...but Really, I like it!
Could not BE Love if I did not bother some ego, for ego is the illusionary opposite of Love. And I Mean it is illusionary... for it does not exist in Reality. And WE ARE shifting into Reality Right Now and out of illusion so... I enjoy seeing egos falling down! It means Freedom is Near for EveryOne! Freedom. Wow... And I Love egos coming up... I embrace them and tell them: "did you ever consider letting go? it's much easyer... much, much easyer..." And I do understand when ego answers "no way!" That's what is has been ment to do... till Now! But now, Divine Plan unfolds and ego is no more of use, on the contrary, it's like big rocks in the middle of the path... however, it's usefull to See it and to Recognise it and then... let it GO! For it shows the way. Oh yes! It does. When ego says right, well, you can bet the easyest way is left.
However... I simply wanted to explain that I AM happy to see egos coming to the surface, this means they cannot hide anymore, that Light is Far To Bright for them to stay hidden... WonderFul!
And as far as this post is concerned... whoever should have questions... We answer. We ARE HERE to do exactly this. Answer. And if someone claims to come from any place that's Unconditional LOVE... may you first read this brilliant post (http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/distrusting-our-s...) before sending your ego forward... For LOVE, does not judge, for Love calls a spade a spade, for Love is not afraid of anything for IT IS ALL THAT IS=GOD.
And for LOVE calls ItSelf with ITS NAME, and so do Mother and Father God, no matter if you believe them or not... They Believe In YOU! (outch, where did I hear this before?)
Here's my answer to a Not Verified Guest that may be a bit confused, but please, if you find out what was written... do not judge! It is a blessing... and an example for All. EveryOne is fully accepted, just egos are sent back... to illusion! Enjoy your Ride in Love!
I'm Honored of Your presence here among US... Indeed what a Grace to be taught from one that does not bear a name, or a face, or... a mail? Especially from one who's in direct contact with the Star Family (yes, indeed you are my Beloved, at least in this very moment LoL)
In ANY case, we do apologise if your ego has been moved by our (of course, I AM not bothering you, only MFGod are! I should pay more attention!)... how can I put it in a way that does not upset you anymore... Presence? Yes, lets say Presence.
I suppose I do not mistake by saying... you're WelCome to contact MFGod at any time you prefer.
Yes I Know... they're bringing forward quite a big label.. isn't it. It would indeed be easier for Them to use Mike, Alex, Sean? Or maybe FireStar, WisdomAngel... you know, that kind of stuff used by many out there...
Oh no... they Use this very particular Name... so WHY?
You could pick up the phone and ask... did you? I guess they'll answer!
An email? No? If not why?
Christ called himself a Christ! And he was cricified for this, and still, there are milions that regret it... And so it is in any ancient history if you give it a check... so why would you want to bear such a Responsability, Knowing exactly what some will throw at You... if you Were not? And you my soul, would you not like to let go your fears and anger (which are in fact the same thing) and Go Home one and for all?
Believe me, it's easyer. For I do not care if you do not sign with your name... I feel you. I Know you, for you're part of US=ALL=LOVE. And that is the only thing that matters. You see, in fact, it does not matter at all wheather you recognise Mother and Father God... they still LOVE YOU Unconditionally.
And THAT my Dear Soul IS What Makes The Difference!
With all my LOVE