Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

2012!!!! Many things are said to be coming, Bad, Good, a whole new world in our lifetimes. Can we, as a group of believers, change enough peoples minds on this planet to make it a good thing for the Human race? No one knows for sure what's going to happen, but I believe that it could be end of the planet and everything on it. That being said I think the only way we'll be able to change this outcome, is with some help from the federation. Is it not one of their goals to "SAVE" us, if not from our own governments, than from ourselves????

Any thoughts would be great...........I'm searching for answers!!!!

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To answer the question in your post, is it not the Federation's goal to save us: it is not.

Quite frequently they've told us that they are /not/ saviors of any kind. Neither are they gods, miracle workers or a quick fix for the problems we have created. They are here to assist and guide, but no more than that.

Lately I hear more and more doom stories about the end of the planet in 2012, or tales of ghastly doom and gloom. Quite often the question 'how can we possibly avoid all this?' is tacked onto that, and every answer under the sun from written treatise to prayer rounds has been offered. I'm not singling out anyone here, just observing what I have seen happen in recent past.

To be blunt about it: if you doubt you can do it, you cannot. This fear we are seeing now is akin to stage fright. The doubt of personal abilities personified (excuse the subeism) into fear which is starting to paralyze. To this I offer one insight: if 2012 is the end of the world through a global cataclysmic event, chances are you won't even have time to think about it happening as it does. World destroying events are by definition mercifully quick ways of perishing, so if your fear is based around suffering or hardship, fear no more. Blunt enough? Wait, there's more. If you truly believe the world is going to end by force, fire and brimstone in 2012, then there is nothing you can do about it. You have already chosen for it to be so, and hence your reality shall accommodate you in this matter.

Personally, I'm not worried. Come what may, I refuse to be either afraid or apprehensive. If we all die in 2012, then we all die, and there is nothing to worry about. If we do not, then we don't, and there is equally nothing to worry about.

Part of the human condition is that we frequently act like (are you ready for it? I've used the term before) Pan Narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee. Constructing a tale of the future including doom and death and then believing it to be inevitable because you use the same reasoning to remember getting up late on a workday will get you in trouble, is a self defeating purpose and neither confirms your vision nor does it do anything constructive to avoid it. In short, useless baggage, to be tossed overboard.

If we truly are Homo Sapiens, the thinking man (a vaunted title we give ourselves) then you must trust that no future is set in stone, and that each and every one of us has within them the capacity to come to their senses and do what needs doing when it needs doing.

Blunt yet? I am that I am.
Addendum to the above:

This may sound like a cop out, but I don't actually remember writing this. Don't want to delete it either. My guiding energies have gotten more... vocal, of late.
Ullan said:
To answer the question in your post, is it not the Federation's goal to save us: it is not.

Quite frequently they've told us that they are /not/ saviors of any kind. Neither are they gods, miracle workers or a quick fix for the problems we have created. They are here to assist and guide, but no more than that.

Lately I hear more and more doom stories about the end of the planet in 2012, or tales of ghastly doom and gloom. Quite often the question 'how can we possibly avoid all this?' is tacked onto that, and every answer under the sun from written treatise to prayer rounds has been offered. I'm not singling out anyone here, just observing what I have seen happen in recent past.

To be blunt about it: if you doubt you can do it, you cannot. This fear we are seeing now is akin to stage fright. The doubt of personal abilities personified (excuse the subeism) into fear which is starting to paralyze. To this I offer one insight: if 2012 is the end of the world through a global cataclysmic event, chances are you won't even have time to think about it happening as it does. World destroying events are by definition mercifully quick ways of perishing, so if your fear is based around suffering or hardship, fear no more. Blunt enough? Wait, there's more. If you truly believe the world is going to end by force, fire and brimstone in 2012, then there is nothing you can do about it. You have already chosen for it to be so, and hence your reality shall accommodate you in this matter.

Personally, I'm not worried. Come what may, I refuse to be either afraid or apprehensive. If we all die in 2012, then we all die, and there is nothing to worry about. If we do not, then we don't, and there is equally nothing to worry about.

Part of the human condition is that we frequently act like (are you ready for it? I've used the term before) Pan Narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee. Constructing a tale of the future including doom and death and then believing it to be inevitable because you use the same reasoning to remember getting up late on a workday will get you in trouble, is a self defeating purpose and neither confirms your vision nor does it do anything constructive to avoid it. In short, useless baggage, to be tossed overboard.

If we truly are Homo Sapiens, the thinking man (a vaunted title we give ourselves) then you must trust that no future is set in stone, and that each and every one of us has within them the capacity to come to their senses and do what needs doing when it needs doing.

Blunt yet? I am that I am.

Thanks Ullan. That's exactly the type of response I was looking for. Very insightful and full of your beliefs. I, myself am still searching my soul for answers of what to believe in. I do love myself, and those around me unconditionally, but yet find myself asking more and more questions everyday. I was raised Catholic, and don't believe i too much of it anymore.............Searching, Searching, Searching...........Thanks Mike
If I might add, as we all know there is NO death. When we leave this planet we will simply live in another realm; another dimension. Why worry about anything? Just keep your mind occupied with all the glorious events you WANT to occur between now and 2012.

I have been envisioning myself in a Utopia, where I stroll along the beach without a care in the world - occasionally stopping long enough to pick some delicious fruit off a tree that is close by. My needs are all met and I no longer have to worry about working in a job that serves me no purpose. The sun is warm and the breeze gentle; I am not sick and everyone is blessed with abundances beyond imagination. No one worries about money and no one lacks for anything.

That's where I will be in 2012 and I hope you will all join me there.
I think it's too much of a coincidence that there is now a movie called 2012 in production. In fact, I find it too much of a coincidence that there is a movie called 'the day the earth stood still' currently being produced and advertised, in which visiting aliens are, again, portrayed as the evil force from beyond the stars.

I'm willing to bet that 2012 will play into the fear of the public at large as well. Even though I'm well aware that fear and hollywood style spectacles pander to the public and bring in enormous piles of cash for actors and producers, one has to wonder where those very well timed scripts keep coming from.

This obvious trick to create panic and confusion aside, I'd like to react to Mosher79's statement of a more personal nature.

Yes, I'm going there, I'm heading straight for religion and I don't care.

You mention you were born and raised a Catholic. It may not shock you to know, but so was I. In fact, it can be said I attended my local church religiously (pardon the pun) until I turned 15 and grew a brain of my own. Somehow it made sense... a benevolent God who watches over us, who sent his son down to show us what can be if we'd all just learned not to kill each other every five minutes. Let's be honest, who doesn't want that to be real? Who says it isn't real?

Yet, this central thought is not unique to Catholicism, or Christianity for that matter. Stripped of all its dogma, stories, legends and ritual, Christianity is no different to any other major religion, and vice versa. All have one thought in common: There is a creating and innately benevolent force, and what it wants us to do is stop hating and start loving one another. Ironic then that so many wars have been fought, and indeed are being fought right now, in the name of love and understanding. One of my friends summed the central thoughts of such a war up quite succinctly: 'He's intolerant, kill him'. Such a contradiction should give people pause for thought, but the sad truth is that indeed story, legend and ritual have created such a very concealing fog around the central teachings that most never manage to get to the core of the matter at all.

It can be a huge shock to 'wake up' from Catholicism. It was for me. Suddenly there I was, finding that I could still talk to my local priest about deeply personal matters, but that I no longer believed in dogma, which I had always been taught was indelibly linked to my faith. So I was lucky then that in my search for answers I chanced upon an Archbishop, who was willing to hear my doubts and help me find answers. He told me that Catholicism, Christianity, and any faith that accepted God as a being or force of love, is not about attending mass, saying regular prayers or bowing down to dogma. It is about believing, with all your heart, that the central force of this reality is love. Sadly he did not succeed Johannes Paulus II as pope (despite being a very suitable candidate IMHO) but I'm at the same time glad he is still around now to help people who like me might eventually chance upon his door, looking for answers.

Ironic, then, that it took an Archbishop to make me see that neither definition of faith nor definition of 'God' mattered one iota. It's kindness and love, Mosher, that's what it is. Hold that in your heart, believe in those two values with all your being, and you will help make this world just that bit better a place.

I don't believe in this 2012 business but a disasterous end is inevitable and we're close to it. I don't believe there will be any divine intervention also, let alone an alien race coming to help us.. that is ludacris. They don't care about our well-being and they shouldn't. If some alien race is concerned about earths well-being over ours.. we aren't destroying earth.. earth can fix itself. We are beyond repair though. The only way to save us is to accept the fact that we don't own earth and we are no greater than any animal, and thus follow the same laws as any animal (yes, I read Ishmael lol).
these responses are the exact same ones i received when i asked the same question.
however, i truly believe we need help, we can not do this on our own.
without help from the federation or any other space beings we will fail.
im sick of all this love & light & religious chatter on this site.
we need help and we need it quickly.
i do think it will come, but not until the very last minute.
we are now in armageddon, we will be saved at the final battle, but not until after millions (if not billions) of deaths.

that is the choice we are being asked to make.
stay & ascend or leave and be relocated, but the only way we can leave is by dying and being reincarnated elsewhere.
scarey times ahead,.
i myslf if given the choice will stay and help to rebuild, but i feel millions will not....
We shouldn't need help. People on earth know what has to be done.
what has to be done?
how can it be done, we are controlled by maniplative governments who control us, we cant do it alone
Each soul on earth has chosen to be here in this now all for a very specific involvement. This is one of the most difficult places in the universe to have an incarnation because of the very nature of duality and the difficulty we have in remembering who we truly are. There are souls in the universe who only choose to observe and assist us while we're here. They chose that because they understand the difficulties here and are not prepared to entangle themselves in such an endeavour. Do you realize what that makes us here on planet Earth? We are the BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE. The sacrifices we made in coming here are beyond our capacity to understand right now. But we all chose to be here right now because we knew we could handle this experience and we could do what needed to be done. Have faith in your nature to endure and to love. All is well and as it should be.
What do you guys think a divine intervention will bring us, how will it enlighten us as a people.. how are we going to be saved?
WEll this is a really interesting thread and one I had wanted to bring up a few days ago, so that to the original poster...
There have been some stunningly insightfull and honest answers to your question and they have all helped and at the same time confused....

I don't know what is going to happen and I don't think we will ever find out..... my head is in a spin right now and I am veering from fear to love every other day.... it is like a roller coaster.... but i feel this is all part of whatever grand journey we are on at this time....
Yeh its damn scary at times and when it gets bad i try to think of going back to a time when I was sleeping soundly.......... but i alwasy choose to be right where I am now and not still sleeping the soundless sleep of the many millions of other humans still currently are...... unaware of what is to come.... it shocks me, what it will do to them is not a vision i want to have right now...... my own hold on this is tenious at this time, with other things going on around here too....... So if anyone has anymore insightfull thoughts on what may or may not happen then I, for one, would be most grateful for your input......

Torz xx

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