Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in our entire galaxy.
-Edgar Cayce-
Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch describes it as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy.
Arcturus itself is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth.
Q: What is the real truth behind the Roswell UFO crash? Did the US "capture" any extraterrestrials? Are they still alive? How has the US used their technology? Why did the UFO crash? Why were they here? Were (or perhaps, are) they Grey's?
Arcturian: The Roswell crash was actually an accident, as the space ship collided with an air plane. The US captured two greys. They died shortly after. President Truman and some people now part of the NSA did recieve contact from another group of off-worldly entities, and the US thought it was a benevolent group, whoops. This mixed group had a few grays, an Andromedan, a few from Alpha Centura, and some others.
The grey's at that time were a dieing race and needed to experiment with hormones of humans (and found success as of now) and so this was their request to the US group to recieve/take samples form animals and people to regenerate their race. They were also like servants to the larger breeds. The Alpha Centurians were the main group discussing technology and gave the US some in exchange for liberties with people and a place to be on this planet. This was against Universal Law and thus complicated the Divine Plan.
So they established many underground bases, the biggest in Dulce, NM. Their so called "liberties" were then expanded beyond what the agreement was and the US group was helpless. (duh!) The US also found out that although they had great technology, and they built some amazing ships, they could not get these ships out of the earth’s atmosphere.
Q: The honey bees are dying on earth and it is currently known as "Colony Collapse Disorder". Bats are dying in huge numbers through a similar situation, called White Nose Syndrome. Explain why this is occurring.
Arcturian: The honey bee's have left many areas that do not support their life; through too much chemicals in the soil and thus the plants. They also left areas with GMO plants for they do not recognize them as sources for their materials. They have also left many areas where the noise is too much, and electro-magnetic fields are warped or distorted. This is due primarily to the Earth's shifting, and also to the HAARP and like projects, and to the cell phone and other such towers. They have also died off due to parasites, small natural percent. Many hives just flew to other non inhabited areas. Large groups of them have died. They are the only insect that Creator made to be on earth. Mankind created all the rest through many thousands of years of thoughts, living and fears. Bats are dying due to the frequency changes of the Earth.
Q: Do people have a sense of humor and do they tell jokes in our next progression of life?
Arcturian: Certainly! It won't be racially or judgmental shaped jokes, but more just silly and metaphorically! Humor is great in the higher dimensions! My spiritual team is a great group of jokers! Never mean, ugly, or distasteful, but yet very funny! They always have me laughing! I would not have it any other way. This is natural even for humans. If you visit the indigenous races on earth you will discover they laugh most of the time! Laughter is primary to creation.
Q: What will be the destiny of those who are not spiritually in tune with themselves by 2012?
Arcturian: They will die. They will reincarnate in to the same level of life they left and continue their soul growth on a different planet.
Q: The Mayan calendar doesn't recognize the days of the week like our Gregorian calendar. For example, "Tuesday" or "Saturday" means absolutely nothing to a traditional Mayan living in the highlands of Guatemala. How can we incorporate the significance of each day in the Mayan calendar in conjunction to our Gregorian calendar?
Arcturian: We don't and can't so we drop the hard edged Gregorian calendar completely. Use a modern mayan calendar if you like. We will not need a calendar after 2012. That is why the Mayan, the spiritually advanced time keepers, made their calendar with an expiration date! There are many lies being told about the Mayan's these days.
Q: What are the best ways for individuals to prepare themselves for 2012?
Arcturian: Learn to love yourself fully and release all old beliefs that are not of Love, and learn to love each other, with compassion as a tool for this. Help your body to refine itself, and listen to its needs. Clean water and clean foods in smaller portions is best. There is no one formula as there are so many different body types. Learn to listen to that still small voice within and the voice of the body. This is key.
Q: How much of the Bible is fact and how much fiction?
Arcturian: The Bible is a man written document drawn off oral history. The Old Testament was written to preserve the genealogy and stories told.
It is about 20% fact. It has been translated and rewritten so many times that just one letter can change a meaning. What might have read "there is God" was changed to "there is a God" and that changes everything. It is still a good guide to living life, but it was not designed to live it literally, for then it is confusing and leave much for personal interpretation. It does not fit the present conscious state of mankind and that is why you see so many leaving religions in a non connected way. It has served a grand purpose even with he grips of the cabal trying to distort it. It is natural for humans to take the best and leave the rest! Very well done! This debate currently going on may last another 30 years before it evolves in to a wonderful new way of life, built upon love.
Q: What percentage of the 6.6 billion people on earth will live in this third density (or dimension) past 12/21/2012? Why?
Arcturian: There will be no third density Earth, and no fourth density Earth past 2012. This Beloved Earth is already in the early stages of 5th dimension, with many of its inhabitants are in 4D even lost in 4D. A good percent have already made it to 5D and beyond. Many people have raised their consciousness levels to even 9th dimension.
Those who are on paths of 3 & 4d will move to another planet. Not all have to die for that transition, but most will. The number of those to live on 5D Earth is not set and we are working to bring as many in to alignment with these changes through opening the Heart as we can. Without an open heart, you will not be able to stay. Right now it looks like only 40%, but in the next two years we are estimating that percent to rise to 70%!! We will not interfere with those who wish not to make this rare chance to advance. Many will also choose to die and reincarnate at their higher frequencies to discard this body they have for a new version. There are many paths, all exciting!
Q: Do you have a real job here on Earth (e.g. veterinarian, nuclear physicist, fry cook, bartender)? If so, why?
Arcturian: Right now, no, I work the land and people to elevate their Earth and for my spiritual team. I have worked many jobs all over, with staying maybe a year in most, for the experience of it.
I am now creating a new business to help people in practical ways with new ideas and synchronicities. There will be much confusion on how to translate work & home to the higher 5D way of life. On my planet of origin, we have that experience and so I will share that for the ease and grace of all who I may assist.
Q: Must we all die to go into the 5th density?
Arcturian: No not a physical death, but psychologically, consciously, YES... for we must leave all the old dense thoughts, feelings, etc, behind. We are changing our consciousness. Old densities will not even make it to 5D. They will burn off. Since Earth is already in the early stages of 5D this gives us time to calibrate and move quicker in to this new reality. Take time to refine the body; that is why you have all the complimentary therapies cropping up everywhere. They are tools to take the body to the higher states of being. Use them!
Our bodies our going through tremendous changes to withstand the Big changes. This has been going on for decades, yet only in the last 20 years has the amplitude been turn on to high tilt! Some days we feel great, some days we stay in bed! This is the body moving to a light body. There is not one lightworker ready for the intense shift to happen at the 2012 time. Many are close and there is still time and work to be done.
Q: What is the purpose of the chemtrails in our skies and what is in them? Will thought energy disperse them?
Arcturian: Man-made weapons and science trying to change weather,,, many sources are right about it.
Slyphs are actually neutralizing them. They look like feathery clouds. They have neutralized billions already. My good musician friend Deiter, collects their pictures from all over the world!
When you see the sylphs, thank them!!! They love doing it and they would love out gratitude!
Thoughts do not affect them for they are already in physical form. Just talk to your body about not accepting anything from them and if by chance they do/did, tell your body just to discard all of it without any harm to itself.
Q: Is there such thing as coincidence? Free will? Luck? Fate?
Arcturian:, synchronicity instead. Free will ...yes to a point. Luck... no, situation is created by you., destiny is more like it and you can recreate it, to a point. Your I AM presence, that non-physical part of you that really can only fit a piece of it's emancity in to your head to your heart leads you through your soul path you design before coming in to this life, and so some things need to be worked out and others are changeable.
Q: Are you using free will to answer these questions? After the planet evolves, what happens to our free will?
Arcturian:I am using knowledge to answer these. My spiritual team also inputs for we are a unity. We free share!
Q: After the planet evolves, what happens to our free will?
Arcturian:Earth is a free will zone. So free will survive! Yet it shall be acted on so differently, for we all will know more about the affects of working together as teams and the benefits so no one will be going wild in different ways in the use of free will. We will be lovingly useing it to benefit more people rather than just self. For this will give us each great pleasure to do so.
Q: A lot of people are experiencing a phenomenon called 11:11. For example, I don't wear a watch and I rarely look at the clock, but the few times I check to see what time it is, it seems to be 11:11. Other numbers, such as 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 1:23, 12:34 come up as well. What's up with that?
Arcturian: It is just that we are connected. We feel that synchronicity of that minute, and look up, so that we can smile and say we are all on track. It is a loving reminder in this very illusionary world. I cannot wear a watch for my energy kills them within days. LOL but I too see that on anything with numbers, and I now say a prayer for the world when I see such prime numbers in pairs or triplets!
I can turn on the radio and out comes a song I need to hear too. It may reflect a dream I just had or the thought just that moment in my mind. Synchronicity of the Oneness!
We are on track and we have succeeded where so many thought we would not do it! Earth and most of her people are making this grand shift that is not always available.
So when you see these numbers, smile BIG! You are part of the equation and take full glory for our victory!
Q: I recently had a dream where I stated, "I stargated here from 26 years in the future. I am a master copy of myself." What does that mean?
Arcturian: What does this mean to you? We are stargates just as places can be. You are multi-dimensional.
Q: What will music be like in the 5th dimension?
Arcturian: It will be what we want it to be. We wont' be attracted to discordant beats, rhythms, or tones. We will invent new instruments.... and probably be signing together more in small groups, playing for the fun of it, for we will have so much more creative time. Rap will not come forward, for the beat is too slow and dull. yet maybe some will want to use the higher forms of it with their own poetry. See we all create the world coming, and what is in it. We will be bored with the old music, out grown it, and we will have full understanding how we do create with thoughts and desires, and some just cannot exist in the higher frequencies. I sing most of my prayers, especially when out in nature alone. It just comes! The joy I feel doing it stays with me for days!
Namaste, L&L, R.