between Snuffalopogus (spelling?) and H.R Pufnstuf :P

Steve Atreides said:
lol. She called you Snufnpuf.

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