Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It seems the law of attraction is finally paying off because now I'm getting PAID, son

I am so excited tonight that everything that I have been putting out to the universal conscionsness is being manifested by the law of attraction.

Just this evening, I got an email from some unknown wealthy foreigner that works in an international central bank informing me that I am now the recipient of $26,000,000 dollars. This person gave no identity to who they are or who they work for, only that they were from "Nigeria."

I spoke to my good friend Miss Cleo, who is a very powerful psychic, regarding this and through her channeling she confirmed that this person does work for a central bank within Nigeria and they are very happy that I will use these mysteriously trapped funds to buy beer, used wifebeaters, and limited edition boxsets of Babylon 5.

Now you think this would get me shaken, but quite frankly, I'm smiling about it. Because now I know 100% that everything I am doing is very harmonious to the point where it is making people want to give me stuff for no reason. And I will say this to the dudes who give me stuff, because I know they will be reading this: You will NEVER not-manifest my commands. You will never STOP giving me free stuff. And you will never SILENCE me in doing what I have been put on this planet to do. People of Nigeria, you've had your game running on this world long enough. It's time for change. Yes we can. I sometimes see you guys on the National Geographic channel. Put some clothes on. There is no more need for suspicious emails. The times of advancement in our evolution are arriving. Stop going against the grain. Follow your heart, not the control of belief systems and let yourself be who you truly are meant to be.

Now that I know I've gotten through to the Nigerian leaders and I've gotten their attention, apparently even to Mr. Nelson Mandela himself that Miss Cleo has told me about, I'm still going to continue to do what I do. Because I'm getting to them now and this has been an achievement of mine. We are definitely making progress here people. The Nigerians are in panic mode. They are scrambling. Desperately trying to hold onto their dwindling bank accounts. I have seen this all over. The energies are so strong now and we will win this war of light over dark until there is only light that remains.

Love and light to you all,


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hang on... you were given 26 million dollers!? the fuk!
Spread the wealth :D
Dear Great Cornholio
Don't get crazy, I have already received 2 times a mail with the message that I'm gonna receive money. The first was from a Spanish lottery mail and the second was called a notary who stated that I was lucky and that I was in the will of a wealthy man. Both were fake. It appears a gang in Nigeria who want to convince you by means of a mail in which they promise you money so you are send them a copy of your identity card. Don't do it because it is fraud. They just want your identity with corresponding identification numbers.

Namaste SoE
Here it is .........

Prize Award Notification

> Customer Service:
> Your Reference No: GOY3MV-B/010-34502
> Your Batch No: 10077QTFSD#02
> We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited results of our
> Sweepstakes promotion organized by ONCE LOTTERY,
> held this May 2009, in Espana. Wherein your email address emerged as one of the
> online Winning emails in the 2nd category and therefore attracted a cash
> award of 1,500,000.00 Euros (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros).
> which is part of our promotional draws.
> Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 30,000 email.
> To begin your claim, do file for the release of your winning by contacting
> Our Foreign Service Director:
> Dr.Fernando Paco Dolores.
> Alzines 17, Sant Boi De
> Llobregat Madrid Spain.
> Tel: +34-634-032-995
> Internet Fax: +1-831-532-9844
> Email:
> Congratulations!!
> Sincerely,
> Mrs.Marisa Miguel
> Promotion's Manager.

and this is the other one ....................

> From:
> Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:09:05 +0200
> To:
> On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Jochen Krьger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter were returned undelivered. I wish to notify you that late Engr. Jochen Krьger made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars (USD$30, 100.000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL.
> This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good.
> Engr. Jochen Krьger until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers. Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. You are advice to contact me with my personal Email:
> Await your prompt response.
> Yours in Service,
> PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh.Esq Markus
> Wolfgang, Mr. John Marvey Esq., Mr. Jerry Smith Esq.

It is a totally fraud my dear, just google the names !!

Namaste SoE
Yep ! Same thing I have received letters like that,stating that I won $10.000.000. They wanted me to send to them $3000
so they will start the bank paper work for me, ...when I said I will send nothing,they droped to $1000,... I hanged up
cause was fraud. And from Nigeria ?? ..they better have enough food to eat for themselves. ..much love Cornholio:):).

Trudy said:
Here it is .........

Prize Award Notification

> Customer Service:
> Your Reference No: GOY3MV-B/010-34502
> Your Batch No: 10077QTFSD#02
> We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited results of our
> Sweepstakes promotion organized by ONCE LOTTERY,
> held this May 2009, in Espana. Wherein your email address emerged as one of the
> online Winning emails in the 2nd category and therefore attracted a cash
> award of 1,500,000.00 Euros (One Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros).
> which is part of our promotional draws.
> Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 30,000 email.
> To begin your claim, do file for the release of your winning by contacting
> Our Foreign Service Director:
> Dr.Fernando Paco Dolores.
> Alzines 17, Sant Boi De
> Llobregat Madrid Spain.
> Tel: +34-634-032-995
> Internet Fax: +1-831-532-9844
> Email:
> Congratulations!!
> Sincerely,
> Mrs.Marisa Miguel
> Promotion's Manager.

and this is the other one ....................

> From:
> Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:09:05 +0200
> To:
> On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Jochen Krьger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter were returned undelivered. I wish to notify you that late Engr. Jochen Krьger made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars (USD$30, 100.000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL.
> This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good.
> Engr. Jochen Krьger until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers. Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. You are advice to contact me with my personal Email:
> Await your prompt response.
> Yours in Service,
> PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh.Esq Markus
> Wolfgang, Mr. John Marvey Esq., Mr. Jerry Smith Esq.

It is a totally fraud my dear, just google the names !!

Namaste SoE
Fraud? You mean to tell me this mouth-breather is pretending to be in contact with powerful dark skinned entities who want to help me, but first I need to give him money?

I never heard of such a thing!

Trudy said:
Here it is .........
It is a totally fraud my dear, just google the names !!

Namaste SoE
@Besimi and Trudy and non native english speakers.
It's called taking the piss (NL=In de zeik nemen) out of an earlier post.
Well ... clowns are welcome too here at SoE :)))
Someday I'll be as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside, Trudy :)

Trudy said:
Come see ... Come see ... that we'll present you the Great Cornholio ... the clown of SoE
You can throw 3 times ... always price ...

Incase you haven't heard of the "419" Fraud... its been around for almost a couple of decades now..

Nigerian Letter or "419" Fraud

Nigerian letter frauds combine the threat of impersonation fraud with a variation of an advance fee scheme in which a letter, mailed from Nigeria, offers the recipient the "opportunity" to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that the author, a self-proclaimed government official, is trying to transfer illegally out of Nigeria. The recipient is encouraged to send information to the author, such as blank letterhead stationery, bank name and account numbers and other identifying information using a facsimile number provided in the letter. Some of these letters have also been received via E-mail through the Internet. The scheme relies on convincing a willing victim, who has demonstrated a "propensity for larceny" by responding to the invitation, to send money to the author of the letter in Nigeria in several installments of increasing amounts for a variety of reasons.

Payment of taxes, bribes to government officials, and legal fees are often described in great detail with the promise that all expenses will be reimbursed as soon as the funds are spirited out of Nigeria. In actuality, the millions of dollars do not exist and the victim eventually ends up with nothing but loss. Once the victim stops sending money, the perpetrators have been known to use the personal information and checks that they received to impersonate the victim, draining bank accounts and credit card balances until the victim's assets are taken in their entirety. While such an invitation impresses most law-abiding citizens as a laughable hoax, millions of dollars in losses are caused by these schemes annually. Some victims have been lured to Nigeria, where they have been imprisoned against their will, in addition to losing large sums of money. The Nigerian government is not sympathetic to victims of these schemes, since the victim actually conspires to remove funds from Nigeria in a manner that is contrary to Nigerian law. The schemes themselves violate section 419 of the Nigerian criminal code, hence the label "419 fraud."

Some Tips to Avoid Nigerian Letter or "419" Fraud:

If you receive a letter from Nigeria asking you to send personal or banking information, do not reply in any manner. Send the letter to the U.S. Secret Service, your local FBI office, or the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. You can also register a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel.
If you know someone who is corresponding in one of these schemes, encourage that person to contact the FBI or the U.S. Secret Service as soon as possible.
Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts.
Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation.
Guard your account information carefully

wish someone would walk up to me and drop me a break like that lol....

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