Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Thank you! This demonstrates much-needed ways to reshape human civilization to fit Nature. It is fitting that the Natives whose lands have been trampled for hundreds of years can now teach the foolish graduates of elite business schools wisdom that has long been forgotten by profiteering cultures: how to make civilization fit its environment.

I have reposted to The Order of Noetic Jedi.
Thank you, so much for reposting. That's wonderful not only for the Native Americans to spread the word, but for all of us to realize what we must do to help them that they may help us. I don't know if you heard or not, but the Lakota tribe has pulled away the their agreement with the government. I don't blame government never held up their end of the bargain. They, the Lakota, the smart ones.

We need to do that with our troops as well. If gov wants a fight...let them go make battles with each other. We can stick them on a deserted island somewhere, without transportation and drop them food once a month. :>) I think we should stop letting our families kill themselves. It isn't just about America being's about ALL nations being free to do what they want, when they want. FIRE GOVERNMENTS across the board and give the elders, who 'know' a chance to speak. We are only overpopulated by the amount of elite business schools and people with this type of mind set. I so agree with you.

It's not population control that is needed, it's bring out the sustainable products. Billions of jobs could be created by doing this...and if we really wanted to, we could get rid of the monetary system completely. Volunteer work for products and services, no money necessary.

There were over 45 billion hours of work donated in 3 years, by thousands of people across America alone. Can you imagine how much sustainable product we could create with 45 billion hours, and what each person could have? Including homes, and cars...right down to golf clubs to use. We CAN create our future without money. We don't need business leaders, bankers, government. Just feed all information into a mass computer data base; and I don't mean everyone with ID tags either. Just 'information'...that is required so we can keep track of what is needed, and where. We have the capabilities...we have it to do anything we want. It's gov, big oil and bankers and elitists that destroy this nation and others. They are the ones who keep everyone at war, and fighting. But we fight because we are told it's our patriotic duty. THEY made that up just to get us to do their dirty work, and to watch the battles. These wars are a game to them...and BIG money. We don't need armies of anyone for anything. People need each other and gov and elites are the only ones dictating who's better than the next. We need to fire gov, and bring home all troops and close all bases. Free trade and travel across the board...everyone benefits, everyone can have what they want...and with 6.5 billion people across the globe, figure out how many hours in one year, and how much we could get done and produced. Love and light...Lea

Ebtharan said:

Thank you! This demonstrates much-needed ways to reshape human civilization to fit Nature. It is fitting that the Natives whose lands have been trampled for hundreds of years can now teach the foolish graduates of elite business schools wisdom that has long been forgotten by profiteering cultures: how to make civilization fit its environment.

I have reposted to The Order of Noetic Jedi.
'' FIRE GOVERNMENTS across the board and give the elders, who 'know' a chance to speak.'' ..completely agreed Lea.

'' They are the ones who keep everyone at war, and fighting. But we fight because we are told it's our -->''''patriotic''''<-- duty.''

...:):):) There is so long time now (decades) that I have problem with this word ''patriotic'' .I even still have a blog that I posted months ago as :
''Patriotism is not the answer.'' (see my blogs). I have real experience with this word.I grew up in Yugoslavia ,and this word
was highly priced at those times, ......just to realize later that : ''thanks to these patriotic acts'' Yugoslavia doesn't exist
anymore, ...having been distroyed by the ugliest wars ever ,that lasted more than 10 years. ..350 000 people dead.
...and millions displaced.
................................... Only trying to bring some awareness to that da :):):):).Namaste.
You're right...Patriotism is a lie by gov to make people feel guilty that they didn't fight for their freedom, when everyone should be free. We were born on this planet...why are we paying money to live here? Why must we fight wars that are not made by citizens, but by elitists? So true. Namaste, my dear friend.

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