Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All … I wanted to post this thread so that we could have on consolidated thread associated to the Earth Changes happening around us and for those close to them to have a fore warning to get to safety..


This needs to be a consolidated effort from all the members for the benifit of everyone..



Ravi Raju




Russian Warning Issued Over “Controlled” Comet Headed Towards Earth



A chilling report prepared for President Medvedev byMinister Serdyukov of the Russian Defense Ministry on the building of an additional 5,000 underground ‘bomb’ sheltersin Moscow warns that even though progress is being made, the appearance of the new Comet Elenin [photo right] in our Solar System means “additional resources” will have to be added “immediately” as the 2012 timeline for completion “may not be soon enough”.

Sparking the fears of Minister Serdyukov, he says in this report, is that based upon the new orbit calculations for Comet Elenin, it appears in “all likelihood” that this celestialobject is under some type of “intelligent control” and will approach our Earth “much closer” than originally thought this coming fall season.

Comet Elenin was discovered by Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin on 10 December 2010 from his research facility inLyubertsy utilizing images acquired from the 18-inch (45-cm) telescope at the ISON-NM Observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico and confirmed by Doctor-Scientists Aleksei Sergeyev and Artem Novichenko from the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan.



Upon its discovery Comet Elenin was traveling very near the ecliptic plane at more than 4 Astronomical Units (375 million miles) from the Sun and headed inbound towards it. Its original perihelion [point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet where it is nearest to the Sun] was calculated to occur well inside Earth’s orbit at about 0.45 Astronomical Units (42 million miles) from the Sun to occur on or about 5 September 2011 making it visible to the naked eye in the pre-dawn skies in the Constellation of Leo.

Most ominous in Minister Serdyukov’s report is his assertion that Comet Elenin appears to be in “direct contact” with the mysterious Jupiter-sized planet discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto that is, also, headed inbound towards our Sun.

American scientists Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have named this mysterious planet Tyche, but as we had previously stated in our 18 February report, “Russian Leader Confirms To Pope New Planet Arrival In 2012”, the ancient peoples of our Earth new it by other names as well.

Interesting to note about Comet Elenin is that even though the American space agency NASA has said “Because of the possibility that the comet’s orbit slightly deviate from, there is no guarantee that Earth will be missed”, they have, also, in contradiction, stated that “…Comet Elenin will come nowhere near the Earth. At its closest (on 10 September 2011) it will be more than 25 million km from our planet.”

To the identity of those extraterrestrial forces controlling Comet Elenin our world had been forewarned about by the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, who stated about them: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”

As to those “visitors from other planets” referred to by Minister Hellyer we can further glean from the memo sent to President Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) by his Army Chief of Staff George Marshall (1880-1959) [reprinted below in its entirety] about what is now referred to as “The Battle of Los Angeles” where American Forces fired upon a UFO fleet shortly after their countries entrance into World War II.


As we have attempted to detail in many recent reports, including “Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet”, “Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish...”, “New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production” and “Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport”, the greatest fears Forrestal had after Symington’s final Roswell report was given to him are, indeed coming true in our times today.

Though the masses of the American people are still not being told the truth about the dire state of our world, the same cannot be said about their elite masters, who according to new evidence gathered by independent researchers are building for themselves vast underground bunkers to protect themselves when the times of trouble come.

One such company building these underground survival bunkers for the US elite is the American Reassurance Communities (ARC), and who describe their efforts as follows:

“Each ARC Bunker Complex consists of a 300,000 sq ft subterranean self-contained community survival shelter complex designed to accommodate 2500 people for up to 60 months in military grade bunkers complete with schools, medical/dental, greenhouses, theater, recreation, everything needed for a large group of people to live in a safe, comfortable environment and survive almost any disaster.

ARC Bunkers are manufactured to withstand a direct nuclear hit, EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attacks, biological attacks, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, meteorites, and ground assaults.”

For anyone thinking they can order such protection for themselves (even allowing that they have the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would cost) an ARC spokesman said in a recently released conversation (listen to audio here) that it would take over a year for them to be able to build anything because of the tremendous backorders they are now filling due to what he says is because “everyone is freaked out about something”. And this is aside from the US government’s recent purchase of over $1 Billion in survival food to protect America’s leaders.

To what those in the knowing are so “freaked about” it is in our knowing too, but is, also, so complex and shrouded in shadows as to make it nearly indecipherable to all but the most informed, and which, most assuredly, the masses of people today aren’t even close to.

The complete story, and the knowledge you have a right to know, is only going to be gained by yourself as those who rule over you will tell you nothing, even to the point of disparaging those, like us, who believe not only in your right to know the truth, but how simple it can really be to protect yourself and your families from the many horrors yet to come.

This report, therefore, like all the others before it, is but another “puzzle piece” to be put into place so that when added to the many others to come will show you the shattering truth being kept from you.


The great German romantic writer Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825) once said, “A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.” And these are, indeed, the times one has to choose which they are, we hope you are courageous, they will be the only ones to survive.


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FEMA floats an RFI for $1 Billion in dehydrated food

Source :

Typically, FEMA maintains a stockpile of about 6 million meals.


Earlier this month, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) put out a Request for Proposal, or RFP, for even more dehydrated food. The RFP called for a 10-day supply of meals - for 14 million people.

That's 420 million meals !!!


Why the sudden need to increase the stockpile by 420 million more? (And that's in addition to whatever our aforementioned industry leader is supplying.) It almost seems like they're trying to stock a modern day "Noah's Ark," doesn't it?


Comet Elenin Aligns on 27th September 2011 in between Sun & Earth:



Another view of 27th Sept 2011 :


Comet Elenin Nearest to Earth on 17th Oct 2011  At   0.232 AU:



Earth Enters the Comet Debris Path at 0.327AU on 3rd Nov 2011 :


SUN - EARTH - ELENIN Align Again at 0.564 AU on 21st Nov 2011 :




Another View of the same Alignment :



Coast to Coast AM Discussion with Lucas on Brown Dwarf ..


NASA buzzroom video! Comet Elenin -revised trajectory from .24 AU to .0004AU?! or Less than 50,000 miles !!!!!     what?!


yikkes.. thats pretty close.. so what are we thinking here.. if it is controlled..then who is controlling it..and for what porpose.. and 2ndly if its not controlled and its divating from the origional orbit.. maybe we should get off this haha.. k funny but not funny..

This video was posted on 8th March 2011 predicting an earth quake near the fault lines in between March 11th & 15th and the Japan Quake happened on the 11th !!


Hey Daisy,

Take a look at the new video I just posted where the Japan Earth Quake was predicted as a quake along the fault lines on the 8th of March..   we are deifinitely looking at some serious shaky stuff from September 2011 on till the end of November 2011 including hits by debries in early  november..


Siriusly ૐ Daisy said:

yikkes.. thats pretty close.. so what are we thinking here.. if it is controlled..then who is controlling it..and for what porpose.. and 2ndly if its not controlled and its divating from the origional orbit.. maybe we should get off this haha.. k funny but not funny..

VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Since mid April 2011 :

Bezymianny (Russia) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011 - NEW

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

In addition to producing ashfall 45 km to the NNW on 14 April, KVERT reported that the explosive eruption from Bezymianny also generated a viscous lava flow on the SE flank. Incandescence from the lava flow was visible on 19 April. Satellite imagery showed a thermal anomaly during 15-22 April, and small ash-and-gas plumes on 16 April. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Pagan (United States) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011 - NEW

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

On 23 April, a Northern Mariana Islands status report noted that a NOAA research vessel in the vicinity of Pagan reported night time observations of incandescence at the summit of the volcano. Eruptive activity was considered currently to be at a low level; however with the possibility that the activity may escalate the Aviation Color Code for Pagan was raised to Yellow and the Volcano Alert Level to Advisory. Recent satellite image observations were obscured by clouds.

Source: Emergency Management Office of the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, Office of the Governor, United States Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program

Ruapehu (New Zealand) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011 - NEW

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

On 18 April, GeoNet reported that the temperature of Ruapehu's summit Crater Lake was slowly cooling and decreased to 33-34 degrees Celsius from a peak of 41 degrees in March. A general decline of activity had been noted since 4 April, including lower carbon dioxide gas flux, less seismicity, modest change in the Crater Lake water chemistry, and cessation of lake overflow accompanying the start of the cooling trend. The Aviation Colour Code remained at Yellow and the Volcanic Alert Level remained at 1 (signs of volcano unrest).

Source: New Zealand GeoNet Project

Taal (Philippines) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011 - NEW

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

During 12-19 April, PHIVOLCS reported that between 6 and 19 daily volcanic earthquakes at Taal were detected by the seismic network. Some of the earthquakes were felt by nearby residents on the SE part of the island. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 0-5).

Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Tungurahua (Ecuador) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011 - NEW

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

On 22 April, IG reported that in recent months the seismic network at Tungurahua detected volcano-tectonic earthquakes, indicating increased pressure in the volcano. Deformation of the NW quadrant that began in early February was slow but continuous, and then accelerated during the previous nine days. On 21 April gas-and-ash plumes caused fine ashfall in Choglontús and Cahuají (8 km SW), Pillate (8 km W), Cotaló (8 km NW), Juive (7 km NNW), and Baños (8 km N). Strombolian activity was seen at night, producing small lava fountains and incandescent blocks that rolled 1 km down the flanks. Roaring was heard and a few explosions occurred during 21-22 April. IG recommended that residents do not go within 3 km of Tungurahua's crater. On 26 April six explosions were detected and constantly-generated ash plumes rose to an altitude of 12 km (39,400 ft) a.s.l. Plumes drifted W and NW, causing steady ashfall in areas downwind. Structures vibrated in surrounding areas, including in Baños.

Source: Instituto Geofísico-Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG)

Bulusan (Philippines) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

Based on notices from the Manila airport (RPLL), the Tokyo VAAC reported that on 20, 22, and 26 April ash from Bulusan was observed. PHIVOLCS reported that only diffuse steam rose from the SE vents during 20-23 April. During cloud breaks on 26 April, diffuse steam plumes from the NW and SE vents were observed rising about 50 m and drifting WSW.

Sources: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)

Dukono (Indonesia) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

Based on analyses of satellite imagery, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 21-22 April ash plumes from Dukono rose to an altitude of 2.1 km (7,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted less than 85 km NE and E.

Source: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)

Karymsky (Russia) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

KVERT reported moderate seismic activity at Karymsky during 15-22 April. Seismic data indicated that possible ash plumes rose to an altitude of 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. A thermal anomaly was detected in satellite imagery on 16, 18, and 21 April. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Kilauea (United States) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

During 20-26 April, HVO reported that activity at Kilauea continued from the summit caldera and from Pu'u 'O'o crater. The level of the circulating lava-pool surface in a deep pit below the Halema'uma'u crater floor periodically fluctuated. A gas plume from the vent drifted mostly SW, and deposited very small amounts of ash nearby. At Pu'u 'O'o crater, central sources continuously erupted lava within a perched lava lake that was approximately half the diameter of the crater floor. The lava level fluctuated within the lake walls and episodically overflowed the rim. During 23-24 April lava from several central sources buried most of the perched lake and covered the crater floor. During 24-25 April several large draining events were characterized by a drop in the new lava-lake surface by several meters and minor collapses of the lake's rim.

Source: US Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)

Kizimen (Russia) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

KVERT reported that during 15-22 April seismicity from Kizimen was high, with many shallow volcanic earthquakes and volcanic tremor continuing to be detected. Satellite images showed a large bright thermal anomaly daily on the volcano. Ash plumes drifted in multiple directions as far as 254 km during 14-18 and 21 April. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange.

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Planchón-Peteroa (Chile) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

Based on a SIGMET notice, the Buenos Aires VAAC reported that on 26 April an ash plume from Planchón-Peteroa rose to an altitude of 5.8 km (19,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted E.

Source: Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)

Sakura-jima (Japan) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

Based on information from JMA, the Tokyo VAAC reported that during 21-25 April explosions from Sakura-jima produced plumes that rose to altitudes of 1.2-3 km (4,000-10,000 ft) a.s.l. and occasionally drifted N, NE, E, and SE. On 21 and 25 April, pilots observed ash plumes that rose to altitudes of 2.7-3.4 km (9,000-11,000 ft) a.s.l.

Source: Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)

Shiveluch (Russia) - Report for 20 April-26 April 2011

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:53am

KVERT reported that during 15-22 April seismic data at Shiveluch indicated that possible ash plumes rose to an altitude of 3.2 km (10,500 ft) a.s.l. Satellite imagery showed a thermal anomaly on the lava dome during 15-18 and 20 April, and ash plumes that drifted 55 km NE on 17 April. Based on information from KEMSD and information from Yelizovo Airport (UHPP), the Tokyo VAAC reported that on 22 April an eruption produced plumes that rose to altitudes of 4.3-7.3 km (14,000-24,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted W and NW. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange.

Sources: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT), Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)

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